Sam, Jenny and Dean walked through the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, shovels in hand. Jenny, with her freehand, was looking at a map, occasionally looking up in confusion.
"Which way?" Sam asked as Jenny looked at the map again, humming.
"Uh... over here." They started walking further ahead as Dean spoke up.
"Yeah?" Sam answered, not paying attention as Dean gestured to a memorial for Humpty Dumpty.
"This map is totally worth the five bucks! Hey, we've gotta go check out Johnny Ramone's grave when we're done here." He grinned as Jenny looked at the memorial, then to Dean.
"You know they never implied that Humpty Dumpty was an egg?" Dean's smiled dropped to confusion as Sam bit on his lips to stifle a smile. "Actually, did you know that when a person falls from a high enough building, they bounce? They die in impact, obviously, but after the second hit they basically break like an egg." Dean stopped walking, staring at Jenny.
"You know, for how giddy you usually are, you know a lot of very dark things." He deadpanned as Jenny shrugged, looking down at the map as Sam chuckled quietly.
"I'm just saying. They couldn't put Humpty back together because—"
"Bite your tongue, heathen!" Dean interrupted as they passed another memorial, and he paused to look at it. "Oh, that's cool."
"You know, Dean, what I don't get is why now? I mean, after seventy-five years, Elise Drummond suddenly goes homicidal, you know? Why this movie?" Sam asked suddenly, as Jenny shrugged once more. Sam yanked her to avoid slamming into a tree from staring down at the map.
"Oh. Thanks."
"Well, maybe she's mad they're making a scary ghost flick." Jenny laughed at Dean's suggestion, looking at him.
"Come on, is it really that scary?" Sam asked, Dean tilting his head as he thought.
"Here it is." Jenny walked up to Elise's headstone, looking around inconspicuously.
"Yep. All right." Sam whispered, turning to Dean.
"Yahtzee." He spoke. Jenny frowned, thinking as she slammed her shovel into the dirt.
"You know, I've never played that game."
The trio had finished digging. Jenny was in the grave, cramming the coffin open with a crowbar to reveal Elise's corpse. She hopped out of the grave as Sam and Dean poured salt and kerosene over the bones.
"Guess her show won't go on." Dean joked, looking at Sam and Jenny with a smug smile, which they didn't return. Dean's smile dropped and he rolled his eyes, lighting the match and tossed it in Elise's grave.
Jenny frowned at she watched the Hell Hazers Two movie, leaning back in her chair.
"They never forgive. They never forget." The voiceover said as Jenny scoffed in amusement at how bad it already looked. Tara, as Wendy, appeared on the screen, looking around fearfully as she was surrounded by the darkness of trees.
"Mitch? Ashley?"
"And this summer, they're coming back again to settle the score... ...again." Jenny shook her head at the disappointment of the script, crossing her arms.
"I could have made a better horror movie."
Wendy suddenly turned and looked into the camera, screaming, which then continued as a montage of clips was scattered onto the screen.
"This looks terrible." Jenny commented, tilting her head.
"Ashley and Todd - they're dead! Wendy, they're dead!" Brody, who was also dead, yelled at Wendy.
"From the producers of Cornfield Massacre, Monster Truck, and the director of Charlie's Angels, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, and Hell Hazers, comes a new experience in terror." The voiceover continued as a voiceover from Mitch started.
"We must have brought them back. Back from Hell. Again."
"Hell Hazers 2: The Reckoning. This film is not yet rated." Jenny paused the trailer, shaking her head.
"It's awful."
Sam, Dean and Jenny were back at Stage Nine, watching as the police examined the crime scene where Jay had been killed last night while they were burning Elise's bones.
"Run-in with a giant fan. Same thing happened to an electrician back in '66, a guy named Billy Beard." Jenny giggled at the name Sam gave them, clearing her throat, and nodded.
"What the hell, dude?" Dean frowned at the scene, and Sam shrugged.
"I don't know. Doesn't seem like Elise this time, either. It's not her M.O."
"It's also not her. We salted her bones last night. So, what, Billy's on a killing spree now?" Jenny asked, a confused frown on her face.
"Yeah, but these things don't usually tag-team." Dean commented, shaking his head as the three started to walk in.
Outside in the lot, McG got out of his car, waving his cast and crew down, which now included Jenny, Sam and Dean.
"Everybody! Gather around, okay! I've got an announcement to make." As everyone started swarming the director, he clasped his hands together, now yelling. "Everyone! Huddle in! In light of Jay's accident last night, and in cooperation with the authorities, we're shutting down production for a few days. I know, I know. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've had a few setbacks this week. But we all know what Jay and Brad wanted more than anything. And that was to see Hell Hazers 2: The Reckoning on screens all across America! Now, we owe it to them to go on, and to pull together and make this damn movie, huh?"
The hunting trio looked around as everyone clapped and cheered, visible confusion on their faces as to how they weren't shutting the project down all together.
"But – but but but not today. Go home. Someone will call you." McG continued, and everyone scattered, leaving the trio standing outside.
Jenny and Sam were sitting inside the trailer, Sam watching the trailer for the movie as Wendy started reading Latin.
Dean walked in a few seconds later, Jenny waving him over.
"Hey. So, you find out where the electrician's buried?" Sam asked. Dean paused, looking defeated.
"He wasn't. Billy Beard was cremated." Jenny and Sam sighed in defeat.
"Great. Now what?" Sam slapped his hands to his thighs, shaking his head.
"No idea. Any more ghost cameos in the dailies?" Jenny shook her head, rewinding the tape back just a bit.
"Not in the first six hours." Sam complained. "You know, maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie 'cause they think it sucks. 'Cause, I mean, it kind of does."
"Guys shut up for a second. Listen." Jenny played the tape, which started back to Wendy, Tara, reciting the latin again.
"I couldn't remember where I had heard it from at first, then I remembered a book a read a few years ago. It's a necromantic summoning ritual."
MARTY, the writer, is on the phone in his office.
"Dude, are you serious? 'Cause I'm serious." Marty, the writer of the show, argued on the phone, noticing Sam, Dean and Jenny standing at his door. He hung up the phone, opening it. "Guys, we're all shut down. What are you still doing here?"
"Yeah, um, whez, is ... sorry, man. We– we– we couldn't help ourselves. We just had to tell you that we read the script." Sam gestured to the three of them, smiling as Marty rose his brows. "It's – uh – it's awesome."
"Awesome." Dean nodded as Jenny tried to smile.
"Really awesome." Marty smiled at the flattery, shrugging.
"I know, it's pretty rockin', right? I'm glad you guys liked it." Jenny tried to keep her smile from faltering, still nodding.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I really liked, uh, all the attention to detail." Sam complimented.
"Dude, right on, that's my thing. I mean, you know, color me guilty, but that is me. I'm, I'm, I'm a total detail buff."
"Really, we can tell. I mean, all those Enochian summoning rituals and all the authentic language. You put in the work." Jenny spoke, watching as Marty's smile faded.
"What, you mean that Latin crap? No, man, that's Walter. Walter Dixon, the original writer. You like that garbage?" Jenny frowned, raising a hand up.
"Wait, "Walter the P.A." Walter?"
"No, he's not a P.A. He's got a clause in his contract that allows him to come on set." The hunters shared a look, nodding.
"So... he wrote the invocations?" Jenny raised a brow, glancing up at Marty.
"He wrote a whack-job screenplay. There's no pace, there's no love interest, it's all wackadoo exposition. I had to cut, like, ninety percent of it to make it readable, the other ten percent to make it good." The three hunters laughed awkwardly, quickly leaving.
"Okay. So Walter is a killer."
Back on set, Jenny rocked back and forth in a chair, reading Walter's version of the movie, Lord of the Dead.
"God this is so much better that whatever the hell Marty wrote." Jenny scoffed, Sam and Dean nodding in agreement.
"Should've kept Walter's original script." Dean commented.
"Yeah. And it reads like a how-to manual of conjuration, like a textbook on how to summon ghosts and get them to do whatever you want."
"Yeah, like kill people." Dean grumbled at Sam, who sighed quietly.
"Yep. So, let's say somewhere down the line, Walter learned some pretty black magic." Sam tossed the script to the side, standing up.
"Yeah. And let's say he's pissed at these people for wrecking his movie." Dean set his script down as Jenny kept reading, looking almost intrigued by it.
"Motive and means." She mumbled, Dean having to take it out of her hands to get her to stand up. "I was getting to the good part!"
"Let's do our job first."
Sam, Dean and Jenny all quietly walked through the set, guns drawn as they made their way close to the stage, where they heard Walter yelling at Marty.
"You ruined it, Martin! Everything I worked for!"
"Oh, oh, oh. Oh, God! Walter!" Marty cried out, Jenny taking the lead as she quickened her pace to the yelling.
"Now you're gonna find out what being a ghost is really like." Jenny noticed a deranged looking ghost dragging Marty to a large fan, ready to shred him to pieces.
"Walter, please! Walter, help me! Heeeeeee–"
Just as Marty was inches away from the fan, Jenny pulled the trigger of her shotgun, blasting the ghost away. Sam rushed to the fan and turned it off, Jenny now aiming her gun at Walter, who spun around to face her and Dean.
"You are one hell of a makeup artist." Walter told Jenny, who shrugged.
"Yeah, I know."
"What are you doing?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Walter." Sam spoke as he walked over, who quickly started climbing the stairs of the scaffolding. "Raising these spirits from the dead? Making them murder for you? That's playing with fire, Walter."
"You don't understand!" Walter yelled, Jenny following him up slowing, gun still drawn to him.
"Just... wait, look. You put your heart and soul into something, years of hard work. It's years, and then they take it! And they crap all over it!" Dean looked to Marty, who shook his head as if Walter didn't know what he was talking about. "And then – and then they want you to smile and say, "Thank you"."
"Walter, listen. It's just a movie. That's it." Jenny shook her head as she spoke. Walter glared at her, scoffing.
"Look... I've got nothing against you, lady. You're not part of this. Just please, please, just leave. But Martin's gotta stay."
"Sorry, Disney. I can't let you kill Marty." Jenny cocked her gun, knowing that it wouldn't kill Walter, but it sure would hurt him like a bitch. "I don't really like the guy, but that doesn't mean he deserves to die."
Walter was quiet, slowly raising his talisman. "Then I'm sorry, too." Jenny's eyes widened.
"Walter. Walter, pl- Don't!" Sam yelled, but he of course didn't listen, starting to chant loudly in Latin. Three ghosts appeared,
"Sam! Jen!" Dean yelled as Jenny stared at the ghost ahead of her, backing away as it slowly inched closer.
Suddenly, before Jenny could shoot her gun, they ghost disappeared. Then, out of nowhere, Sam was knocked to the floor, followed by Jenny, who lost her footing and tumbled down the stairs.
"Jennifer!" Dean yelled, dropping his gun and rushing to her side. She was unconscious, her forehead sliced open and bleeding lightly. "Jen, wake up! Sam!"
Sam rushed to grab Dean's gun, spinning in a circle as Marty began running away while the lights on set shorted out, and sparks started flying. Dean lifted Jenny up and grabbed her gun, following Sam and Marty into another building.
"Is she okay?" Sam asked as he started reloading his gun. Dean set Jenny down on the couch nearby, moving a strand of hair out of her face.
"She's not waking up, Sam. Shit—" Dean noticed that Jenny's wound on her leg had reopened, panic setting inside as he turned to the door.
Dean turned his head, now realizing the building they entered was actually just the set for the abandoned house. It was completely open on the other wall, which only meant they didn't actually reached any real shelter.
"Shit!" Dean yelled as Marty paced back and forth.
"I can't believe this. Ghosts are real!"
"What makes you say that?" Dean scoffed, turning back to Jenny as he shook her gently. "C'mon, Jen. Wake up!"
"But I don't understand. How is Walter controlling them?" Marty continued.
"Probably that talisman." After a moment, Sam took out his cell phone, flipping the camera on.
"What are you doing?"
"I mean, if film cameras pick these suckers up, then... maybe, uh..." Using his cell phone camera to scan the room, Sam suddenly pointing at Dean, yelling.
"Dean! Right behind you!" Dean grabbed Jenny's shotgun, spinning around and shot, Sam sighing in relief. "Got him. Hey! Right there!"
Dean shot again and Sam looked up, noticing Walter walking around the upper level. Sam tossed his phone to Marty.
"Here, you get the idea?" Sam asked Marty, who nodded quickly. "All right, you hold them off. I'm going after Walter." Sam rushed off the set, Dean standing in front of the couch Jenny was still unconscious on as if he were a guard dog, an furious expression on his face.
"I cannot believe there's an afterlife."
"Oh, there's an afterlife, all right. But mostly, it's a pain in the ass." Dean grumbled as Marty kept scanning the room, suddenly pointing.
"There!" Marty ducked to his left as Dean pulled the trigger. Jenny suddenly gasped awake, groaning in pain as she reached for the wound on her forehead.
"Jesus Christ my head." Dean spun around, kneeling besides Jenny as he took her hand. "What happened?"
"No time to explain. Come on." Jenny hissed in pain as Dean tossed her arm over his shoulder, helping her walk as he still held the shotgun, ready to fire.
Dean, Marty and Jenny followed up the scaffolding again, Jenny immediately noticing that Walter had broken his talisman. "Ohhh boy."
"Because you just freed them!" Sam yelled at Walter, who scoffed. "We can't stop them now. Walter, you brought them back, forced them to murder. They're not gonna be very happy with you."
"Yeah? So, why not?" Suddenly, Walter fell to the ground, screaming in pain. Blood seeped through his clothing as slowly, Marty raised Sam's cell phone to show Jenny and Dean that the ghosts were tearing Walter to shreds.
Jenny had a limp as she followed Sam and Dean through the stage lot, looking at a small mirror in her hand as she fixed the bandage on her forehead. "I hate stairs." She grumbled as Sam and Dean chuckled. "Oh wow, laugh it up. You wont laugh when you're the one falling down the stairs."
"Hey, at least you're not hospitalized." Dean said as he wrapped his arm around Jenny's waist. She hummed, still looking annoyed.
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