Jenny and Dean had decided to reside in Sam's room for the night, considering he was splayed out like a spider on their bed and he refused to move.
While Jenny was pretending to be asleep, Dean had snuck out to go down to the bar. She didn't mind, he needed to take his mind off what Sam had drunkenly said hours ago. She got up after hearing the door shut, throwing the covers off of her and walked to the table, opening her laptop.
She opened a new tab, careful to be quiet about her frantic typing. She spent the better half of an hour turning to the door at every little sound, hand on the laptop head and ready to throw herself at the bed.
She couldn't exactly risk getting caught contacting her brother.
Jenny turned back to her computer, slowly. "I can't keep this a secret from Sam and Dean. They already know you tried contacting me once. Why not just get in my head again?" She asked the blurry video of her brother, who looked away.
"Jenny, I told you. I can only use the abilities the demon left me for little points in time. Not whenever I can." He answered and Jenny ran a hand through her hair.
"If we do this... Can you at least promise me something?" She spoke quietly. There was a very long silence, and Nate slowly started smiling. She watched his eyes, waiting, hoping she wouldn't see a flicker of yellow.
"Anything, Jenny."
"I need you to promise me... That if anything happens. You tell Dean first. Not Sam, not Bobby or anyone I've ever gotten close to. Dean knows first." Silence again. Nate slowly nodded.
A flicker of yellow.
Jenny held her breath for a moment as Nate — the demon — nodded.
"I promise, Jenny."
Dean rolled over, draping an arm over Jenny and hummed quietly. She didn't move, simply stayed still with her eyes wide open. "Goodmorning." Dean mumbled in a low, gravely voice. She put on a small fake smile, turning her head to face Dean.
"Goodmorning." She whispered back, and Dean pulled her closer, yawning. "How do you think your little brother is feeling?"
Dean let out a small chuckle, slowly sitting up. Jenny did, too, standing up from the bed to reveal she had now only been in her underwear. Dean rubbed his eyes to wake himself up, watching Jenny for a moment before frowning.
"Jen?" Dean spoke up, his voice slightly more normal. She turned to him, lips pressed together. "Where's you get the scratch?"
Jenny frowned at Dean, walking over to a mirror and turned around. Her hand trailed over a long scratch from her shoulder to her middle back, confused. "I don't know." She answered, looking back at Dean. "Maybe it's from you." Dean raised his brows as Jenny walked into the bathroom, Dean looking down at his nails.
After the two had gotten dressed, they walked over to what was their bedroom, still occupied by an extremely hungover Sam.
Jenny knocked on the door gently, opening it a few seconds later. The bathroom door was wide open, Sam was kneeling miserably in front of the toilet, hair splayed everywhere and groaning in pain. Jenny let out a laugh, and when Dean saw the view, he did too.
"How you feeling, Sammy?" Dean asked loudly, Sam groaned again. "I guess mixing whisky and Jäger wasn't such a gangbuster idea, was it?" As Dean walked over to the bed, Jenny walked into the bathroom, sitting down at the tub as she put Sam's hair into a ponytail. She pay his back gently, rubbing it. "I'll bet you don't remember a thing from last night, do you?" Dean continued on. Sam merely groaned again
"Ohh, I can still taste the tequila." Sam cried, Jenny chuckling softly.
"You'll be alright, Samurai. Here, I think I got some Tylenol in my bag." Jenny got up from the bathtub, walking quietly to her duffel bag and rummaged through it.
"Tylenol? Thought you could handle a few bruises?" Dean joked, and Jenny turned to him, whipping out a box of tampons.
"A punch to the face I can handle. Period cramps? I wish my uterus didn't exist." Jenny grumbled, shuffling through her bag as Dean turned away awkwardly. She pulled out her bottle of Tylenol, going back to the bathroom.
"Sammmyyyy." Jenny mused, watching the youngest Winchester fall against the bathtub, squinting his eyes in pain. She opened the bottle, taking Sam's hand and dropped two pills into it. "Don't overdose." She pointed to him while still holding the bottle and his wrist. He nodded, still squinting as he tossed his hand to his mouth, swallowing the pills.
Dean walked into the bathroom, a grin on his face. "You know, there's a really good hangover remedy— it's a, it's a greasy pork sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray." Jenny turned to Dean with a joking glare as he chuckled, watching his brother heave
"Oh, I hate you." Sam grumbled to Dean as Jenny slowly helped him sit up onto the bathtub.
"I know you do. Hey, turns out when Grandma Rose was a tyke, she had a Creole nanny who wore a hoodoo necklace. Whoo." Dean looked taken aback at the smell as he walked into the bathroom, Jenny finally getting to flushing the toilet.
"So.... you think she taught Rose hoodoo?" Sam asked as Jenny shrugged, nodding .
"Yes we do." Dean answered, watching Sam stand up, and groan in even more pain.
"All right. I think it's time we talked to Rose, then." Both Jenny and Dean grimaced, Jenny looking at his clothes as Dean gestured to his teeth.
"Oh. You can brush your teeth first." Dean said, going to pay his brothers shoulder before turning away. Jenny gestured to her clothes.
"And maybe take a shower." She smiled, dropping it before leaving the bathroom.
Jenny, Sam and Dean crept back to the playroom, the three standing by the door to listen to any noise. After the silence passed, Dean knocked on the door, waiting again.
"Susan?" Dean called out, looking to his brother and girlfriend. Silence again. Jenny knelt by the door, rummaging through her pocket for her pick lock as Sam and Dean kept watch.
After only a few seconds, the door clicked, slowly opening. "How the hell did you do that so fast?" Sam frowned as Jenny smirked, standing up.
"Breaking and entering since 1993." She slapped Sam's shoulder playfully with the back of her hand, following after Dean into the playroom.
The three walked towards the back of the playroom to a wooden door. Jenny was cautious, opening it slowly and looked inside. "Well, if you guys weren't scared of the dolls..." Jenny whispered, opening the door wider to reveal a dimly lit staircase.
"Granny's got the creepy suite." Dean commented, Jenny and Sam shooting him a soft glare. They crept up the staircase.
At the landing, another wooden door was slightly ajar, the three glancing to one another as Jenny led the way. And, although her heart was beating a little faster than normal, she kept herself calm. Half-expecting for a ghost to jump at her as she opened the door.
Rose was sitting in a wheelchair, her back faced to the Hunter's, staring out a window as it rained. Jenny approached the woman slowly, continuously glancing back to Sam and Dean.
"Mrs. Thompson?" Jenny spoke in a quiet tone, walking closer. "Mrs. Thompson?" She repeated, noticing the frail woman was trembling. Staring at nothing. "Rose?" Jenny watched as she started trembling harder, pausing. "Guys..." Sam and Dean looked at the shock on Jenny's face as she stared down at Rose, the two walking over quickly. "She had a stroke."
"Yeah, but hoodoo's hands-on, I mean, you've got to mix herbs, and chant, and build an altar." Dean stated the obvious, Jenny crossing her arms.
"Yeah. So it can't be Rose. Hey, maybe it's not even hoodoo." Sam suggested and Jenny shook her head.
"She could be faking." Jenny assumed, looking back down at Ross.
"Yeah, what are you gonna do, poke her with a stick?" Jenny and Dean turned to Sam, frowned, then nodded. Sam's eyes widened. "Dude! You're not gonna poke her with a stick!"
"What the hell?! What are you doing in here?" Jenny's eyes widened as she had made eye contact with Susan, the three Hunters starting to ramble.
"Oh, we just wanted to talk to Rose—"
"Well, the door was open —"
"Honestly Sherwin could do better with the locks—"
"Look at her, she is scared out of her wits!" Susan ran over, trying to comfort her mother. She turned her head to the three intruders quickly, glaring. "I want you out of my hotel in two minutes or I'm calling the cops!"
"Right away, ma'am." Jenny quickly ushered the two brothers out of the room without hesitation, running back down the stairs.
Jenny looked through the back window of the Impala to the hotel as Dean started driving, an unsettling feeling creeping inside her stomach.
"Turn around." She said, Dean looking back at her.
"Jen, they're moving out today it might be o—"
"Dean turn this car around!" She demanded, and Dean gripped the steering wheel, swerving the car back around to the hotel.
Before Dean could make a complete stop, Jenny was jumping out of the car, rushing to Susan as another car started b-lining to her at the playground.
Jenny hurled herself off the ground, slamming into Susan's shoulder and knocking her out of the way of the vehicle. Jenny got up quickly, looking around and up at the hotel. In the window, she saw one of the little girls, who then walked away from the window.
"Are you okay?" Jenny quickly asked Susan, helping her stand up. "Sorry if I hurt you."
"I prefer you hurt me more than that car." Susan gestured to the car that had nearly killed her, Sam and Dean rushing towards them.
"Let's get inside. Come on." Dean lead everyone back into the hotel, where Susan was quick to stop at the bar.
Jenny walked behind the bar, humming when she saw a shaker set, picking it up from the shelf and put it down onto the counter. She turned to the shelf filled with alcohol, grabbing whatever sounded good before turning back.
"I uh— think I'll just have a whiskey..." Susan said quietly as Jenny shrugged, pouring Susan a glass of whiskey. Dean frowned, watching as Jenny made a very fancy looking drink.
"Where the hell did you learn how to do that?" Dean asked, Jenny smiling.
"I had to make my own money before I joined you." She pouted her drink into a tall glass, drinking it with a smirk. Dean hummed, turning to Susan.
"What the hell happened out there?" Susan asked, drinking most of the whiskey in her glass. The three Hunters glanced to each other, thinking.
"You want the truth?" Dean asked, leaning on the counter. Susan nodded. "Well, at first we thought it was some sort of hoodoo curse, but that out there? That was definitely a spirit."
"You're insane." Susan shook her head, Jenny chuckling as she put her drink to her lips.
"We'be been called worse." Susan frowned at her comment, Sam speaking up.
"Look, I'm sorry, Susan. We don't exactly have time to ease you into this, but we need to know when your mother had the stroke."
"What does that have to do with any—"
"Just answer the question." Sam interrupted, and Susan sighed, thinking.
"About a month ago." Jenny set her glass down, pressing her lips together.
"Right before the killings began." Sam stated the obvious, turning to Jenny and Dean. "See? So what if Rose was working hoodoo, but not to hurt anyone. To protect them."
"She was using the five spot urns to ward off the spirit." Jenny thought aloud, the younger Winchester nodding.
"Right, until she had a stroke and she couldn't anymore."
"I don't believe this." Susan stood up, pacing.
"Listen, sister, that car didn't try to run you down by itself, okay? I mean, I guess it did, technically, but, but the spirit can—" Dean cut himself short, shaking his head. "forget it."
"Look, believe what you want. But the fact is you and your family are in danger, all right? So you need to clear everybody out of here: your employees, your mother, your daughters, everyone." Susan paused to look at Sam, frowning.
"I only have one daughter." Jenny frowned next, pointing to the lobby.
"But what about the two girls we saw yesterday?" Susan looked to Jenny, twice as confused.
"Two? You saw two girls? That's impossible. Maggie is imaginary." Jenny's eyes widened as Sam and Dean looked to her, the three having an equal understanding of what Jenny had seen.
"Oh boy." She mumbled, downing the rest of her drink. "Where's Tyler?"
and now she can actually see ghosts full time. why do you think that is 👀
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