Jenny knocked hard on Bobby's door, shoving her hands deep inside her pockets. Dean kept look at her, almost as if he was begging for her to look back. But she couldn't.
Bobby opened the door, his eye's immediately landing on Sam, astonished. "Hey, Bobby." Dean greeted, looking away quickly. Sam smiled softly.
"Hey, Bobby."
"Sam. It's good to ... see you up and around." Bobby said quietly, looking at Jenny. "Hey, Jenny."
"Hi." She answered, walking inside
Sam followed after, patting Bobby on the shoulder. "Thanks for patching me up."
"Don't mention it." Bobby looked at Dean hard, almost vibrating with unspoken emotions.
"Well Sam's better. And we're back in it now, so... what do you know?" Dean asked stiffly. Jenny crossed her arms, noticing that Sam was looking at his brother curiously, confused.
"Well, I found something. But I'm not sure what the hell it means." Bobby shrugged, Jenny turned to him.
"What did you find?"
"Demonic omens... like a frickin' tidal wave. Cattle deaths. Lightning storms. They skyrocketed from out of nowhere. Here." Bobby walked over to a map on his table, pointing to Wyoming. "All around here, except for one place... Southern Wyoming."
"Wyoming?" Dean frowned, Jenny humming in amusement.
"Nothing ever happens there." She joked, even though she was still angry.
"Yeah. That one area's totally clean – spotless. It's almost as if..." Bobby trailed off, sighing. "As if... The demons are surrounding it."
"But you don't know why?" Dean asked. Bobby shook his head, walking around his table.
"No, and by this point my eyes are swimming. Sam, would you take a look at it? Maybe you could catch something I couldn't."
"Yeah, sure." Sam said as he looked down at the map, Bobby turning to Dean and JennyZ
"Come on. I got some more books in the truck. Help me lug 'em in." Dean nodded, Jenny reluctantly following.
Dean and Jenny followed Bobby out into the junkyard, where Jenny finally stood in front of Dean, slapping him hard across the face. "Jesus
"I cannot believe you, Dean Winchester!" She yelled, hoping Sam hadn't heard her. Bobby turned around, looking about as angry as Jenny, but she clearly had a lot more rage building up.
"You did it, didn't you?!" Dean looked away from Jenny. "Look at me, god dammit!" She grabbed his shirt with her fists, yanking him. "How long did you get?"
"HOW LONG?!" She bellowed, angry tears threatening to fall. Dean looked at Bobby as if for assistance, and he shook his head.
"You better answer her, Dean. Or I'd have ripped you a new one by now." Dean's eyes flickered back and forth between Bobby's and Jenny's.
Jenny looked betrayed. She felt betrayed. After losing Sam, she thought that was going to be it for her. She was going to quit the job entirely because Sam. And now she was going to lose Dean? It felt as if the Earth just crumbled beneath her feet, making her fall into an endless abyss of misery and pain.
"I got one year." He finally admitted. Jenny's angered gaze softened and she shoved Dean, a single tear falling from both eyes.
"You idiot." She whispered, shaking her head in disappointment.
"Which is why we gotta find this yellow-eyed son of a bitch. That's why I'm gonna kill him myself. I mean, I got nothing to lose now, right?" Dean scoffed, and Jenny just kept shaking her head.
"No. God, if I didn't care about you so damn much I'd be walking away right now." She admitted, stifling angry tears.
Bobby looked as if he wanted to punch Dean right in the eyes.
"What is it with you Winchesters, huh?" Bobby snapped, still holding himself backsYou, your dad. You're both just itching to throw yourselves down the pit."
"That's my point. Dad brought me back, Bobby. I'm not even supposed to be here. At least this way, something good could come out of it, you know? I--I--It's like my life could mean something."
"It does mean something, Dean! Why do you belittle yourself so much?!" Jenny yelled, clenching her fists as if she were ready to punch or hit him again.
Dean held back his own tears, voice breaking. "I couldn't let him die, Jenny. I couldn't. He's my brother."
"What, and now we're supposed to let you die? Dean... You saw how I reacted to Sam. How— How am I suppose to lose another person I... I care about?"
"How is your brother gonna feel when he knows your going to hell?" Bobby asked Dean, his eyes still flickering between the two. "How'd you feel when you knew your dad went for you?"
Dean shook his head quickly. "You can't tell him. You take a shot at me, whatever you got to do, but please don't tell him." Jenny looked at Bobby, noticing that he had started to cry as he grabbed Dean's chin. The old hunter didn't know what to do to Dean. Send him down early, hug him, cry into his shoulder.
A loud clang alerted the three mourning Hunters, all turning to a distant part of the junkyard. The three followed the noise, rounding a car, where Bobby and Dean grabbed the intruder.
Jenny's brows raised as they revealed Ellen, who looked at them all.
"Ellen?" The woman nodded, breaking down into a fit of tears as the two embraced. "Ellen. Oh, God."
Bobby poured a shot of holy water into a glass, sliding it over to Ellen, who sat across from him.
"Bobby, is this really necessary?" The older woman asked, and Bobby shrugged.
"Just a belt of Holy Water. Shouldn't hurt." Ellen sighed, taking the shot with no reaction.
"Whiskey now, if you don't mind."
"Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?" Dean started. Ellen shook her head.
"I wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." She scoffed. "But we ran out of pretzels, of all things. It was just dumb luck." Bobby set a glass of whiskey down in front of her. "Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice. He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky-high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone more than fifteen minutes."
"I'm so sorry, Ellen." Jenny rubbed the woman's shoulder, and Ellen took her hand, nodding as she teared up.
"A lot of good people died in there. And I got to live." She scoffed again. "Lucky me."
"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby reminded. Ellen nodded again.
"A hidden safe we keep in the basement."
"Demons get what was in it?" He asked, she shook her head. Ellen let go of Jenny's hand, pulling out a map from her pocket and unfolded it onto the table. Several black lines and X's were drawn across Wyoming.
Bobby suddenly disappeared behind his stack of books, reappearing a few moments later with a large book opened in his hands. He scoffed, setting it on the table. "I don't believe it."
"What is it?" Jenny asked, looking over bobby's shoulder at the book. "Did you find something?"
"A lot more than that. Each of these X's is an abandoned frontier church— all mid-19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt." Jenny looked at Sam and Dean.
"Samuel Colt— the demon-killing, gunmaking Samuel Colt?" Dean asked as Bobby nodded in confirmation.
"Yep. And there's more. He built private railway lines connecting church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." Bobby connected the points on the map until the shape of a star was made. Jenny's brows raised, humming.
"A devils trap... A.. really big Devil's Trap." She mumbled, looking back at everyone again.
"That's brilliant. Iron lines demons can't cross." Dean scoffed as Ellen shook her head.
"I've never heard of anything that massive."
"No one has."
"And after all these years... none of the lines are broken? I mean, it still works?" Dean frowned as his brother nodded. He turned to Sam. "How do you know?"
"All those omens Bobby found. I mean the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in."
"Yeah, well... they're trying."
"Why? What's inside?" Ellen questioned. Dean shrugged, looking over the map again.
"That's what I've been looking for. And, uh, there's nothing except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle."
"Well what's so important about a cemetery or... what's Colt trying to protect?" Jenny looked at Sam as she thought, realization striking her. "What?"
"The Gate." She whispered, looking at Bobby. He gave her an unsure look as she sat up straight. "Think about it, Bobby. You basically read me this kind of stuff as bedtime stories."
"Well, yeah. But the Gate? Jenny, that's like folklore." Jenny gave Bobby a look, gesturing to the book in the table.
"If Colt made a giant devils trap, then the only reasonable explanation is because of the Gate."
"Are you going to tell us what kind of gate this is or should we just assume it's a fancy gate to Narnia?" Dean asked, Bobby and Jenny looking at him.
"The Gate to Hell." Everyone looked at Jenny like she was insane, and Ellen scoffed.
"Now that's a comforting thought."
"Could demons get inside?" Sam asked quietly as Bobby shrugged
"This thing's so powerful, you'd practically need an A-bomb to destroy it. No way a full-blood demon gets across." There was a long pause, everyone's minds racing.
"But I know who could." Sam finally spoke, everyone frowning at him.
Darkness had rolled around by the time they all got to the cemetery. Jenny could feel a strange energy surge around her as she hid behind a tomb with Dean. Jake, the man that Jenny had nearly killed, the man that had killed Sam, walked towards a crypt.
"Howdy, Jake." Sam called out, Jake spinning around, shock in his eyes as Sam, Ellen and Bobby aimed their guns at him.
"Wait... you were dead. I killed you!" Jake yelled, pointing at Sam.
"Yeah? Well next time, finish the job." Sam scoffed. Jake shook his head, a hard, confused frown on his face. Jenny peeked around the tomb, her eyes widening when she saw her dagger in Jake's hand.
"I did! I cut clean through your spinal cord, man." Sam glanced to Dean, who lowered his eyes for a moment. "You can't be alive. You can't be.l
"Okay, just take it real easy there, son." Bobby demanded, Jake glared at him, gripping the dagger a little harder.
"And if I don't?" Jenny and Dean joined the three, Jake looking towards Jenny for a moment with an unsettled glance.
"Wait and see." Sam threatened, making Jake laugh.
"What, you a tough guy all of a sudden? What are you gonna do— kill me?"
Sam shrugged. "It's a thought."
"You had your chance. You couldn't. She wanted to. I could see it in her eyes. She had more balls than you." Jake pointed to Jenny with the dagger, and he frowned when it glowed for a moment. Jenny stared at the dagger, wondering if she could manage to get it out of his grasp.
"I won't make that mistake twice." Sam stated, Jake only laughing again.
"What are you smiling at, you little bitch?" Dean snapped, Jake turning to Ellen.
"Hey Lady, do me a favor. Put that gun to your head." Everyone turned as Ellen shakily put the gun to her temple. "See, that Ava girl was right. Once you give in to it, there's all sorts of new Jedi mind tricks you can learn."
"Let her go!" Sam demanded as Ellen went to speak, her voice trembling with fear.
"Shoot him."
"You'll be mopping up skull before you get a shot off." There was a pause as Jake thought. "Everybody, put your guns down. Except you, sweetheart." Everyone but Ellen dropped their guns, Jake smiling. He turned around, everyone silently hushing for Jenny to stop moving as she slowly walked towards Jake. They all then pulled the gun away from Ellen as Jenny snatched her dagger away from Jake.
For a second she paused, feeling the daggers energy surge through her like lightning. Jake went to punch her, and she ducked, hearing a few gun shots go off as Sam shot Jake.
Jenny staggered away and back towards the gate, watching as Sam shot Jake a few more times. She looked at the crypt, eyes widening at the two separate engravings as they spun in different directions before stopping.
"Oh, boy... Bobby!" Jenny grabbed the Colt off of the crypt, running back to them. "It's hell. He opened the gate."
Bobby's eyes widened in fear. "Take cover now!" Dean grabbed Jenny by the shoulders, ushering her to hide behind a gravestone as the doors burst open. Jenny peeked over to see a black mass erupt from the doors and shoot outwards.
Black demon smoke continued to pour from the crypt, with individual trails of smoke haring off in different directions.
"What the hell just happened?!" Dean yelled over the noise, Jenny turning to him.
"I told you! It's the fucking Gage to Hell! Demons broke the Devil's Trap and are being unleashed to the damn world!"
lCome on! We gotta shut that gate!" Bobby and Ellen ran to the gates in an attempt to shut it, failing miserably.
"Give me the Colt." Jenny slapped the gun in Deans hand and he checked it for bullets.
"If the demon gave this to Jake... then maybe—" The gun suddenly flew out of Dean's hand and he and Jenny spun around.
Nathaniel, dressed with the eyes of the yellow demon, stood behind them, grinning. "Boys shouldn't play with Daddy's guns." Dean was suddenly flung across the cemetery, hitting his head on a tombstone.
"Dean!" Jenny shot up, turning back to Nathaniel.
"Hello, Jennifer. I was surprised to see you back at Cold Oak. I didn't think you'd have the strength to get there." Jenny gripped the dagger with a cold glare, shrugging.
"What can I say? I build a tolerance quickly." She watched as he now ignored her, walking to Dean. He was speaking incoherently, and when Jenny went to move, she found herself frozen on the ground.
Jenny looked back to the doors to see Ellen and Bobby still struggling. Ghosts we're starting to walk out, and Jenny forced her legs to start moving.
"You of all people should know, that's what's dead, should stay dead." Jenny heard the demon tell Dean with a laugh. "Anyway... thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. Until now, anyway. I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family."
Jenny turned to the yellow eyed demon, watching as the ghost of John attacked him tossing the colt away. The two thrashed around until John finally let go, letting the demon stand just a few paces away from Jenny.
"I'm sorry, big brother." She said quietly before throwing herself at the demon. She sat on top of him, raising the dagger up before slamming it into her brothers chest. He yelled in agony, eyes flashing yellow before fading.
Jenny huffed, standing over her brothers body and yanked the dagger out, looking up to see the three Winchester boys standing al ear each other.
After a moment, John turned to Jenny. She couldn't help herself but smile at him as he did to her. Her eyes looked with tears as she watched John step away from his boys, disappearing up i to the sky as a white light.
Dena turned to Jenny in that moment, walking over to her before looking down at Nathaniel's body, astonished.
"Well, check that off the to-do list." He laughed a little. Jenny dropped her dagger, pulling Dean into a tight hug, to which he slowly hugged her back.
Sam then walked over, looking down at the body before back at Jenny. "You did it."
"Yeah... I didn't think I'd be the one to." She admitted, slowly picking her dagger back up. "This thing... Scares me." She whispered, looking at Sam and Dean.
"Do you think Dad really... do you think he really climbed outta hell?" Sam asked, Dean turning to the gate, which had thankfully been shut by Ellen and Bobby.
"The door was open. If anyone's stubborn enough to do it... it would be him." Dean chuckled, and Jenny let out a quiet laugh, nodding.
After a long moment of silence, Sam spoke up again. "Where do you think he is now?" Jenny looked up at the sky, wondering if there really was a heaven for a moment. If John was only down there because of a deal, and his soul rose up, where else could he have gone?
"I kind of can't believe it. I mean... our whole lives, everything... has been prepping for this, and now I..." Sam chuckled, shaking his head. "I kind of don't know what to say."
"I do." Jenny watched as Dean knelt down to Nathaniel's body. "That was for our mom... you son of a bitch."
"And my brother. Wherever the hell he could be now." Jenny said under her breath.
Sam, Dean and Jenny walked towards the Impala.
"You know, when Jake saw me... it was like he saw a ghost." Jenny and Dean stopped, turning to face the younger Winchester. He scoffed. "I mean, hell, you heard him, Dean. He said he killed me."
Dean hummed, Jenny glancing to Dean nervously. "Glad he was wrong."
"I don't think he was, Dean." The three were quiet, Sam staring at Jenny as if she'd break down and admit something. "What happened? After I was stabbed?" He asked her. She stayed quiet for a moment too long. "Jenny?"
"We already told you." Dean answered, Sam looking at him, annoyed.
"I wasn't asking you, Dean." He turned back to Jenny, who didn't meet his gaze.
She scoffed, wiping her lips and shrugged. "Sam, we finally killed the demon. I mean— J think we should be celebrating."
"Did I die?" Sam's voice broke. Jenny glanced to Dean again. Sam turned to his brother, a look of hurt in his eyes. "Did you sell your soul for me, like Dad did for you?"
"Oh, come on! No!" Dean lied, and Sam's look hardened.
"Tell me the truth." Dean sniffed, turning away.
"Dean, tell me the truth."
"Sam..." His little brother looked at Jenny, who let a tear fall and turned away from Sam. He figured it out.
"How long do you get?" Sam croaked, looking up in disbelief. Dean was silent, shaking his head.
"One year." Sam let out a shaky breath, nodding. "I got one year."
"You shouldn't've done that. How could you do that?"
"Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job."
"And what do you think my job is?" Sam snapped. Dean stared at him for a moment, confused. "You've saved my life over and over. Jenny's life, too! I mean, you sacrifice everything for us. Don't you think we'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change." Dean scoffed, looking away and nodded as Ellen and Bobby approached them.
"Well... Yellow-Eyed Demon might be dead. But a lot more got through that gate."
"How many you think?" Jenny asked, trying to even out her voice.
"Hundred. Maybe two hundred. It's an army. He's unleashed an army." Sam answered.
"Hope to hell you three are ready. 'Cause the war has just begun." Bobby stated. Jenny bit down on her tongue for a moment, pushing herself off of the Impala and walked to the trunk.
"Well, then." Dean started with a smile as he followed Jenny, opening the trunk. He set the Colt inside, as well as her dagger, staring down at them for a moment with his girlfriend and brother.
"We got work to do."
i feel like for some reason this final chapter felt rushed and it MAY be because I was really excited to start book three and it may also be because it's currently m6:35 AM right now and J once again have not gotten any sleep. But I'm about to munch on some day old Tack Bell and brainstorm even more ideas for Sacrifice (which will be released later today as i have the strong urge to write the entire book in one sitting)
I do hope you all had a good laugh and cry while reading this book. get ready for more tears my darlings <3
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