Jenny, Susan, Sam and Dean had all rushed up the stairs to the play room. As Susan was fumbling to get the right key, Sam and Dean pulled Jenny aside.
"How long have you been able to actually see ghosts?" Dean asked in a somewhat harsh tone, Jenny's eyes widening as she shrugged.
"I don't know! We haven't been on a ghost case for a bit and I didn't actually see them last time unless you guys did." Jenny looked back to Susan, who was mumbling to herself nervously as she kept inserting the wrong keys.
"Jenny, you don't think this has anything to do with what Gordon said, right?" Sam questioned as Jenny thought for a moment, unsure. "What if this started when your brother— the demon— whoever it was... Contacted you?"
"That's impossible, Sam. There's no way a mental phone call could do that." Jenny scoffed, though the thought was now stuck in her mind.
"I got it!" Susan burst through the door, the four entering to find many broken porcelain dolls on the ground. "Oh my god."
Susan ran out of the room yelling for Tyler, rushing back in with a panic. "She's not in here!" Jenny rushed to the door leading to Rose' room, stopping at the landing.
Rushing back down, Jenny shook her head. "They aren't in Rose's room... But she looks horrified." Sam turned to Susan, outstretching his hand as he thought.
"Susan. Tell us what you know about Maggie." Sam demanded, Susan shaking her head as she couldn't come up with anything.
"Uh, not much. Um, Tyler's been talking about her since Mom got sick."
"Okay, did you ever know anyone by that name?" Sam continued on, but Susan shook her heads
"C'mon, Susan, think! We're running out of time! Someone that's lived here, someone that's died here anyone!" Jenny raised her voice, now worried about the child she had never spoken to.
Susan turned away for a moment, her eyes widening in a realization. "Oh my god. My mom. My mom had a sister named Margaret. She barely spoke about her."
"Did Margaret happen to die here when she was a kid?" Sam asked, Susan nodded.
"She drowned in the pool." The four didn't waste much time sprinting to the pool, though with how fast the three hunters were compared to Susan, they had to run a little slower so she could lead the way.
Susan rushed the three outside and past the gardens to the pool house, Sam and Dean slamming into the doors only to realize they were locked.
While the Winchester brothers and Susan could only see Tyler standing on the outside of the railing, Jenny could see Maggie, edging the poor girl to jump.
"Tyler!" Susan screamed as Sam, Dean and Jenny tried breaking the door, but it would budge. "Tyler!"
"Is there a back door?!" Dean yelled as Susan nodded. They all stopped for a moment as Jenny saw Maggie throw Tyler into the pool.
"Screw it we don't have time for this!" Jenny pulled out the gun that had been hiding in her belt behind her, shooting at the glass a few times before it finally broke.
Jenny ran straight through the broken glass, making a giant leap over the railing and into the covered pool. As Sam, Dean and Susan all rushed downstairs, Jenny struggled to get to Tyler, who was being held under the water by Maggie.
She was finally able to get the girl away from the spirit, lifting her out of the water and over her shoulder. "I got her!" Jenny yelled, crawling her way back to the edge of the pool.
Sam took Tyler as Dean helped Jenny out of the pool, everyone waiting for only a moment before Tyler coughed up water. Susan gasped in relief, picking her daughter up and cradled her.
Jenny turned back towards the pool, looking around for the spirit. "Do you see her, Jen?" Dean asked, kneeling besides her as she shivered from the cold water.
"No. No she's gone."
Dean had his arms wrapped around Jenny, who was holding a towel over herself as the five walked back to the playroom.
Susan set Tyler down, smiling half-hearts at her. "Don't worry, honey, we're leaving in two minutes, we've just got to get Grandma." Susan glanced to the three hunters, all who nodded as she and Tyler walked up the stairs.
"I don't get it, did Maggie just stop?" Dean frowned as Jenny shrugged.
"Seems like it." Sam commented, looking around at the broken dolls.
"Well, where the hell did she go?" Jenny asked, her voice wavering. Dean rubbed her arm quickly in an attempt to warm her up. "I think I'm going to go cha—"
Susan's scream from upstairs cut Jenny off, the three Hunters rushing up the stairs without a moment of hesitation.
Susan was holding Tyler, facing the girl away from Rose as she cried. Jenny walked over to Rose, pressing her fingers to her neck.
Slowly, she turned to Dean and Sam, and shook her head. Rose was dead.
Jenny leaned against the Impala, watching as the paramedics drove off, Rose in the back despite being dead. "Paramedics said it was another stroke. Do you think ... Margaret could have had something to do with it?" Susan asked quietly, sniffling as she wiped a tear away.
"Honestly? We don't know." Jenny answered, standing up straight.
"But it's possible, yeah." Sam continued, silence following for a moment. "Susan, I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for. You've given me everything." Susan gave Sam a light smile, the four turning as Tyler walked out of the hotel. "Ready to go, kiddo?" Tyler nodded, Dean kneeling down to eye level of TylerZ
"Now Tyler, you're sure Maggie's not around anymore?" He asked again, and Tyler nodded.
"I'm sure. I'd see her." Dean stood back up, turning to Sam and Jenny.
"I guess whatever's going on must be over." Sam nodded once more, leading Susan and styler to the taxi. He opened the door for the two, Tyler getting in first.
Jenny and Dean watched as Susan hesitated to get in the taxi for a moment, turning back to full-body hug Sam. Dean smirked at his little brother, nodding.
"Guess he's got a thing for MILF's." Jenny joked, and Dean kept nodding. Susan got into the car and the taxi started driving away, Sam waiting a moment before walking back to them.
"Think you could have hooked up some MILF action there, bud." Dean slapped his brother on the shoulder and Sam glared at him, Jenny snickering. "I'm serious, I think she liked you."
"Oh, she definitely was." Jenny added in, poking fun at Sam, who rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that's all she needs." He grumbled.
"Well, you saved the mom, you saved the girl. Not a bad day. 'Course you know, Jen and I could have saved 'em myself, but I didn't want you to feel useless."
"All right, I appreciate it."
"Feels good getting back in the saddle, doesn't it?" Dean grinned, and Sam nodded hesitantly.
"Yeah, it does. But it doesn't change what we talked about last night." Jenny's smile faltered for a moment.
"We talked about a lot of things last night." Dean shrugged, doing his worst attempt at trying to brush it off.
"You know what I mean."
"Well, you're a party pooper." Jenny crossed her arms, turning away from Sam to face Dean.
"You were wasted." Dean shrugged again, Sam looking at the two knowingly.
"But you two weren't. And you both promised." Jenny stayed quiet, getting in the front seat of the car, now ignoring Sam.
The young Winchester was now in his full-on brood state when he got in, using the giant dragon as an arm rest. Dean kept looking back at Sam anxiously, then turned to Jenny to see she was staring out the window with a solemn expression.
It would be a very long ride for them.
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