Since we are at 100 I'm going to give you a long paragraph lol.
Someone asked me why I'm so nice to people who treat me bad, and I didn't know the answer. Then during class, I looked around after finishing my test and realized why. I looked at the boy who made fun of my inability to do math, and his head was on the desk and he looked tired. I know he played in the band, so he had to be at school early, and I wondered if he had something at home keeping him up at night or maybe it was the amount of class work teachers had assigned. I looked at the girl who returned my hellos by snapping her gum and twisting her hair. I knew her and her boyfriend had broken up, and I wondered how hard it must be to have everyone concerned in your business. He could probably be a jerk, and I knew that she only acted dumb in class so people would like her. And I thought about the boy in PE who picked me last for teams, how he squinted at his papers and furrowed his eyebrows. It must be a lot of work practicing, and then also having to get good grades and go to collage. And then there was also the girl who everyone thought was a bitch, but little did she know I saw the scars on her wrists. And then there is the girl who is always reading, and I wonder what she gets from those books or if she is just running from something. And there is that boy who always wears that shirt and I know his shoes have holes in them because when it rains he complains about wet socks, and I wonder if his parents work hard for him or if they drink a lot and I wonder if he feels out casted because he has so little. And the other boy who just moved here from Mexico, and he doesn't speak a lot of english, and I can only image how confused he must be. I can't imagine learning this stuff in a new language. And even the teacher, I noticed he wasn't wearing his ring today. Maybe he is giving us more work and more homework because he wants us to do better than he did. The point is, I look at all these people and realize that they all have their own troubles and their own demons, and the last thing I want to do is add to them. It's a lot of pressure growing up, and no matter what anyone says none of us have it easy.
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