To Jenny, she was never a fan of churches. Spending your day praying to something that didn't exist didn't sound like her kind of typical Sunday.
So, as she walked through the church crypt lined with stone angels, Jenny couldn't help but feel uneasy. She wasn't really sure if it was from being uncomfortable with how many statues there were, or because there was something dwelling in the crypt.
"I hate churches." Jenny grumbled, staring at an angel statue as she walked past it. "These things feel like a weeping angel. Are they looking at us?"
"No, Jen, they're not." Dean answered quietly, the two walking into another room. As they neared the buried bodies of past priests, Jenny stopped, brows raising at Father Gregory's.
"Dean. Look." The older Winchester looked at the grave, his own eyes widening.
The two suddenly felt a strange rumble in the ground, looking around to realize Sam wasn't with them. "Sam?!" Jenny yelled, rushing back into the other room.
Sam was passed out on the ground i'm the room they had just been in, Jenny and Dean rushing over to the young Winchester's side. Dean grabbed his brother, shaking him harshly. "Sammy!" Dean yelled, jolting back when Sam woke up quickly.
The two hauled Sam up against a wall, staring at him. "Did you see it?" Jenny asked. When Sam didn't answer, she flicked him on the forehead. "Earth to Samurai, did you see it?"
Sam rubbed his forehead, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah... I saw an angel." Jenny gave Sam an unsure look, turning to Dean as he pulled out a flask, handing it to his brother.
"All right, here."
"I don't want a drink." Sam scoffed. Dean shrugged, taking a swig from the flask before handing it to Jenny, who did the same.
"So. What makes you think you saw a, uh, angel?" Dean asked, still as skeptical as Jenny.
"It just, it appeared before me and I just, this feeling washed over me, you know? Like, like peace. Like grace." Jenny snorted, turning away for a second.
"Grace. Okay." She mumbled under her breath, turning back to Sam.
"Okay, Ecstasy Boy, maybe we'll get you some glow sticks and a nice Dr. Seuss hat, huh?" Dean patted his brothers shoulder, only for Sam to push his arm away.
"Guys, I'm serious. It spoke to me, it knew who I was." Sam furrowed his brows at Dean and Jenny, who lifted him off the ground.
"It's just a spirit, Sam. It probably read your mind. Lots of spirits can do that." Jenny said, more or less trying to reassure herself instead of Sam.
"Okay, let me guess." Dean started as he sat down on a pew. "You were personally chosen to smite some sinner. You've just got to wait for some divine bat signal, is that it?" Sam shrugged, nodding.
"Yeah, actually." Jenny covered her face with her hands, trying her best to not laugh at how gullible Sam was.
"Great. I don't suppose you asked what this alleged bad guy did?" Dean continued as his brother nodded.
"Actually I did, Dean. And the angel told me. He hasn't done anything. Yet. But he will." Jenny's arms dropped, rolling her head back.
"Okay, this is ridiculous." She laughed, turning to Dean, who started pacing. "Sam, this angel is going to make you kill someone. A human! Not a fucking monster! Someone who hasn't even done anything yet!"
"Jenny, the angel hasn't been wrong yet! Someone's going to do something awful, and I can stop it!" Jenny glared at Sam, shaking her head.
"You aren't going to stop shit, okay? You—" Jenny pointed angrily at him, Sam silently waiting for her to continue. "You're an idiot if you think that Dean and I are just going to let you wander off and kill a man!"
"You know what, Jenny? I don't understand! Why can't you even consider the possibility? We've killed demons! Why can't you believe that angels exist?"
"Because if they did, then why the hell are they showing up now, huh?!" Jenny yelled, staring at Sam. "If angels existed, why haven't they gotten rid of these monsters? They left us, people, to fight them. To die just to protect someone else! Someone we don't know!"
Sam and Dean stared at her in shock, watching as the woman held an angry look. "If angels exists, Sam, then a lot of people would still be alive right now because angels protect. They don't make someone kill." Jenny huffed quietly, turning back. Sam and Dean spoke quietly as Jenny kept her head down, yet not a single tear slipped from her eyes.
"You never told me that." Sam finally spoke up, and Dean shrugged.
"Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil th-that comes out of nowhere, and rips you to shreds. You want us to believe in this stuff? I'm going to need to see some hard proof. You got any?" Sam was quiet again, Jenny glancing between the two. "Well, I do. Proof that we're dealing with a spirit. Let's go." Dean lead the way back to the tomb, walking straight up to Father Gregory's.
"That looks like—"
"It's wormwood." Dean interrupted his brother as Jenny continued.
"It's a plant associated with the dead... Ones that aren't at rest." Jenny looked around the crypt, humming. "And I only see it growing right here. It's Gregory doing this, Sam."
The younger Winchester sighed. "Maybe."
"Maybe?" Dean repeated, frowning. Sam shrugged.
"Dean, I don't know what to think."
"Okay. You want some more proof? I'll give you more proof." Dean pointed to his brother, who scoffed.
"How?" Sam frowned, and Jenny shrugged.
"We'll summon Gregory's spirit." Jenny stated as if it were actually obvious that that was what they had to do.
"What? Here? In the church?" Sam asked, and Dean nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, we just need a few odds and ends, and that, uh, séance ritual in Dad's journal." Dean snapped his fingers as Jenny raised her brows.
"Oh, a séance, great. Hope Whoopi's available." Sam grumbled and Jenny turned away to hide her amused expression.
Dean deadpanned at Sam. "That's funny, actually. Seriously. If Father Gregory's spirit is around, a séance will bring him right to us. If it's him, then we'll put him to rest."
"But if it's an angel, it won't show. Nothin' 'll happen." Sam stated the obvious, Jenny smiled sarcastically, gesturing to the grave.
"Exactly. That's one of the perks of the job, Sam: we don't have to operate on faith. We can know for sure. Don't you wanna know for sure?" Sam have Dean an unsure look for a moment before he slowly nodded.
Jenny was giggling quietly as the three of them left the grocery store, swinging the grocery bag back and forth as Sam snickered.
"Dude. I'll admit... we've gone pretty ghetto with spell work before, but this takes the cake. I mean, a Spongebob placemat instead of an altar cloth?" Sam laughed as Dean rolled his eyes
"We'll just put it Spongebob side down." Dean grumbled and Jenny gasped in offense.
"Absolutely not! There was a plain place may we could have used and you picked this one! We're using it!" She whacked Dean with the grocery bag and he hissed in pain, holding his arm.
Sam's laugh suddenly stopped as he stared at something ahead, pointing. "Dean. Jenny, that's it."
"What?" The two said in unison, looking to where Sam was pointing. A man holding flowers
"That's the sign!"
"Yep. A guy holding flowers sure seems evil." Jenny said sarcastically, and Sam shook his head.
"That's him, Jenny. And we have to stop him." Sam started walking towards the man, Jenny jumping in front of him. "Jenny! What are you doing? Let me go!"
"You're not going to go kill somebody because a ghost told you to, are you insane?" Dean snapped, Sam turning to him
"Dean, I'm not insane, I'm not going to kill him!I'm going to stop him."
"And how are you going to do that, Sam?" Jenny asked, almost having to crane her neck all the way up to look at his face. "Are you going to kidnap him?"
"Jenny, please, he's going to hurt someone, you know it." She shook her head at him.
"We don't know anything about nothing, Sam! You saw a 'sign' that could be nothing!" Sam looked over Jenny as the young man had gotten into a car and started it up, pulling away. Jenny backed from Sam, going to the passenger side of the car and got in as Dean got in the driver side.
Sam went to open the backseat door, only to find it locked. "Jenny? Dean. Unlock my door."
"You're not killing anyone, Sam. Jen and I got this guy, you go do the séance." Dean demanded, Sam still trying to open the door.
"Dean!" Dean drove off, abandoning his brother as he and Jenny followed after the man.
"He's starting to scare me a little bit, Dean." Jenny said quietly, looking in the side mirror to see Sam standing there.
"I think he's scaring us all."
Jenny and Dean were cautiously following the young man as the night grew darker. Jenny was back to playing Tetris on her phone, glancing up occasionally.
"Dammit!" Dean suddenly yelled, startling Jenny.
"Jesus Christ what the hell?" Jenny frowned, looking around to realize she couldn't see the man. "Where'd he go?"
"I don't know, Jenny!" Dean pulled the Impala over and the two got out quickly, Jenny following Dean into the alleyway, where the supposedly evil young man's car was.
A loud scream made the two hunters run even faster, Jenny attempting to open the passenger door, but it was locked. Dean smashed the drivers window in, unlocking the doors for Jenny to pull the woman out as he slammed the evil man's head into the steering wheel, and knocked him out.
"Are you okay? You're okay?" Jenny repeated the words to try and calm the woman down, who was sobbing hysterically.
"Oh thank God!" The woman cried into Jenny's shoulder and she hugged her awkwardly, looking to Dean for assistance.
The man's car suddenly started up again, and he drove off. "Dean!" Jenny yelled, unraveling herself from the woman's grasp as she and Dean joined back together. Jenny turned to the woman, pointing. "Call 9-1-1!"
The woman only nodded as Dean and Jenny bolted for the impala again, the two hopping in and chasing after the evil young man.
The entire scene was mayhem. They kept driving off the road, blasting through stop lights, across different lanes. At a cross-street, a small pickup truck was carrying long metal pipes. It screeched to a halt in front of the evil man's car. A pipe spun off the truck bed, bouncing once on the ground and plowing straight through the evil man's windshield.
Dean slammed on the brakes, Jenny throwing her hands into the dashboard to stop her face from slamming into it, staring at the scene in front of her in shock.
"Holy—" Dean and Jenny said quietly in unison, getting out of the car. The two slowly appoint the drivers side, eyes widening. The man had been impaled through the chest by the pipe, blood spurting out of his mouth as he let out his last breath.
"Shit." The two hunters continued, looking to one another as the truck driver jumped out.
"Oh my god!!" He yelled, Jenny and Dean turning to him quickly. "He's dead! Oh my god!!"
Jenny and Dean entered the hotel room to find Sam packing, a disappointed from on his face. He turned to the two, flashing a fake smile for a moment before returning to his bag.
"How was your day?" Dean asked as he shut the door, Jenny cleaning up a few files on the table.
"You were right. It wasn't an angel. It was Gregory." Sam answered, demoralized, as Jenny looked up at him with a softened look.
Dean hummed, pulling the flask from his inner pocket, taking a drink. He thought for a moment before handing it to his brother, who took a sip.
"I don't know, I just, uh..." Sam cleared his throat, sitting on his bed as he thoughts. "I wanted to believe... so badly, ah... It's so damn hard to do this, what we do. You're all alone, you know? And... there's so much evil out there in the world, guys, I feel like I could drown in it. And when I think about my destiny, when I think about how I could end up..."
Jenny and Dean slowly sat down on their bed, looking at Sam. "Yeah, well, don't worry about that. All right? I'm watching out for you. So is Jenny." Jenny put on a small smile, looking to Sam, who returning the gesture.
"Yeah, I know you are. But you're just one person, Dean. And I needed to think that there was something else, watching too, you know? Some higher power. Some greater good. And that maybe..." Sam trailed off, turning away for a moment.
"Maybe what?" Jenny asked, raising her brows to the young Winchester.
"Maybe I could be saved." Sam let out a nervous laugh, shaking his head. "But, uh, you know, that just clouded my judgment, and you're right. I mean, we've gotta go with what we know, with what we can see, with what's right there in front of our own two eyes."
"Yeah, well, it's funny you say that." Dean chuckled awkwardly, looking to Jenny. Sam frowned.
"Gregory's spirit gave you some pretty good information. That guy in the car was bad news. We barely got there in time." Dean held his look on Jenny, who suddenly remembered that horrified expression on the girls face.
"What happened?" Sam asked, waiting impatiently.
"He's dead." Jenny and Dean answered, Sam's eyes widening in shocks
"Did... you—?"
"No. No." Dean spoke quickly, shaking his head. "But I'll tell you one thing. If . . . The way he died, if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I never would have believed it. I mean ... I don't know what to call it.
"What? Guys, what did you see?" Sam turned his body to them, still frowning as Dean shrugged.
"Maybe... God's will."
you know this is the longest i've ever gone for a sequel. makes me wonder if i really do have an obsession for supernatural... oh well this is a great book 🤭
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