First night
"It thinks the rain stopped princess, so you want to stay here while I continue to load up the car cause we are going to get out of her, but we will come back here cause this will be our cabin forever and for always" he says as he was going to finish loading the car
She nods as she looks at him cause she wanted to stay inside where it was dry for the moment
"Okay once I finish, I will come back, and we can go for another walk before we leave cause I have to get you toys and other things you need, and I know you will be bored as we go home" he said as he kissed her before he went to the car to finish loading up what he had and what he was taking back with him for her
Daphne stood on the porch and waited for him
"You are being such a good girl right now Daphne I'm super proud of you" he says as he continues to load what he had for her
Soon Logan had everything loaded and him and Daphne went on their walk to see, and experience fall cause this was too good not to pass up
"Logan is going to change you then we will head back to my place okay" he says cause Daphne needed a diaper change before they went home that day
Logan and Daphne had a good walk and he loved carrying her in his arms as they were on their walk cause she was cold, and she wanted to be warm
"Okay sweetheart let's go home and get you settled" he says as he was going to buckle her up in the backseat for now cause he had to stop for a car seat when he got close to town
Daphne fell right to sleep in the car and Logan could not believe how beautiful she looked when she was asleep like a little angel right now and he could not believe she was going to be his little girl forever and for always
"Here we go sweetheart" he says as he was going to bring her in the house, and he was going to lay her down as he was going to be getting the bags from the car and he was going to get her ready for bed and the two of them were going to go to bed since she was out for the count right now and was not going to wake up for anything right now
Logan knew she was going to wake up later to eat and he was going to feed her when she woke up from her slumber as well cause he was going to leave her sleep right now cause she was a growing girl
"Night princess" he says as he kisses her as she was sleeping like an angel right now
Logan was going to unload all the luggage and do some laundry and shop for her cause he needed several things for her cause she was going to be his daughter after all she needed the proper furniture, attire, and of course toys he was going to spoil her rotten to the core as much as he could cause he loved her with all of his heart right now and nothing could change that at all about the way he feels for her
"Okay the laundry is started now to shop for her" he says as he gets out his laptop and he was going to shop for her and get what she needed
Logan went for same day delivery cause she did not have a bedroom at all right now and he had to get it set up for her as well as a playroom as well for her cause she will want to play when she couldn't sleep, and he was going to play with her as well cause he loved her already
(Much later)
Her room was set up and ready for her so when she goes to bed that night, she will be sleeping in her own room maybe if she was okay with it and if not, he was okay with sleeping with her cause she was bound to be scared her first night in her new house and hew brand new room
"I think she is up" he says as he was going to get her from the guest room, and he was going to show her room cause he needed to change her as well
Logan sees her stirring as she was waking up from her slumber and he was going to take care of her too
"Hey, sleeping beauty you have a good nap?" he asks her as he moves the hair from her eyes so she could see cause she tossed and turned in her sleep and he knew she must have had some crazy dreams
She nodded as she was rubbing her eyes as well cause she was glad to see daddy again cause she was glad she could hug him the best that she could right now, and he was totally cool with that as well
"I think you need a new diaper on then we can go to the park to play for a little bit before we have dinner" he tells her cause he had to make her a backyard and that was something he was going to do on his own as well cause she was going to have the ultimate backyard
Logan saw it was going to rain so he was going to order her backyard online cause he had a big enough backyard for her to play in and he could practically put in anything he could with a little help of course
"How about we order your play spaces for outside and inside the house" he says as he was going to go online and go to a toy website, and she was going to pick out what toys she might want to play with when she was outside and when she was inside the house as well
Daphne was happy about getting her outside play spaces cause she wanted to toddle around the yard as much as she could and have daddy chase after her as well cause Logan really loved her, and he would move mountains for that little girl of his
(Much later)
Logan had everything ordered for her and once her outside play spaces and her toys come it was going to be a build everything in two weekends extravaganza for him cause she was worth every penny in his eyes
"Now to get you a pediatrician, dentist and an eye doctor" he tells her as he was going to call around to see who had openings for new patients and if they did, he was going to get her in to see the pediatrician and he was going to take her to his dentist that he goes to cause he was great with kids, and they are hardly ever scared of him and his tools
Logan calls his doctor and his dentist and he was able to get her in to see them in two weeks as well and he had to take her to get her eyes checked as well and the eye doctor had a appointment open next week so he was going to take her to get her eyes checked as well cause he was really worried about her eyes right now cause her eyes are looking a little weird for him and that worried him as well, so he had to wait a while and that was fine with him
"Okay that is done now to bond with my little princess" he says as he was going to go and play with her in her playpen cause some of the toys that he had gotten for her came so he gave her something to play with as he was calling the people he needed to call as well
Logan loved being with her and she loved when she got to cuddle with her daddy as well those times were special to him
"I think daddy will read to you then it will be time for night-night" he says to her as he was going to read to her since he loved reading to her before she went down for her nap
Logan read her a good story and he even made it dramatic for her by doing sound effects and making his voice change for her and she laughed cause she found daddy funny and she snuggled closer to him too cause she loved her new daddy a lot better then her old parents cause her old parents left her for dead as well
part 2 will come as well as more if we get more help hopefully and I don't work like I have been as well as a case cleaning from time to time as well as a closing, and my next Monday off is when I don't know at all right now cause I get Monday's off out of the blue sometimes and those are really rare too still right now anyway and I had today off and the views weren't up enough to do a brand new chapter hopefully my vacation I can do a brand new chapter if the views are up enough as well maybe when I don't close and have to be back in too, and when the WiFi isn't being stupid and I don't work either
Going to be updating this monthly cause of the views as well cause they are not the greatest and I don't want to take it down either
Happy 4th
First night part 1 and 2 is up part 2 is a work in progress
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