Dee was the first to wake up, she look at the time it was 7:30. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She release her self and wash her hands. She brush her teeth and wash her face. She exit her room and went down the hall and to the kitchen.
She open the fridge and got the eggs, bacon, and the pancake mix. She thought maybe this would cheer Mr. Grumpy up. She started making the food, and hope it would cheer him up and maybe he would forget about last night.
Her phone vibrated indicating a text. She dried her hands and read the text.
Baby when you gon call a nigga
She almost called him to go off. She ignored it and continued cooking. "He got some nerve", she thought to her self.
Her mind drifted to Charles and she thought about what he said. She laugh, "I know you like only men because that would explain me and you." She couldn't help but smile. "I wonder what he mean by me and you, does that me we have a thing or what." she said to her self. Camila stood there smiling
"It might." Dee jump and splattered little drops of pancake mix on the table. She look at her mother smiling ,"Momma why you and dad scaring us."
She clutch her chest tryna calm her self down. "What I didn't do nothing", she said in a innocent voice. Dee started laughing ," Momma I don't know what to do with you." Camila walk over and kissed her daughter on the cheek ," So who is this man you was talking about."
Dee shook her head," Don't know what your saying momma go lay down and try again." Camila spun around "Oh, so I didn't just hear you say sum about you wonder what that man meant about you and him." Camila was smiling at her daughter sudden mood change.
"Momma I was just talking nonsense that's all." "No baby I saw how you smiling now tell me who is so I can help." Dee slowing smiled again at the thought of Charles.
She inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Mom when me and Sharesse left for the beach she wanted to eat so she was going to McDonalds and I said no because it was to far." Camila nodded in agreement as she poured the pancake mix into the skillet.
"And I said lets go to Charles since we was right there, plus I saw him sitting in the car, we pulled up and Sharesse went inside I saw him yelling in the phone; then he got out and started messing with me."
Camila look at her daughter acting all bubbly and she shook her head" Keep going." Dee check the bacon and continue," Well when we got back in the car from me chasing him, he said me and him like we was a couple."
Dee was cheesing hard as she went to the fridge for the apple juice. and over to the coffee pot turning it on for her dad. "Ima be honest, now you know he been kiking you for a while and he is very intrigued into getting to know you." Dee look up in shock ," Momma you for real."
Camila nodded as she set the table. Dee thought she was playing but lately he have been more forward with her. "Mom you think he really likes me," Dennis walk in and stared at them, " Who is he." Dee look at her mom who calmly look at her father.
"My sister baby , Morgan, Dee not sure if he likes her because he barely go to her and talk to her." Dennis look at them and felt some was off, he shrugged it off and walk towards the couch. "Baby he gonna turn around, sooner or later your gonna want him to leave you alone", he said with a chuckle.
Camila and Dee look at each other relieved that he didn't question them more. Dee shook her head Camila motion to her, "Go get Kevin." Dee walk around the island down the three steps and on to the back.
Knock Knock
She waited for him until she gave up she turn back down the hall he open the door ,"What!" she kept walking "Breakfast is done, cant make no promise on if we can save." With that Kevin ran towards the kitchen he made it in there in time.
Chuck was beyond pissed he text Dee ten times and still no response. Damion threw a blunt in front off him," Mane is you gon light this shit up or nah." Chuck got up and reach for his hat, "Nawl nigga my girl aint answering me she always blowing me up but lately she hasn't, and I just text her for the tenth time and still nothing." Chuck shook his head hoping he still had his girl.
Dee been his ride or die for the passed six months and even though shit keep happening she forgave him and stayed. The thought of her being with someone else while he been busy angered him.
He knew Dee was wanted by many men, but they kept their mouths shut when he was in their presence. "Damn bruh, what you gon do", Chuck grab his gun and tuck it in his pants and pulled his shirt over it.
"Mane I don't know I think I'm loosing her, but if I am that nigga she got better be ready for these bullets." Damion laugh but he knew Chuck was dead serious, "Aye lets go to that nigga Charles place and get some to eat."
"Mane I don't even he think he be open on Sundays, but I'm heading that way to go see what's up with Greg and my money." Damion got up and they head out the trap leaving the door open for one of their boys Tez. "Aye Tez you heard from Kev."
"Yeah boss", "He at Greg", Tez thought for a moment then he shook his head for yea. Chuck was glad he didn't have to search for this nigga lately his ass been slipping. "Aye stop by the store I gottta pick sum up for moms," Damion ask Chuck nodded as they drove off.
12:00 came quick and Camila was waiting for Dee at the door. Dee appeared from the back wearing a half cut orange and yellowish shirt, with a white skirt and her white sandals. Camila shook her head, "Tryna impress that man aint it."
Dee look around fearing her dad will pop up." Shhh mom he might hear you." she said looking in the vacant corner where the piano was. Camila look where Dee look and didn't see no one. She turned back to Dee with a bewildered look on her face Dee notice it," What."
Camila shook her head ," Guh come on I aint got time for you, I got stuff to handle." They got in the truck and pulled slowly out, "Mom can I get a car or truck ." "Sure baby just point one out and that's yours", Dee smiled and look at her mom.
They made it towards Charles and spotted his car in the parking lot. Dee got out and walk over to him. He walk around the car and wave to Camila," Hey beautiful what time would you like her back."
Camila laugh, "Never you can keep her." He smiled at the thought and look at her, she seem very shy all of a sudden and he understood why. "Ok I'll bring her back her at 6."
Dee eyes almost pop out her head six hours with Charles she hope she won't embarrass herself." Oh I'm not sure if I would be home, just drop her off at home." They agreed , Camila took off down the road.
She knew she would be home, but this was her son in law and she felt it. She was gon make sure they be together, but first how she was gon tell Dennis. Charles look at Dee and pulled her in a hug.
He whispered in her ear, "Why you so shy on me I known you for years, and this must got to be the very fist time I've seen you this tense." Dee smiled and hug him back "I'm good" she said lowly, she back away a little and stared at what he got on. He had on some black levis, and a white tank top.
The fact that he didn't have any sleeves on gave her full access of to his bulging muscles. Without thinking she rub both his arms with her hands. Charles look at her smiling, "Get yo ass in the car before your momma see me and kill me." Dee thought to her self, "I doubt that."
Charles was going 80 down the road. They pulled up to the light signaling for a right turn, that goes down towards Charles restaurant. Charles was two buildings down from the traffic light. Damion look over to see was it open and was shock to see Dee and that nigga Charles.
"Bruh don't trip now ok." Damion said with a serious look . Charles was confused and slowly said yea. Damion didn't know how to say it so he pointed to the parking lot. Chuck eyes furrowed up as he begin to get angry. He saw how they was hug up smiling and she pulled away staring him down.
Charles blood was boiling and he was ready to kill. Then he soften up when he saw her rubbing on his arms smiling like she loved him. He felt like he was gon cry but not in front of his home boy. He kept staring until they left.
"So I guess he close for the day." Chuck shot him a look before could go, the cars behind him blew their horn. That made him angrier. He kept straight to Greg house. He was gon make sure he text her when they make it their.
"So tell me some about Dee that I already don't know." Charles turn down the road he takes to his house. "Well what do you want know." Charles look at her she had such beauty that he couldn't help but grin.
"What do you like to do, what's your next move now that you graduated, and is you looking forward to becoming a woman." Dee took in all the question and smiled ,"I have a passion for fashion, I love to read and write, I'm thinking I should start my own place of business or start writing books, and yes I am looking forward to becoming a woman and being on my own." Charles smiled at her answer he wished more women was like her but he like that she was a one of a kind.
He sometimes laugh at his self thinking he could have this girl in his life, but she always say or do something that gives him hope. Dee notice him slowing down and she look around.
He finally urge his self to spit it out, "You know Dee ima be honest and just let you know I had a thang for you since we met." Dee was caught off guard. Her heart beat rapidly as she tried to think of what to say next. "Ok, well I been liking you every since we met too but I thought you wouldn't like me."
Charles knew she liked him because Sharesse and Dot told him. "Well that's a good thing to know." They both got silent and Dee look around the area.
There was houses on both sides and a apartment complex in the middle. Everything look so modern and family like. She look up to the apartment it was wonderful in fact she wanted to say yes without even going inside.
Though, she learned along time ago messing with Chuck that to never judge a book by its cover. Before they could get out Chuck text her she rolled her eyes as she went to read it.
Bae I know I haven't been talking to you but I'm trying now.
I'm busy
Can I see you tonight
She ignored him and reach for the door. They slowly got out the car and Dee walk around to the front, and she was caught off guard as Charles put his arm around her shoulder bringing her closer.
They walk into a lovely welcoming room. It was decorated with nude, turquoise, and orange furniture. Everything was spacious but it had a welcoming feeling that Dee just loved about it.
They walk up to the desk and a young good looking man was there. Dee eyed him he looks Mexican but she probably don't know her self. He was staring at her licking his lips before looking up at Charles.
The man smiled, "Aye Mr. Ware!! How you and your restaurant been going", Charles shook his hand, "Good Mr. Garcia." Mr. Garcia then turned to Dee, "This beauty here must be Mrs. Ware."
Dee blush and before she could speak Charles pulled her close, "Not yet, but one day she will." Dee look up him and he wink at her she felt butterflies.
"Well you are one lucky man." Dee smiled at him, "No I think I'm the one who is lucky." Mr. Garcia stared at her smiling his eyes roam her up and down. Dee did the same forgetting Charles was there.
She turned to see him staring at both of them. Dee felt bad and broke the tension, "Charles tell him about the apartment you wanted me." Charles just glared at Mr. Garcia before he could respond he got a text from Glinda.
Jr Mom
Call me so we can talk about Jr birthday.
Charles couldn't believe he almost forgot about his little rascal birthday. He put his phone back up. Dee was stared at him and waited since he didn't say nothing she did her self. "Well, I'm here so can I get an apartment." Mr. Garcia check his computer and there was some still left on the third and fourth floor.
"Well there's three two bedroom apartment on the second floor and five three bedroom apartment on the fourth. Which do you prefer?" Dee really didn't want a two bedroom apartment but hey more room for her guest whenever she have some.
"I'll take one of the two bedroom apartments on the third floor." Mr. Garcia excuse his self as he went in the back. A petite woman came out the door he went in and she stood there at the desk. "He will be with you soon." Dee nodded and turn her head to Charles who was now sitting down chilling.
Do you feel that Chuck will confront Dee or go to Charles and set things straight.
Sorry for mistakes
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