11. an idiot
11. an idiot
"So you're not mad at me?"
"Of course not, why would I be mad at you."
"The entire class is..."
"That's because the entire class does not know who Han Seojun really is." Lim Jugyeong beamed at the tall boy, and he returned the warm smile. "He's a warm hearted bad boy who wears leopard prints..." Han Seojun's expression changed from a smile to a frown and Lim Jugyeong laughed all the more.
"Ya!" He was always a crimson shade whenever she teased him. "Stop it."
She did it again, she did her silly little roar and Han Seojun's heart kept beating furiously against his chest. He was a bit scared if the sound of his heartbeats was audible to the girl who grinned in sheer cuteness but then, Lim Jugyeong's eyes were not on him, he wasn't that lucky.
"Han Seojun," Suho's voice broke his trance and he stopped staring at the beautiful girl and gulped, looking at Lee Suho, his best friend but more so, the guy whom Lim Jugyeong chose. "Why are you talking to my girlfriend." He said, sharply glaring at the boy.
Seojun knew Suho was still pissed with the whole Soojin thing and this was his way of venting it. Lim Jugyeong however could not get that and she sighed, Suho standing besides her.
"Wae, Jugyeong is my friend, I can and will talk to her."
"Your friend?" Suho scoffed, their arguments often got attention from the flock of students around them, this time too as they stood in the hallway, kids stopped whatever they were doing and focused on the duo and their duel. "Is that how you treat your friend? Letting her be bullied and humiliated by supporting the bully."
Seojun often wonderful what kind of a relationship did Soojin and Suho had, because never did he see Suho be anything but an acquaintance to the girl. From what he knew, Soojin was his neighbour and childhood friend, but does friendship really fade so quickly?
Or was Soojin a one sided friend too.
"Why are you getting Soojin in this." Seojun was frustrated by all of these remarks, his friends, his sister and the entire school kept questioning him. How was he answerable to any of them? "And if Lim Jugyeong doesn't have any issue with it, why are you growling?"
"But I have an issue with it." Suho's voice was never loud, mean and abrupt yes, but not the loud voice like it was now. "Why Kang Soojin out of everyone, Seojun, why? What is that you're planning? What are you upto." He read Seojun like a book and the latter was dumbfounded.
"Planning?" Lim Jugyeong frowned, she turned sideways to face Suho, "planning? what?"
"If this is your way of getting back at Soojin," Suho stepped ahead, eyes holding rage and something that looked like loyalty, "hajima."
Seojun's jaw clenched in anger, not only was Suho exposing his plan, he was also warning him to not go with it, which in turn meant that he didn't want to hurt Soojin.
What kind of a confused friendship was this?
"Ya Lee Su, I told you to stay in your lane." Han Seojun warned him, finger now pointed as the boys kept their staring contest on. "What I do should not concern you, whether I partner up with Kang Soojin or date her, what is it for you?" That brought in gasps from the others, the possibility of Seojun and Soojin dating was making sense since they were often found together.
But since Soojin was a bully, it also meant, Seojun was one too. Or supporting them.
"Don't you have a girlfriend now?" Seojun was mad and this tensed Jugyeong, because Suho was getting there too, "or do you miss Soojin hero worshiping yo-" and there it was, that punch that landed in Seojun's face.
Han Seojun deserved that, he knew it, but why he felt so angry, he didn't know. He, however, did not retaliate the punch while Suho stood in both anger and surprise. This wasn't something he'd do but given the way Seojun was testing his patience, it had to be done.
"Suho-ah," Jugyeong hurried over to the boy who was thrown on the floor, drops of blood oozing from his nose, "what's wrong with you." She was flabbergasted, more so confused because Suho would never do something as that.
"I- me-..." Suho was lost for words, his knuckles were burning too, "It's just-"
That loud annoying voice sent the others away and Jugyeong sighed, the vice-principal did not look pleased with the early morning sight. "IN THE STAFFROOM. NOW." He yelled from the end of the hallway, yet the voice was enough to deafen them.
Seojun got up with the help of his gang, Chorong was upset at Suho but didn't have the audacity to question him while Jugyeong tried grasping the situation only to be in vain. "Why did you let him hit you," Chorong muttered, as they walked with the guy towards the staffroom, Suho was already ahead.
Han Seojun didn't answer, but kept walking until he reached the furious teacher and Suho standing besides, head a bit lowered and shame plastered on his face.
"Why you hooligans," The teacher looked at the gang peeking through the door, "do you wanna join them too?" That send them off right away and he faced the boys.
"Han Seojun, the gangster," The teacher had a distaste for ill mannered boys and Han Seojun's withered uniform, the top buttons open, his pierced ears and messily unkempt hair, all of it screamed at how he was often in the path of trouble. "Why is that all fights happen because of you?" The teacher glared at the boy, "aigoo aigoo, you have no remorse for anything, do you? Your mother would be so disappointed..."
Han Seojun now glared back at the teacher, no one speaks ill about his family, and his breathing became heavier. Suho, however, was quick to step up and slid across the angry guy. "Teacher-nim, it was me." Suho took the accountability, "Seojun didn't do anything."
"Ya Han Seojun, how long is Lee Suho going to take the fall for you?" He said, not believing in Suho even though Han Seojun was bleeding. "Aish, something has to be done, a suspension for few days would do you good..."
Suspension would sadden Omma, that was the first thing he thought. She was so proud of him lately when he was studying and working, but if he gets ousted, things would go haywire.
"Well, if Han Seojun gets suspended." Suho voiced again, without batting an eyelid, "it's only fair if I get too, afterall, I started it."
At the end the teacher could do nothing but let the boys go with a gentle warning, especially since Lee Suho was the brillant student of Sae-bom and his father was influential enough to shred the entire school. When they stepped outside, Han Seojun held his head back, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Let me help you with that," Suho offered, but Seojun only grunted.
"Don't touch me, this time I will thrash you." Han Seojun warned Suho, holding his nose as it bled. "Why did you hit on the face you jerk?"
"Where else would you feel the most pain, if not your handsome face." Suho rolled his eyes walking away from the tall guy, "ya Han Seojun, I'm serious, cut this crap with Kang Soojin and get back to studying. You need to clear the exams, atleast for your Omma." This time Suho didn't wait for Han Seojun's reply and walked away.
"Aish, this son of a bitch, often needs to ruin all my plans." He made his way to the nurse's office, hoping blood hadn't stained his uniform. "Argh, my nose, why does it hurt so much."
"Because you're an idiot, that's why." Lim Jugyeong frowned at the guy when she stood across him, waiting for him outside the nurse's office. "Ya Seojun-ah, why do you often be at the end of all the mischief." She was concerned, Han Seojun could see that by the way she pulled him towards the office and the pain was forgotten instantly. "Aish, you're worst than Ju-young, I swear. Don't get in fights till the end of the year, arachi?" She blabbered, like always, in her own sweet world as Han Seojun sat down, watching Lim Jugyeong fuss over him as the nurse took care of the bleeding nose.
"Why are you here, Lim Jugyeong?" Han Seojun asked, once the wound was dressed as he looked up at the girl. If he had even a slight chance of being with Jugyeong, he would take it. "Shouldn't you be with your ass of a boyfriend?" He grunted, miserably to which Lim Jugyeong smiled.
"You're my best friend, Seojun-ah, and this time Suho was wrong. What's wrong is wrong." She put her nose high, proud of her own principle. "Aigoo, look at how bloody your nose looks."
But Han Seojun couldn't care less about his looks as he kept admiring the beautiful girl, even without the make-up, she truly was a beautiful girl. If only he was lucky to have her by her side.
"You're nice, Lim Jugyeong," Han Seojun got up, and faced the girl, "too nice for this world. Make sure no one walks all over you because of your nature."
Lim Jugyeong chuckled, sliding her arm in his and completely ignorant about the butterflies that ran in his stomach, "i have you and Suho, one can glare, the other can fight," She laughed on her own joke, "why should I be bothered..."
They walked together all the way to class, while Jugyeong kept talking about the funny video she saw last night, Han Seojun kept looking at her and her smile, and each time it widened, his lips twitched in a smile too. They stopped at the entrance of the class, Seojun could see the intense glaring from Suho at the other end but he ignored it.
"Han Seojun-ah, I'm a little glad that you are with Soojin." She said with a soft smile, taking Seojun by surprise. "She... She needs..." Jugyeong didn't complete that statement, after all, Soojin might not be her friend but her secret was still safe with her. "I'm just glad, that she's not alone." Jugyeong truly had a heart of gold, Seojun wondered, who else would put up with someone as crass as Kang Soojin. With a tap on his arm, she entered the classroom and so did Han Seojun.
"Why is she so nice?" He muttered, upset at how easily Jugyeong had forgiven Soojin when she didn't even apologize. "Aish, Jugyeong-ah, you idiot."
The class started and pretty much everything went well, until it was the last lecture when Seojun realised that something felt missing, he just couldn't point out what. He ignored it and buried his head in the history book, sleep easily overpowering his senses and just when he would have dozed off, he remembered why he felt offish.
He looked at the middle seat in the last row, the one where the most annoying girl sat and her empty desk now questioned him with curiosity. Kang Soojin never missed school, even if there was a zombie apocalypse, Soojin would attend school, then what in the world must have happened?
He thought about texting her, but refrained from doing so since he was in a cheerful mood thanks to Lim Jugyeong and he didn't wanna ruin it for the princess. However, if he had texted, maybe Soojin would have gotten a reason to get out of the hell house she stayed in.
Well, he didn't, and she didn't, and Kang Soojin bore all of the abuse with her head held high, scars now becoming her friends, darkness seemed friendlier and loneliness... Well that was her forte...
Soojin collapsed on her bed, the stinging on her cheek, the rigorously red imprints on her arm and those abusive words running in her mind, everything exhausted her.
And she passed out.
Han Seojun's best day turned out the absolute worst for the girl.
I have no idea what I wrote. But I'd love to hear from you guys.
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