if (and it's a fairly large if) I were to make a smut fanfic filled entirely with just Jenny and Dean going at it— bc i never know when to just throw smut scenes into this book and only do it when there are scenes in the transcripts 💀
anyways, back to our regularly scheduled program—
Jenny, Sam and Dean walked up a large set of stairs leading to the fourth floor of an apartment building. The three strode together side by side, just to show how large the stairs were.
Jenny looked to Sam and Dean and glared softly, waiting. After a few seconds of the two rambling about George Darrow, they finally paused in place. Jenny let out a breath, gripping onto the railing and quickly turned to the reader.
"All right. I'm really bad at secrets. Like, really bad. At that will probably haunt me one day when somebody or myself tells me something I can't tell Sam or Dean. So that whole 'I wasn't in a trance' thing was completely horseshit. And i'm talking like a big pile of shit. Turns out, my brother, Nathaniel? You remember him. Hasn't been seen in like, a hundred chapters, was possessed by the demon that killed Mary and Jessica.. And my grandma. Yeah that guy. One second." Jenny turned, inhaling sharply.
"Sorry. Rambling. Anyways, turns out, because of how long that demon was stuck inside my brother, he got some of his powers? Because that's a thing now. He can somehow mind control me or whatever. He got into my head and told me the demon was coming to find him blah blah blah blah blaaah. And now he wants my help. Really? Like dude, you left me after our parents died and our grandma died in front of me? And you want my help? Absolutely not." She took in another harsh breath, shaking her head. "Just thought I'd fill you in. Confused? Me too."
Jenny turned back to Sam and Dean as they were reanimated, walking up the last step. "So, Jen, what do you think?"
Jenny raised her brows, unsure of what the Winchester brothers were talking about. "I— Uhm... I think that looks like goofer dust." Jenny pointed to the door at the end of the hall. At the crease of it was a line of black dust that appeared to look like a salt line.
"What the hell is goofer dust?" Dean frowned as he walked over, kneeling down in front of the door.
It suddenly swung open, startling Dean that he fell onto his ass. A middle aged man was wearing an open button-down and stained shirt, his hair graying.
"Who the hell are you?" George asked, eyeing Dean suspiciously.
"George... Darrow?" Jenny slowly approached with her hands slightly raised in question.
"I'm not buying anything. Especially girl scout cookies." George spat, going to close the door. Jenny jumped forward, slapping George's door and held it open.
"Please sir! You got goofer dust on the door, you gotta be hiding from a hellhound, right?" Sam and Dean looked at one another, and George's brows raised.
"I don't know what the hell you talkin' about." He tried to close the door again, but Jenny was persistent, putting all her weight into the door to hold it open.
She reached for the photo in her pocket quickly, holding it up to George. "This is you, isn't it?" George looked shaken, staring at Jenny with fear.
"We just want to help. Five minutes, and we're gone."
Jenny looked around George's apartment, which was lined with half finished artwork or completed ones. A table by the window had a partially started art piece.
George poured himself a glass of Whiskey as Sam and Dean looked out the window.
"So what is that stuff out front?" Sam asked as George snickered, sipping his whiskey.
"Goofer Dust." He and Jenny answered in unison. The brothers stared at the two blankly, confused. George frowned at the two, continuing.
"What, you boys think you know somethin' about somethin' but not Goofer dust?" George looked to Jenny. "You seem to know more than they do."
"Well, I did grow up with a paranoid bastard." She smirked as George tossed Dean a brown sack tied closed with twine.
"Well, we know a little about a lot of things. Just enough to make us dangerous." Dean commented under his breath, holding the sack.
"What is it?" Sam questioned, walking over to his brother.
"Hoodoo. My grandma taught me. Keeps out demons."
"And hellhounds." Jenny added, and George sighed, nodding in confirmation.
"Demons we all know. Hellhounds... Ehh." Dean said, looking around for a place to sit. He found nothing. He spotted a chair, but George was already on his way to sit on it.
"Well, then. Maybe it'll do you some good. Four minutes left."
Sam and Dean glanced to Jenny, who sighed, turning to the older man.
"Mr. Darrow. We know you're in trouble. And we know you put yourself in danger however long ago—"
"But it's not hopeless, all right? There's gotta be something we can do." Sam said, half-directed towards Jenny. She nodded, looking back at George.
"Listen. I get that you three want to help. But sometimes a person makes their bed, they've just got to lie down in it. I'm the one called that demon in the first place." George shrugged, taking another swig of his whiskey.
"What'd you do it for? Was it even worth it?" Jenny frowned, and George shook his head.
"Nothin' and nobody ain't worth your own life. I was weak. I mean, who don't want to be great? Who don't want their life to mean something? I just... I just never thought about the price." George looked away, The three hunters looking at each other. "'Course, I asked for talent. Shoulda gone for fame. I'm still broke, and lonely. Just now I got this pile of paintings don't nobody want. But that wasn't the worst."
The three leaned forward slightly, waiting for the old man to continue. He sighed loudly. "Demon didn't leave. I never counted on that. After our deal was done the damn thing stayed at Lloyd's for a week. Just chattin'. Makin' more deals. I tried to warn folks, but, I mean who's goin' to listen to an old drunk?"
"How many others are there?" Sam asked with a raised brow. George only shook his head.
"Uh, the architect, that doctor lady — I kept up with them, they've been in the papers. Least they got famous." He scoffed, shaking his head in disappointment towards himself.
"Who else, George? There's gotta be more people." Jenny crossed her arms, growing angsty.
"One more. Uh, nice guy too. Hudson. Evan, I think. I don't know what he asked for. Don't matter now. We done for." Sam shook his head in uncertainty.
"No. No, there's gotta be a way."
"You don't get it! I don't want a way!" George yelled, standing up quickly. Jenny took a small step backwards.
"Look, you don't—"
"I called that thing! I brought it on myself! I brought it on them! I'm going to hell, one way or another. All I want is to finish my last painting. Day or two, I'm done. I'm just trying to hold them off 'till then. Buy a little time." There was a long silence, and George sighed, sitting back down. "Okay. Time you went, go help somebody that wants help."
"Mr. Darrow we can't just—"
"Get out! I got work to do." He interrupted Jenny, who turned to the two brothers helplessly.
"You don't really want to die, do you?" Sam spoke softly, astonished by the man's distaste towards their help.
"I don't? I'm... I'm tired." George barely spoke his words, shaking his head more. "Go." He pleaded, watching as Jenny gave up, slowly walking out of his apartment.
"I can't believe he didn't want our help." Jenny shook her head as the three walked up to Evan's house.
"Not everyone wants to be saved, Jen. You gotta live with that." Jenny looked to Dean before knocking on the door. A few moments later, Evan answered, peeking through.
"Evan Hudson?" Sam spoke up, and he nodded slowly.
"You ever been to a bar called Lloyd's? Would have been about ten years ago." The man behind the door suddenly looked horrified, slamming it shut and latched the door shut. "Come on, we're not demons!"
Sam turned to his brother with a bitch face, waving his arms up. "Any other bright ideas?" Jenny shrugged, turning back to the door before kicking it once. The door splintered open, and she walked inside, looking around. "That works."
The three walk to the back room, where a door had just shut. Dean goes to kick it down, Sam stopping him before he could do so. Sam turned the handle and pushed the door open gently. Dean frowned in disappointment, slowly entering with Sam and Jenny.
"Evan?" Sam called out, looking around. The man jumped out from behind a desk, cowering to a bookshelf.
"Please! Don't hurt me." Sam raised his hands up to show he wasn't going to hurt him.
"We're not going to hurt you, all right? We're here to help you."
"We know all about the genius deal you made." Dean continued, and Jenny looked at Evan with remorse.
"What? How?"
"Doesn't matter. All that matters is, we're trying to stop it." Sam answered, lowering his hands.
"How do I know you're not lying?"
"Well, you don't, but you're kinda running low on options there, dude." Jenny held back a small laugh, looking to Sam and Dean as Evan started pacing.
"Can you stop it?" The three shrugged. "I don't want to die."
"Of course you don't, not now, anyways." Dean scoffed, Sam turning to his brother as Jenny did.
"Dean. Stop." Dean ignored his brother, stepping forward.
"What'd you ask for anyway, Evan? Huh? Never need Viagra? Bowl a perfect game? What?"
"My wife." A short silence until Dean broke out in a fit of laughter.
"Right. Gettin' the girl. Well, that's worth a trip to hell for." Dean spoke a little harshly, Jenny clearing her throat.
"Dean. Seriously, shut up." She spoke loudly, but Evan shook his head.
"No. He's right, I made the deal. Nobody twisted my arm, that... woman, or whatever she was, at the bar? She said I could have anything I wanted. I thought she was nuts at first, but... I don't know how to— I was desperate." Tears started to pool Evan's eyes. Jenny frowned.
"Desperate?" She said softly, and the man nodded.
"Julie was dying."
"You did it to save her?" Dean asked, a confused yet understanding look on his face.
"She had cancer, they'd stopped treatment, they were moving her into hospice, they kept saying... a matter of days. So yeah, I made the deal. And I'd do it again. I'd have died for her on the spot. You'd do the same, wouldn't you?" Evan asked. His question took Dean back, barely moving his head towards Jenny, questioning what he would have done if he were Evan.
"Did you ever think about her in all this?" Dean asked, and Evan scoffed.
"I did this for her."
"You sure about that? I think you did it for yourself. So you wouldn't have to live without her. But guess what? She's going to have to live without you now. But what if she knew how much it cost? What if she knew it cost your soul? How do you think she'd feel?" Dean asked, stalking towards Evan. Sam stepped in front of his brother, gently pushing him back.
"Okay, that's enough. You just sit tight, all right? We're going to figure this out. Jenny, stay here with him. Make sure it doesn't get here." Jenny nodded as Sam and Dean walked out. She looked conflicted, which was noticed by Evan.
"Dean... You'd do it for him, right? Sell your soul to save his?" Jenny quickly looked at Evan with wide eyes.
"What kind of question is that?" Evan shook his head, pacing again.
"I mean, I noticed that he kind of looked at you when I asked the question. You guys are together, right? Or is it you and the tall guy? Well, you and that hot headed dude out there seem—"
"I wouldn't sell my soul for him, alright? What's dead or dying should stay dead and dying. That's what I grew up to learn. That's what I'll die knowing." Evan shook his head shaking his finger.
"No. No I think you're wrong. I don't know you guys at all but—"
"Exactly. You don't know us. So don't go assuming I'd do something just out of dumb love. The same guy in your position told me that nothing and no one is worth my own life. And I don't necessarily agree with that to an extent, but he's right." Evan stared at Jenny, looking down. "I know you feel like what you did was for the best, but it really wasn't, dude."
Evan suddenly jumped in fear, looking around. "What? Is it here?" He nodded quickly. "Sam! Dean!"
Sam reentered, holding the bag of goofer dust. "Where's Dean?"
"He left— To summon the demon." Jenny's eyes widened and she suddenly sprinted out of the room, running out of the house in time to see Dean take off in his car.
"Dean! Don't! I'll kill you when you get back!" Jenny yelled angrily, running back inside. "You didn't think to consult me about that?"
"Dean knows you would have said no."
"Exactly! Because he knows it's wrong! Summing a fucking demon over a guy we don't know?! Might as well have summoned a demon to save a dead flower!" Jenny moved out of the way and shut the door, Sam walking in a circle around Evan with the goofer dust.
Evan whirled around at an unheard sound, eyes glossed with fear. "Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Jenny and Sam asked in unison, Evan pointing to the door.
"Right outside the door!" The door started rattling violently, both Sam and Jenny stepping in the circle.
After a moment of the rattling just getting worse, it suddenly stopped. Jenny exhaled loudly, Sam holding onto her as he looked around. "Is it gone?" He asked, Evan listening intently.
"It's here!" He yelled in horror. as dust suddenly hit Jenny and Sam in the eyes. The window shattered, wind breaking the circle.
"Sam! The circle broke!" Jenny yelled the obvious, Sam ushering Evan out of the room.
Evan leads them into a storeroom, slamming the door shut. Jenny slid her knife out of her flannel, gripping it tightly.
The door started pounding as the hellhound attempted to break in. Jenny stood herself in front of Sam and Evan, knife aimed at the door. The rattling suddenly stopped, her hand slowly lowering.
Jenny sat in the back seat of the impala, brooding as she stared out the window.
"Jenny, I had to do it." Dean said from the drivers seat, but she ignored him, pulling out her phone. "Would a blue moon ice cream make up for it?"
She slowly looked up at Dean in the rear view mirror, lowering her phone. She scoffed angrily, crossing her arms.
"I'm trying to be mad at you." Sam couldn't help but chuckle with his brother, Jenny leaning forward. "You too, Sam."
"What! What did I do?!"
"You didn't try to stop him with force!" She spat, trying to contain her angry smile.
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