C H A P T E R 43
F O R T Y - T H R E E
A few days had passed since everything transpired between Crystal and Ahmad and things were slightly different, but not in a good way. They didn't text as much and Crystal was always busy to where they couldn't talk on the phone like before.
Ahmad knew at this point Crystal was doing this all on purpose and he wasn't understanding why. He thought shit between them was good, hell even great but now he was starting to think he did something wrong.
Sitting in his truck, he looked up at his shop then back down at his phone clicking on his messages between him and Crystal before typing his message.
To Crystal✨ :
Hey, you busy tonight?
- Sent at 8:23 am
From Crystal✨ :
No, my mama is babysitting Santana tonight so I'm free. Why?
- Received at 8:25 am
To Crystal✨ :
Can I come by once I get off work so we can talk?
- Sent at 8:25 am
From Crystal✨ :
Yeah, that's fine. I'll be home by 7:30 latest being 7:45
- Recieved at 8:28 am
Smiling to himself, he locked his phone and shut off his truck before getting out and making his way towards the entrance of the shop.
Entering his shop Ahmad greeted his boys who all sat around doing nothing along with Rakim, Meech and Travis. "Good morning, good morning everybody." He stated happily as he walked over giving them all individual hand slaps.
All watching him weirdly, they shared a look amongst each other trying to figure out what exactly was going on since they haven't seen him this happy in a long ass time. They weren't complaining since they did worry about him a lot, but now they just wanted to know who or what brought on this new found glow within' him.
Taking a seat beside Marcus, Ahmad laughed when he noticed they were all staring and looking at him crazy. "The fuck is up with y'all? I got something on my face?" He questioned.
"Ain't shit up with us, but we curious know what is up with you? You ain't been this damn happy since Walmart started having a buy one get one free sale on Lays and diapers." Shaun joked.
"I can't just be happy? My life is getting better, my kids healthy, y'all niggas straight and I got some shit under my sleeve to tell you niggas real soon that I'm working on." He shrugged as he rubbed his hands together.
They all nodded knowing it was more he wasn't telling, so Shaun decided to be the one who said what everybody else was clearly thinking. "Either you think we dumb or just plain stupid, but nigga we all know your ass clearly got some pussy this weekend you been off and I wanna know the details so what's up?" He asked and all the guys looked back towards Ahmad waiting for his response.
"Maybe I did or maybe I didn't." He shrugged. "The world may never know." He laughed.
"Man come on, so if you did get some .. does that mean you and Cali officially back on good terms or what?" Marcus asked.
"Me and Cali good but we not having sex and I actually came to the decision to divorce her. It took me a minute to finally see what I wanted but I'm sure this is it." He explained.
Growing shocked, all the guys got quiet not sure what to say back to that but Ahmad only half-smiled and laughed. "I'm good though y'all, I'm doing what's best for me and what will make me happy. I love Cali but shit not every person you fall in love with is the person you'll be with forever either and that's something I had to learn and face."
The guys nodded, but still were a little sad to see both him and Cali end. "Damn, I hate to see what you two had end but at the end of the day I'm all for you finding your happiness and doing what's in your best interest." Marcus stated and the rest of the guys agreed.
"I hate to see it end as well, but shit that's life." Ahmad shrugged as they all glanced over towards the entrance seeing Hazel walk in with a box of donuts.
"Good morning fellas, I brought donuts and kolaches." She greeted and they immediately all stood up except Shaun, Marcus and Ahmad who stayed seated and continued talking.
"But wait, if Cali isn't the girl you fucked then who is?" Shaun questioned trying his best to get the truth out of him.
When he saw they weren't gonna let up on that, he decided to just tell them so they would leave him alone. "Her name is Crystal, she's a female I met about four months ago and here lately we just got a lot closer and after a date we went on Saturday we had sex that night and had sex a few other times after that like that Sunday morning, Monday night and Tuesday throughout the day since I was off and so was she." He stated scratching his head. "But here lately she been acting a little funny so tonight we meeting to talk about whatever is going on between us."
"Gah damn, is she apart of the reason why you're divorcing Cali?" Shaun questioned.
Frowning and scrunching up his face, he quickly shook his head no. "Crystal has nothing to do with my decision of leaving Cali, I made up this decision on my own. Nobody encouraged me whatsoever I'm doing this for me and today when I go and get the kids I'm telling her my decision and we're just gonna go from there."
"Well you know we're here every step of the way for support right? I mean, we all know how at the end of the day this must be tough for you to deal with and go through and I know I haven't been around much due to me and Kamry having a baby but I'm always just a phone call away if you ever need to just talk."
"I know and I appreciate that."
Leaned up against the hood of his truck dressed in only a pair of grey Nike sweats and a shirt with his matching Nike slides. Ahmad watched as Crystal slowly made her way out of her house and towards him dressed in a pair of sweats, a long-sleeve shirt and some slippers still looking beautiful as ever even dressed down.
Approaching him she stood a few feet back away from him which only confused him even more about her actions here lately.
Unfolding his arms, he dropped em' down to his side staring back at her wondering if she was gonna say anything and when he saw that she wasn't he decided to speak. "I'm not exactly sure as to what I did, or if you're pissed off at me .. but please tell me so I can fix it or do what I need to do far as going forward with what we got going on."
Letting out a sigh, she played with her fingers. "You did nothing wrong Ahmad, I just feel this distance between us is needed to protect myself for the time being."
Frowning, he stepped forward. "Protect yourself from what? You claim I did nothing wrong, but yet you feel the need to step away from me in order to protect yourself. That doesn't make sense Crystal."
"It's nothing you did, its your situation with your wife. I like you Ahmad, but I've seen this situation play out many times before and I don't wanna chance myself getting hurt by you if you do decide to stay and make things work with your wife." She explained and Ahmad could only sigh.
"I told you I would never hurt you and I am a man of my word. I may not be perfect but I at least try to be and will admit when I am wrong. Like yeah I was wrong for bringing you into my life knowing things between Cali and I wasn't settled, but I can't help that I share such a dope connection with you and want you in my life."
"I know Ahmad, but I also know how much you love her and what if one day you wake up and realize that not being with her is not what you want and leave? What am I suppose to do?" She questioned and Ahmad could only frown not really sure as to where all of this was coming from.
Rubbing his hand down his face, he stepped forward and grabbed her by her hands. "Where is this sudden change about us keeping what we got going on coming from? I thought you didn't want this to end between us, I thought this is what you wanted?"
"It is Ahmad, I want this so bad. But I want it the right way and you being married still is just not sitting well with me and after talking to my best friend he kinda opened my eyes to what I need to do in order to protect myself."
"So you the type to let your friends get in your head and dictate your life and decisions you make?"
"Well that's exactly what you doing, you had one conversation with him and went against everything we agreed on. I told you I was leaving Cali and I'm doing just that. Tomorrow we're meeting up when I go and get my kids and I'm telling her my decision on what I want. Then we're gonna meet with our lawyers and I'm going over my decision of wanting a divorce and we're going on from there and do what we need to do to finalize it. I'm not just feeding you bullshit to get what I want in the end. I've never been that type of person and I'm not gonna start being it now, but if you feel this is too much for you and you can't handle it .. then I'll fall back and apologize for dragging you into this." He stated as he let go of her hands and began walking back towards his truck.
Crystal watched as he got back in his truck, contemplating on what to do as she saw him crank up his car and getting ready to leave.
Letting out a sigh, she began walking around to his driver side as he watched her from the inside of his car wondering what she was about to say.
Rolling down his window, he looked over at her and waited for her to speak. "It's not that its too much for me Ahmad, I'm just scared." She admitted softly.
"Shit, I'm scared too but shit living in fear in the past got me no where and had me hating people for no apparent reason and I can't dwell on my fear of getting hurt and end up missing out on life again. When I first got my heart broke I gave up on love and relationships and possibly missed out on some good times due to my fear and here I am again heart broken and I don't wanna go back to that person who fears love or fears getting attached to people outside of my circle. I don't wanna be that person anymore." He expressed.
Opening his door, she grabbed his hand pulling him out before engulfing him into a hug. "I'm sorry, I just always tend to overthink and sometimes think the worst in certain situations. I just don't wanna get hurt Ahmad."
Lifting her up by her thighs as her arms rested around his neck, she looked down at him and smiled before she leaned down and kissed him on the lips. "I ain't tryna get hurt either, but we good alright? I promise on everything, I'll never do anything to intentionally hurt you okay?"
Nodding her head, she flipped her hair out of her face. "Okay."
"Now gimme a kiss."
Kissing him on the lips, she smiled as he put her down and rested his hands on her ass as her arms stayed wrapped around his neck. "I lowkey missed you these past few days." He admitted.
"I missed you too, I missed a lot of things actually."
"Hmm, like what?"
Reaching one of her hands inside of his sweats, she rubbed her hand over his dick print slowly as she looked up locking eyes with him. "This, I missed this a lot." She stated while biting her lip and stroking hin through his boxers feeling him grow against her small hand.
Placing one of his hands on her butt, he gripped it. "Tell me what exactly a lot is?" He smirked as he pulled her closer to him.
"Turn off your truck and follow me inside and I'll show you just exactly what a lot is."
Giving her a look, he watched her began walking away towards the house as she started throwing her hair into a ponytail causing him to quickly shut off his truck and lock everything up
Running up behind her he lifted her up by her legs, throwing her over his shoulder earning playful scream and laugh from her as he proceeded to run into the house ready to receive whatever she was about to give.
"He called me yesterday and told me that when he comes to pick up the kids we need to talk about something, but he never said what it was about and I'm hoping its about him giving us another chance, but then apart of me feels like he's seeing someone else." Cali explained to Alisha as they chilled in Cali's salon.
It was way passed closing and after Cali did her hair the two ending up staying and talking longer than expected and since Cali's dad wanted to spend time with his granbabies and was keeping them for the night, Cali decided to use this break to catch up with her best friend and vent.
"Why do you feel its someone else?"
"The other day he posted on snapchat showing him at some poetry club and when he took a picture of his food I noticed across from him was a female hand and how I knew it was a female was because of her nails. I at first assumed it was Shanice since they hang out a lot, but then I later saw she was out with Dave that night so it let me further know it was another woman instead." She stated getting irritated as she thought back to what she had saw.
"It could have been a harmless date Cali, if you want to know just ask. We all know Ahmad ain't gon' lie, he keeps it a hundred with you all the time."
"I know but still, I just feel like if he's gonna keep entertaining females then what's the point of even trying to fight for him back when its clear he has moved on or is trying to."
Alisha understood what she meant, but she could only agree to what Cali said to a certain extent.
"I'm just curious to know though Cali, like what have you done to show him you're actually worthy of taking back?" She questioned and instantly Cali frowned. "Hear me out before you get upset, but when a guy cheats or fucks up real bad in a relationship most men go above and beyond to make shit right. They plan dinners, they take trips, they literally will cater to their woman every need and will do their best to gain their trust back and fix what has broken. They want their woman to truly know that they are sorry and that what happened was an honest mistake. But with you Cali, you have put in little to no effort whatsoever. You play victim all the time whenever he does something like simply living life and all you guys have done is argue, you haven't done anything truly special for Ahmad since you guys split up and you still haven't been totally honest about what really went down between you and Reggie. So now ask yourself, do you feel you even deserve a second chance at this point?"
"Cali when you cheated it was clear that you simply just got comfortable in your relationship with Ahmad and its like mentally you're still in that state of mind. You feel because the way he loves you that's enough for him to forgive you and move past what happened, but I'm sorry I don't think that's gonna be the case. We all know Ahmad loves you but what you did Cali was beyond fucked up and you didn't just cheat on him. You confided in this man telling him all of Ahmad's business knowing they hate each other, told secrets about Adrian and defended him against Ahmad when Ahmad felt Reggie had something to do with the bruises on Marquette. Like the disrespect you have shown Ahmad goes passed you cheating at this point and til this day I still don't know nor do I understand why you even allowed it to go this far with Reggie."
Frowning Cali immediately got defensive. "You know Alisha, whenever we talk and I vent about my issues .. I always feel like you're coming at me. I know I fucked up, but I don't have to always be constantly reminded of the shit whenever we talk either!" She snapped.
"I'm not even coming at you, I'm just not telling your ass what you want to hear and of course here you go playing this victim role once again." Standing up, Alisha went and grabbed her purse. "I don't know where the old Cali is or if she even exists at this point, but I do hope you eventually you get it together for the sake of yourself and kids."
Letting out a sigh, Cali knew everything she was saying to her was correct and it really wasn't until now that she realized how selfish she has been during this whole situation. She knew she hurt Ahmad, but whenever they argued she never really considered his feelings only really cared for hers and she was honestly shocked at herself since she knew this wasn't who she was before.
"I don't even know what to do at this point to even make things right Lisha, I tried the marriage counseling and that only lasted a day and we weren't even able to finish the whole session. I want my marriage to work but at times I just feel like he gave up on us." Cali expressed.
"Can you blame him though? You gotta keep reminding him why he chose you in the first place, show him what made him fall in love with you to begin with. Because right now all those memories and feelings are being blocked by what has happened now. Show him that you're worth forgiving and actually fight to save your marriage without using sex." Alisha told her as she got ready to leave and head out for the night.
"Thanks Lisha, and I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean that and I do appreciate you giving it to me raw and honest like I needed."
Opening her arms for a hug, Cali stood and hugged her tightly. "We all make mistakes in life, but the most important thing to do is to face it, own it and learn from it." Pulling away from the hug, Alisha grabbed her hands. "You're such an amazing woman, who has been through so much and you're so strong Cali. Please seek help for the demons you face alone and work on getting yourself together because in the end you will only continue to hurt people by running away from the real issue within' yourself and if you need to talk to Ahmad about whatever issues you are facing mentally alone then do that, it could possibly help you guys better understand each other."
Leaving out of the salon, Cali stood there by herself thinking before gathering her stuff and eventually leaving out to head home to her baby girl Mariah.
When she arrived home she parked her car in the driveway then quickly got out being sure to grab the food she brought, before heading towards the door.
Going to reach for her keys, she stopped when the door opened and was facing Ashley who held a warm smile. "You need help carrying anything in?" She questioned.
"No'mam, I got it. But thanks again mama for watching her for me."
Waving her off, Ashley grabbed her purse. "Girl, I don't mind watching my grandbaby plus she's a good baby. We watched a little tv, she took a full nap earlier, woke up I fed her, we watched some more tv and I took her outside in the backyard for a little fresh air and she loved it, she actually just fell asleep about an hour ago."
Cali smiled, "Yeah my fat mamas loves her sleep and her daddy. I know when he comes tomorrow and can finally take her with him he's gonna be so happy. I know he hated being away from her when he had the other kids, but the doctor finally approved that she was improving and her health was looking a lot better."
"That's amazing, she's a warrior. But if you don't need me to do anything else I'm gonna head on out, Aaron is taking me out for dinner tonight." She smiled.
"Aw have fun and again thank you mama for everything." Giving her a hug, Ashley embraced her knowing this was probably what she needed a good long hug.
When she felt tears hit her skin, she pulled away from the hug to see Cali's tear stained face. "What's wrong Cali? You know you can talk to me about anything."
"I'm just so sorry for everything I have done and I don't even know how you can still love and respect me after the pain I have caused our family." She sniffled.
Grabbing her hands, she made Cali look up at her. "Am I proud of the decisions you have made here recently? No, but what is kicking you while you're down gonna do to help better the situation? I know no one is perfect and we all make stupid choices in life but despite what all has happened you're still the mother of my grandbabies and I will always love and be there for you even if you and Ahmad don't get back together. We're always gonna be family." She expressed to her and Cali nodded.
"I love you and thank you for that."
Giving her one last hug, Ashley rubbed her hand up and down her back in a soothing motion. "Everything is gonna be just fine, you're gonna be okay. Just start getting more rest and bettering yourself and learning from this decision you made."
Pulling away, Ashley started heading towards the door. "I'll be here tomorrow to watch Mariah around 7:30."
"Okay, see you tomorrow. Love you."
"Love you too baby, kiss my pumpkin for me."
When she left out Cali got up and locked the door before heading towards her room but not before checking on Mariah who still sound asleep.
Stepping into her room, Cali took off her clothes and went towards the bathroom to turn on her shower for a much needed bath.
After getting her shower ready, she walked back into the room to grab her night clothes and undergarments. Laying them all on the bed, she took a seat at her vanity and threw her hair into a sloppy bun before getting up again to take her shower.
Walking passed her nightstand, she paused then reached down to grab her and Ahmad's wedding picture. Feeling tears swell up in her eyes, she looked at how happy he looked beside her and could only feel guilty because she knew she ruined all of that for him.
Lifting the picture and she kissed it softly then sat it back down before continuing her journey back to the bathroom.
After an hour passed Cali finally emerged from the bathroom not even realizing she had been in there so long. When she checked the time on her phone she knew Mariah would be waking up soon since everynight at this time she woke up for a bottle then would sleep for the rest of the night.
In the middle of changing into her clothes, her phone vibrated on her dresser but she wasn't sure as to who it could be since she rarely texted people.
Once she was fully dressed, she walked over and grabbed her phone to see it was a guy by the name of Chauncey who works at her shop for Chris as one of the barbers.
From Chauncey♥️ :
You made it home yet?
- Received at 8:37 pm
Chauncey and her had simply just been texting over the passed two months, he was a cool guy to talk to from time to time and kept her company when she didn't have the kids.
They sometimes would even go to lunch or dinner together, she hadn't told Ahmad about him since she wasn't sure as to how he would react. But she felt he really had no right to be upset since everything between them was platonic.
Plus he was there for her during this time of her and Ahmad's split, keeping her in good spirits and she appreciated him for that.
To Chauncey♥️ :
Yeah, just got out the shower and about to feed Mariah before I lay it down for the night. What's up?
- Sent at 8:39 pm
From Chauncey♥️ :
Shit nothing, just bored and was just wondering what you were up to .. you in need of some company? I can swing by if you want.
- Recieved at 8:42 pm
To Chauncey♥️ :
Yeah, you can come by.
- Sent at 8:43 pm
Placing her phone back in her robe pocket, she walked out of her room when she heard Mariah's faint cries. Pushing her door open, she lifted her small body and cradled her in her arms. "Mommy's here munch," She cooed as she walked over and took a seat in her rocking chair.
Adjusting Mariah in her arms to where she could perfectly latch onto her nipple, Cali slowly rocked back and forth as she played with her curly hair while breastfeeding.
Moments like these is what made Cali love and adore being a mom, she loved each of her kids the same and wouldn't change a thing about them. They drove her crazy half the time but at the end of the day those were her babies and she would do anything for them.
A knock at her front door woke her up from a nap she didn't even realize she took. Looking down at Mariah who was now sleep, Cali grabbed her phone to see thirty minutes had flew by and she had no clue.
Getting up she placed Mariah back in her crib and turned on her white noise sound machine to help her sleep better at night before leaving out.
When the knocking continued, she semi-yelled. "I'm coming." Before looking through the peep hole to see Chauncey standing there.
Opening the door, she smiled while stepping to the side and letting him in. "I dozed off sorry. How long have you been out here?"
"About ten minutes, but its cool. You doing alright?" He questioned as he went in for a hug.
"Yeah, I'm okay." She shrugged while directing them towards the living room.
Glancing over at her he shook his head, "No you not, you can't bullshit me Cali, tell me what's up forreal."
Crossing her legs, she began playing with her fingers. "Ahmad is coming by tomorrow to get the kids and he told me he wanted to talk about us .. and I guess I'm kinda nervous since I'm not sure as to what it could be about. At first I had high hopes that it could be about him giving us another chance, but after talking with Alisha she kinda slapped me back into reality and bascially showed me that the chances of that is slim to none."
"What do you mean? What she say?"
"She basically called me out on my shit, telling me how I haven't really been doing anything to win him back or show him that I'm worth a second chance." She explained and he frowned.
"Sounds like to me Alisha really doesn't want you guys back together." He stated expressing his own personal opinion. "I mean it seems as if anytime you guys talk she's always coming at you and making you feel bad about yourself and I just feel like as a friend it shouldn't be like that."
Cali quickly shook her head disagreeing with his statement. "I doubt that, Alisha just calls it like she sees it. Plus I know she doesn't respect me as a wife as much as she did before since I cheated with someone she also hates as well. Her words were valid and I needed to hear it. Yeah it hurts my feelings, but its the raw truth and I need that."
"I'm just saying despite this situation .. Ahmad should know how good of woman you are. We all make mistakes in life but that doesn't make us bad people either. You gave this man three kids, and put up with a lot of his shit for years, if he can't look passed this one incident and see you are the woman for him then he's a dumb ass." He shrugged being totally blunt, but Cali wasn't really liking the way he was coming at Ahmad or Alisha.
"You just don't understand Chauncey, you're speaking from an outside point of view when Ahmad and Alisha's opinions and feelings are actually valid and I can't be mad at anybody else but myself." She snapped back. "And Ahmad isn't a dumb ass, the only thing that made him dumb was trusting me. I watched him encounter and overcome so many things only to break him and this probably cut him the deepest and I still found ways to play victim so I will not sit here and let you degrade him about something he has every right to feel a certain way about."
Chauncey looked over at her and laughed, "You call me up to vent about your marriage and talk yo shit to me about your husband, but then get mad when I state my own personal opinion. You painted this picture as if Ahmad was basically stringing you along with false hope and as a friend I didn't think that shit was cool. But now I see you just wanted somebody to sympathize your feelings and take your side for once when in reality you not shit."
Standing up, Cali walked over to the door and held it open for him. "I think you need to go."
Standing up, he pulled up his pants and shrugged. "Gladly, it was cool kickin' it with you though."
When he left out Cali slammed the door behind completely frustrated and irritated at this point. Chauncey had never talked to her like that or been that rude to her before and she regretted ever getting close to him.
Going to walk towards the kitchen to fix her a glass of water, she slightly jumped when the sound of her doorbell rung.
Turning on her heels she looked through the peep hole and rolled her eyes when she saw it was Chauncey. Opening the door with hella attitude, she stood there in the doorway with her arms folded across her chest. "What do you want?"
"I left my phone, but I also came back to apologize. I overstepped my place and I was wrong for that, but how I felt was true. I like you Cali and this whole time we been talking you had me thinking one thing, when it was all basically a lie. You made it seem like all you just did was cheat, but the more you talked tonight made me realize it was more to the story than what you lead on to me. Hell you had me thinking you was the victim and due to my little feelings for you, I felt bad for you and just wanted to take that pain away from you. I mean in all honesty, I feel played." He admitted truthfully.
"I didn't tell everything because I was tired of being judged and shamed for what I did. I fucked up big time and lost the man of my dreams and I have to live with that." She sniffled as she started to cry. "Everybody looks at me differently and they try to hide it, but I can still feel it when they come around and I hate it. So when I met you I told the truth but not the whole truth, just to not face any harsh judgment again."
Walking towards her, Chauncey embraced her into a hug. "I get it, but I wouldn't have judged you. I mean I'm not saying your friends are wrong for feeling a certain way since its clear they know more about you guys history and whatnot than I do, but I know at the end of the day no person is perfect. I've made pretty dumb decisions myself in my thirty years of living which caused me to lose certain blessings in my life, but instead of running from it I had to just face what happened and move on and better myself."
Pulling away from the hug, he rose his hand up and wiped away her tears giving her a half smile. "You a good woman Cal, but as long as you try to downplay what happened and not actually face the mistake you made you will never grow or learn from it."
Nodding her head, she listened to his words taking it all in. "Thanks Chauncey and I'm sorry for everything as well."
Waving her off, he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Stop apologizing, just show me you're sorry by changing and working on yourself."
Laughing slightly, she nodded. "I will."
"Bet, I'll see you at work tomorrow."
When he went to walk off, Cali stopped him. "You forgot your phone, hold on."
Quickly walking over to the living room, she grabbed his phone off the couch and turned around to see him only a few feet away from her. "Oh here you go. Can't leave without that."
When he took it out of her hand, their finger tips touched a little sending chills up both their spines as they stared at each other.
The longer Cali stood there the more she felt her heart rate speed up and when she felt herself leaning forward and sensing his body do the same, the air in her lungs felt as if it was leaving her body at a rapid pace.
But once their lips touched all thoughts came to a halt as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
Lifting her up by her thighs, he carried her over to the couch and laid her on her back as he hovered over her not breaking the kiss once.
Cali felt so guilty because once again she was falling into temptation when she was suppose to be doing things to save her marriage. But once he started trailing kisses down her body while swiftly removing the night she was wearing, she knew it was too late to stop it now.
And when his tongue came in contact with her clit she closed her eyes in pure ecstasy, letting him have his way with her body.
The following day Cali woke up due to the sound of knocking on her front door. Reaching over to grab her phone off the nightstand, she nearly jumped out of bed when she saw what time it was.
She knew that had to be her dad since she told him Ahmad was coming to get the kids, but when she looked to the left of her and saw Chauncey still asleep in her bed naked she knew they could not see him here.
Reaching over and shaking him roughly, she got out of bed and quickly threw on some clothes as the knocking continued. "Chauncey get up, my kids are here and they cannot see you."
Groaning, he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What?" When his shirt went flying towards him hitting him directly in the face, he frowned. "What tha hell is going on? Why you running around like a chicken with its head cut off?"
As she slipped on her tights, she rolled her eyes. "My dad is here with the kids, just stay in here and make no noise until I come back and give you the okay to leave."
Leaving out of the room, she shut the door behind her and powered walked to the door as the knocking continued. "I'm coming." She semi-yelled out of breath.
Swinging the door open, she damn near fainted and froze in her spot when she came face to face with Ahmad instead.
Thanks for the love & support as always!
- Denise 🥀
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