Sam, Dean and Jenny were sitting at a small table in the dining hall. Jenny's stomach grumbled loudly, Dean looking at her, concerned.
"When was the last time you ate, Jen?" Jenny held her stomach, thinking.
"How long have we been here?" Dean's eyes widened at her question. "I'm not eating whatever the fuck the ''mystery meat' is."
"Jenny, you haven't eaten in three days. You can't fall back into old habits." Dean's voice was laced with worry, and she patted him with a soft smile.
"I promise. As soon as we're out of here, I'm going to order myself a double cheeseburger." Dean nodded slowly, the two turning to Sam as he cleared his throat.
"Okay, so let's say those stories on Glockner were true."
"It's a thought. You know, in life, she's a vigilante. In death, same thing." Dean shrugged, his brother nodding.
"Right. But then how's she tied in with the old cellblock? And if she's going after cons, why kill that one guard?" Sam frowned in confusion, shaking his head as he thought
"Well.. Jen and I did hear in the yard that that guard wasn't exactly squeaky clean, so, maybe she's going after anybody that breaks a law. Like is." Dean gestured to himself and Jenny, who leaned against the table. Sam raised a brow.
"You two 'heard in the yard'?" Jenny nodded in confirmation. "Guys, does it ... bother you at all, how easily you seem to fit in here?" Dean and Jenny shared a look, shaking their heads.
"No, not really." Dean answered. Sam looked at Jenny, who smiled softly.
"Honestly, I think some of the guys are scared of me here. It's kind of fun." She spoke with a cheekily grin.
"...All right." Sam answered. "Well, listen, either way, we need more info on Glockner. If -- if she's buried. If so, where? And, we got five hours to get it." Dean gave his brother a look, and Sam pointed a finger at him. "No, no. Don't give me that look. Don't give me that "we got to see this thing through" look. We are leaving tonight, no matter what."
"I just don't want to let Deacon down, that's all. We do owe him." Dean said quietly, and Sam sighed.
"Yeah, but we don't owe him our lives, Dean." Dean got up, starting to walk away.
"Where you going?" Jenny frowned, watching.
"I'm gonna go talk with our lawyer." Jenny and Sam shared a look.
Sam and Jenny were walking across the yard again when Dean entered, waving them down.
"She go for it?" Sam asked when they caught up to Dean. He sighed in defeat, shaking his head.
"No. No, not so much. But, uh, maybe she'll still come around."
"Well, we can't wait around to find out." Jenny slapped her hands to her thighs.
"We could give it another day." Dean suggested, his brother quick to shut the idea down.
"No, no, no. We're leaving tonight, and that's it."
"So we're not gonna finish the job, we're just gonna let these people die?"
"Don't give me that, all right? This was your stupid plan. Jenny and I went along with it, but we're sticking to the plan, Dean." Sam snapped, Dean pointing to the two of them.
"Okay. Uh, you two leave. I'm gonna stay." Jenny's brows rose as Dean walked away, and she scoffed loudly.
"Are you serious, Dean? Don't turn away from us!"
"Screw you." Dean snapped, both Sam and Jenny walking after him.
"What?! Screw you!" Sam yelled, grabbing Dean's shoulder and pinned him to the wall. Dean pushed his brother back as Jenny stayed a little back before walking forward, only to be stopped by the Warden.
"You just love to fight, don't you, Miss Price?" The Warden sneered, she stepped away from him. "I see the usual methods ain't gonna work with you." m He turned to Sam and Dean, pointing at them. "You too, sweethearts."
A guard took a hold of Dean's arms from behind and the Warden grabbed the back of Sam and Jenny's jackets.
The guard marched Dean, Jenny and Sam into a large room, the Warden following close behind..
"Take off. I want to handle this alone." The Warden ordered the guard, who left quickly after as Jenny prepared for the worst.
The Warden stepped menacingly close to Dean, then smiled and put a hand on the side of the older Winchester's neck. Jenny frowned in confusion, looking at Sam.
"Deacon, you really went hard on Jen, there." Dean said a little bitterly as Deacon took off Dean's handcuffs.
"Sorry, Dean. I thought I was going easy on y'all. You're alright, right Jennifer?" Jenny, still confused, nodded slowly. "How's your nose? You took quite a beating in here."
"Uhm... It's— It's fine I'm sorry you're Deacon?"
"The one and only." He laughed, Dean walking over to Jenny. "Sorry the boys didn't tell you, from the looks of it." Jenny shook her head, letting Dean uncuff her. "So, is it over?"
"No. Turns out, it wasn't Moody." Sam sighed, Deacon raised a brow.
"What? Then who?"
"Uh, we think it's some nurse who used to work here, but we're still shy on all the intel we need." Sam said, looking to Dean.
"Which is why we should stick around until we find it."
"Oh, hey guys." Deacon took an envelope out of his jacket pocket.
"You want to have this fight for real, Dean? We gotta go." Sam reminded him, and he nodded.
"I'm just say–"
"We gotta go now!" Sam interrupted a little harshly, Deacon clearing his throat.
"We're leaving, Dean. Otherwise, we'll be leaving in shackles for Milwaukee, with Henriksen as company." Sam continued to argue, Deacon raising his voice.
"Guys!" Sam and Dean turned to him angrily, Jenny still quiet.
"What?!" Deacon looked at the two, slowly handing Jenny the note instead.
"Your lawyer left this for you."
"Heh heh. Would you look at that. Man, I am freaking velvety smooth." Dean grinned as Jenny frowned at him, opening the letter. Her eyes widened as she read the letter.
"Wow... Holy shi—"
"What? You want to share with the class, Jenny?" Sam interrupted and she shot him a soft glare.
"Glockner died in the old cellblock after Moody bit it. Seems they had a little... inmate uprising. She got caught in the middle. They dragged her to a solitary cell and gave her a severe cerebral edema."
"Someone bashed her head in." Sam mumbled, and Jenny nodded in confirmation. "Does it say where she's buried?"
"All right, then, let's get you three the fuck out of here." Deacon gestured, and Jenny shoved the note in her pocket.
"Don't worry, Deacon. We'll get rid of this thing." Dean reassured as Deacon removed a vent cover on the wall.
"Good, 'cause I want it out of my prison." He complained, walking back over to the three. "Boys. Jennifer... uh... I can't thank you enough for this. I know it was asking a lot but you still came through. Your daddy ... raised you two boys right." Jenny smiled softly, followed by Sam.
"Well, we owed you." Deacon pulled Sam into a hug, then Dean. He turned to Jenny, pausing for a moment until she opened her arms.
"I can't say no to a hug." She smiled, hugging Deacon.
"Hope to see you three again, huh? Just ... not in here, okay?" Sam chuckled, nodding.
"Yeah, we'll do our best." Jenny climbed into the vent first, quickly shuffling out of the prison.
"God I can't wait to taste fast food again." Jenny beamed, hearing Deacon groan in pain as Dean slammed his fist into his face. "Heal soon Deacon!"
After too long of shuffling, Jenny's leg was now sore as she hopped over the railing outside of the prison, her smile even wider as she saw the Impala
"Oh, man, is she a sight for sore eyes." Dean grinned as he walked up next to Jenny.
"I've missed this damn car." She quickly slid into the passenger seat as Sam got in the back, glaring at the purple dragon.
"The damn thing is still in here." He complained, and Jenny smiled.
"And it will until it finds its forever home." Jenny mused, taking off her prisoner jacket, now wearing a white top.
"You know, I almost wish I could see Henriksen's face." Dean laughed.
"Really? 'Cause I'd be happy if I never saw him again. I mean, we're not really out of the woods yet, Dean, you know?" Sam spoke tightly, his brothers smile fading.
An alarm suddenly started blaring, Jenny's eyes widening as a red light above one of the prison doors started to flash.
"Good point." Dean turned the Impala on, quickly driving away
Now i'm a cemetery, Sam, Dean and Jenny were running around with their shovels and bags, wearing normal clothes.
"We got to move it. If Henriksen gets to our lawyer—"
"We'll be far away from here before he can find us, Sam. Don't worry." Jenny reassured as she looked down at her map. "This way.
"I thought she couldn't say anything – you know, that whole lawyer-client privilege thing." Dean frowned, Sam coding.
"The privilege doesn't apply, Dean."
"So she'll talk?" Dean asked, shaky.
"She has to."
"Oh, that's fucking super!" Dean yelled, Jenny shaking her head at them.
Jenny stood over a grave, aiming her flashlight at the headstone, which read 'Dolores Glockner 1934 – 1976.' Sam and Dean were in the grave, digging as quickly as they could.
"I told you guys my leg injury doesn't stop me from digging." Jenny said as they looked up at her, still digging.
Sam reached the coffin, looking up at Dean and Jenny. "Got her."
"We'll hurry up, then! Crack that jar of pickles open." Jenny rushed, gripping the gasoline and salt.
Sam opened the coffin,m as Dean hopped out, quickly joining him after as Jenny sprayed the corpse with the salt and gasoline. She stepped away, letting Dean light the match.
Dean dropped the lighter in the coffin, the three watching as Dolores' bones went up in flames.
"Let's go." Jenny patted the Winchester brother's, grabbing their shovels as they all started rushing out of the cemetery.
Jenny, Sam and Dean ran back to the Impala, popping the trunk open and put their equipment.
"You thought we were screwed before?" Sam asked his brother as they all got to their respective doors.
"Yeah, I know. We got to go deep this time." Dean sighed, nodding that he had made a mistake.
""Deep," Dean? We should go to Yemen."
"Ooh, I'm – I'm not sure I'm ready to go that deep." The older Winchester laughed, Jenny smiling in amusement.
"Well, I'm in the mood for some Wonton Soup."
y'all one more episode and then everything goes downhill 🧍🏻♀️ are you ready for Jenny's reaction because I'm not 😍
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