"Aiden, stop!"
"I swear to God, throw another piece of paper, I dare you! Do it!"
I get up, putting my finger on Aidens' chest. "You're truly annoying, you know that?" He just flashed me a smile, and this children, is why we can't have good things.
Slowly making my way to my seat, I feel something get stuck in my bun, and a few snickers behind me. I sat down, showing a quick smile, while raising my hands to my hair. Instead of throwing it back, I just crumbled it up, and stuffed it in the cushion next to me, continuing to type on my computer.
Later on that day Aiden had went to the kitchen, going to make his daily cup- scratch that, his daily jug of tea. He set his pot to boil and left the room. Probably to talk to his -might I add annoying- girlfriend.
He left me enough time to slip into the kitchen, and let me crush laxatives, and put them into the tea. I stirred it a little, just so they weren't noticeable.
I put the cover of the pot back on and slowly walk away, taking out my phone.
A:Hey, when are you coming over?
T: im with my friends chill ok
An uncomfortable frown appeared on my face.
A: if you are then send a picture.
T: no do u not trust me
A: no, of course i trust you.
Sighing, I slouch in my bed, and tuck my phone under my pillow and turn on the TV lying on the wall.
All the sound that was happening in my room was the TV and my phone repeatedly buzzing.
I already knew Tyler blew up, just because I was suspicious. Honestly, I just wish he would explain stuff to me and be comfortable with my opinions. I snuck my phone from under my pillow and took a glance at my phone, taking a look at the screen messages that Tyler had sent.
Stop playing around
Im so close to breaking up with u
Im not being sneaky
Tears formed in my eyes, covering my phone with my pillow again. I never said he was sneaky. Well to him at least. "Bambi, there is someone at the door for you" I sighed, knowing right away that it was Tyler.
I jumped off my bed, shuffling my way to Aiden.
Then I froze.
Staring daggers at Aiden, I switched my eyes between Aiden and Tyler.
Turning on my heels right away, I stomped towards my room, moving the hair out my face.
I slammed my door, running to my bed.
If he wasn't going to come over why did my text change his mind?
If he's going to blow up on me, he mind as well stay with his friends, cause I honestly don't feel like dealing with him and then talking to Aiden about how he was listening to our conversation, when he should be going home.
And just as I was in mid-thought, my door was swung open, causing me to rush to it.
I stared straight at him, looked him in the eyes, and then, I did the most stupid thing.
I raised my hand. I raised it above my head getting ready to swing it.
My heart raced, my breathing quickened, and eyes looked around. Was I really about to do this? I let that thought pass me, and swung my arm. I swung my arm as hard as I could.
I didn't feel skin touch my hand, but instead, air. But, I felt a tight grasp wrap around my arm. And what did I do? I cried. I cried, and let down my arm. I collapsed on the floor and cried. I felt a presence sit next to me, causing my arms to wrap around their waist, bring my face to their knee and just let it all out
And honestly, it was truly embarrassing.
Hey guys woo I updated. Honestly I doughnut know what happened here, it was just randomness and yeah ok I doughnut know how I feel about this chapter.
I doesn't make sense to me so
But ill most likely have everything put together and then itll PROBABLY make sense and be well put together to actually create a story line, in the next chapter, idk.
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