50. gone gone gone
I'll shut down the city lights
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe
To make you well,
to make you well
- gone gone gone (Phillip Phillips)
50. gone gone gone
"You want me to what?"
"Head this assignment with me. Work by my side until the contract is completed."
"And let me guess - Lee Suho put you to this?"
"Why else would you think I'd work with you?"
Soojin held back a retort. Like always, Mr. Choi had a straight face when he replied back. She wondered how Lee Suho must have convinced Mr. Choi to take her aboard considering she wasn't in the higher level yet.
But then, he's Lee Suho. He could literally do anything.
"You said that Lee Suho was your friend in High school?" Mr. Choi questioned her - without looking at her as he worked on his laptop - with a serious face again.
"And that Han Seojun isn't your friend."
Soojin gulped, but she wasn't going to change the answer. Even when the sharp words enveloped the room in a tensed aura - even then - she managed to keep her calm. The mention of Seojun would make her dizzy and nervous - especially after the lunch meet she had - and she didn't want to display her emotions in front of her boss.
"Yes. I wasn't friends with Han Seojun."
Technically, she was right. They were never friends, not in High school - not now - but they were more than friends. She shared a connection with that man, and no matter the circumstance, that connection would always be there. She could deny everything but couldn't deny how her heart betrayed her around Seojun.
Stupid heart and stupidly sad Seojun's face.
Mr. Choi glanced at the woman - eyeing her with intent - and acknowledged her answer. He knew that there was something more than what meets the eye. Why else would Han Seojun decide on HFA as his representation when Starlight already had a charitable association with their competitor? Why else would Lee Suho demand Kang Soojin to work closely on this agreement with him even when she wasn't qualified?
There was definitely something more and he could tell - bet some money too - on how Han Seojun's demeanor changed when Miss Kang walked in the room or how Miss Kang's eyes would fixate on the singer.
But, as long as it would benefit the company as a whole, he didn't care about the past. Their CEO had also agreed to this arrangement because Han Seojun was a great PR stunt for their trust. It was a win-win situation and ignoring it would be plain stupidity.
"Miss Kang - "
"You can address me as Soojin."
"Miss Kang - " Mr. Choi said, emphasizing on his initial choice of words, " - you know I have zero tolerance towards tardiness, lethargy and mixing personal with professional." His dark eyes met Soojin's soft gaze, and as intimidating as he was Soojin couldn't help but be all the more pissed. "Whatever past you have with the duo, it doesn't matter to me - as long as you don't let it interfere with our work. Arachi?"
Soojin nodded. She wanted to do more than just nod, but for now she could only agree to it. It wasn't like she wanted this to happen. She didn't ask for Seojun and Suho to return to her life and she didn't ask her - grumpy - team leader to assign her the contract.
All she did was simply exist. Everything happened so fast that it was unbelievable how Soojin had not only met Seojun and Suho but would not be an active part of their lives.
Talk about Deja Vu.
"Team Jang-nim," Soojin spoke up before she was to leave the cabin. Mr. Choi looked up from his files, "to be honest with you - my personal interests in this assignment will be at a higher priority than the work." Soojin didn't hesitate once as she said that. The company was using her to get a good deal with the singer and Suho was using her to help save Seojun.
But in all of this, Soojin knew where her interests lay.
"Yes, I'll be doing all of the work." Soojin acclaimed, knowing well that Mr. Choi can't replace her or the deal would be nullified. "But, I shall also be overseeing a personal matter in this one month. All I can ask is for you to be a little patient with me."
With a bow, Soojin left the cabin and Mr. Choi with a conflicted interest. In all his years, no one had ever spoken to him in authority except his seniors of course. But to see Kang Soojin with a commanding voice and aura - it was enough for him to know that the case was in good hands.
Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to have a junior to partner with him.
He shut the files and googled about Han Seojun, this time adding more specific keywords - friends, girlfriend, family - and found a chilling news article buried deep amongst the regular ones.
Fan favourite idol Han Seojun from Starlight, was found crying inconsolably last night - as sources say - for the tragic loss of his mother and sister, died in an unfortunate accident.
We have yet to get a confirmation from the agency for the news. Our condolences to the Starboy and his family.
Soojin didn't know how she missed that news article. But then, the agency has done everything to keep the deaths of Seojun's family on a down low. All of the reporters and news channels were scared by the power Lee Suho held and didn't want to get on his bad side. Thus no one spoke about Seojun's heartbreaking tragedy - as a gesture of respect to him - but a local news channel published it.
It didn't get any views since Move Entertainment diverted the topic completely by bringing in interesting news and debuting other idols. Thus burying the news article deep down which was found only after a research of two hours or so on the singer.
Soojin didn't believe it when Suho told her about the accident. Her heartbeats dropped and her stomach twisted in tighter knots. She felt like she'd pass out anytime with the silent gaze of Lee Suho eating her up.
"Mrs Han and Gowoon?" Soojin sat down, heartbroken by the news. "When?"
"Five years back." Suho didn't wipe his tears away, "it has been a very difficult time for Seojun, he's just..." Suho paused looking at the teary eyed Soojin with a glimpse of hope. "We tried - I tried - everything, the band, doctors and medications, met with all school friends - even Jugyeong couldn't make him react to anything - nothing. He secluded himself from everything, spoke fewer words and kept all his pain to himself."
Soojin couldn't help but cry. She hated how difficult Seojun's life must have been and hated even more that she wasn't there for him. He must have been so lonely. The loss of the two women he loved so much - truly heartbreaking.
"What do you want me to do?" She asked, wiping her tears. "You saw him, he didn't even acknowledge me. I - "
"I don't know what happened between you and him ten years back." Suho sniffed, eyeing the woman with a purpose. "But even a slight mention of you gets him to flinch - react in some other way. The HFA contract, it was all him because he knew you worked here. I think he wanted to see you for a last time before he -"
Soojin fisted her hands. "Before he, what?"
"Soojin-ah - "
"Why don't you take him to a good doctor, I'm sure they'll help - "
"Soojin, I've tried everything. Every. Damn. Thing." Suho's voice held anger and frustration - scaring Soojin for a minor second. "He doesn't want to live anymore and there's nothing left to do. These five years I've dropped everything to help him only for him to shun me out. I'm begging you Soojin, please - "
Soojin stood up - in astonishment - when Suho got down on his knees. He rubbed his hands and bowed his head. "Please save him. If there's anyone who can help him it's you."
Soojin had never seen Suho cry before this, and it affected her because she cried too.
"I'll beg every single day if that means I get to keep him around. I'll do everything for you, and beyond. I'm sorry - I'm just - I already lost one friend and I cannot lose another. All I'm asking you is to spare a month of your life - that's it."
Soojin didn't ask for this to happen but if one month was all she had to give for Seojun to save his life - she'd do it. She would have done it for years on end - without any consideration - if it meant another chance for the boy.
He was there for her when she was at her lowest. How could she turn her back when he needs dire help?
"I'll do it." Soojin knelt down, stopping Suho from joining his hands. "I'll do everything," she assured him, "everything." She met Suho's bloodshot eyes - realising how much he loved his friend.
Lee Suho wouldn't have batted an eyelid for anyone back then. Right now he was on his knees, begging - literally begging - asking her to help.
If that's not friendship - then nothing was.
"This one month, it's all down to the KMF event by the end of the month." They sat down, Soojin besides Suho who had now wiped his tears.
"Why this month? I don't understand."
"Neither do I. But he's been looking forward very keenly for this month. And told me many times to back off, to let go and I - "
"Does Jugyeong know?"
Suho nodded. "I've tried to get help from her, from Chorong and his gang - from everyone I knew. Nothing budges him. He doesn't care about anyone, not even Jugyeong. It's like he's cut himself off like he c - "
The phone call interrupted their conversation and while Suho excused himself to attend it, Soojin sat back with a heavy heart. All this while she thought Han Seojun was happy - even when she wasn't - she was glad he was.
"I'll work things out at work - "
Suho had done his part. He clearly worked his power over her employer - and managed to get her overboard on a highly reputed assignment. First years like her won't get to work on them until years of experience. But she was representing HFA, and she was bound to hear the rumours that started with them.
she's clearly sleeping her way through it. why else would they choose a junior?
I've heard she has connection with the CEO of Move Entertainment. Maybe she got a promotion because of him?
I always thought something is cooking between Mr. Choi and her, what else do you do till 2 am every single night?
Work, Soojin cursed, worked my fucking ass off.
Jinah patted her arm, "don't mind them. They don't have better things to do."
Hana agreed. "You tell us, so you really know the CEO of Move? I've never seen a man as handsome as him! If he's my CEO, I'll be working day and night..." It was Hana's forte to be dramatic, and while Soojin often enjoyed these tidbits, she was too tensed to feel anything. "Aah, he probably has a girl - and she's gotta be the most prettiest if she's with someone as him!"
Soojin sighed again - beauty standards in Korea were really twisted - and shook her head. "I know his fiance - yes unnie, he's engaged - and she's the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life."
"Prettier than you? I refuse to believe."
"Way way way prettier than me."
They cursed at their fate - like they had a chance with Lee Suho - and turned back to their laptops. Soojin turned too.
She opened her diary - a little thing she recorded her tasks in - and thought for a while before she wrote on it. After tons of cancellation, scribbling and tearing the papers - Soojin decided it would do for now.
30 days to save Han Seojun
A/N 50 chapters and 50k reads. Thank you <3
A friend like Lee Suho please?
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