C H A P T E R 19
Marcus & Kamry in MM
(Half these folks would legit make cute ass couples in real life)
Hearing someone cry in agony in the far distance, Ahmad looked around frantically knowing that was sound of Cali of crying. Each time her wail of pain could be heard, his heart broke each time sad that she was possibly hurting and he wasn't able to help her.
Looking around in the darkness he was in search of something or someone that could possibly help lead him to Cali. He almost gave up when he continued to see nothing and no one but that was until he felt a tug at his hand and looked down to see all three of his kids.
They were dressed in all black clothing and made no sound. All they did was point in the opposite direction of Ahmad.
Turning around slowly he saw a light shining down and as he followed the light to the floor he saw that it was hovering over Cali who was on her knees sobbing loudly and cradling something small tightly in her arms.
Feeling the wet tears stream down his face, he took off towards her but it seemed as if the longer he ran the further she was getting from him and her cries were only getting louder.
But he soon stopped when he saw a figure come walking up behind Cali. The figure was just a black shadow so it showed no bodily shapes or facial features just a black image. He watched as the shadow figure bent down to her level shushing her cries immediately. The figure took whatever she was holding out of her hands as she waved sadly goodbye and once the figure disappeared back into the darkness with what she was previously holding her cries started back up.
Instead of running this time he walked towards her and when he finally reached her he saw she was pregnant. She held her stomach as she cried completely oblivious to him being there. So he started calling out her name but that helped none she just continued to cry not being able to hear him.
But what got him was when he noticed her pregnant stomach start to go completely flat and her cries of pain grew and she yelled out, "Why?" Repeatedly.
In his attempts to touch and reach out to her to hold her and to console her they all failed. But when her cries finally came to a stop, she slowly turned to face him showing off her once full of love eyes display a look of sadness and depression.
Reaching his hand out she slowly took his hand and their hands both lit up like a light once they intertwined their fingerrs symbolizing that they were eachothers flames. But sadly she shook her head and let go of his hand then turned and walked away from him.
He called and yelled out her name but she continued to walk away leaving him all alone and when he felt something wrap around his legs he looked to see Armoni hugging his leg then realized he was holding Adrian and noticed Marquette was standing next to him holding his free hand as they all watched their mother walk away in sadness leaving them all alone.
Pushing her legs further apart, Ahmad thrusted in and out of Cali roughly hitting that certain spot that always drove her insane. Moaning out his name just the way he liked, he left kisses on her neck while slowing up his strokes wanting her to feel all of him.
Listening to the sound of the headboard hit against the wall causing the pictures that hung above the bed to shake. Biting his lip he sped up his strokes but made sure he went deep each time he slid back in.
Lifting up some, he grabbed her right leg holding it up above his head fucking her harder and deeper causing her to scream out from the feeling.
Cali always tried to surpress her moans during sex, but with a man like Ahmad who knew how to put it down just right and knew how to make love to her body from the inside out it was nearly impossible. Half the time the moans that came out were usually against her will, it was just her body way of reacting to the pleasure she was receiving.
She mainly did this because she knew whenever she screamed, cried or moaned more than she usually would Ahmad always clowned her about it and she hated stroking his ego and making his head bigger than it already was.
But somehow today the dick was just amazing, like sex between them is always good but today it felt a little different and was close to bringing tears to her eyes from how good it felt.
She wasn't sure what got into him today but he was putting it down right. He had woke her up by leaving kisses down her body and before she could even process what was happening he was balls deep inside her.
But part of the reason why he was doing this was because he woke up horny and another reason was because after he had that weird dream and heard her crying the other night and how depressed she has been lately he felt she needed this, plus his love, support and affection.
He hadn't told anybody about his dream yet since he wanted to talk to Marcus about it first. He had a good assumption about what the dream could have possibly meant but before he just assumed he wanted to see Marcus's take on the dream first.
Sliding out of her, he motioned for her to flip over while he stroked himself which she gladly did. Positioning herself the way he wanted, she arched her back mid-perfection and buried her face deep into the pillows giving him the perfect view of her ass and vagina that was now leaking with her juices and ready for him to beat up.
Gripping her waist, he slowly slid in from the back as they both moaned out, fuck and shit. Cali felt herself sinking deeper into the bed as he fucked her hard and rough from the back.
Ahmad knew Cali's body like the back of his hand, he knew what she liked and how rough she wanted it or how fast she wanted him to go and he learned all of this because to him how Cali felt during sex was all that mattered to him so her moans and cries were confirmation that he was hitting it right and doing his job as her husband.
When she reached her arm back to push him away, he grabbed it holding it in place, "Don't run, take it." He demanded smacking her hard on the ass causing her to hiss in pain and pleasure.
He continued to watch as her ass clapped each time he rammed into her loving this view of her. Reaching one arm forward he grabbed her hair wrapping his hand all in it to get a good hold of it before pulling it roughly yet gently. "Who this all belong too?" He questioned stroking her deeper.
Instead of replying she just moaned due to his voice sounding sex as hell and because she could barely talk with it feeling like he was deep in her stomach.
Suddenly pulling out, she frowned looking back. Rubbing his tip against her slit her eyes began to roll as she let out a low groan hating when he teased her. "You didn't answer me," He stated in a low but sensual tone still teasing her with his tip.
"Ahmad please.." He knew she hated begging, and Cali knew he knew that which lowkey annoyed her but all she wanted was for him to stop playing and give her what she wanted.
Replacing his tip with his thumb, he rubbed over clit in a circular motion. "Please what? Tell me whatcha want."
He laughed when she stayed silent and just let out moans from the pleasure she was receiving from his fingers. Gripping her waist again, he positioned himself behind her then roughly entered her sliding completely out and in repeatedly. "Now tell me who pussy this is Cal?" He asked again.
"It's y-yours sh-it, it's all .. yours. Fuck." She moaned out biting her lip.
Starting to feel that tightness and pressure in her stomach build up letting her know she was bout reach her climax, she buried her face deeper arching her back more letting him have full control. But before she could even warn him or say anything about her orgasm that was coming, she let out a ear piercing scream as she released and came all over his dick.
Smiling with a satisfied look on his face, he watched as her legs shook uncontrollably but he kept going knowing he was close to releasing all kids up inside her.
Going faster and harder, they both froze in place when the lamp on their nightstand fell over from the bed hitting the wall and shaking the nightstand. "Damn," they both said after a moment of silence before laughing together.
Using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead just when his dick jerked a little he did a few more strokes holding onto her waist tightly as he came inside her.
They both stayed in that position for a while to catch their breaths, but once Ahmad was good he slid out and went to the bathroom to grab her a towel to clean her up and to turn on the shower.
When he walked back into the room, he smiled when he saw she was asleep, "Get up Cal so we can shower," He said tapping her thigh.
Opening one eye, she frowned. "You're the devil, move away from me. I can't feel my legs and my vagina is throbbing." She whined sitting up slowly.
Grabbing both of her hands, he helped her out of the bed then lifted her up carrying her into the bathroom. "I'll kiss on it to make it feel better," He smirked pecking her on the lips.
"No, you will do no such thing. My girl needs a break .. she really just took a beating a good one." She groaned as he helped her step into the shower.
Getting in behind her he watched as she got under the water wetting her hair and body instantly turning him on once again but he remained calm on the outside.
Taking a seat on the bench they had built in the shower, he just sat back and watched his beautiful wife shower and wash her hair completely oblivious to him staring her down.
As she bathed, his eyes raked over her whole body. He admired her chocolate smooth skin watching as the water dripped off her, he admired her small perky nipples that he loved to suck on, he admired that victory scar going across her stomach showcasing her strength in many ways. He admired everything that enhanced her beauty, that made her unique and what made him fall in love.
He sometimes looked at Cali as if she was piece of art, cause in reality she was. To him she was a beautiful creation created by God hands himself, that he got blessed to have as his own. She was like a walking canvas and that's why he was proud to hang that picture of her at the end of the hall to constantly remind him of what he has at home and to showcase her beauty for others to see.
Opening her eyes once she realized he hasn't touched her in almost five minutes, which is very unlikely she looked back to see him already gazing at her. "What are you looking at weirdo?"
Getting up, he walked over to her wrapping his arms securely around her waist. "I'm looking at one of God's most beautiful creation," He said into her ear with a small smile on his face.
"If you think saying sweet shit like that is gonna make me suck your dick .. you're absolutely right."
Laughing, he started leaving kisses on her shoulder. "I love you,"
Turning around she wrapped her arms around his torso letting the water just fall onto their bodies as they engaged into a deep lustful kiss. The kiss held many emotions, love, lust, want, security and passion.
Pulling away, she blushed trying to cover her smile letting her shyness get the best of her. Which was one of the things that Ahmad loved the most about Cali, even after everything they have been through, and have done together it was still moments when Cali gets all shy and giggly around him. He found it cute cause whenever they were in the bedroom she was everything but shy.
"We gotta stop, I want this so bad but I don't have the strength for another round." She whined.
"Once we finishing showering you can rest up." He told her and she noddded reaching for a towel.
Lathering it up with soap and water, she made him turn around and began bathing him from head to toe as he did the same for her.
After their shower, Cali wasted no time throwing on one of his t-shirts and getting in bed and falling asleep within' minutes.
Putting on a pair of sweats and a plain white-tee, he walked over to her side of the bed and kissed her on the forehead before leaving out of the room just when Marcus entered his house.
"You got here just in time." Slapping hands they did this brotherly hug.
"She sleep already?"
"Yep, but we can go talk outside though."
Following him out to their backyard, they both took a seat. "I know I was suppose to come over yesterday but Kamry cry baby ass was acting moody as fuck. This baby making her emotional as hell."
"Y'all know what the sex of the baby is yet?"
"We having a girl, but so far you the only one who knows .. I'ma tell ma' and pops in a special way since they been literally waiting for Kamry and I to pop out some kids."
Ahmad nodded, "Finally getting another, Cali ass gon' be hyped as fuck when she find out but I'm happy for you man forreal. After Anaya and everything else you deserve this."
"Preciate it man, and same to you. All this shit here.." He waved his hands in the direction of his house, "You earned all this man, I've never seen someone do what you do and go through what you went through and still come out on top winning .. hell you give everybody hope that shit will get better in the end."
Ahmad just smiled, "It feels good to here that forreal but I gotta give all the praise to the man upstairs, ma' and pops, you, Derek and that beautiful ass woman in that bed sleep."
"We just saw the good in you and helped you see it for yourself .. but have you been good you know with the whole Amira situation?"
Clasping his hands together, he shrugged. "We went to the cops and they want her to follow through with the plan so they can catch Tristian since he's been in hiding .. I just don't want this shit to backfire and her or Normani get hurt."
"I feel you, but I got a feeling that in the end everything will work itself out. They showed the investigation of her doctor on the news this morning too, recorded his ass carrying a box full of his things out of the hospital and they kept asking him questions but he wasn't answering anything. But they did say those other two kids who supposedly died that night as well didn't die either .. they were both later found dead and some cops and doctors covered that death up too."
"Damn .. I hope he gets what his old ass deserves. You suppose to be helping save lives but this nigga out here ruining them."
"Yeah its crazy what people will do for money, but about this dream you had .. lay it on me."
Letting out a deep sigh, he looked down. "Alright so you know how lately my dreams been like non-existent unless something traumatic or big is about to happen in my life. So like always I was in darkness and I could hear someone crying which I immediately knew was Cali but I couldn't see where she was at since it was just dark. So in the dream I'm starting to panic ttryna find her or at least somebody to lead me to her but I found nothing. So when I'm in the middle of giving up I feel a tap on my hand and I look down to see my kids and their just pointing to something behind me and when I look I see its a light shinning down on Cali showcasing her on her knees crying as she held something in her arms tightly.. So I start running to get to her and it was like the longer I ran the further she got but I only stopped when I saw this dark shadow of a person coming up behind her and bending down to her level and they immediately stopped her crying.."
"The figure then reaches out and takes whatever she is holding and she waves good bye to it and once the shadow disappear she starts to cry again and loudly asking whoever why repeatedly. So eventually I'm finally able to get to her and I noticed she was pregnant but then her stomach started to get flat and her cries got louder than before .. I tried to reach out and touch her but I couldn't, I tried to call her name but she couldn't hear me then it was like all of sudden she stops crying and looks towards me and her eyes showed sadness, depression and no life something that's unusual for her. So I reach my hand out and she takes it and once our hands touched they lit up like a light but then she slowly shakes her head pulls away and walks away from me and no matter how many times I called her name she just kept on walking then I realized I had all my kids standing next to me and we just watched her walk away from us until she disappeared and that's when I woke up."
Marcus frowned, "Damn .." was all he could say because he knew what that dream meant and he knew Ahmad had a strong feeling about what it meant by the look on his face.
Reaching out Marcus touched his shoulder and looked down causing Ahmad to start tearing up. "I kinda got a feeling but I don't want what I'm thinking to come true.. The dream is basically telling me that she's gonna have a miscarriage and not be able to handle it huh? And in the end she's gonna leave me." He mumbled lowly.
Marcus mumbled a small "..yeah," then consoled his brother telling him everything was gonna be alright but Ahmad didn't feel that way.
He was starting to feel like these dreams were a curse more than a blessing but his heart was already breaking at just the thought of Cali possibly leaving him.
Just when shit gets good, he thought to himself.
"You sitting over here crying and shit but you not telling me what's wrong so I can't help you little nigga," Shaun said to Nolan who was hollering with his arms reached out so he could be picked up.
Shaun had no clue as to why he was crying especially since he just snuck him some candy. He didn't understand kids at times, one minute they're all smiles and giggles then the next they're all frowns and crying.
Staring down at his son, he rolled his eyes and groaned before lifting him causing his crying to come to a stop. "See man, I knew wasn't shit wrong with you. I should put yo little ass back down." He huffed carrying him up the stairs where Alisha was at getting dressed for their appointment.
Today was the day that the two would be finding out if they were expecting a child. But deep down they both sorta knew that they were they just needed the confirmation.
Entering their room Alisha looked up from her vanity mirror with a pout on her face once she saw Nolan eyes and cheeks all puffy from his crying. "What's wrong with my tookie pooh?" She asked reaching for him but he instead going to her like he usually would, he turned his head and snuggled up against Shaun more.
"The fuck? Since when did he start liking your annoying ass more than me?" She questioned standing to her feet.
Shrugging, Shaun kissed his forehead. "I'm just as shocked, but are you ready? Our appointment is in an hour."
"I'm ready, do you really think I'm pregnant though?" She asked as he took a hold of her hand leading them out of the bedroom.
"Yep, those hips are spreading, that ass getting fatter just like before and that hair is growing."
Rolling her eyes they walked out of the house being sure to lock it up then headed towards their car. "I got him, you just get yo bald headed pregnant ass in the car."
"You really finna stop playing me like I'm some hoe nigga," She mumbled getting in the front seat.
After waiting a good five minutes for Shaun to buckle up Nolan, they were finally on the road but the whole time Alisha was giving Shaun the silent treatment and she planned on doing it for the rest of the day.
Glancing over at her and looking back at the road, Shaun smacked his teeth. "So you really just gon' sit here and ignore me the whole way there?"
Turning to look at him, she held up her middle finger only for him to grab it and stick it in his mouth. Frowning she pulled away shaking her head, "Even though that turned me on, I'm still ignoring you."
"For what?"
"You keep calling me bald headed, but if I went around calling you little dick you'd be mad but okay."
Reaching over he gripped her thigh, "You know I just be playing baby, I know you not bald headed. I mean shit what else do I be pulling on when I'm hitting that ass from the back?"
"It still hurts my feelings though Shaun," She sniffled on the verge of tears.
When he noticed she was about to cry, he tried to hold in his laughter but he refrained from doing so. This only confirmed his thoughts about her pregnancy, it was obvious now. "Lisha, don't cry man I just be playing but if it hurts your feelings I'll stop okay?"
Tapping her thigh he made her look over at him, "I'm sorry alright?"
"Alright, I forgive you."
"Good, now give daddy a kiss."
Rolling her eyes playfully, she leaned over and kisssed his lips then sat back in her seat with a small smile on her face.
The rest of the ride was pretty quiet due to them both being lost in their own thoughts.
Arriving at the clinic, Shaun helped her out and got Nolan out while she went on inside to sign in and fill out any paperwork.
"Good morning, how may I assist you today?"
"Good morning, I have an appointment today at 9:30 with Doctor SmallWood."
"What's your name?"
"Alisha Maraj Pierce,"
Nodding her head, she began typing on her computer. "Alright, you're signed in, please take this clipboard and only fill out the high lighted parts. Doctor Smallwood will be out shortly, thank you." She told her politely.
Walking over towards where Nolan and Shaun were sitting, she sat her purse down then sat directly on Shaun's lap while she filled the form out.
"I was thinking last night about our wedding .. and I want a Summer wedding with the color light yellow and peach as our wedding colors." Shaun blurted out.
"That would be pretty, I'm for it. Cali and the girls could be dressed in peach color dresses, your guys could be dressed in all white with the yellow ties and roses adding some color .. good color choice babe." The more she thought about the decorations, the more she liked his color scheme.
"When do you want to have the wedding?"
"Next summer in June, that gives us six months to plan and I feel like we can do it .. I can use the same lady Ahmad and Cali used as their wedding planner."
He nodded, "Sounds like a plan,"
Getting up she went to turn the clipboard in just when a nurse came walking out calling her back. Shaun hopped up with joy, holding onto Nolan's hand while he sipped on a capri sun.
Escorting them to a room, she handed Alisha a gown to change into then started checking her blood pressure. Once she saw everything was good, she left the three alone and explained how the doctor would be in shortly.
"I honestly feel pregnant, like its weird cause I'm not showing but I just know there is a baby growing inside of me and I'm tired of you trapping me."
"Ain't nobody trapping you, if I do recall I remember when I tried to use a condom one time you cussed me out."
"Only because that was suspect as fuck, you never use condoms then all of a sudden you pull out a pack of rubbers like tha fuck? Anybody would question that." She replied back right when the doctor walked in.
"Well hello, I am Dr. Smallwood."
"Hello, I'm Alisha and this is my fiancé Shaun and my little baby Nolan."
Shaking all of their hands and handing Nolan a sucker, he took a seat in his rolling chair. "Alright let's get on down to business, you guys want to test and see if you guys are expecting correct?"
Nodding his head, he stood up and grabbed a glove putting it on. "Lay back for me please,"
Doing as told, she turned towards Shaun and smiled.
Pressing down on her stomach in different areas he nodded, then instructed for her prop her legs up. "I'm just gonna see if your uterus has stretched,"
Shaun frowned when he stuck his fingers inside her hating this part. Once he was done, he stood up and threw the glove away. "Well your stomach is hard and your uterus has stretched some which is signs but to be a hundred percent sure, we'll do a blood test and an ultrasound."
After he took her blood and sent it off with the nurse, he prepped the area for the ultrasound. Placing the cold gel on her belly, he used the tool and rubbed it around her belly in a circular motion.
Looking over at Shaun and Alisha he saw they both had their eyes closed, "Um I have a question, do any of you have a set of twins in your family?"
Immediately both their eyes shot open, "I am a twin," Alisha mumbled.
"Well congratulations you two, you are indeed pregnant but with twins."
Alisha immediately started crying right along with Shaun. Getting up he walked over to her kissing her on the head. "You hear that baby, we're having twins." He cheesed.
Kissing his lips, she mushed his head then sat up. "Doc, if a guy purposely traps you .. is that a federal crime?"
Laying on the couch with Tremaine laid between her legs and his head rested on her stomach. Imani played with his hair as they talked about life and the future while watchng the news.
After the whole ordeal with his secret being out, Imani and him started to grow closer as the days passed. He was still in shock that she accepted him but he was indeed grateful and this only made the attraction he had for her stronger.
"Another cop killing," He groaned. "Time has passed but shit hasn't changed that much when it comes to the system."
"Yep, and then they have the nerve to question why we say black lives matter, like clearly y'all don't give two shits and a fuck about us like sorry Billy my life matters just as much as yours does."
"Have you ever been to a protest?"
"No, I've always wanted to go to one though."
"Come to one with me, we're having one real soon and probably even sooner since this incident just happened but I'll let you know."
Nodding her head, she laid back focusing her attention on the tv. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she read the title of story they were talking about and saw pictures of Ahmad.
"Baby turn that up and sit up for me," Doing as told, Imani leaned forward trying to hear all of this.
"I'm not sure if any of you guys remember the tragic car accident that happened four years ago after a teens house party caused by another car shooting at the two vehicles. Here's the footage of the scene right here but it has been reported that one of the victims named Amira Sinclair, who was reported dead on arrival at the hospital is alive and has been alive for over the past four years. Dr. Hightower, the physican who reported that the teen was dead is now under investigation behind this and has been taking into custody for questioning. But the question we all still have is where has she been the past four years? That's all we have on this story please tune back in for updates. I'm Sandra Collins, and this KLTV 10:00 news."
Pausing the tv, she stood up slowly shaking her head. "She's alive?" She asked herself in disbelief.
In honor of #NickiDay aka #NickiYear .. the QUEEN is back !!
I am a die hard ONIKA MARAJ fan so NO Nicki hate is allowed here, or you will be dragged! #BarbieTingz #StepYaCookiesB4TheyCrumble 👅 #BeenDownSinceDayOne #TeamNoSwitchUp
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