Jenny was staring out the window of their newest motel room, a worried expression on her face. Her under eyes were slightly bruised now due to her nose being broken two times in the course of a few months. The bandage did nothing to conceal that, and the makeup she bought was no where near her color, so what was the point.
"The cop is still outside." Jenny turned to Sam, who gave her a worried look. "You think it's for us?" Sam shrugged, setting his phone down so Dean could hear Jenny.
"I don't see how. I mean we ditched the plates, the credit cards." Dean spoke loudly over the phone, the Impala almost drowning his voice out. Jenny turned back to the window, letting out a soft sigh of relief as she watched the squad car drive off.
"They're leaving. False alarm." Sam told his brother, who stayed quiet for a moment.
"Well, see? Nothing to worry about." Dean laughed as his brother scoffed.
"Yeah, being fugitives? Fucking dance party." Jenny raised her brows at Sam. "What?"
"Nothing. You just never really swear." Sam rolled his eyes.
"Hey man, chicks dig the danger vibe, Sammy. They'll be all over you." Dean chuckled as Jenny walked over to the bed, picking the phone up. She moved a book away so she could sit down, picking it up with a frown.
"So you got anything yet?" Sam asked Dean, who scoffed in annoyance.
"Are you kidding me? How could I? You got me sifting through like 50 square miles of real estate here."
"Well, that's where all the victims disappeared, Dean." Jenny stated, Dean sighed.
"Yeah well, I got diddly-squat." Jenny chuckled at Dean's use of words, continuing to read the book. "What about you?"
"Just one thing. I'm pretty sure of it now." Sam took the book out of Jenny's hand, earning an offended look. "We're hunting a Djinn."
"A fucking genie?" Dean asked, Sam and Jenny humming in confirmation. "What? You think these suckers can really grant wishes?"
"I don't know. I guess they're powerful enough. But not exactly like Barbara Eden in harem pants. I mean, Djinn have been feeding off people for centuries. They're all over the Koran." Sam explained as Dean sighed loudly.
"My God. Barbara Eden was hot, wasn't she? Way hotter than that Bewitched chick." Jenny frowned, looking off to the side as she tried to debate if she should be offended or not. "Sorry, Jen."
"Uhm... Apology accepted." She answered, nodding. But she still wasn't sure.
"Yeah. So uh, where do the Djinns lair up?"
"Ruins usually. The bigger the better – more places to hide... Bodies." Jenny responded as she snatched the book out of Sam's hand, reading it.
"You know, I think I saw a place a couple miles back. I'm gonna go check it out." Sam and Jenny's eyes widened immediately.
"Wait – no, no, no, no, no. Come pick us up first." Sam demanded, his brother scoffing.
"Nah, I'm sure it's nothing. I just wanna take a look around."
"And end up with your blood getting drained as you dream about a fake fantasy world? No way." Jenny snapped, getting up to out her shoes on. "Come get us, Dean Winchester."
"Wow had to use the full name, did you?"
"Dean—" Jenny stopped short as she heard the line click, her mouth dropping open as she turned to Sam. "He hung up on me! Oh my god I'm going to kill hon before the Djinn does."
Dean groaned as he woke up, rubbing his eyes and yawned, looking around. He was laying in a bed rather than a floor, which confused him almost immediately.
"Jen... What happened?" Dean spoke groggily as he turned to look at her. He frowned, messing with her hair. "When did you curl your hai—" Dean threw himself out of the bed, popping his head up to stare, wide eyed, at the woman that was not Jenny.
"Oh my god. Oh no. Oh no no no. This— This is not happening." Dean backed away quickly, shaking his head as he felt the heaviest amount of regret he could ever feel settle in the pit of his stomach. Dean rushed out of the bedroom, looking around in confusion.
Dean quickly put on some clothes, rushing quietly around the apartment as he searched for a phone. "I need to call Sam. Call Sam. Call Sam."
Dean picked up a phone he found on the kitchen table, speed dialing his brother, who answered quickly. "Sam! Oh thank god."
"Dean? What's wrong? What's going on?"
"I don't know. I don't know where I am. Oh my god, It's bad Sam. It's really bad." Dean ran a hand through his hair nervously, feeling like he might cry.
"What? What happened?" Sam asked, both confused and worried.
"Well first, the uh, the Djinn. It attacked me."
"The gun? You're ... drinking gin?"
"No, asshat. The Djinn. The ... scary creature. Remember? It put its hand on me and then I woke up ... next to some chick that isn't Jenny— I think— I think I got drugged and cheated on Jenny... oh my god."
"Who? Dean whose Jenny?" Dean paused, frowning in confusion.
"Whose— whose Jenny? The girl I love, god dammit! The girl that we've known since we were toddlers! Jennifer Price!" Dean whisper-yelled, gripping a chair.
"Dean, you're drunk. You're drunk-dialing me. Dude, you've been dating Carmen for forever. I don't know.. who this Jennifer is, but you need to sober up."
"I am not drunk. Quit screwing around! I need to find Jenny!"
"Look, it's late. All right, just get some sleep and, um, I'll ... see you tomorrow. OK?" Sam hun up, Dean's eyes widening. He put his phone in his pocket, frustrated, and looked around. There was an envelope, and picking it up, Dean saw that it is addressed to a Carmen Porter. He frowned in confusion.
"Lawrence? And who the hell is Carmen?" He looked at the next envelopes, which had his name on them, and the same address as Carmen's. "No... No something is so wrong right now. What the hell?"
"Honey?" Dean spun around quickly, almost startling Carmen. "What are you doing up?"
"Hey— Carmen. Carmen, uh, I just uh..."
"Aw, you can't sleep, huh?" Carmen smiled softly, and Dean was quiet, nodding. "Well, why don't you come back to bed and let's see if I can do anything to help." His eyes widened fearfully, looking down at the envelopes.
"Sure. Yeah. In a minute. You - you, you go ahead."
"Okay... Don't stay up too long." Dean shook his head as Carmen walked over to him. She leaned in for a kiss, Dean quickly reeling back. She frowned at him, and he smiled awkwardly.
"Uhm... Why don't you just— Head to bed?" He asked as Carmen stayed quiet, walking to the bedroom.
Dean slowly walked to a bookshelf, frowning in shock at photo of Carmen, then another of him and her embracing. He turned, eyes widening as he snatched a photo off the shelf. After a moment of staring, he dropped it in disbelief m, quickly rushing out of the apartment.
Dean drove up in the Impala across the street. He shut off the engine, rushing over to his old home, still confused. He had tried to find Jenny's cell number in his phone but neither her name or number existed in his phone.
Dean walked up to the door and started banging on it. He rang the bell two times. The porch light turned on and the door opened.
"Dean." Mary spoke softly, her oldest son staring at her in complete disbelief. A lump formed in his throat and his voice broke, trying to force back his tears.
"Mom?" He uttered, still not understanding.
"What are you doing here? Are you all right?" Dean shook his head.
"I don't know. I uhm... I had some questions."
"Well... come inside." Dean hesitated to walk in, staring at his mother as she shut the doors
"Carmen just called and said you just ... took off all of a sudden." Dean gave his mom a confused look before remembering.
"Carmen? Right. ... Let me ask you a question. When I was a kid, what did you always tell me when you put me to bed?" He asked, staring at the ground for a moment.
"Dean, I don't understand—"
"Just answer the question." He interrupted a little harshly, his mother sighing.
"I told you angels were watching over you." Dean scoffed, shaking his head.
"I don't believe it. Some angels." He hugged his mother tightly.
"Honey, you're scaring me." Dean backed away. "Now just tell me what's going on."
"You don't think that wishes can, can really... Forget it." He hugged her again. "Forget it. I'm just uh... I'm happy to see you, that's all."
After another moment, Dean turned away, hiding his tears. "Hey, when I was uh... When I was young was there ever a fire here?" He asked while walking towards a walk decorated in photos.
"No. Never." Dean mumbled something to himself, looking at a picture of John and Bobby.
"Bobby..." Dean whispered, turning back to his mom with a frown. "Bobby has a daughter. Where is she?"
Mary frowned at her son, clearly confused and concerned. "Bobby never had a kid." She laughed awkwardly, and Dean shook his head.
"No. No Jennifer— Jennifer is—"
"Do you mean that girl he used to babysit with Karen when you were kids?" Mary asked. Dean nodded slowly. "Honey, I didn't think you'd remember her."
A tear slipped from Dean's eye, going unnoticed by Mary. "How could I forget someone like her?" He muttered, Mary frowning.
"You guys were so young when she and her parents moved. God, you were so broken up about it." Mary laughed a little, walking over to finally notice Dean's tears. "Dean?"
"Does Bobby still talk to her?" Dean asked quickly, and Mary frowned at him, confused as she shook her head.
"Dean, you know Bobby stopped talking to her parents after Karen died." Dean nodded slowly.
"Have you been drinking?"
"No, I haven't. Mom. Jesus why does everyone think that?"
"I'm just gonna call Carmen and have her come pick you up, okay?" Mary started to walk off.
"Don't - don't do that. Don't do that. I wanna stay here." Dean had his hand over his mothers to stop her from calling Carmen.
"Because I-I miss the place. It's okay, you - you go to bed. Okay?" Dean smiled softly, going over ti the couch and sat down. Mary's frown didn't leave her face as she walked over and stroked his face tenderly.
"Are you sure you're all right?" She asked, sorry deep in her voice. Dean wanted to shake his head no. Tell her that he woke up in a strange room, in a different world where he didn't know Jenny like he really did. But he couldn't.
"I think so." He lied, looking up at her. Mary smiled, bending down to kiss his forehead.
"Get some rest. I love you."
"Me too." Dean whispered back, watching her leave the room.
Dean slowly turned to a picture of Sam in a cap and gown, where John and Mary were smiling widely with him. He turned back to the photo of his father and Bobby.
"Where are you, Jen?"
i've been waiting for so long to write this episode. i'm way too hyped about Jenny not being in the Winchester's lives 💀
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