John was staring at Jenny like she was crazy. And maybe she was. She did just see the spirit of Dean.
"You— saw him?" John repeated as Jenny nodded in confirmation.
"Yes. Like— I don't know. Maybe I was seeing things. Panicking because I just saw a doctor use a defibrillator on Dean." Jenny paced John's room, and Sam shook his head.
"No. We both told you, Dad. Jenny saw him. But I heard Dean." Sam looked over as Jenny started staring out the window, biting her nails.
"Maybe he's in an in-between state... He's not dead but he's not— He's not alive either. Technically speaking." Jenny assumed, looking back at the Winchester's.
"I mean it felt like, like Dean. When I heard the voice." Sam continued, shrugging softly. "Like he was there, just out of eyeshot or something. I don't know if it's my psychic thing or what, it... But do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think his spirit could be around?"
"If you're going to tell me I didn't just see Dean as a translucent... spirit or whatever because if whatever mojo I got going on up here," Jenny waved a finger to her head before dropping it. "then I'm signing myself into a psych ward."
The three exchanged looks for a moment before Sam sighed. "Well, there's only one way to find out." He started walking out of the room.
"Waist where are you going?" Jenny frowned, stepping away from the window.
"I gotta pick something up. I'll be back."
"Sam, wait." Sam stopped at the doorway, turning back to his dad. "I promise I won't hunt this demon. Not until we know Dean is okay." Sam nodded slowly before leaving Jenny and John.
Jenny looked over to John before walking towards the door. "Now where are you going?"
She paused for a moment, turning back to John. "I uhm... I need to see my brother." John frowned in confusion, Jenny leaving before he could ask any questions.
Slowly walking into Nate's room, she had a look of regret on her face. "I thought you didn't want to see me." Nate said from the window, staring out of it.
"Honestly? I don't know what I'm thinking anymore." Jenny picked at her nails with one hand, stepping closer as Nate turned to her.
"What do you mean?"
She stayed quiet for a moment. Slowly, Jenny pulled out a very small wooden box, staring down at it. "I think— I think that I want to tell you what you've missed. Before I—"
Nate tilted his head at Jenny, furrowing his brows. "Before you what?"
"Before I leave you. For good." His frown disappeared. "I know I shouldn't hate you. You've been possessed for so long I'm surprised no one exorcised the demon out of you."
Jenny walked over to Nate, sitting down next to him on the window. She opened the box, pulling out a polaroid photo. "I took this with Dean... Back in 2003 when we went on our second case together. The day I agreed to keep going on cases with them."
Jenny handed Nate the photo before pulling out another one. "Uhm... This— is a photo Bobby took. He thought it would be funny to uhm— To take a photo of me covered in Wraith blood. It was my first kill." She gave Nate the photo, and he smiled softly as she pulled out another picture.
"My first school dance... Before I dropped out." She took another photo out, pausing to stare.
"This is Leo. My.. My first boyfriend. He was a Hunter." Nate looked up at Jenny's shifting tone, frowning.
"Was?" He repeated quietly, his little sister nodding.
"He died... A few years ago. Werewolf." Nate's solemn look dropped, Barely, at the mention of a werewolf. Jenny laughed. "I guess we have bad luck with those fuckers, right?"
"Jenny, I'm sorry." She shook her head, taking out a photo of her and Dean.
"It's okay. I uh— I found someone else." Jenny handed the photo to Nate, and his expression dropped into confusion.
"Dean?" He whispered, flipping the photo to read the back. "You're dating Dean Winchester?"
"Uh, yeah? Why is there a problem with that?" Nate shook his head quickly, handing her the photos back.
"Uhm no. No there's no problem... Just didn't think he was your type. You know, tall blonde and a big idiot." Jenny laughed quietly, shrugging.
"Well, you've missed a lot." Her brother nodded, handing the photos back.
"Yeah... I have." For a moment, there was silence. Jenny started to put the pictures away when Nate suddenly hugged her tightly, shocking her. "I'm so sorry."
Jenny was frozen for a moment, unsure of what to do or say. She couldn't say it was okay, because it wasn't. Maybe if the circumstances were different they would be.
She slowly hugged him back, forcing her tears away. "I need to go." She spoke quietly, breaking the hug. Nate looked at her, frowning.
"I need... I need to see Dean." She suddenly stood up, walking out of the room and back to Dean's.
He was still in shitty condition, but something had felt different. Jenny closed the door, looking around. "Dean?"
Silence as she stepped into the middle of the room. "Don't make me buy a crystal ball to see you." She joked, hoping it would work.
"Jen—" Her name sounded like an echoed whisper, and she continued to look around, unable to see him. He kept repeating her name, which only became a louder echo.
"Jennifer." She spun around, seeing Dean standing before her, translucent again. His eyes widened. "You can see me?" He asked, stepping forward.
Jenny nodded. "I see you."
"Oh thank god. Do you know how hard it is trying to get someone's attention when you're a ghost? It's ridiculous." Dean complained as Jenny choked a laugh. "I saw you talking to Mitch."
"Who?" Jenny frowned, as did Dean.
"Mitch Konnel? The guy that made me like this?" Dean gestured to his transparent body, and Jenny shook her head.
"No... That's Nathaniel. My brother?" Dean's eyes widened. "Wait— You know my brother?"
"I don't— well. We met when Sammy and I were kids. He went on a hunt with my Dad."
"I don't understand..." Jenny turned around, Dean walking in front of her.
"Jen, we have bigger things to worry about right now. Alright? When Sam gets back, you need to tell him that something is taking people. When their time is up. A reaper."
"A reaper. Dean, we are in a hospital." Jenny deadpanned and Dean shook his head.
"You don't understand. It's after me." Her eyes widened, and Dean went to take her hand, but his phased through hers. Dean looked down at their hands, and for a moment, Jenny felt her heartbreak even more.
"There's another spirit here. Tessa. She said she came in for some surgery and now she's in the state I am. I think the reaper might go after one of us next." Sam suddenly walked into the room, holding a paper bag.
"Sam! About time." Jenny said, turning back to Dean.
"Jenny, what are you looking at?" Sam frowned as he pulled out a Ouija board. "I'm thinking this could help us."
"No. I can see Dean right now. Can't you?" Sam slowly shook his head. "Oh. Well, anyways, Dean said a Reaper is after him. And you know we can't exactly kill death— He might be a bit screwed."
"A bit? I'm totally screwed here, Jen!" Dean argued, Jenny looking at him with a hard glare.
"Well, if it's here naturally, we can't stop it." Sam set the Ouija board on the table, pausing for a moment. "Dad might be able to help."
Jenny looked back to Dean. "Don't go anywhere, alright? We'll be right back."
"Can't exactly go anywhere—" Dean stopped himself short as Jenny and Sam left to go to John's room.
The two paused in the doorway, looking around in confusion when John's room was empty. "Where is he?" Jenny asked, Sam shaking his head.
"I don't know. But that might help." Sam walked to the bed and grabbed John's journal, the two returning to Dean's room.
"Where's Dad?" Dean asked as Sam sat on the edge of Dean's bed, Jenny shrugged.
"He wasn't in his room. I think he might have gone to get water or something." She assumed, trying to hope for the best.
"But we got his journal, so maybe something is in here that can help us." Sam spoke up, flipping through the pages.
"Thanks for not giving up on me, guys." Dean smiled, walking over to stand next to Sam, peering down at the journal.
"We'd never give up on you." Jenny whispered, frowning when Dean's eyes widened. "Dean?"
Dean suddenly started to walk away, disappearing in a cloud of blue smoke. "Dean?!"
"What's wrong?" Sam asked, standing up.
"Dean. He saw something on the journal then just— Disappeared." Jenny walked out to the hallway, looking around. No one was in sight. "Jesus, this place is a dead..." Jenny trailed off before she could finish her joke, turning back around. "Keep looking through his journal."
Jenny joined Sam at the window, both looking through John's journal. It felt like an eternity that they had been reading, getting to the last page. "There's nothing in here." Sam whispered, the two looking back to Dean's unconscious form.
Jenny walked over to the other side of his bed, taking his limp hand. "We'll keep looking, Dean." She uttered, sitting down and running a hand through his hair. "We won't stop looking until you wake up."
Sam watched the one sided conversation with a teary eye, turning back to the window. Jenny suddenly yelled in surprise, jumping back as Dean gasped awake, choking on the tube in his throat.
"Dean?!" Jenny and Sam yelled, Sam running to the door. "We need help!"
"I can't explain it. The edema's vanished. The internal contusions are healed. Your vitals are good. You have some kind of angel watching over you." The doctor said with the most confused look Jenny had seen. In a situation like this, she would be smiling, but she couldn't stop staring at the ground, knowing what had really happened.
"Thanks, doc." Dean smiled as the doctor left, turning to Jenny. "So you said a Reaper was after me?" Jenny only nodded, still looking at the ground.
"How'd I ditch it?"
"You got me. Dean, you really don't remember anything?" Sam spoke up, shrugging.
"No. Except this pit in my stomach. Sam, something's wrong." A knock on the door made everyone turn their heads to see John in the doorway.
"How you feeling, dude?" He smiled, walking in.
"Fine, I guess. I'm alive."
"That's what matters." Sam stood up angrily, walking over to his father. The two whispered to one another, Jenny and Dean exchanging a look.
"Well, that's specific." Sam spoke a little louder, just enough for Dean and Jenny to hear.
"Come on, Sam." Dean chimed in, sitting up.
"Did you go after the demon?" Sam asked, Jenny and Dean looking at John, who still talked in a hushed voice.
"Dad, are you all right?" Sam asked, a look of concern washing the anger away.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm just a little tired. Hey, son, would you, uh, would you mind getting me a cup of caffeine?" John asked Sam, who gave him a suspicious look.
"Yeah. Yeah, sure." Sam looked to Jenny who walked over to the window, not watching Sam leave. John turned to Dean.
"What is it?" The older Winchester brother asked, frowning.
"You know, when you were a kid, I'd come home from a hunt, and after what I'd seen, I'd be, I'd be wrecked. And you, you'd come up to me and you, you'd put your hand on my shoulder and you'd look me in the eye and you'd... You'd say "It's okay, Dad" There was a short pause, and John teared up slight. "Dean, I'm sorry."
"You shouldn't have had to say that to me, I should have been saying that to you. You know, I put, I put too much on your shoulders, I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sammy, you took care of me. You did that, and you didn't complain, not once. I just want you to know that I am so proud of you."
"This really you talking?" Dean asked, skeptical that John might be a demon.
"Yeah. Yeah, it's really me." John laughed softly as Jenny crossed her arms, quietly shuddering a breath. She knew what John had done, simply wishing he had tried to find a different way.
"Why are you saying this stuff?" Jenny just kept staring out the window, trying to hold back her knowing tears.
"I want you to watch out for Sammy and Jenny, okay?"
"Yeah, dad, you know I will. You're scaring me."
"Don't be scared, Dean."
John leaned over and whispered something into Dean's ear, Jenny looking to see Dean pull back in shock, processing. John walked over to Jenny, smiling softly.
"Jenny-B." He whispered, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know I've never said it enough, but I need to thank you."
"For what?" She asked, knowing that this was John's goodbye.
"For keeping Sam and Dean safe. For making Dean happy... You're a good person." Jenny held back a smile and tears as John placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I would be proud to call you my daughter." Jenny stared at John, waiting for him to continue. "Keep your promise."
"You know I will." She uttered, watching John walk out of the room. Jenny turned back to the window, shutting her eyes to hold back any tears.
After a few minutes of silence from the two, Jenny helped Dean get out of bed. She then proceeded to slap his arm. "Ow!"
"Don't ever do that again, you hear me!" Dean held his arm, staring down at her. Jenny stared back, pulling him into the tightest hug she could manage. "You almost gave me a heart attack."
"Jennifer! Dean!" Jenny and Dean whipped around at the sound of a panicked Sam, running out of Dean's room.
They saw Sam standing over John's body on the ground, Jenny's eyes widened in horror and shock.
Once again, a crowd of doctors and nurses attempt to resuscitate, this time on John. Dean, Sam and Jenny hovered in the doorway of John's room as a nurse attempted to push them out.
"No, no, no, it's our dad. It's our dad!" Dean cried as the three nurses pushed them out of the room.
Jenny stayed quiet as she knew there was no getting him back, knowing he had sold his soul to save Dean. He was already dead.
"Okay, stop compressions."
"Still no pulse."
"Okay, that's it everybody." One of the doctors said, stepping away as Jenny looked to Sam and Dean, who were confused as ever.
"I'll call it. Time of death: 10:41 am."
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