I could not fall asleep until I at least started this chapter. I am five episodes away from finishing this book then i'm on to NUMBER THREE WOO (y'all have no idea how excited I am about that.)
anyways get ready because we are going to be dealing with a new side of Jenny. if i were you i'd grab a tissue box.
"Sam, I really don't think she should be on this case with us." Dean whispered, to which Sam scoffed.
"Dean, you can't protect her from every bad thing out in the world. She's the best hunter we know, she knows how to kill these things, I say we let her work it."
"No, Sam. You know how she is with these. She'll freak out at the last second, and then we're sitting around her in a hospital bed. Just like last time."
"This won't be like last time, Dean!"
"Will you guys stop talking?" Jenny groaned, turning over in the bed. Sam and Dean quickly looked at her as she sat up, yawning. "What are you guys talking about?"
"Uhm, nothing, Jen you can just go back to sl—"
"We found a new case." Sam interrupted his brother, who shot a deathly glare at him. "And... the victim's heart was missing."
Jenny immediately froze in her spot. She didn't bare an expression, but her body language alone told Dean that she wanted nothing to do with whatever Sam was talking about.
"Sam, I already told you we should find a different case." Dean muttered angrily to his brother. Jenny shook her head.
"No. No I think... I think this can be good... For me." She spoke hesitantly, still not moving from her position on the bed. Dean raised his brows in surprise.
"Really? Are you sure?" Sam asked, just as surprised as Dean, and Jenny, who nodded slowly.
"Yeah. I've been afraid of something for too long. It's an unnecessary fear, really, given that I've hunted way worse." Jenny stood up. "I'm just going to uh... Take a shower. And then we can go?"
Sam and Dean nodded, watching as she briskly walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind her.
Jenny stared at herself in the mirror for longer than she anticipated. At the scar on her neck, mostly. Reminiscing in the horrible memory that the scar gave her. The time that almost made John stop taking Jenny on cases altogether.
"It's okay." She told herself, gripping onto the sink with every bit of force she could to keep herself standing. She took in a deep breath, closing her eyes, only to be flashed back to that hospital bed. Back to when she was younger, and basically a rookie cop compared to a lead detective.
"It's just another case." She whispered, walking towards the bathtub. She turned on the shower, hoping the heat would snap her out of everything. "A werewolf case."
Werewolf. The last case her parents went on. The first case she went on. The case she almost died on. The one that gave her that horrendous scar on her neck. The case that made her fear werewolves.
Most people assumed it was her parents death that made her fear the hideous monsters that lurked in the night. They knew she feared something.
"Just get over it." Jenny mumbled, pulling up the knob on the faucet, watching the shower head start up. "You can fear normal things instead. Like spiders. Or snakes. Don't fear the things you hunt."
She ran her hand over the scar, humming softly as she tried to think. Was going on this case a good option?
Before Jenny could step into the shower, she bent down and puked everything she ate from the night before. She coughed loudly, covering her mouth in an attempt to suppress it so she wouldn't worry Sam and Dean. And yet she still did.
"Jen? You alright in there?" Dean asked from outside the door, and she stifled another cough.
"Yeah I'm okay." She lied, kneeling in front of the toilet as she held her head in her hands, ignoring how many asses have most likely touched the seat.
Dean didn't press into it as Jenny collected herself, taking in a deep breath only to puke again. She hoped it was just the nerves of going on her first werewolf case in over a decade, shaking her head.
"You use protection. You're not pregnant, Jennifer. Get a fucking hold of yourself." She whispered, stepping into the shower. "If you were, there is absolutely no way you're having it."
Jenny, Sam and Dean all stood outside of Madison's apartment, the woman who had found the victim of the werewolf attack. Madison was just staring at them for a moment, trying to think.
Jenny couldn't really tell why she still felt ill the entire car ride here. She hadn't eaten, so maybe that was it. She was afraid of werewolves, so maybe this case was making her anxious. And Madison didn't look like the killing type.
"I don't understand. I already gave my statement." Madison said as she led the three into her apartment.
"Right, well, we just need to verify a few things." Sam spoke as the group noticed a man with a grizzly beard sat on the living room couch.
"This is my neighbor, Glen. Glen, this is Detective..." Madison gestured to Dean, who cleared his throat.
"Landis. This is Detective Dante, and Detective Horton." He pat Sam on the back as he looked at Jenny, who flashed a quick smile. Glenn waved, standing up.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you to it." Glenn started towards the front door, Madison smiling softly.
"Okay. Thanks for the casserole." Dean hummed at Madison's comment.
"Oh, how thoughtful."
"Just call if you need anything." Glenn said, the four watching him leave before the hunters turned back to Madison.
"He's sweet. He came over to check on me. Have – have a seat." Madison gestured to a kitchen table, where Jenny was quick to sit down.
"You must be pretty shaken up. You were Nate Mulligan's assistant, right?" Sam questioned and Madison nodded, joining the trio at the table.
"For two years, yeah."
"So, you two were familiar with each other? Knew him well?" Jenny asked, leaning her arms on the table. Dean stared at her for a moment, and how well put together she looked for someone who was puking just a few hours ago.
"Probably knew more about him than he did. Nate was... he was nice." Madison gave them a half-hearted smile, frowning at Jenny as if she could sense the woman wasn't comfortable.
"But?" Sam raised a brow, Madison turning to him.
"Nothing, really. I – He had a few scotches in him, and he'd started hitting on anyone in a five-mile radius. You know the type." Sam scoffed, looking to Dean, who was still staring at Jenny with a faint gleam.
"Yeah. I do, actually." Dean turned his attention towards his brother, frowning in confusion.
He cleared his throat, a more serious tone now in his voice. "Did, uh, did he have any enemies?"
"What do you mean? It sure looked like an animal attack." Madison stated, and Jenny nodded, shrugging.
"Yes, that's what it looks like. We're just— We're just covering all the bases. Did anyone have any sort of beef with him? Former client, an ex maybe?" Jenny watched Madison's expression as she thought, Sam seeming to have noticed as well.
"What?" The younger Winchester asked.
"Well, this is embarrassing, but my ex-boyfriend, Kurt—"
"Does Kurt have a last name?" Dean interrupted, Madison nodding.
"Mueller. After we broke up, he went kind of nuts. He's... well, he's kind of been stalking me. He got it in his head that something was going on between Nate and I. He showed up at my office."
"What happened?" Jenny questioned, leaning forward more.
"Kurt got into it with Nate, threw a punch before security grabbed him. I was lucky to keep my job."
"When was the last time you saw Kurt?" Dean asked as Madison fell quiet in thought again.
"A few nights ago. Actually, the night Nate died. We were all grabbing drinks at this bar, and Kurt showed up." Jenny, Sam and Dean all shared a look, sighing quietly.
"And?" Dean raised a brow, the girl shook her head.
"Nothing. It was ... like he was watching me. Then he was gone. To tell you the truth... he scares me."
"So, what do you think?" Dean asked as they all walked back to the Impala. Sam shrugged.
"Stalker ex-boyfriend? He hates the boss. And he was there that night."
"Sounds like Kurt might be the big bad wolf." Jenny sighed, trying to keep her composure, which seemed to be going well.
"You think he's our dog-faced boy?" Dean asked her. Jenny nodded.
"Well, I think it's more of a theory." Sam commented.
"Eh, We've had worse." Jenny sighed through her nose and stared at the concrete ahead, nodding.
"Yeah. Worse."
"What do you say we pay Kurt a visit?" Her eyes widened and she looked to Dean, clearing her throat.
"Yeah. Yeah that uh.. Sounds like a plan."
"Jenny, you don't have to come with—"
"No! No I want to. Let's go.
Jenny picked the lock to Kurt's apartment, peeking inside and glanced around nervously. "It's clear." She whispered, slowly walking inside. Jenny stick closely to Dean, following him into the kitchen.
"Anything?" Sam asked from the living room as Dean looked through the fridge, sighing in defeat.
"No, nothing but leftovers and a six-pack."
"Check the freezer. Maybe there's some human hearts behind the Haagen-Dazs or something." Sam joked, and Jenny turned to the freezer, pausing as a door opened up, followed by a loud crash outside.
Jenny quickly followed Dean to the sliding glass door onto the balcony. She looked around, tugging Dean's jacket and pointed to a stray of claw marks on the concrete wall, which slid to the ground.
"Sam, come here!" Dean called out, Sam catching up to them. "Check it out."
Suddenly, a gunshot rang through the alleyway. The hunters all shared a look, rushing down the fire escape and raced down to the street, only to find a policeman's body completely mauled.
Jenny turned away quickly at the sight of his chest ripped open, slamming her eyes shut. She felt a hand on her shoulder, opening one eye to find Dean giving her a worried stare.
"I'll call 911." Sam said as he pulled out his phone. Jenny slowly turned back to the body, walking over and knelt down.
"I'd say Kurt's looking more and more like our Cujo." Dean stated, watching Jenny carefully.
"If he's out here, we better check on Madison." Jenny stood up, turning to the brothers. "She could be Kurt's next target."
The boys knock on Madison's front door as Jenny stood a little bit away. Across the hall, Glen opened up his door to see the commotion.]
"What's going on?" The three turned to him.
"Police business." Jenny answered bluntly as Madison opened her door, looking somewhat exhausted.
"What is it?" She yawned, Sam shoving his hands in his pockets. He glanced over to Glen, then back to Madison.
"Well, maybe we should talk privately."
"Has Kurt been here?" Jenny asked as Madison handed her a cup of coffee, then Sam and Dean. She sat down with them at the dining table
"Not exactly." She answered quietly, and Dean frowned.
"What exactly does "not exactly" mean?"
"Well, he was outside last night. Just...looking. Just looking at me." The trio of hunters exchanged a look. "Has he done something?"
"We're not really sure, just yet." Jenny answered, sipping her coffee.
"It's probably nothing, but... we just don't wanna take any chances. In fact, one of us should probably stay here with you? Just in case he stops by. Where does he work?" Dean asked, Madison taking a sip of her coffee before answering.
"He owns a body shop."
"You mind grabbing that address for us?" Madison nodded, leaving the room.
"All right, you and Jenny go. I'll stay." Sam answered, Jenny sucking in a sharp breath.
"Yeahhh I don't know about me going out. I think I'll stay here, and you guys can go find Kurt." Jenny sipped her coffee, Sam frowning.
"But I want to stay with Madison." Jenny smiled weirdly at Sam, humming.
"Someone's got a crush on the assistant."
"I do not—!" Sam cut himself short, whispering. "I do not have a crush on Madison." Jenny and Dean shared a look, turning back to Sam.
"Yes you do." They answered in unison, and Jenny sighed. "Alright. I'll let you stay here so long as you make sure she's protected... In more ways than one." Jenny winked, Sam's eyes widening as Dean choked on his coffee.
"Truthfully, I'm reconsidering the deal I made with Sam." Jenny complained as she looked up at the large neon sign with a frown.
"You know, a few years ago I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to walk into a strip club." Jenny paused at Dean's words, turning to him as he shook his head. "Now I hate the thought of seeing in one."
"You know, I do have some like dancing skills." Jenny said with a false smirk. Dean's eyes widened as he watched Jenny walk inside, his mind drifting far, far away from the case as he chased after her.
"Jesus Christ these lights are chaotic." Jenny complained as the flashing colors nearly blinded her. She and Dean walked over to the bar, both trying not to pay attention to the woman dancing on the pole as they searched for Kurt.
"As a bisexual, this is a lot more difficult than I was hoping." Jenny said to Dean, who only nodded in agreement.
"I'll give you a freebie on this one if I get one too." Jenny nodded, shaking her boyfriends hand as the two looked towards the stage, then to the small crowd.
"I'm not even that flexible." Jenny complained as she watched the woman dance, Dean scoffing.
"You're definitely that flexible." He said, stopping to tap Jenny and point. "There's Kurt. I'll call Sam." Dean turned back to the bar, Jenny watching the dancer for a moment longer before turning to the bar again.
"Lord forgive me." She whispered, looking at Dean as he called his brother.
Dean and Jenny were standing on the street outside Kurt's house, not really making an attempt to conceal themselves. A light turned on inside the house and the two were quick to get their guns ready. Suddenly, glass shattered, echoing through the street, and the two hunters shared a look.
Jenny and Dean ran to the house and burst through the door. Entering one of the rooms, Jenny dropped her flashlight as she spotted woman hovering over Kurt's mauled body. It was Madison, now as a werewolf.
Dean's eyes widened, looking to Jenny, who was frozen in her spot, staring at Madison. Though she still looked human, her eyes had turned an electric blue, her teeth had turned to bloody fangs, and she instead of fingernails, they were now long claws.
Madison growled and ran at DEAN, pushing him into the wall. Jenny yelped, falling back and scrambled away from the two. Dean thrashed around, slicing Madison's arm with his knife. She growled in pain, and ran out the open window.
Jenny watched her dash out, breathing heavily as Dean rushed to her side. "Jen? Jennifer." He grabbed her arms, forcing Jenny to look at him. "Jen."
"I'm sorry. I— I'm sorry—" Dean shook his head as he took Jenny's face in his hands, kissing her forehead.
"I'm okay. Don't be sorry, okay? It's alright."
ah yes. Heart. An episode i've been waiting to write since the prologue of Solitude.
just wait because it's going to get a whole lot worse.
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