Shree slowly walked up to her room. Everyone was downstairs trying to gulp the horrible news they received.
She fell on her knees. It was hard to breathe; she felt the shock going through her body. It made her tremble and she tried to cry but she did not allow any tears to escape.
She fought back the tears and covered her face with her hands as she pressed her lips together tightly. She blinked fast as she felt a rush of tears. She lifted her head and held her hands together and whispered as tears flowed down her eyes and landed on her cheeks.
She walks to the window. She looks up at the moon and whispers a silent prayer. Her sobs and whimpers mingle with the rich words of the prayer. She wipes the tears with the corners of her fair palm as a gentle breeze blows past her as if assurance from God himself that her prayer will be answered.
"Mumma, nothing will happen to Nanna." Madhu says as she tugs on Shree's tee-shirt.
"I know baby." Shree whispers plastering a smile to her face. As she tucks Madhu into the soft covers of the bed, the news of the jet crashing echoed and reverberated in her head. She tried to push it all away.
"Nanna is alright, baby. He is fine and he will come back home very soon."
The jet was sinking fast down the Mariana Trench. With each passing second it sinks deeper and deeper. Rescue teams and the Navy were searching up and down the Pacific Ocean for the sinking jet.
* * * * *
08 hours ago....
"I read all about you and how you have been supportive to your wife." Bhagya says excitedly. "I was so impressed! You clearly set the bar too high for an ideal husband!"
"I just let her pursue her dreams, that's all what I did." Madhav shrugs.
"That's all what we women want from men!" She replies excitedly.
"Okay, Ms. Agarwal, back to the terms and conditions of your employment, so according to the Employment Law of India, your total number of leaves will be -"
He stops as he hears a gun shot from inside the jet's cockpit. Bhagya froze as they heard a second and a third gun shot.
Madhav quickly gets up.
"Ms. Agarwal, go take cover." Madhav instructs.
"But, sir..."
The door handle of the cockpit slightly turns.
"For fuck sake, Ms. Agarwal! Go take cover!" He exclaimed in a hushed voice.
The cockpit door creaks open just as she turns to run to the storage room. Mahesh walks out of the cockpit holding a revolver.
"Mahesh?" Madhav asks as he looks at the revolver. "Was, was that you? Did you just-"
"Yes, Madhav. I shot the fricking pilots." He mocks and licks his lips. "And my next few shots are all targeted at the one and the only Madhav Ramakrishna. I got you where you can't run or hide and most importantly when you have all your defenses down."
Madhav snorts.
"You are truly a worthless Head of Security after all!" Madhav says with a smirk and pulls out a hand gun from his blazer. "My sister in law knows way better self defense and security than you! Drop the fucking revolver and put your hands on the back of your head! You are fucked beyond imagination for this stunt you pulled."
"NO!" Another man shouts from behind Madhav.
"Shiv Sharma?" Madhav asks as he turns to find the skinny pale Shiv Sharma with a gun pointed at Bhagya's neck.
"Yes. It's me!" Shiv says as he mercilessly twists Bhagya's arm. "Drop your fricking gun and kneel or I'll shoot your little bitch."
"Don't sir!" Bhagya screams. She trembles and tries to free herself from Shiv's iron grasp. Bhagys welps sharply as Shiv painfully grabs her hair. She felt like shrieking with all her might. Her heart thundered and she felt that within no longer it would burst. A bead of sweat and fear ran down the contours of her beautiful face.
"Not gonna lie Ramakrishna, your side chick too is a good fighter like Shree." Shiv remarks as he runs his bony fingers along Bhagya's arm. "You indeed have a good taste when you pick the women to fuc-
"ENOUGH!" Madhav yells. He takes a deep breathe. "I'll surrender! In exchange you release her and not lay one finger on her!"
"I have no business with your little whore." Shiv hisses. Madhav drops the gun and raises his hands up.
"Let her go." Madhav whispers - begging.
"Mmm okay." Shiv nods and pulls the trigger. Bhagya falls on the floor with the bullet lodged in her neck.
His tanned face was red, and his eyes redder with anger and wrath.
"You said you won't shoot her!" Madhav exclaimed. "YOU FUCKING SAID YOU WON'T SHOOT HER!"
"I said I won't shoot her. I didn't promise you!" Shiv shrugs. "Partner, he's all your's! Kill away!"
"What - you both are in this together?" Madhav asks turning to Mahesh.
"It should have been obvious by now!" Mahesh mocks. "Yes, we have been plotting this for a while."
"Mahesh, what happened to you? How can you turn against me?" Madhav asks. "We gave you a job, a house and everything to keep you happy."
"I had all that as a child!" Mahesh says. "I had a family! I had a house! I was happy! Until you killed the only person I called family. My brother Aravind! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED THE ONE AND ONLY FAMILY I HAD!"
"You drugged him. Dragged him across the road and threw him on the train tracks!" Mahesh exclaims. "How dare you - HOW DARE YOU KILL SOMEONE? DO YOU THINK YOURSELF TO BE GOD ALMIGHTY?"
"He deserved everything that happened because he raped my sister! HE RUINED HER ENTIRE LIFE!" Madhav says.
"Who the fuck gave you the right to take a person's life?"
"And who gave your brother the right to force himself on a woman?" Madhav quips back.
"Your brother was a third class maniac. That low life wastrel brother of yours deserved an even worse punishment for what he did! If I was my age back then I would have ripped each of his limbs and tear the bloody man into two equal -"
Mahesh screams loudly and fires two bullets towards Madhav.
To be continued....
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