C H A P T E R 31
T H I R T Y - O N E
"On behalf of Cali not coming into work today, I'll be hosting the discussions for the day. She gave me a list of questions that she felt would spark up good debates and she told me that she loves you all and will return once she starts feeling better." Glenda explained and everyone nodded, as they mentally prepared themselves for the questions she was about to throw their way.
Adjusting herself in her seat, she cleared her throat a bit then smiled, "The first question is directed towards the men but ladies you guys can pitch in and give opinions on what they say. So alright, fellas this a question regarding y'all girls and the way they dress. Do you guys prefer your woman to cover up or do you guys not care about what they wear?"
Sitting up, one guy rose his hand. "I don't let my woman wear revealing clothes, she shouldn't be out here showing off what's mine. Plus with the way these niggas are these days and how ruthless they can be .. I just don't want her bringing the wrong attention to herself. I want men to respect my lady and a woman who dresses revealing doesn't get respect."
"But how does the amount of clothes on a woman's body determine the respect she deserves? That's bullshit, and secondly what you do mean let? Your girl isn't your dog or child, she has every right to wear what she wants. Only an insecure man would dictate the clothes their woman chooses to wear." A girl by the name of Tyeisha spoke up causing a few girls to disagree.
"I think its more of a respect thing for your man, I feel wearing revealing clothes is a thing for a single woman to do .. not saying a taken woman can't dress sexy but wearing something that has ya ass and shit showing is a disrespect towards your man .. you're pretty much giving a show to these other men to look at and mentally undress you and that's disrespectful to a man." Another girl spoke up and mostly all the men agreed with the statement.
They weren't trying to control their women, they just didn't want another man looking at their lady the way only they are suppose too. It was mainly all about the respect they felt their women deserved.
They knew how most men think, especially with them being men themselves and they know what some of them are capable of doing when it comes to being disrespectful towards a woman.
"I'll say this, the word let isn't the correct word to use but I'll say I wouldn't like for my woman to wear revealing clothes only if I'm not around. And I say this for one reason and ladies you can vouch for me on this as well. When a woman is out with her girls at a club dressing very sexy and got all the skin and breast showing looking damn good.. the creeps in our society are gonna come out, I'm sure half of you here have been harrassed by drunk creeps who are simple minded and think that women who dress less are easy and are looking for some attention and I just feel like if my girl is out on her own .. she can't protect herself, my lady is little .. she's about 5'2, and weigh maybe a hundred-thirty pounds and I would hate for some sick ass nigga to disrespect my lady and I'm not there to defend or help her so that's my personal opinion on that whole situation." Fred, one of Chris's barbers spoke up.
"I see what you mean on that point, cause it is some weird ass niggas in this world that are quick to target women so I respect your point whole heartedly. Us women are strong but we sometimes are not stronger than a man especially a drunk man who can be very aggressive .. And I'm speaking from experience."
"But isn't he technically saying his wife can't stand up for herself? She's not a child, you don't have to hold her hand through life. I'm pretty sure if a woman were put in a situation like that she would know how to defend herself." One girl argued back.
Fred frowned at the fact that she missed his whole point. "I didn't say that, I was raised with the mentality to help protect all women at all cost even if its a stranger on the street. If I see a woman getting harrassed or just disrespected by some nigga, as a man I will step in, not all women can fight off men and I salute the ones who can but the ones who can't it ain't gon' hurt nobody for me to step in and save her. And as her man it is my job to step up and protect my baby at any given time and that's just how it is and how it should be. I respect women and I could careless what they would wear .. it doesn't change my outlook if I were to see a woman wearing nothing compared to a woman wearing everything that covers her body. So stop tryna argue and listen to what fuck I'm saying." He stated in an annoyed tone.
He liked having the debates but when people just said dumb off the wall shit it erked him.
Standing up, Glenda held her hands up before the girl could argue back especially since she knew the girl could get very loud and ignorant at times. "I feel whatcha saying Fred and I feel your take on this topic is the mentality that most people should have. Men should use their strengths to help protect women rather than bashing us any chance they get."
"Agreed," mostly more than half of them said and that was when she knew it was time to go to the next question.
Each discussion it was always the goal to get more than half of everybody coming to an agreement within' the debate. The quicker they could all sorta agree on what one another were saying they could move on to the next topic.
"Alright, next question. How do you guys feel about your spouse having a bestfriend of the opposite sex?"
Mostly all the girls groaned and rolled their eyes knowing that this was about to get interesting. "I don't trust that best friend shit honestly. Females these days are so shiesty, they'll pull that best friend card and really be fucking my man on the low. He can have female friends but a whole bestfriend where they talking damn near everyday or going out together .. nope that's dead." Haegan one of Cali's hair washers said giving her opinion on it.
"I feel its a trust thing, if you trust your spouse and have faith in them then the whole best friend thing shouldn't be a threat to you in any kind of way. I feel if he or she wanted the bestfriend, they's be with her or him and not you." Chris spoke out causing a few of them to nod and agree.
A girl by the name of Kinseli rose her hand. "Nah, I trust my man. I just don't trust females around my man. Some women just don't care and will disrespect your whole relationship. So that friend shit is dead. A lot of times females like to overstep their places as friends as well and ion like that either."
Glenda nodded, before turning her attention the guys. "Do any of you have anything to say about this?"
"I agree with the ladies, I ain't with the best friend shit either for personal reasons but I ain't gon' speak too much on it." One guy spoke up and the rest just agreed.
They really didn't see the need in their spouse having best friends of the opposite sex when they had each other to lean on and to confide in.
"But what if your spouse and this person have been friends forever like since childhood days, ya'll would really want to end a friendship like that?" Chris questioned everybody.
"It depends on the situation, if that was the case I'm about to become inspector muthafuckin' gadget. I'ma ask hella questions wanting to know if they ever dated, slept together anything so I can know what type of friendship I'm dealing with and if my dude were to answer yes to those questions .. then I'd have every right to not want them to be friends." Haegan replied as she continued washing a little girls head.
"I'm with her on that, it basically depends on the history of the friendship. And speaking from a personal experience I had a girl bestfriend that I didn't realize I was in love with until she got a dude. We're married with kids now, but I do understand what you guys are saying."
After an hour or so passed, they all continued talking and discussing topics amongst each other just like they did everyday. The shop had grown to be like a family, they fussed and fought a lot but at the end of the day they had love for one another and lived for these daily topics.
"So Chris, have you and Cali found a new location for the shop yet?" Glenda asked knowing that was something everybody wanted to know.
"Not yet, but its a potential spot in Katy that we found. But we aiming to find something closer."
Hearing the chimes on the door go off, Glenda looked up and smiled. "Hello, how can I help you?"
The girl said nothing as she fixed her eyes in on Haegan who was in the middle of blow drying a clients head. "No, but she can." She pointed causing everyone to look at whoever she was pointing at.
Haegan looked up and frowned wondering who she was, "How can I help you love?"
Walking towards her, the girl laughed. "Bitch, don't even try it! Tryna act like you don't who I am. You know your trash ass has been fucking my man for the past six months! You thought I wasn't going to find out!?" She yelled catching everybody off guard even Haegan.
All the guys and girls looked around with a surprised look on their face, shocked that Haegan got down like that.
"Who tha fuck is your man? And if you talking about Rashad then that nigga said he was single so instead of coming up here tryna check me go check that nigga!" She yelled back.
The girl rolled her eyes, "Nah boo, females are so quick to act as if they knew nothing about the main chick. Girl, I am Rashad's wife, yes his wife and don't act like you never knew about me I'm sure whenever you came to our house you saw the photos of us. You saw our kids and shit on the wall."
Haegan's heart shattered at the information she just recieved. "I don't have to prove myself to you bitch, like I said I had no clue he was even married. Whenever I came over, the only pictures I saw were of his kids and then he had a picture of me and him on our first date sitting on his nightstand, if I knew he was married I would not have messed with him because I for one don't get down like that .. the problem ain't me bitch, its ya stupid ass husband so please get tha fuck out of my place of work where I make money with this dumb shit and go cry to that sad ass nigga of yours. I got better shit to do than to argue with some dumb ass broad over a lame nigga which I am more than positive that you're gonna forgive and stay with."
The girl stood there for a second before she swung on Haegan and that started a big fight within' the two girls in the shop which was against Cali's rules. She hated drama and beef because he felt it wasn't a good look for the clients to see.
Shoving the girl into the wall that had a shelf full of different products causing them all to fall, Haegan reached her fist back and swung on the girl hard and they both started going blow for blow fighting for two different reasons.
Chris and his guys soon hopped up out their seats breaking the girls apart right when they seen Haegan was about to kill the girl. Grabbing her Chris walked Haegan towards the back as the other guys escorted the girl out telling her she was no longer allowed in the shop.
Pacing the room, Haegan had tears in her eyes as she lightly pulled strands of her hair and twisting them with her finger to help calm her down. Standing by the door, Chris watched her intently feeling bad for her.
They all knew how she felt about the Rashad guy, because she stayed talking about him every chance she got and they were all honestly happy for her since they knew she really wanted love and had finally found it.
"Stupid ass bitch gon' come up to my job and start some shit over some nigga who clearly ain't even worth it." She huffed getting even more pissed the more she thought about it.
Hitting the wall, she took a seat on the couch. "I'm so fucking stupid, a whole wife man .. how did I not see that coming?" She questioned out loud.
Walking over towards her, Chris took a seat right next to her and wrapped his arm over her shoulder. "Don't even waste your tears on him, he's just a trash ass nigga and you deserve better than that. You're a good person, you love hard and you ride for people until the end of time and one day somebody gon' appreicate the hell out of you." He said causing her to smile a little but the tears didn't stop.
"It just hurts because I thought he was the one, he seemed so fucking perfect, he was sweet, caring, understanding and he waited on me man. I gave this man my virginity, I'm twenty-six years old and I held onto that for so long just waiting to give it to someone I felt was worthy of being my first and I felt he earned it, he showed me he was worthy and now I just feel like a fool." She sniffled.
"You aren't a fool, how were you suppose to know that the man you loved was living a double life. He played you yes, but that doesn't make you dumb. Now if you go back to him after this then yes you'd be a dumb ass."
Laughing, she hit his arm. "I would never go back to a married man, its not in my character and although ole' girl was wrong as hell .. I understand her pain,"
Chris looked at her amazed, "You mature as fuck, most people wouldn't even admit that."
She shrugged, "I mean its the truth, she was coming from a place of hurt. I was sleeping with her man and although I had no clue as to who she was .. I could only imagine how she felt when she found out .. just some men are so trash and heartless, he just hurt two women and I'm sure he probably doesn't even give a damn."
"Yeah some niggas are just straight trash and don't ever realize what they have in front of them.. women as well." He shrugged.
Looking up at him after he said that last statement she began to wonder about him and Anari. "Are you and Anari going through somethings?" She asked genuinely concerned.
Letting out a sigh, he nodded. "I haven't told anybody but Anari and I broke up a few weeks ago. Shit between us had been rocky for a while but it just started to get worst as the days passed. I didn't trust her since she kept keeping so many secrets from me and after I found out that she had fucked my bestfriend in the past I couldn't look at her the same and then she admitted to still having feelings for him so I just had to cut her loose. She's a good woman, loving and caring but it was clear we just weren't meant to be."
"I'm sorry to hear that Chris."
When they heard more commotion coming from the front, they both hopped up and ran out the door to see everyone looking out the window covering their mouths out of shock. Hearing a car alarm go off followed by glass breaking, Haegan pushed passed people and screamed out when she saw the girl bashing her car windows with a bat.
And after that all she saw was red and wanted to kill the bitch for bashing her car. The car meant something very special to her since it was the last gift she ever recieved from her pawpaw who passed away. Pushing the door open, she ran out before Chris could grab her to stop her.
As he made his way out the door along with his boys to break up the fight again, the cops were already pulling up and arrested both ladies immediately.
Raising his hand to his forehead, he let out a sigh. The shop was fucked up in the inside and one of her employees just got arrested. He wasn't sure how Cali was going to handle this news.
Sitting in the room as they waited for the doctor to come in, Cali laid back against the bed while Ahmad quietly texted away on his phone to the guys. He hadn't said much of anything since he got there and Cali just felt so bad because she knew she caused this to happen.
Whenever they were in the same room his conversation was very short unless it involved the kids. She wasn't sure where exactly her marriage stood at this point, but a part of her hoped and prayed he'd think about giving her another chance.
Letting out a sigh, she expected him to look up from his phone but he didn't. When she did it again he quickly glanced up at her with an annoyed facial expression, "What?" He questioned harshly.
"Nothing," She mumbled.
"Nah you keep sighing and shit, say what's on ya mind." He shrugged placing his phone in his pocket.
"The not talking to me and not looking at me is killing me, I know you hate me—"
"I never said I hated you, I'm disappointed in you."
"Well, still I know you don't want to talk to me, and you have every right not too but Ahmad .. I don't know what else you want me to do for you to forgive me baby. I can't lose you or our family that we have built this far, it's been two months and I'm so miserable without you there beside me." She sniffled but Ahmad was barely even phased by her tears and that alone shocked him. "I know what I did was beyond fucked up and I regret it so much. I hate myself and I hate that hurt you in the worst way possible."
Usually if he ever saw Cali cry it would hurt him, but he honestly didn't feel shit. Her tears meant nothing right now.
"You'on think I'm miserable? Every fucking day I have to go home to an empty ass apartment when all I want to do is be home with my wife and kids but no, my wife just had to cheat and fucked everything up! So a sorry ain't gon' fix shit, my heart is fucking broke, my life is a mess now all because of you and you expect after two months I was just gon' brush the shit under the rug and willingly want to work things out? Hell nah, you betrayed me man, you chose that nigga over me and you lost out on me like I said."
"We couldn't even make it a whole year as a married couple, how you expect me to still trust that you will make a perfect wife in the end? How I know you won't cheat on me again? I don't and I'm not about to put myself out there again just to get hurt." He shrugged.
"So for now, let's just focus on raising our kids because at this point that is all that matters. We gotta get a hold of Reggie due to what Marquette just told us and deal with Melissa bitch ass for touching him, it's a lot more that we need to be focusing in on rather than our marriage."
Before Cali could say anything back to him the doctor entered with a warm smile on her face. "Aw look at my favorite couple, how are you guys?" She questioned warmly.
Ahmad cleared his throat before reaching his hand out for a handshake. "We straight, and you?"
"I'm doing pretty good for the most part, can't complain too much. How are you mama?"
Cali looked towards Ahmad before focusing her attention on the doctor. "I'm doing okay,"
"Okay great, well let's get right into then." She stated cheerfully and although this was suppose to be a special and cheerful moment for both Ahmad and Cali, he was everything but happy in the moment.
He was grateful to be having another baby girl and bringing another life into the world but the circumstances just had him really in his feelings to where he couldn't enjoy it. He couldn't even try to be fake and pretend to be happy cause he has already did that for so long in his past life to where he didn't want to do it again.
The last thing he really wanted to be doing was beefing with his pregnant wife, all he really wanted to do was forget all this shit ever happened and just lay up and cuddle with his babies. Being rude and harsh towards Cali wasn't how he wanted to be towards her, but he was too angry at her and he wanted her to know that he was.
Zoning out, Ahmad ended up missing the whole appointment just lost in his own thoughts and world. He heard a few things the doctor said but for the most part everything else was a blur.
So many thoughts and questions where running through his mind that he could barely function and this was becoming a habit for him now.
Leaving out of the clinic together, Ahmad rubbed his hand down his face as he opened up the entrance door and let her walk out first.
Opening her car door for her he made sure she got in safely then stepped back so she could close her door. Letting down her window, she reached in her purse and handed him copies of the ultrasound. "Here are some pictures of her, I noticed you zoned out during the appointment so I'll just give you a brief summary of what she said. Well for one my blood pressure is extremely high along with my stress levels and she told me that if they aren't lower the next time she sees me she will put me on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy."
Ahmad nodded, "Stop stressing Cal, I know shit is fucked up now but you got a whole child inside of you .. take care of yourself for the baby and for our other kids. Regardless of what may happen with us, at least put my mind at ease so I can know whenever I'm not around you're good."
"I know and I am, I'm just so sorry Ahmad and I know you're tired of hearing me say it but I really am. I'm causing all of these problems and I don't know what to do to make it right." She stated on the verge of tears.
When she noticed his eyes gloss over, she began to cry herself.
Biting his lip in frustration, he blinked one time which caused a single tear to fall and soon more began to. "..Just answer one question for me Aubrey."
"Is this even my child or is it Reggie's?"
Stepping out of the shower Ahmad walked over to the sink counter and stared at himself in the mirror. After the appointment and the talk he had with Cali, he came over to his brother house to vent and relax his mind since he really didn't want to go back to his empty apartment just yet.
Being alone was something Ahmad hated now, at first before he had kids and met Cali he didn't mind staying cooped up in his apartment away from the world. But now it only showed how fucked up his life was now, he missed seeing his kids running around playing and waking up to Cali every morning.
So this transition was gonna take a minute to get used too.
Rubbing his hand over his face, he shook his head as he looked at how red his eyes were and the bags that were forming underneath his eyes. He looked so tired in the face and he noticed a few grey hairs tryna grow out as well in his head.
He was in need of a shave and fast. He was slowly letting himself go and he knew he needed to catch a grip and get it together for the sake of himself and family.
The longer he stared at the man he had become he knew he needed to get himself together just as much as Cali did. While he was preaching to Cali about getting herself together for the kids, he knew not eating and sleeping wasn't doing any good for him and knew he needed to stop that shit and get right for his kids.
Walking over to grab him a towel from the closet in the bathroom, he froze when the bathroom door opened and looked to see some woman he has never seen before walk in dressed in only a towel and her hair was tied up.
She hadn't noticed him yet since she was all in her phone, but the minute she did she let out a loud scream and dropped her towel accidently.
Closing her eyes she immediately reached down and wrapped the towel around her naked body again so he couldn't see anything, but he already saw everything she had to offer since he never once took his eyes off her.
He wasn't staring in a lustful way, just a more so .. who the fuck are you and why you in here type of way.
But all Ahmad could do was frown at her ass since he was wondering why she was acting as if she never seen a nigga naked before.
Grabbing himself a towel, he wrapped it around his waist securely and held onto the side so it wouldn't accidently fall or anything. "You can look now."
Opening one eye to make sure she wasn't getting scammed, she sighed in relief when she saw he was covered. "I'm so sorry, I heard the shower cut off a while ago so I just assumed whoever was in there had come out. I really wasn't trying to invade your privacy."
He nodded, "It's cool, I should have locked the door. But the bathroom is all yours now, I'm done."
Walking towards her, she took a step out of the bathroom and tried her best not to look at his chest and all the beauty of tattoos and muscles. She tried to get rid of the images of him being naked in her mind but it wasn't working, that was all she could see.
He was fine, too damn fine at that and the thoughts that were creeping in her head was everything but holy and she knew she needed to stop.
When he stepped out of the bathroom, she watched him walk down the hall towards one of the guest rooms wondering who he was. She had never seen him here at Amir and Justin's house since she had been living here, so she assumed he must have been a friend or something to them.
Then a part of her was wondering if he was gay or not.
When he turned and looked back at her she quickly ran into the bathroom embarrassed that she had got caught staring.
After she took her shower and got dressed, Shanice emerged from her room and into the living to see Amir, Ahmad and Justin all watching tv.
Glancing over at Ahmad just when he glanced up at her, she quickly reverted her attention to whatever they were watching on tv.
"Hey guys," She greeted.
"Hey Shan, come here for a second I want you to meet someone." Looking over at her brother, she mentally groaned really not wanting to come in there but she knew it would have been rude.
Feeling the lump in her throat form she swallowed it and dragged her feet into the living room and took a seat beside Amir who was texting away on his phone.
Sitting forward Justin pointed over to Ahmad, "Shanice this is Amir's brother Ahmad, Ahmad this is my sister Shanice. Ahmad is just staying the night here if you where wondering why he was here."
Glancing at each other Ahmad gave her a simple head nod and a wave as she politely smiled as well.
"We also just wanted you guys to properly meet because Amir and I are going out tonight and we didn't want it to be awkward or anything between you two." Justin explained and both Shanice and Ahmad nodded.
Standing to his feet Amir walked over and slapped hands with Ahmad. "Be careful out there man, we'll finish talking later."
Giving Shanice a hug and a kiss on the cheek, both Amir and Justin left out leaving the two alone.
Playing with her fingers, she glanced around the living room with her eyes feeling the urge to speak but nothing would come out.
Finally landing her eyes on him, she jumped when she saw he was already staring. "Why you acting so weird?" He questioned curiously.
Growing defensive, she rolled her eyes. "I'm not acting like anything,"
"Could have fooled me, you only acting like this because we saw each other naked .. so what? We too damn grown to be acting as if we ain't never seen a naked body before." He shrugged.
"It's not that I've never seen one, it's just it was so unexpected and in a way embarrassing."
He nodded, "Understandable, but I mean I ain't got shit to be embarrassed of. I never had any complaints." He smirked.
When she caught onto what he meant, she rolled her eyes. "Oh, so I see you're just some cocky, overly confident asshole right?"
Laughing at her assumption, he sat forward placing his elbows on his knees about to let her bougie ass have it. "And I guess you're just some bougie, stuck up ass bitch too."
"Negative, try again. I'm far from bougie, or stuck up. Stuck up would be me acting as if you're less than of me and not speaking to you or treating you as if you meant nothing." She spat back.
"Okay and being an overly confident asshole would be me trying to bed you despite the fact that I know I can and using my attractiveness as a reason as to why you should sleep with me or having me flat out disrespect you as a woman but that's not in my character of doing so." He stated back ready for her comeback.
Standing up, she held up her hand and sighed. "Okay, let's rewind. I feel like we started off on the wrong foot. I'm shanice, not some bougie female."
"And I'm Ahmad not some overly confident, cocky asshole, nice to meet you." He smiled reaching for her hand to shake.
Reaching her hand out she shook it and smiled widely back. "It's a pleasure meeting you too, so since you aren't this so called asshole .. tell me who you are then."
After two hours or so passed the two found themselves deep in conversation and sharing a bottle of wine that they stole from the wine rack.
The two ended up talking and venting to each other about their failed marriages and simply life. They weren't sure how exactly it got to this but it felt good talking about their problems and heartache to a person who understands exactly how they feel.
It made them both feel as if they weren't alone in a way.
Laid out in the floor together side by side, they both stared up at the ceiling in a daze lost in their own thoughts. They watched as the fan spun around slowly and let the sound of the tv consume their ears.
Turning on her side so she was facing him it caught his attention so he did the same to see what she wanted. Getting lost in his features she had to admit that Cali was a whole fool for cheating on a man like Ahmad, and Ahmad felt like Brandon was a whole fool for cheating on Shanice.
"So you mean to tell me that she slept with her baby daddy; Knowing that you two have always had issues with one another?"
Ahmad nodded, "Yep, shit is crazy right?"
"More than crazy, but its sorta similiar to my situation. My husband cheated on me with his assistant and he claims it only happened once but I don't even know what to believe at this point." She admitted. "I went from trust this man with my life to barely even believing a word his says now. Like he wants to work things out but I can't trust that he will do right by me this time."
"I feel you. Life can be so fucked up at times, I mean every five minutes I'm crying over Cali and thinking about her .. when I should be the last one sulking in misery. She should be the only one hurting since she caused all of this shit and apart of me wants to leave her so bad and just end it, but I love that woman more than my damnself and maybe that's where I fucked up. Maybe I shouldn't have put all my trust in her, and depended on her for happiness." He sniffled growing emotional once again.
"It wasn't like you knew from jump that she was going to do this. I mean trust me I understand how you feel, I filed for a divorce with my husband and I have yet to sign the papers. A part of me wants too, then a part of me wants to keep fighting, but I'm scared that if I stay that I—"
"Will end up looking like a fool again?" He finished her sentenced and she nodded.
Sitting up Ahmad grabbed his glass of wine and took a sip of it. "Yeah, and that's where I am with Cali. Like I want to hate her and just cut her out my life but I can't hate her for multiple reasons. One she's the mother of my kids that I adore and two she helped me become the man I am today. She saved me from killing myself, she helped me and stood by me through a lot of dark moments in my life and despite what she did, I can't hate her no matter how hard I tried."
Sitting up as well, she reached over and grabbed his hand. "I have faith that you guys will eventually work it out, but if not I'm sure its a woman out there that would kill to have a man like you. And the day that woman gets you she'll treat you exactly how you deserve to be treated."
Glancing up at her Ahmad nodded as they held eye contact for a good while before he looked away. "If I wasn't so in love with my wife, I'd probably kiss you right now due to me being vulnerable and lonely and despite me being under the influence you don't deserve that."
Smiling, she shook her head. "Yeah, us doing anything together would only cause bigger problems that we do not need in our lives."
Taking another sip of his wine, he nodded. "True that."
Things got quiet between the two and before they knew it they both where crying. "Love really sucks man." She sniffled laying her head on his shoulder. "I mean what did I do to deserve to be cheated on? I'ma good woman."
Wiping his tears that wouldn't stop falling, he nodded agreeing. "I wouldn't wish this type of pain on nobody, not even my worst enemy. I just wish this shit was a dream and that I could wake up and my life would go back to normal. I just want the pain to go away, that's it."
Standing up he walked out of the living room and into the guest bedroom he was gonna be sleeping in for the night.
Pacing the room he held his hands over his head just wishing the thoughts of Cali would leave his mind. Just for one night he wanted to be able to forget about her so he could finally sleep and enjoy it.
Taking a seat on his bed he instantly stood up when his room door opened. Shanice stood there in his doorway as they both stared at each other for a brief moment.
Walking towards him she stood directly infront of him and reached her hand up and wiped away his falling tears. Stepping up on her tip toes she pressed her lips against his as more tears began to fall from both their eyes.
Stripping each other out of their clothes, they stood in the room in only their undergarments still tonguing each other down hungrily.
Ahmad's big hands groped and rubbed up and down her body in a soothing motion as she moaned into the lustful kiss loving every moment of it. They both knew this wasn't right, but neither of them wanted to stop and when they fell back on the bed they both knew it was too late to stop what was happening now.
This chapter is ugh 🙄 but here you guys go!
Happy new year guys, love you all so freaking much.
Thanks for the love & support as always!
- Denise 💋
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