Fluffy Ending - Retirement
Artwork done by Cantrona on deviantART / Tumblr / Instagram.
This is the fluffy / cuddly ending.
I ran my fingers through my hair, pursing my lips. "I really hate the wind at times."
There was a snort from behind me and Yagura poked his head out of our bedroom. He raised an eyebrow. "You look fine to me."
"Fine," I repeated. "I look like a bird made a nest on top of my hair."
"You're exaggerating. You're fine," Yagura insisted, drawing out the word fine for emphasis that I was being ridiculous.
I was not. Ino was going to be there and if she saw my hair was anything less than perfect, she would steal me away to the bathroom and my childhood would begin all over again with her using me as her doll. Yagura seemed to realize my line of thinking, because his smirk widened and he said, "You're whipped."
I flushed.
There was a knock at our door, and Yagura went to answer it, completely ready to go. When the door opened, I could see Kakashi standing above Yagura and giving us a warm eye-smile. "Yo."
My eye widened in surprise and I brushed past Yagura, my hair forgotten, to greet my first sensei. "You're back early. Is something wrong?"
"No. The mission just went more smoothly than planned, ironically."
"That's scary," Yagura muttered, "that's just begging for the next mission to go horribly wrong."
Kakashi nodded his head in firm agreement. "Good thing I'm retiring then, huh?"
I smiled at him. "We weren't expecting you back so soon, the retirement party isn't ready, yet."
Kakashi just tilted his head. "I figured. That's why I came over here to see my favorite student."
Immediately recognizing the too-thick flattery, I quirked an eyebrow. "What do you want?"
Kakashi looked mildly offended. "Why would you think I wanted anything? Maybe I just wanted to see my favorite student."
"What do you want?" Yagura asked.
"Babysit Minato for me?" Kakashi asked hopefully.
"Naruto asked you to babysit his son, didn't he?" I asked rhetorically. "You need to get over your discomfort with babies, you know. You're just as bad as Sasuke!"
"When Minato is old enough to not accidentally swallow kunai, I'll happily babysit," Kakashi responded firmly.
Yagura and I exchanged glances.
With an exasperated sigh, Yagura said, "Fine. We'll babysit him again for you."
Kakashi gave a relieved sigh. "Good. Thanks. I should probably head home and get changed. What time's the party?"
"Like we're gonna tell you," I grumbled. "You're just going to hide away until it's over. No, Sasuke and Itachi will come and get you."
"I think I liked it better when you were more docile," Kakashi said. "Yagura's a horrible influence for you."
Yagura just grinned wickedly. "Yes. I am. Now if you don't mind, I need to convince my fiance that she is perfectly presentable and she's worrying over nothing."
"I am not," I insisted. "Ino's going to steal me away!"
"You could try saying no," Kakashi put in helpfully.
I shot him a dirty look. "You try saying no to her."
"Are you kidding? She would eat me alive."
"My point exactly!"
I fiddled with my hair a bit longer before Yagura finally gave a groan, grabbed my arm and proceeded to drag me out of the house. I shot him a dirty look, and he glared right back at me. "Don't make me get my staff."
"Don't make me get my staff."
Yagura snorted. After exiting our home, he locked the door behind us and leapt up onto the rooftop. I sighed then hopped up onto the rooftop, as well. My hand reached up for my hair and Yagura immediately grabbed it. He pulled it down, wrapping it in his own two hands and pulling me closer. My cheeks flamed and I resisted the urge to look down.
He smirked, realizing I was getting flustered. "At least you haven't fainted... yet."
"Th-That only happened a few times," I defended weakly.
"Few?" Yagura mocked. "More like every other date! You're worse than Hinata."
"Am not!"
"Oh, yes you are, hato," Yagura said dismissively. "Now let's go. We told your sister we'd pick her and Chouji up before the party. Let's not give her a reason to complain, ne?"
Smiling, I said, "She's not that bad when we're late."
Yagura gave me a flat look and I amended, "She's not... worse... than... Ibiki-san when we're late."
"Maybe not to you," Yagura muttered. "Ibiki likes you. He hates me."
"He doesn't hate you," I said comfortingly.
"He likes Juugo more than me."
"Now, now..."
"There you guys are!" Ino declared, then her eyes narrowed upon seeing me. "What happened to your hair?"
"I told you!" I exclaimed, shooting daggers at Yagura.
"Never mind that, we don't have time," Ino dismissed. "I'll fix you up at the party."
"But – but – but – "
Yagura cleared his throat. "I'm afraid that won't be happening, as I will be needing to keep my fiancé close to me at all times at this party."
Ino huffed. "She may be your fiancé, but she's still my sister."
Yagura wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I blushed. "Which means you got to have her through childhood. I get to have her through adulthood and beyond."
Ino looked prepared to bring out her kunai and Yagura wasn't far behind her.
"Not to interrupt or anything," Chouji said softly, "but we're going to be late."
"Th-That's right," I said immediately, casting Chouji a grateful look. "W-We should really get going."
"Just on time!" Naruto exclaimed happily, clapping his hands. "Kakashi hasn't shown up, yet."
"Naruto, your son wants you," Sasuke said distastefully, holding a young toddler in his arms. The boy was a spitting image of Naruto, right down to the light blue eyes and spiky golden hair. Naruto and Hinata named him after Naruto's father – his godfather being Sasuke, and godmother myself.
Naruto stuck his tongue out at Sasuke, before taking his son and cooing. Minato beamed at his father, his small hands reaching out and grabbing at his nose.
Ino cooed. "Mina-chan looks so cute today! Ah, I can't wait 'til I'm done with my pregnancy. Tired of my bladder being used as a friggin' kickball."
Naruto snickered, while Sasuke and Yagura looked mildly disgusted. Chouji merely smiled at his wife, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. I just giggled nervously.
Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Neji said Tenten was complaining about the exact same thing."
"She's a month ahead of me, the lucky girl," Ino mumbled. "Oh, I forgot to ask her about the name! Come on, Chouji."
"Hai, hai..."
The four us watched the happy couple leave in pursuit of Tenten before we glanced at each other. Naruto gave Yagura a sly look. "So do I have any godchildren on the way?"
"We aren't married, yet," Yagura said pointedly. "Did you not specifically say earlier, the second we started dating, that if she ended up pregnant before marriage that you, Sasuke, Kakashi, Inoichi, Ibiki, Anko, and Itachi would castrate me?"
"Do I?"
"No, Naruto," I said gently. "You do not."
Naruto pouted while Sasuke nodded his head. "Good. Did you settle on a Best Man?"
"Nope," Yagura said. "And stop looking at me like that, Naruto, no amount of begging is going to make me choose faster."
"But, but, but, I've never been the Best Man!" Naruto protested. "Always the groom, never the Best Man."
"You've only been a groom once," Sasuke retorted.
"Exactly! Never a Best Man. Come on, please? Nao, talk to him! I named you my son's godmother, didn't I?"
Naruto turned Minato around so the baby was facing me. His eyes widened and his bottom lip stuck out as he used the puppy-dog face on me. Minato mimicked his actions. "Come on, look at these faces. How can you say no to these faces?"
Yagura's hands rested over my eyes, and I only saw blackness. "Stop trying to bribe my fiancé! Go use those eyes on your own wife."
Naruto whined. "But – but – but – "
"I swear," Sasuke growled, "you get more annoying each year. Let's go, Dobe, Minato looks hungry."
Yagura removed his hands from my eyes when they left. I turned to face him and he cupped my cheek, eyeing me carefully. "Sorry about that."
I smiled at him, leaning into his hand. "It's okay."
My hand lifted up and I rested it over his. "It won't be too much longer 'til your 'retirement party.'"
Yagura rolled his eyes. "ANBU never retire... they just take little vacations."
After the war, and when things had settled down, ANBU Division SS was officially disbanded, as the Akatsuki were no longer a threat. Yagura, Sasuke and Naruto aspired to join the ANBU and were admitted into the program. A couple years into it, Hinata, Neji, Tenten, and Sakura joined, as well. Hinata, Naruto, Neji and Tenten had all 'retired' from it. Hinata retired when she found out she was pregnant, and Naruto a couple seconds after. The same for Neji and Tenten, only with Tenten's pregnancy.
Yagura and Sasuke stayed in the program – Yagura became, and still was, the ANBU Commander with Sasuke as his Captain.
I chose not to join the ANBU, despite being offered several times. That kind of life just... wasn't for me. Itachi and I remained as Jounin, and together, with Kakashi, the three of us formed our own team. We were well-known together – just as much, if not more, than the Ino-Shika-Cho trio. The Ita-Na-Ka.
That didn't mean team 7 stopped having missions together, of course. We still averaged a mission together about once every other month.
Ino became a Jounin, not too long after the war and started her training in the T&I division. She was planning on taking it over when Ibiki retired. Shikamaru followed his father's footsteps and was training to take over the adviser position when Naruto became Hokage (thus meaning his father and Tsunade retired).
Kiba, Shino and Chouji all took over as leaders for their clan. The only reason Kiba took over, and not his older sister, was because she declined the position.
Juugo, after finally being declared stable, decided to stay close to the T&I. He wasn't interested in torturing or interrogating, but rather rehabilitating. He wanted to become a shinobi therapist. Papa took him under his wing and trained him. He was doing well, last I heard.
Obito... Obito was still, technically, imprisoned for his crimes. However, unofficially, he he usually stuck close to Kakashi, myself or Naruto. It was only ever during the day, and he had to wear chakra-restraints, but he didn't seemed to mind. The beginning was a little rough, but over the years he seemed... happier. He might have been confined to Konoha, but he didn't seemed to mind. He spent a lot of time at the stone with Kakashi, and myself, actually.
He got me new goggles. A matching pair to his.
"Besides, I still got a year as Commander," Yagura mused. "A couple more months until our wedding, and at least nine before the brat pops out."
"What a nice way of putting it."
Yagura grinned at me.
"Oh, shh, shhh, everyone!" Naruto suddenly shouted. All eyes turned towards him – almost everyone was here. All family and friends of Kakashi (Asuma, Kurenai and their children; Gai and his team; the Rookie 9, plus Sakura; Itachi, Yagura, Yamato, Juugo; each of the Clan heads and previous heads; Tsunade and Shizune) were there. Most of them were holding children in their arms, or were placing their hands over round bellies. The conversations, which were once quite loud, came to a fluttering stop.
We could hear footsteps.
Suddenly the door to the apartment opened and we all shouted, "Surprise!"
Kakashi rolled his only visible eye. "Jeeze. I had no idea. It's not like Naruto blabbed about the day you had all had it planned out."
Obito peeked his head around Kakashi, his eyes roaming around the friendly faces and he grinned. "What? No cake?"
"I was hungry," Naruto protested. Then, as if realizing what he had said, Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
Laughter ensured all around us and Yagura pulled me a bit closer to him. The atmosphere was warm and comforting, and looking all around, I saw everyone I loved.
Ino cackled and whipped out her camera. "Alright! Be prepared to smile everyone. I've got enough room on this baby for two-hundred pictures and I plan to use it all."
There were groans all around the room and Ino abruptly turned towards Yagura and myself. "Smile!"
Reflexively, I smiled. However, I was quickly turned around as Yagura suddenly kissed me. Howls took up around the room and my face flamed.
The camera flashed and I resisted the urge to pass out.
I loved them. I really did.
But, sometimes, I swear Ino and Yagura made it their goal in life to see how many times I could faint.
For those of you who read the realistic ending (and original ending I had for this), you can understand why this took so long to write. D: It was way harder than I thought it would be to pull the trigger, so to speak.
Pick whichever ending you want to be canon, just like with Sakura. One is realistic, maybe not happy, but true; and the other is all fluffles and cuddles.
And so now, I shall conclude it with this:
Question: How are you?
Reviews are love, darlings. Love and comfort.
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