C H A P T E R 49
We are finally down to the last few chapters so these chapters are gonna be longer than the others, more things have to happen to lead up to certain events, hope you all enjoy!💕
Now onto the chapter...
F O R T Y - N I N E
Going for her daily morning run with Alisha as they have been doing for the past few months, Cali ran with her headphones in her ear running full speed leaving Alisha behind who was slowly running behind.
The words of Maya Angelou intoxicating voice reciting her famous poem, "Phenomenal Woman," played through her headphones loudly, amping her up as she pushed through the aches in her legs to finish this last lap around the park's trail.
Cali found herself working out as a way to release stress and built up emotion, she never liked working out too much in the past but she always felt better after a good run so she found herself doing it everyday now.
"Cali please slow down, you're running way too fast for my liking." Alisha called out tiredly, but Cali was way too far ahead and her volume was up too loud so she couldn't hear her and Alisha was done trying to catch up to her.
When Alisha saw that Cali was basically in a zone, she walked to a near by bench and took a seat to wait at until Cali circled back around and decided to call Shaun to help pass time.
As Cali ran she zoned out from reality since her reality was still a mess, her and Ahmad's relationship was now officially over and although she was the cause of it things were still kinda hard to get over, but she was taking it one day at a time.
"Men themselves have wondered, what they see in me.
They try so much, But they can't touch
My inner mystery."
The strides in her run started to get wider as she sped up, the air that brushed against her sweaty skin chilled her causing a smile to creep on her face. The sun was beaming down onto her melanin skin giving off a certain glow as she continued to stride through the park, instantly catching the attentiom of bystanders.
As the poem continued to play in her headphones, Cali started feeling her words with so much passion. She listened to Maya Angelou every morning to help her get her day started, and for the most part it worked and a lot of days when she felt like giving up Maya's words always pushed her to keep fighting.
"When I try to show them, they say they still can't see.
I say, It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile, the ride of my breasts,
the grace of my style.
I'm a woman, Phenomenally.
Phenomenal woman,
That's me."
Approaching a curve as her station changed it to Maya Angelou's infamous poem, "When a Caged Bird Sings," Cali was oblivious to a man who was coming around just as fast and in his own zone as well.
As the two strangers both came up to the curve in an instant they both crashed into each other, but due to the impact of his body weight and size it sent Cali flying back causing her to fell hard on her butt and wrist when she tried catching her fall.
Wincing in pain the guy completely disregarded the pain he was feeling when he saw Cali damn near in tears from her fall.
Quickly raising up off the ground, he reached his hand out to help her stand up and helped dust the dirt off her body. "I'm so sorry, I did not see you coming around the corner at all. Do you need me to call someone for you to take you to the hospital or something?"
Holding onto her wrist, Cali shook her head no as she finally glanced up at the guy. "No, um—shit! My friend is jogging with me so I should be fine. Feels like I just sprained my wrist anyways." She reassured.
"You call that jogging? You were going way faster than a jog mamas," He joked, "But okay good, I do apologize for that again though and I'm glad that you're not hurt too bad."
Smiling small, Cali nodded. "It's fine trust me, but thank you."
As Cali started to try to run again she instantly stopped when a throbbing pain in her ankle hit, causing her to almost fall again but like clock work the guy reached out to catch her before she could. "Clearly you aren't good, let me walk you back to your friend. It's the least I can do since I caused this."
Letting out a sigh, she allowed him to throw his arm over her shoulder as he helped her walk in the direction of where she knew Alisha lazy ass was sitting. "It wasn't all your fault, I wasn't paying attention myself."
"True, but I was running on the wrong side of the trail." He stated.
"I guess, you run here often?" Cali questioned and he shook his head no.
"I actually just moved here from Atlanta and my homeboy said this was a great park to run at so I decided to give it a try. Didn't know I was gonna run into one of the most beautiful woman in the world here though." He flirted.
Cali simply blushed as she looked away not saying anything in response and focused on the people who were either walking their dogs, or here playing with their kids at the park.
When she saw a little black girl running towards her daddy with nothing but excitement and joy in her eyes, it reminded her of Armoni and Ahmad. Smiling at the sight of the duo exchange a hug, Cali looked back straight as they slowly walked the trail together.
"You have kids?" The guy randomly blurted out catching Cali completely off guard since they hadn't said much of anything since he complimented her.
When he noticed her facial expression, he immediately regretted asking. "I'm sorry, I'm overstepping and being nosey. Don't mind me, just tryna break this awkwardness between us by at least getting to know you a little since we do have kind of a long walk to make back to the start of the trail."
As Cali glanced up at him, she sighed. "You're right, its just been a long morning and I was just hoping this run would help me a little to release some built up stress. Let's start over, I'm Cali and you?" She questioned as she stopped them from walking and reached her hand out to shake his hand.
"Devante, but people call me Vante for short."
"Nice to meet you Vante." She greeted with a firm handshake, but before she could let go he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. "Pleasure is all mine,"
As they continued to walk Cali was able to learn a lot about Vante, she found out why he moved to Houston and what he did for a living, he was single, had no kids and was once in the Army. He managed to get her mind off the troubles in her life and felt good, plus he was funny so his jokes helped as well.
During their walk they laughed and just simply talked about a few of their own issues but nothing too deep, she briefly talked about her kids and her divorce with Ahmad but didn't go into details of what caused the split which Devante respected.
He was more so grateful that she was single, so he was cool.
"Yeah so after I returned from the army, I got really into working out and helping others work out and achieve their goals of obtaining their dream body. So back in Atlanta I worked alongside a good friend of mine at a gym and we were personal trainers for a lot of people, but we were working under a company so apart of the money we were making they had to get a cut from it. I didn't like that because I was the one who was building close relationships with these people, up day and night thinking of different meal plans and work out plans for each person since we all have different body types."
"So one night when I came down to visit my cousin here in Houston, we just so happened to pass a gym that was closing down and selling their building. I took that as a sign, stayed down for a whole week to discuss with the owner of how much they wanted for the building and by Friday that building was mine." He stated proudly causing Cali to smile.
"I can tell you're really passionate about what you do."
Looking around the park that was filled with multiple people, he nodded. "Yeah, I just like helping people. So many different people come to me with their past workout journey's or about the diets they have tried that didn't work so I become devoted to make sure that my plans work and so far I have helped each of my clients achieve their goals."
"That's really good, I actually just here recently found a passion for working out. I'm still shocked that I manage to get up everyday and actually run. Who would've thought?" She laughed. "Not me and for my bestfriend to join me even though we always tend to lose each other and I either find her at some food truck or sitting down, I still appreciate her effort of coming out anyways."
"That's dope, maybe you should come down to my gym and we could work out together sometimes? I'm still new to the city and always down to hang and meet new people." He suggested.
"What are your prices? Because um a lot of these trainers be tryna break folks with these personal trainer deals."
Laughing, he stopped walking so they could face each other a little. "This one is on me, but only if you agree to let me take you out one of these days." He smirked.
Playfully rolling her eyes, she folded her arms. "I knew that was coming and what if I don't?"
He shrugged, followed by a laugh. "Then that will be a $125 every week plus tax, any extra deals such as meal plans will be an extra $25 added."
Laughing, Cali stared at him for a while before giving in. "Fine, we can go out one of these days. But don't think its because I'm cheap and don't wanna pay."
"I gotchu, so does this invitation of being able to take you out come with your number?"
Pulling her phone out, she looked up at him. "You got Kik?"
Caught off by what she asked, he laughed. "Kik? Really? No, I do not have Kik who even uses that app anymore?"
Smiking at him to keep from laughing, Cali pointed to herself. "I do."
Watching as he pulled out his phone, he sighed. "I guess let me redownload this app that went out of style back in 2015 real quick."
When Cali saw he was really about to do it, she stopped him. "I'm kidding, my number is 832-957-2842."
"Nah, ion even want the number no more. I want the Kik now." He joked as they started back walking.
As they approached the bench she saw Alisha sitting on the phone at, Cali couldn't help but laugh and shake her head. "What happened Lisha? You were suppose to be running with me." Cali called out immediately catching her attention as she hung up the phone and stood up as she acted as if she was stretching.
"Girl, I had to stretch my legs and stuff from that last run girl." She huffed and once she finally looked up to see Cali limping she frowned and instantly came walking towards her with concern and worry laced in her eyes.
"Wait, what happened? And who is this?"
"Nothing, we ran into each other and I sprained my wrist and possibly twisted my ankle, but I'm fine for the most part. And this is Vante, Vante this is my crazy bestfriend Alisha, he helped me walk over here."
"Nice to meet you." He greeted as he shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you to and thanks for taking care of my girl." She smiled.
"No problem, but uh I guess I'll see you around Cali and Mrs. Alisha. You ladies take care and I hope you start feeling better." He told her as they shared a brief hug. "I'll be hitting you up real soon, don't be stranger." He whispered in her ear before they pulled away from each other.
"I won't, but thank you again Vante, I really appreciate your help."
Watching as he waved bye and continued on with his jog, Cali turned back to Alisha who was already staring at her with a knowing look causing Cali to frown. "What Lisha?"
"Don't what Lisha me, you know what. Who was that? He was fine as hell and y'all was giving each other that look." She pointed out.
"What look are you talking about Lisha? I barely even know the man, he was just being nice and offered to walk me back to you and just during that time we talked, got to know each other a little bit and he got my number." She shrugged brushing it off.
"He got your number!? Oop okay, I see you Cali. I am not mad at you one bit."
Cali rolled her eyes as she started limping away, "You're so dramatic Lisha, I was barely even checking for that man."
Grabbing their waters, Alisha smacked her teeth. "Well he was clearly checking for you and can you please slow down? Let me help you to the car."
"I'm am fine Lisha."
As they approached Lisha's car, she rolled her eyes. "I've ben hearing that lie for the passed few months, when we know you're not but okay Cali."
"And what is that suppose to mean?" She frowned.
"I'm just stating the obvious, like do you not see yourself? You're trying to keep—Actually I'm not even gonna get into that today."
Cali shook her head, "Don't do that just say it, we've always had an open friendship where we could always tell each other the truth so say it."
"I just noticed how you try so hard to keep everything together to make it seem like everything is okay when I know and you know that it's not. You just lost a husband I can't even began to imagine what that must feel like, but working out and working long hours to run away from your problems isn't going to help you Cal." Alisha ranted.
"I'm not running from anything, I am fine. Relationships and marriages end everyday, and sadly mine just so happened to fall into that percntage of failed marriages." She brushed off.
"Cali just please stop this, its draining to watch you put on this face and act as if this is normal and that you're okay with the way things ended between you and Ahmad. You guys need to talk, stop trying to avoid that and avoiding him! Just please talk to the man. I know you're mad at him, but I hate seeing you guys like this."
Looking out the window, Cali felt her eyes start to burn. "You just don't understand Lisha."
"Please help me understand then, you're my bestfriend and I just want to help you and be here for you. But how can I when all you keep doing is shutting me out?"
"....He was suppose to be there Lisha, he left and trust me I get why he did. But I needed him that night and he left me." Cali sniffled.
"But Cali when he tried to make things right when he came back after calming down and apologized, you pushed him away and bottled up all those demons up once again. You guys can't continue on like this, you're both hurting and y'all don't know how to deal with it. We all get it, but think about the kids. They aren't slow I know they noticed the distance between y'all, hell we all see it and I really hate watching two good people that I love go through something like this."
Wiping her eyes, Cali looked down at her fingers. "I know, its just you don't understand Lisha. I had finally built the courage to speak my truth and yes I know it was a lot to take in, because I literally told the man I married that I wasn't happy with him and how another man brought out a side of me that I forgot about. I mean Lisha, if you could have saw the look on his face after I had spilled the truth it would have broke your heart. Hell it broke mine because I knew it was fucked up, I knew if the tables were flipped and Ahmad told me the samething I would have gotten up and left myself. The situation just sucks because I just don't want to keep hurting him, so I've been avoiding him and keeping our conversations very short because I don't want to discuss it anymore."
"But why Cali? You guys need this, you guys need a real sit down where you guys are both spilling out feelings and emotions without walking away from each other. You two have to hear each other out to better understand one another and to build a better relationship for the sake of the kids. Avoiding Ahmad isn't gonna do you any good and you know that."
Cali remained silent for a moment, before she looked up and over at Alisha who was already staring. "Please tell me how to tell Ahmad that in one breath when we got married it was because I loved him, but in the second breath it was because I felt obligated to do so." She sniffled. "Please tell me how I can tell him some shit like that without ruining our relationship even more. That's why I've been avoiding him, because I can't bring myself to admit that."
Alisha felt her eyes began to burn as she reached over and grabbed Cali's hand, "He still deserves to know, you guys will only grow to resent each other in the end if y'all keep this up."
Alisha nor Cali said anything after that so Alisha started the car and drove Cali home.
Cali heard everything Alisha was saying and knew that she was right, but her own personal fear was holding her back from talking with Ahmad again about everything.
The day he came back to her house to apologize and actually sit down like adults and talk, Cali let her own personal emotions get in the way and pushed him away instead. What started out as a cool casual conversation, turned into a screaming match with neither of them hearing each other out or being able to get their points across.
So now whenever they saw each other it was just awkward, because it was clear both of them had a lot to say but didn't know how so to save a potential argument they said nothing.
When Alisha pulled up to Cali's house, Cali went to get out but Alisha stopped her. "I know I may come off as pushy and demanding at times, but I really just want to see you get better and watching you pick up on these habits to try and run away from your problems .. really just reminds me of how I used to be. I love you Cali and I just want the best for you, and if you're not ready to talk to Ahmad I totally get it."
"Thank you, I'll call you later."
"It's also something else I've been meaning to tell you. Shaun gifted me a push present a few weeks ago to a trip to Mexico and I wasn't sure if you wanted to go since Ahmad was going as well. But I feel a vacation would be good for us and the girls, but if you don't want to go I'd totally understand." She stated.
"When are we suppose to be leaving?"
"Tomorrow." She cheesed.
"Really Lisha? I mean what are the odds that we'll see him though? And even if we did see each other we're grown and aren't actually beefing so it wouldn't be an issue." She shrugged.
"So does that mean you're coming?" Alisha smiled starting to get excited.
Letting out a sigh, Cali nodded. "Maybe a vacation is what I need and who am I to turn down a free trip to Mexico?"
Getting super excited Alisha reached over and hugged Cali tightly. "I'm so happy you're coming, the girls are gonna be so happy that you're coming as well. It's gonna be fun trust me."
"I hear you, well let me go pack since I only have a day now."
"Hey, thats enough time."
Playfully rolling her eyes, Cali went to get out. After exchanging "I love you's," and hugs goodbye, Cali got out of the car and limped her way inside the house.
Walking over to the kitchen she reached into her freezer to grab a bag of frozen corn, then limped over to the living room as she plopped down on the couch and elevated her leg to ice her ankle.
Throwing her head back, she let out a sigh as Alisha's words replayed in her head repeatedly.
Reaching for her phone out of her fanny pack, she unlocked it and went straight to snapchat. Clicking on Ahmad's story she saw he was out at a bar in Mexico with Dave, Shanice and she figured his new girl but of course the girl was still a mystery.
Ahmad would sometimes post them holding hands, or post her either laying down or laying on him but he never showed her face. As she skipped through his snapchat she saw he was out having a good time and softly smiled to herself glad to see him smiling.
Closing out of the app, she rubbed her hand over head as she looked around her house. She let out a deep sigh, before standing up. "This trip should be fun and its needed, whats the worst that could happen?"
Waking up to the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore, Crystal yawned to herself as she rubbed her hand in the place where Ahmad should have been but frowned when she noticed he was gone.
Sitting up, the room was dark but she could see the back patio door was open so she swiftly got out of bed tossing on one of her oversize sweatshirts and made her way outside.
Watching him stand at the edge of the patio smoking a blunt by himself, she walked up behind him snaking her arms around him placing a soft kiss on his back. He smiled to himself as he place one of his hands over hers and instantly relaxing from her touch causing a deep sigh to leave his mouth.
"Everything okay?" She questioned.
"Everything is fine, just got a lot on my mind about some shit..nothing major though."
Making him turn around so he could face her, she grabbed at his hands holding them together. "You wanna talk about it?"
"It's nothing really to discuss, just me overthinking shit. Plus this week is about you not me, so we gon' focus on what's really important." He told her and she smiled as she stepped on her tip toes to give him a kiss.
"You're important too, but fine I'll drop it for now since I know regardless of how many times I ask you won't tell me until you're ready. Are you coming back to bed though?"
He nodded, "In a few minutes, lemme just finish this blunt real quick though."
"I wasn't gonna go back now, I wanted to go out and sit on the beach to watch the sunrise."
"We can do that, can you go and grab my sweats and slides?"
Giving him one last kiss, she pulled away from his embrace and went back into the room leaving him out there.
Checking the time on his phone, he knew Crystal's surprises would be arriving soon which brought a small smile on his face since he couldn't wait to see her reaction.
When Crystal returned with his clothes, she had changed into one of her sundresses that hugged every piece of her body. Watching as he slid on his sweats with ease and slipped on his slides, he grabbed a hold of her hand and they headed out towards the water.
"You liking it here so far?" He questioned and she nodded.
"I love it, to be able to wake up to the view of a beautiful beach everyday and a beautiful man. That's heaven, its so calming out here and so pretty." She smiled.
"I got another surprise for you coming today, it should arrive within' the next hour or so."
"I see you going all out this week huh?"
He shrugged. "I guess you can say that,"
When they made it to the edge of the shore, they both sat down just when the sun started to rise just a little. Snuggling up closer to Ahmad, she laid her head on his shoulder as she looped their arms together. "I could do this everyday." She whispered.
"Me too,"
As the sunrised, Crystal and Ahmad stayed out there talking and laughing with each other. They talked a little bit about the future and what it may hold, or random thoughts that often crossed their minds.
It felt as if they were out there for hours and before they knew it, the sun has rose and was shining brightly in the sky.
"Tae means well, he just wants the best for me. He's been my bestfriend my whole life, he's been there through everything so when we first started seeing each other .. he wasn't very supportive because you were married and we have seen how most situations like ours turns out. But luckily it didn't and you meant what you said so he's cool, he likes you and he likes us together because he knows you make me happy." Crystal ranted.
"I mean yeah, I will admit I brought you into a messy situation at first and I apologize if I ever made you feel any type of way due to that."
She waved him off, "You never made me feel any type of way, I respected what was going on and gave you the space you needed during that time and just did my part. I've never been married, but I've been in love and you can know a person is no good for you and don't want shit to end. Not saying Cali isn't good for you, but I know what it is like to end something that you never saw ending when things first started. It's hard."
Ahmad nodded, "Yeah, it is."
Grabbing a hold of his hand, Crystal smiled. "I know we don't talk about Cali much or you guys situation, but I know you'll always have love for her especially with her being the mother of your kids and for what all she has done for you in the past." She started. "And I also know that it is killing you that you two are kinda at odds right now. I was the same way when me and my son's dad were kinda at it with each other, I wanted things to just be cordial but it seemed as if we were always into it about something to were just went to not speaking at all and now my son has to suffer."
"Now I'm not sure what exactly is going on, but I feel you guys should really just talk whatever it is out. I would hate for that to happen to you guys because kids need both parents and your kids are old enough to understand when something is wrong. So please when we get back make things right with her for the sake of your kids because in the end they'll be the ones affected the most." She expressed.
Ahmad just simply stared at Crystal not expecting none of this from her, he was shocked but also grateful that she understood his current situation.
"You is truly something special man." He mumbled. "But I hear you and you're right, I had both my parents growing up and I'm truly blessed that I was able to be the ones who had that so I always wanted that for my kids as well."
"And you will, you're a good man Ahmad and an even greater father so I know in the end you will do what's right for the sake of your kids." She stated as she kissed him on the lips sweetly.
"Where is all this coming from? Not that I'm complaining or not liking it, just curious."
She shrugged, "Just felt the need to say it, that's all."
He nodded, "Well thank you, I appreciate that."
When the tide reached their feet, Crystal looked down at it and smiled. "I wanna get in the water, but I'm scared."
"Scared of what?"
"I don't know what's out there, what if I get eaten by a shark or something. I ain't tryna die just yet." She laughed.
"You sound just like Marcus, he hates the thought of the ocean or the sea .. said he'll never step foot close to one."
When he noticed Crystal's mood shifted the moment Marcus was brought up, he frowned. "You good?"
She nodded, "I'm fine, you ready to go back though?"
"Yeah but not until you tell me what's going on? You and Marcus got issues or something?" He questioned.
"It's just I know your friends don't care too much for me and that's understandable, I get it. They're used to you and Cali and probably are still rooting for you guys to work it out, but it does sometimes make me not want to come around where I'm not wanted." She admitted causing Ahmad to frown.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean whenever I come around the only people who really acknowledge me is Dave, Shaun and sometimes Hazel, but Marcus is usually always dry towards me and acts very uninterested whenever I'm speaking. Like that one time I brought lunch for everybody, he didn't even eat the food."
"What? Why didn't you ever say anything to me about this?"
She shrugged, "Because I know that's your bestfriend and I'm really not tryna start any issues between you guys. I like Marcus and have no issues with him, but for some reason I can tell he does not like me, not that I really care but still."
Ahmad shook his head, "I get whatchu saying but thats still not cool, you haven't done anything to him to were he has a reason to dislike you. But don't even worry about that though, I'ma handle it."
Touching his arm, she sighed. "Ahmad, please don't be extra. I don't want you guys fighting or beefing behind this."
"Only way we'll be beefing if he thinks how he is acting is cool and doesn't see an issue, Marcus been my right hand man my whole life. I love dude like a brother but disrespect is disrespect and I don't take it from anybody, I don't care how close we are." He shrugged.
Looking down at her fingers, Crystal sighed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."
"Whatchu apologizing for ma'? You ain't did nothing wrong, I'ma talk to Marcus like a grown man. I'm not gon' come at him sideways or nothing since we don't get down like that, I'm just gon' see what's up that's it." He reassured.
"Give me the pinky."
Playfully rolling his eyes, he held up his pinky finger so she could lock hers with his. "Happy now?"
"Yes, now come on let's go back to the house. I feel like cooking everybody some breakfast."
Checking the time on his phone, he stopped her. "Let's just chill out here a little longer, I ain't ready to share you just yet."
Smiling, she pushed him away playfully then retook her seat. "You're such a big baby,"
He shrugged, "Your point?"
"Don't get slapped Ahmad, but please I'm hungry as hell."
He smirked, "Shit me too, but I'm already looking at my meal for the day."
Laughing, she nudged his arm. "Do you always have be nasty?"
Pulling at his beard as if he was thinking about it, he eventually nodded. "Yes."
"Whatever, but anyways you can stay out here if you want. I'm going inside to cook."
Letting out a sigh, he got up behind her and followed her inside hoping her surprise was ready.
Stepping inside their room through the back patio door, Crystal stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the room was filled with white and pink balloons, along with white and pink rose petals scattered around with big silver happy birthday balloons hanging over the bed.
Covering her mouth, she turned to face Ahmad who was already smiling and hugged him. "You had this all planned didn't you? How did you pull this off so fast?"
"I had a little help from some people," Turning Crystal back around just when Tae, Shanice and Dave came walking out. Crystal screamed before she ran and hugged Tae tightly, "What tha hell are you doing here!? I'm about to have a damn heart attack."
"Bitch you didn't really think you was about to celebrate your birthday without a bitch right?" He laughed as he hugged her again.
"Thank you guys forreal, I'm really about to cry." She stated as she felt herself starting to get emotional. "I was not expecting this."
"Don't cry girl, its your birthday week and you deserve it." Shanice stated as she leaned more into Dave who nodded agreeing.
"I know I know, but really thank you guys."
"Don't thank us, thank that man right there, he made it all possible." Tae smiled before they all left out leaving the two alone.
Walking up to Ahmad she wrapped her arms around his torso as she looked up at him smiling, "Thank you for my birthday surprise, I love it. I tried thinking about what it could possibly be, but I did not expect this at all."
"I'm glad you like it. Now come on let's go eat, I had Shanice order some food for us instead."
Crystal instantly perked up again, "Shid, you ain't got to tell me twice. Let's go."
Back in the states the following day, Cali had managed to ransack her whole house trying to find everything she needed for the trip and getting her kids bags packed to go and stay with her dad until she returned.
She honestly hated she only had a day to prepare for this trip, but somehow she was able to do it. She had dropped off her kids at her dads, made sure they were fed and had more than enough changing clothes, then she had to make sure the shop would be in good hands while she was gon' and ontop of that had to clean her house back up and manage to make it to Alisha's house just in time for them to leave for the airport.
As the girls all sat around in the living room, Shaun and Alish a were upstairs talking and going over rules since Shaun has never been left alone with the kids for this many days.
"I left more than enough bottles pumped in the fridge for you to use for the twins, Nolan and Skylar lunches are already packed for the week and I brough their favorite things to eat for dinner. Remember no junk food after seven, Nolan gets gassy and Skylar gets super hyper and you will not be able to deal with it trust me." She laughed as she moved back and forth in their room making sure everything was in order.
"Another thing, I moved all of their car seats into the Tahoe, so all you have to do is buckle them in. Oh and during bathtime remember Nolan uses the non-fragrance soap since his skin is sensitive and he breaks out badly, and Skylar is allergic to peanuts so make sure she does not get anywhere near that." She ranted as Shaun just watched her run around like a chicken.
"Can you relax? You act like these ain't my kids as well. I got this and if I have any questions I will just call my sidechick for assistance." He joked only to earn a hit from Alisha.
"Shut up before I beat your ass, I just hate leaving them .. I have separation issues." She sighed.
Walking towards her, he grabbed her hands and made her sit down on the bed. "I know, but trust me everything is going to be okay. You just worry about having a good time with your girls in Mexico okay?"
She nodded, "Good now gimmie a kiss since this is all the action I'll be getting until you get back." He sighed.
"You could've got some last night, but you the one who wanted to have a family movie night knowing that once they all get in our bed they don't know how to leave." She laughed after she gave him a kiss.
"Whatever, you just better behave yourself in Mexico and I better wake up to nudes every morning to get me started." He smiled.
Rolling her eyes, she walked out the room while he got her bags. "Y'all ready ladies?" She called out excitedly.
"Yes, been waiting on you." Cali stated.
"I know I just had to go over everything with Shaun regarding the kids, but I'm ready now lets go."
All the girls hopped up and followed Alisha out with Shaun who followed behind them all. Loading Alisha's bags up in the truck and adjusting the other girls bags so they wouldn't fall. He shut the trunk and watched as they all got in the car except Alisha who was walking towards him.
"I hate I can't say bye to my babies before I go, but please call me every night on facetime so I can see them and you." She pouted.
"I will, but please just focus on having a good time. We gon' be good over here, you need this trip so go enjoy it."
Giving him a hug and kiss, she smiled. "I love you."
"I love you more."
Watching her walk away and get inside the car, he stood outside until the driver pulled out of the driveway and down the street before he walked back inside.
Looking around the house that was spotless, he nodded. "I can do this, we can survive a week without mama."
Back in the Uber, Alisha pulled out her phone to go over somethings. "Okay ladies, so we have a whole week to let loose, have a good time and to enjoy a week with no kids or needy husbands. When Shaun presented me this gift, each of you all crossed my mind since we're all mothers and I know we can often lose ourselves in the process. So I wanted to use this trip as a way for us to reflect on ourseleves, and of course have a moment to ourselves with no interruptions or drama." She smiled causing them all to start thanking her.
"So as we enjoy the ride to the airport, I wanted to discuss some issues that some of you guys often face but feel alone in since you feel no one would understand or relate to." Alisha stated and the girls smiled liking this whole idea because it was so much that they felt inside but never said outloud. "I feel as not only women, but mothers we need to constantly be there for each other since it is alot of things our husbands will just simply not understand. So I wanna use this week to do just that. So we'll start with Kamry first and go around like that."
"I just often face insecurities and a lot of depression since the birth of my baby and I often take it out on Marcus. He tries his best to deal with my mood swings, but I know it gets hard. Hell I hate I do it to him sometimes, but sometimes I just get so frustrated and annoyed and can't control my emotions at times." She admitted.
"I be feeling that way sometimes too with Shaun, but thats just when I take a break and focus on things that I love and bring me happiness. Sometimes just being up under Shaun is all I want and need then sometimes I just need an escape. So my best advice is to find something outside of your life of being a mom and a wife that brings you relief and happiness."
As they continued this talk they learned that all shared a few of the same emotions and what they used to help them get through the mood swings and depression states.
This conversation lasted through their whole flight, just hearing that they weren't alone in certain things just felt good to the point that they all ended up just sharing and spilling their emotions without fear of judgement.
In the ride to their hotel, Cali had her head laid up against the window as she looked at the beautiful view of Cancun. She had already felt at peace and was ready to just relax on the beach and drink until she falls on her ass.
"What are we doing tonight? I ain't tryna stay in the hotel all night." Kamry questioned and the girls nodded.
Alisha shrugged, "The guy back at the airport when we got here said it was a beach party going on, we could go and see what its all about and show these youngs how to look after having kids." She smirked.
"Sounds like a plan to me,"
Later that evening Ahmad and the gang were all getting ready to go out for the night and since it was a beach party it didn't require much clothing so Ahmad was cool with that and was ready to get drunk.
When Crystal came walking out of the bathroom and he saw the bathing suit she was wearing, he was just about ready to say fuck the party and just stay in and have a party of his own with just her.
"Stop looking at me like that creep." She smirked. "No funny business, we're going out tonight Mr. Homebody."
"Yeah yeah, you ready to go?"
After doing one last check in the mirror, she nodded. "Yep, let's go."
Walking out of the room Shanice, Dave and Tae were in the kitchen making drinks. "Y'all want some of this drink Tae made? Shit good as hell." Dave offered.
"Yeah make us two cups, the Uber here yet?"
Shanice nodded, "Yeah, we just been waiting on you two slow asses. I was about to just hop in that hoe and leave y'all."
Ahmad laughed, "Don't blame me, blame Crystal she took forever as always but we ready now."
When everybody had their drinks, they all left out of the house already getting lit. Holding the door open for everybody to get in, Ahmad hopped in the front seat while everybody piled up in the back.
"I hope its some fine ass gay niggas here, cause I ain't tryna be the only one here with no boo." Tae whined as he laid his head on Crystal's shoulder.
Shanice busted out laughing. "We'll help you get some dick baby, don't worry."
Glancing over at Dave who was being mighty quiet, she placed her hand on his catching his attention. "What's wrong? You been acting weird since we got here."
"We'll talk later, but trust me its nothing bad." He sighed.
Looking around to make sure nobody was listening, she leaned in closer. "You sure I don't need to beat anybody ass? Because trust me, I will." She whispered making him laugh.
Throwing his arm over her shoulder, he pulled her closer. "I'll just show you what's on my mind later." And with the way he said it, Shanice knew exactly what he meant.
"Am I finally getting the dick?" She questioned quietly.
Laughing, he just looked away from her which basically let her know all she needed to know in the first place.
Feeling herself get hot, she smacked Ahmad on the back of head to make him let down the window then sat back as she thought about how good she was about to put it on his ass tonight.
Looking back at Crystal they both shared a look causing Crystal to smirk and mouth, "You getting some dick?"
Nodding her head, they both started playfully twerking in their seats and sticking their tongues out confusing everybody since they just had a silent conversation and nobody knew what it was about.
When they finally arrived to the beach party it was packed, and the music was jumping which Ahmad already liked. He hated going to places that played wack ass music, so he was feeling this.
After tipping the Uber driver, Ahmad got out and caught up with the rest of them as they entered the party. With his hand rested right above Crystal's butt, they all maneuvered through the crowd being sure not to bump anybody.
The song playing was Back Dat Azz Up which was of course a classic twerk song, and Crystal was ready to shake some ass for the one time. Soon as they found a clear enough spot for them all to basically chill at, Shanice, Tae and Crystal wasted no time as they all started throwing ass to the beat of the song.
Dave and Ahmad just laughed and let them be as they walked over to the bar to get them some drinks.
"So I did a lot of thinking last night and I'm just like fuck it at this point, I'm done fighting it." He admitted causing Ahmad to smirk.
"No offense to you and anybody else who practices celibacy, but I couldn't imagine doing that. I love sex too much."
Dave laughed, "Shit nigga, so do I. You know how hard that shit was for me? But I'm glad that we did though, so at least I know the relationship isn't based off sex."
"True true."
"Yeah, so uh have you told Crystal you love her yet?"
Ahmad shook his head, "Nah, but I almost did earlier. When we was out by the shore she was just spitting some real and it just really made me look at differently but of course in a good way."
"I feel you, I fucks with Crystal she cool and Shanice loves her. The moment they met they almost said fuck us for a minute."
"On god, anytime I would call Crystal she was always talkin' bout .. oh I'm sorry I'm talking to Shanice let me call you back. I was looking Shanice upside her head like girl .. if you don't back your ass up." They both laughed as they moved up in the line to order a drink.
Glancing around the beach party, Dave frowned when he spotted Alisha, Cali, Kamry and Hazel all here. Rapidly tapping Ahmad who was busy on his phone, Ahmad looked up with a frown on his face. "What?"
"Ain't that Cali and them over there?" He pointed.
"Cali and who!?" Looking in the direction of where he was pointing he frowned. "I don't see anybody."
Looking back Dave did a double take, "Nah nah, I know I ain't tripping. I know I just saw Hazel bean head and them walking."
Ahmad shook his head, "Why would Cali be here in Mexico?"
Dave shrugged, "True, maybe I'm tripping."
As they as made their way through the party, Alisha was already getting ready to get loose and when she noticed Crystal and Shanice cutting up not realizing who they really was at the moment, she was feeling their energy. "That's how lit I'm tryna be tonight and look at the size of her ass. Whoever her man or girl is lucky." Alisha praised but the moment she realized it was Crystal her face went from confusion to excitement within' seconds.
"Crystal? Bitch is that you??" Looking back when she heard her name, Crystal face changed into a big smile as they both ran to each other. "I forgot you said you was going to Mexico for your birthday, I guess everybody decided to come out here."
Crystal nodded, "Yeah I guess so, who you here with?"
"Me and my girls decided to come, you here with the boo?" Alisha questioned with a small smirk on her face.
But before Crystal could even answer, Ahmad had came walking up not noticing Alisha as he snaked his arms around her from behind. "Baby, me and Dave finna go smok real quick, you good?" He questioned as he bent down to whisper in her ear but as soon as he did he noticed Alisha standing there growing confused.
"Alisha?" He called out.
As they both stared at each other with confused expressions, Cryshal could only look down not sure how this was gonna end and when she noticed Cali was here too, she frowned really confused on what was going on now.
Hope you all enjoyed, more updates coming soon
Thanks for all the love and support as always!
- Denise🥀
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