and we have a new case not in the show! i'll deeply try my best to incorporate my own cases based off of movies and shows bc i'm still not the most creative person, so bare with me since my last case was absolute horse shit.
Jenny, Sam and Dean had been on the road for the better half of a day trying to find a case. It had been a little over a week since the hellhound ordeal, so now Jenny was decently less traumatized and no longer angry at Sam or Dean. Now she was just bored and wanted to gut a ghost.
The three of them had made a stop at some local diner in Springfield, Illinois. Jenny was reading the local newspaper, a concentrated frown on her face.
"Find anything yet?" Dean asked... For the third time. Jenny dropped the newspaper with an annoyed smile, squinting her eyes.
"If I find anything, I will let you know." She sighed heavily, picking the paper back up to read the back. "All I can find here is that some woman was murdered yesterday morning in some motel called 'Mainchester.' But it doesn't scream 'hey, big scary spirit' to me."
"Mainchester? Nice." Dean snickered, Sam and Jenny frowning at him. "What?" He rolled his eyes, picking up his cup of coffee. "Does it say anything else?"
"Uhh... Just says she had severe lacerations to her stomach and face... Bruises on her wrists... Closed casket kind of lacerations." Dean bared his teeth, shaking his head. "Oh... And there was no sign of a real struggle or break in. She was asleep when she was killed." The brothers raised their brows in unison, glancing to one another.
"We should at least check it out. See if it's anything we can stop." Sam suggested, the other two shrugging in agreement.
"Might as well. I love Baby, but my ass is leaving a dent in her front seat." Jenny folded the newspaper up and chugged the rest of her orange juice, slapping a few bills and a large tip on the table before getting up.
The three didn't take long to find the motel as it was still surrounded by cops and police tape. Jenny rummaged through her bag, slipping off her flannel and rolled the sleeves of her button down up, taking her FBI badge out.
After the three had very quickly gotten ready, they walked over to a cop, flashing their fake ID's before ducking under the police tape. Going up to the second floor, a sheriff was talking to three teenagers, who eerily looked like the Winchester brothers and Jenny.
The three paused in their tracks to stare at them, confused. "Sam, Dean... Am I seeing double?" Jenny whispered, the two shaking their heads. "Okay."
"Can I help you three?" Jenny glanced at the man's badge. Hopper.
"Uh, yes you can, Sheriff Hopper." Sam raised his ID up, and Hopper frowned, crossing his arms.
"What's the FBI doing here? This doesn't seem like your kinda business." He spoke, glancing into the open motel room.
"Well, Sheriff, we just got where the big man tells us to." Jenny smiled, walking towards him as the brothers followed. She outstretched her hand, which Hopper firmly shook. "I'm Agent Baker, these are my colleagues, Agent's Hamill and Ford." The Sheriff glanced at the three suspiciously for a moment before nodding, shaking Sam and Dean's hands.
The three teenagers continued to stare at the Hunters nervously, Sheriff Hopper gesturing to them. "This is Genevieve, Stuart and Daniel. They were here last night when Kelly Callahan was murdered." The three Hunters eyes widened, Jenny speaking quietly to Sam and Dean.
"If it couldn't be creepier." She mumbled, nodding. "Uh, do you mind if we speak to them? After looking over the scene?" Sheriff Hopper raised his hands up, the four strangers walked back downstairs.
As Jenny walked into the bloodbath of the motel room. Dean shut the door. "I thought this was the Land of Lincoln! Not the Land of alternate us!"
"Look, maybe it's just a coincidence." Sam shrugged as he pulled out an EMF, looking over at Jenny, who had a disturbed look on her face. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Just that sick feeling I get. Definitely something supernatural." She sighed quietly, looking around. She spotted a king scratch mark against one of the walls, frowning. "Looks like the Hook Mans." She mumbled, walking towards the bed, that gut wrenching feeling turning worse. "How did no one hear anything?"
Dean shrugged. "Heavy sleepers?" He suggested, and Jenny knelt by the nightstand, dusting her finger with a yellow residue.
"Sulfur." She raised her fingers to Sam and Dean, who huffed. "Definitely a strong spirit."
"It would explain why you're feeling sick." Sam mentioned, walking over to stand by the bed. Dean followed, standing next to Jenny to look at the sulfur.
"Shit, I haven't seen sulfur since Spirit Airlines." He joked, and Jenny smiled, standing up.
"I told you it was a good joke." She hummed in amusement, Sam rolling his eyes. He paused, watching the EMF go off.
"Well if the sulfur wasn't enough evidence..." Jenny and Dean looked at the EMF, both of their smiles washing away.
"You three ready? The kids are getting impatient." The Hunters turned to Hopper, who was standing in the doorway, frowning at the EMF in Sam's hand. "What's that?"
"Oh!! This is a uhm... Mini metal detector." He lied, looking to Jenny and Dean for help. They both shot him a glare as Hopper shrugged.
"Alright. They're waiting in the lobby."
"Hey, guys. We just want to ask you a few routine questions." Jenny said as she sat down across from Genevieve, Stuart and Daniel. The three kids nodded, fumbling with their hands nervously.
"So, what were you three doing out here last night?" Stuart and Daniel looked at Genevieve to answer, but she was staring at the ground, thinking.
She glanced to Daniel, who quickly shook his head, then to Stuart, who was doing the same. Dean, Sam and Jenny all looked at the girl, who caved in immediately.
"Okay! We stole some of my dads weed and alcohol."
"Gen!" Stuart and Daniel yelled in unison, and she panicked.
"I'm sorry! I can't lie to the Feds! That will go on my record!" She whisper yelled as Jenny leaned back in her chair, stifling a laugh. Gen turned to Jenny. "You aren't going to arrest us, are you?"
"Well, unless you killed Kelly, no. Kids rebel, do dumb shit." Dean laughed, leaning on the arm of his chair. He frowned, noticing how young they all looked. "How old are you three?"
"20." Stuart and Daniel answered in unison.
"17." Gen blurted out with wide eyes. Sam, Dean and Jenny all shared a look. "We're all 17."
"Okay, shut up." Daniel snapped at Gen, who lowered her head. "Look, our mom is really strict and we just wanted to have some fun last night! So... We got fake ID's and booked a room next to the dead girls." He admitted, Jenny humming in thought.
"Did you three hear anything?" She asked, Gen and Daniel shook their heads. "Stuart?"
The boy looked to his two friends, sighing quietly. "I didn't— I didn't really do as much as they did last night. I mean, I want to go to law school I can't get arrested for something like—."
"That's not what she asked." Dean interrupted, Sam's eyes only widening more. Dean tilted his head. "Answer her question."
Stuart swiped at his face, sweat beading down his forehead. "Okay. I— I did hear something last night. I was going to call the cops but— But we were all high and drunk. And I thought our motel neighbor was too!"
"What did you hear?" Stuart looked like he was thinking, trying to remember.
"I think someone was dragging something by our door. It... sounded light, maybe? Like a rope. I heard— I heard something scratching against the wall, too."
"I saw a scratch mark on the wall. Maybe that's what he heard." Jenny whispered to Sam and Dean, who nodded.
"Then I..." Stuart paused, looking like he was about to cry. "I heard the lady screaming. Look, I thought she was watching a horror movie, I didn't think anything of it! I could have done something. I could have called the cops or—"
"She would have been dead by the time they got there, Stu." Daniel interrupted, shaking his head. "Nothing you could have done."
"Daniel's right, Stuart. Even if the cops got there, the killer would have been king gone by then." Sam said with a soft sigh, and Stuart nodded, wiping away a tear.
"Did you see anything? A shadow outside, maybe?" Jenny continued on, and the three kids shook their heads.
"No. No we didn't see anything."
"What about smells?" Dean asked, the three frowning in confusion. "Like, rotting eggs? Maybe some cold spots?"
Gen laughed. "Who are you guys? The Ghostbusters?"
"Well, we do get calls." Jenny joked, clearing her throat. "No. No it's just routine questions." Gen nodded slowly, then again after a realization.
"There was this rotting smell. But like uhm... Flesh. It was so gross, too. I thought I was going to puke."
"You did puke, Gen." Stuart held back a laugh and the girl rolled her eyes.
"I was drunk. Look, can we go now? My dad called me like two minutes before you guys showed up." Sam, Dean and Jenny all nodded, the three kids getting up to leave.
"Hey." Jenny called out, standing up. She pulled out a card, handing it to them. "If any of you remember anything else, call me, okay? You guys be careful."
"Thanks." Daniel smiled at Jenny, taking the card from her. "I'll definitely call."
"You better watch it, kid." Dean spoke up, Daniel's eyes widening.
"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. Bye... Sir." Daniel rushed out as Jenny covered her mouth slightly to stop a laugh, Dean frowning at Daniel.
"I don't like him." He grumbled, Sam walking over to pat his brothers shoulder.
"Well, he does remind me of somebody."
okay this is definitely not the worst case i've written. stu, danny and Gen are definitely going to make another reappearance in the next chapter, and i already like them. i wanted to somehow bring a younger version of the three MC's into the book eventually for some reason, just so they'd have a "what my childhood could have been" moment.
i do hole yall liked this tho 💀
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