Jenny drove down the street in the Impala, pushing her sunglasses up as she took a swig of water to try and rid her hangover. Dean was also wearing a pair of sunglasses while the younger Winchester sat in the back, side eyeing the large stuffed dragon.
"Did we have to bring the dragon?" Sam complained as Jenny shrugged, smiling.
"If you can convince Dean to let us get an RV, you'd have a lot more space." Dean shot Jenny a glare, shaking his head.
"We are not getting an RV. Baby is enough. But if someone hadn't crashed it—"
"That wasn't me, Dean." Sam interrupted with a roll of his eyes, his brother raising his hands in defense.
"I know. It was that crazy ex girlfriend of yours." Jenny held back a quiet chuckle, turning down a road and into a small town. "This place still doesn't exactly look like haunted material."
"Don't let your eyes deceive you, Dean. Deception will be your greatest enemy." Jenny smirked, eyes widening when she spotted a restaurants sign ahead. "Besides with all the murders we've seen this last day i think it's safe to say—"
"Chili cheese fries." Dean and Jenny spoke in unison, the woman quickly turning into the drive thru. Sam rolled his eyes at the two, sighing.
"Could you two be any more unhealthy?" Jenny turned to Sam, giving him an offended glare and pointed at him.
"Hey. I eat what I want and I stay in shape. That's what is important."
"Welcome to Jerry's what can I get for you?" The girl on the intercom asked. Jenny quickly turned, a grin on her face.
"Two large chili cheese fries and— Dean did you want something to drink? Sam?" Sam shook his head, dean thinking for a moment.
"Oh my god they have homemade lemonade." Dean pointed out, Jenny turning back to the intercom.
"And two large lemonades, that's it."
"Alright, your total is 12.37 at the first window." Jenny drove around to the first window, turning to open her glove compartment. Her eyes widened when her gun fell out, Dean quickly kicking it under the seat and tossed his wallet at Jenny.
When she turned to give the girl a twenty, the cashier's eyes were wide with fear, and Jenny laughed awkwardly before clearing her throat. "I'm a federal agent." She lied with a straight face, the cashier nodding slowly, and took the cash.
Jenny slowly turned to the backseat, Sam carefully tucking the gun under his jacket, glancing everywhere. The cashier cleared her throat and Jenny turned back, quickly grabbing the change.
"Thank you. Have a good day." She quickly drove to the next window, turning to Dean. "I'm never opening the glove compartment in front of people ever again."
"I wish it was the condoms that fell out." Dean mumbled, Jenny turning to face ahead and nodded in agreement. Sam sank in his seat awkwardly, using one of the dragon's arms to cover his face.
"Alright here you are." A younger man spoke as the window opened and he shoved the food into Jenny's hands.
"Oh— thanks." She said, handing the food to Dean. The boy closed the window before saying anything nicer, Jenny frowning. "Gotta love teenagers."
"Chili fries!" Dean cheered, digging through the bag. Jenny swatted his hand, and he glared at her.
"Not in the car! Wait until we get back to the motel."
Jenny sat at the dining table as Dean turned the radio on, "Walk Away" by Joe Walsh playing as the two ate their chili cheese fries. Dean let out a satisfied moan, nodding at the taste as he closed his eyes in content. Jenny eyed him weirdly, Sam doing the same from the couch. He gave his brother an annoyed look.
"Dude. You mind not eating those on my bed?" Sam asked, Dean shrugging as he took another messy bite.
"No, I don't mind. How's research going?" He asked through a mouthful of food. Jenny took a bite of her chili fries, picking up her newsletter.
"You know how it's going? Slow. You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster? If I had my computer." Sam complained, glaring at his brother.
"This is why I still read the newspaper." Jenny smiled, waving the paper in her hand. Dean nodded sarcastically. Dean bumped his head to the music, Sam rolling his eyes.
"Can you turn that down please?" He asked, his brother nodding.
"Yeah, absolutely." Dean turned up the music, Jenny setting her paper down to stare at him.
"You know what? Maybe, uh, maybe you should just go somewhere for a while." Sam yelled over the music, and Dean shut the music off, looking up snappishly at Sam.
"Hey, I'd love to. That's a great idea. Unfortunately, my car's all screwed to hell." Sam gestured to Jenny's car keys hanging by the door. "She won't let me drive."
"If I didn't get to drive Baby for the first year you had it, you can't drive Luci for a year." Jenny frowned at the name for her car, shaking her head. "Definitely not my cars name."
"So why don't you guys just go out for a few h—" Sam was cut off by a loud knock on the door, Jenny standing up and walking over. She peeked through the peephole, a smile appearing on her face as she opened the door.
"Bobby! Hi!" She greeted, a smile appearing on Bobby's face.
"Hey, Jenny. Boys." Bobby greeted, Jenny welcoming Bobby inside with a hug. Dean stood up, setting his chili fries down and walked over.
"Hey, Bobby."
"It's good to see you again so soon." Bobby said as Jenny was quick to nod in agreement.
"Yeah, uh, thanks for coming. Come on in." Jenny frowned, looking to Sam as Bobby nodded.
"So um, what didn't you want to talk to me on the phone about?" Jenny's confused look stayed, now turning to Sam.
"We called Bobby to see if he could help. Given that you and Bobby know most of the same stuff, might be better to have two of your minds." Dean gestured to Jenny's head, and she hummed.
"Well. Would have been nice if you told me." Jenny commented under her breath, Sam clearing his throat awkwardly and turned to Jenny's adopted father.
"It's this job we're working. We— We weren't sure you'd believe us." Bobby scoffed at Sam, shaking his head.
"Well, I can believe a lot."
"Yeah, no, no, it's just, none of us have never seen anything like it—"
"Not even close." Dean interrupted his brother, who nodded.
"And we thought we could use some fresh eyes." Jenny slowly frowned at Sam again, walking back over to the dining table to look at the newspaper.
"Well, why don't you begin at the beginning?" Bobby asked as he followed Jenny, sitting down at the table.
"So, I was doing my normal newspaper research, trying to find a new case, when I found this." Jenny raised the newspaper, handing it to Bobby. "A professor took a swan dive out of a fourth story window. And, there's a campus legend that the place is haunted by a young girl."
"How did you figure that out?" Bobby asked, looking up at Jenny with a raised brow. She frowned, shrugging.
"We did what we always do. Play pretend."
Dean and Jenny linked their arms, downing a bluish-purple shot. Their faces contorted in disgust, shaking their heads as Sam approached.
"What the hell are you guys drinking?" The young Winchester asked as Jenny downed two more of the shots. She exhaled loudly, smiling and turned to Sam.
"I think they're called 'purple nurples." Jenny then reached out and twisted Dean's nipples, causing him to jump and yell in pain.
"Jesus Christ, Jen! Ow!" He waved his hand away, rubbing his chest as she cackled, swinging an arm over Dean, still grinning.
———end flashback———
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute.." Dean interrupted Sam's story, and he frowned at his brother. "Come on, dude, that's not how it happened. Jenny didn't twist my nipples."
"No? So you two never drank a purple nurple?" Jenny raised her brows, and he pressed his lips together.
"Yeah, maybe that, but Jen isn't one to act weird when she's drunk." Jenny raised her brows again and Dean turned to her, frowning. "Okay, not weird enough to twist my nips."
"Then what was it?" Sam crossed his arms as Bobby and Jenny shared a look, shaking their heads.
"I don't know. But I know Jenny started talking about local ghost stories." Dean started, smiling as he recalled his rendition of the memory.
The scene was now very different compared to how Sam explained it. Jenny was wearing a slightly more revealing outfit, clinking her shot glass with Dean.
"Here's to—"
"Here's to us." Dean grinned, interrupting Jenny as she smiled back. The two took their shots with a straight face, Jenny setting her shot glass down to stare at Dean with a look of admiration.
"My god, you are attractive." Jenny smiled, sighing quietly as Dean chuckled.
"Thanks. But no time for that now. You need to tell me about this urban legend you heard on the internet. Please. Lives are at stake, Jen."
"Sorry, I just... can't even concentrate. It's like staring... right at a star." Dean pulled Jenny into a slow kiss as Sam approached. He had an extreme dubious expression on his face, his jacket slung over one shoulder.
Sam cleared his throat loudly. "Dean! Jenny! What do you think you two doing?" He asked in a prissy tone with an exaggerated bitchface. Jenny and Dean broke their kiss, slowly looking to Sam.
"Sam, please. If you wouldn't mind, give us five minutes here. We never get this." Dean shot his brother a glare and Sam rolled his eyes.
"Guys, this is a very serious investigation. We don't have any time for any of your blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah Blah!"
Dean smirked and leaned back in to kiss Jenny again as Sam continued blabbing behind them.
"Dean that is not what happened!" Jenny and Sam interrupted at the same time, and Dean's smiled dropped.
"And I don't talk like that!" Jenny exasperated, frowning at him. "It's like looking at a star. My god this isn't Romeo and Juliet." Dean held his frown, leaning back in his chair.
"Okay. What's going on with you three? You're all bickering like an old married couple." Bobby asked as Jenny scratched her neck, sighing. Dean got up, crossing over to the kitchen.
"No, see married couples can get divorced. Me and him, we're like, uh, the three Stooges." Jenny frowned, turning to look at Dean.
"Did you just call me dumb?" She asked, Dean's eyes widening in fear.
"No! No I didn't. I didn't call you dumb." He chuckled nervously, looking to Bobby and whispered. "See what I mean?"
Jenny rubbed her face, shaking her head. "Look, we've been cooped up together way too long, living in tiny motel rooms. We haven't gotten much time to ourselves in a while.
"Okay. You do know you can always run back to my place—"
"Bobby!" Jenny interrupted her father, who raised his hands in defense.
"I'm just saying, if you get annoyed by them, it's better to run away then put a bullet in their brains." Jenny rested her head on the table, sitting back up a moment later."
"Alright, my turn to tell the story." Jenny fixed her hair, slumping slightly. "So anyway. I figured it might be a haunting, so we went to check out the scene of the crime. Well, Sam and Dean did. When they didn't find anything about a ghost, we got a call from this kid Sam talked to."
Back at the bar, three shots were lined up in front of Curtis. Sam, Jenny and Dean sat in front of him, watching the man take a shot. Dean chuckled, gesturing to the bar.
"You should try a Purple Nurple." Curtis gave Dean a confused look, and his smile faded. "Okay."
"So, what happened, Curtis?" Jenny asked in a sincere voice, hands clasped together in the table as Curtis shook his head.
"You won't believe me. Nobody does."
"Give us a chance." Sam pleaded. Curtis glanced up at the three, questioning if he should tell them the truth.
"I do not want this in the papers." He snapped slightly, Jenny raising her hands in defense.
"Off the record." Curtis was quiet for a moment, still debating before he let out a sigh.
"I, uh... I blacked out, and...I lost time, and when I woke up, I didn't know where I was." Sam leaned forward slightly, a soft frown on his face.
"Then what?"
"They did tests on me. And, uh..." Curtis took a second shot. "They, uh... They probed me." Sam's eyes widened and he turned away, trying to conceal his laughter. Jenny snorted, covering her mouth for a moment before making a serious face.
"They probed you?" Jenny raised her brows, Curtis nodding.
"Yeah, they probed me. Again and a— Again and – And again." Curtis took another shot, looking like he was on the verge of tears. "And again and again and again... And then one more time."
"Yikes." Dean sucked in a breath, shaking his head.
"And that's not even the worst of it." Curtis mumbled, Jenny frowning in confusion.
"How could it get any worse? Some alien made you his bitch." Dean smirked and Curtis shot him a deathly glare, his smirk dropping again.
"They... They made me... Slow dance!"
"You guys are exaggerating again, huh?" Bobby interrupted Jenny's story time, and she glared at him.
"Then this frat boy's just nuts." Bobby shrugged, Jenny shaking her head.
"We're not so sure."
edited oct 30th
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