Arc II - Graduation
Disclaimer: Sorry, don't own Naruto. If I did, everyone's OTP would have their own special episode / movie.
Warning: Gawd, I don't know? Fluff? Barely a fight scene?
Beta: Kalafina94
Beta: silverseed
Edit: 1/1/2018
Four years later, a stupid exam, an eventful night, and finally we had graduated.
Right after school, I was pulled away from my friends to celebrate with my family. Naruto had failed the exam and was rather depressed, so I was even more reluctant to celebrate with them, especially considering how Shikamaru and Chōji had families like myself, but they did not; but Sasuke and Naruto both assured me they would be fine.
Still, I had only stayed for dinner before leaving in a rush to check on them. Naruto had gone out and Sasuke was waiting at home. Chōji and Shikamaru, as well as Tenten, arrived soon after myself. With their help, I made a batch load of Naruto's favorite desserts in hopes of cheering him up. However, much to our surprise, Naruto came home bearing a Leaf headband and was most excited.
It was a pleasant surprise, though.
And so, all of us sat together in our usual seats at the front row. Naruto to my left, Sasuke to my right and I in the middle with Shikamaru and Chōji behind us.
It was amazing, really, how no one questioned my friendship with Sasuke. Well, except for Ino.
It was inevitable, I supposed, that my sister would find out about my frequent visits to Sasuke.
I still remembered the look on her face when she discovered the truth—it didn't really matter how she figured it out; what mattered was her reaction and my own reaction. It was a terrifying moment for me. I loved my sister; I loved my sister dearly and the utter shock on her face was enough to send my heart pounding and guilt and self-disgust rising up.
I felt horrible. I had only been thinking in Sasuke's best interest, in what he needed. In the process, I disregarded my own sister's wants.
"I—" I trailed off, unsure of what to do, what to say.
"Nao-chan," Ino said softly, her eyes trailing down. "He's the friend? Sasuke-kun's the friend you've been staying with, that you've been helping?"
"I'm sorry," I whispered, my eyes stinging and my fingers clutched tightly at the edges of my hoodie. "I'm so sorry, Sissy."
"Do you love him?"
I froze, looking up sharply at my sister and allowing feelings of revulsion to show on my face. "No. Sasuke-kun is—He's a friend, Sissy. He's—he's family."
Ino eyed me another moment before she sighed, nodding her head tiredly. "I believe you. I-I already lost Sakura to him. I don't—"
I hesitated a moment before I moved towards her, wrapping my arms around her waist and burying my head into her chest. "No. You won't. Not ever. I will always be your little sister and I won't ever let anyone take that away from me, away from us."
"So why didn't you...?"
Feeling tired of lying to my own sister, I decided to go with brutal honesty. "He didn't need—he didn't need to be admired or idolized. He didn't—what he needed were people who would treat him as himself, not someone to be admired. He needed normalcy. I was... I didn't think..."
"I don't like it. I really, really don't like it." Ino took a shaky breath. "But if it was in Sasuke-kun's best interest," another deep breath, "and I can see how much it pained you to keep it a secret," she paused, "and I don't—I don't want to lose you. I can live with it," Ino murmured softly into my hair.
"You don't want to see him, do you, Sissy?"
"Not through you," Ino laughed quietly. "I'll earn Sasuke-kun's attention on my own, thank you very much."
I smiled. "Thank you, Sissy."
I gave an inward wince upon hearing Ino and Sakura's screech for first place into the classroom.
Naruto snickered under his breath. "Can't believe you're related to her."
"Can't believe you actually liked pinky," I retorted, causing Naruto to wince. The moment Naruto confessed his crush to Sakura, I demanded to know why. As far as I was concerned, that girl would forever remain as the girl who made my sister cry. It felt like a sort of betrayal that Naruto would suddenly like her. But I amended that, as Naruto was also my dear friend, if Sakura somehow made him happy, I would let it slide.
When he was unable to give an answer aside from 'I just do!', I declared him an idiot and sulked for a good half hour. When Naruto questioned my mood, I explained to him how I felt and that it seemed wrong to like someone for superficial reasons. Which was the reasons I had assumed Naruto had for liking Sakura.
He didn't want me to be unhappy, so he backed off. I told him I would be fine with their relationship if he could give me a good reason to like her for herself. Not superficial reasons like 'she's pretty', 'she's smart', 'she has nice hair', etcetera, etcetera.
When he didn't succeed at first, instead of trying and trying again, Sasuke and Shikamaru knocked some sense into him, saying she was too young to be taking relationships seriously and was only a silly fan girl. Instead, Naruto should wait until after graduation for her to mature enough to take him seriously.
Naruto relented with great reluctance. I think it might have mainly been because Sasuke and Shikamaru threatened to burn all his ramen if he didn't back down.
He was silly like that.
But for the moment, Naruto did not crush on anyone.
"Sasuke-kun," Sakura cooed, rushing over to us with Ino right in tow.
"Hey, who do you think you're talking to, Billboard Brow?" Ino demanded, shoving Sakura aside. "Hi, Sasuke-kun!"
"You're one to talk!" yet another one of Sasuke's fan girls called out, moving up from her seat to try and talk to Sasuke again.
Sasuke kept an indifferent face, but having lived with him so long I could tell by the way his right eyebrow twitched ever so slightly that he was beyond annoyed.
I nudged Naruto and pointed to the eyebrow. Naruto snickered, but I shushed him quickly when Sasuke shot us a dirty look. Though I wasn't able to keep in my small giggle.
Iruka stepped into the room. "That's enough girls, take your seats."
"But Sasuke isn't standing up, sensei," Naruto said.
I laughed, and Sasuke rolled his eyes slightly. "You must have me confused with yourself, dumbass. Aren't you the one who came up with the gender-bender jutsu?"
I laughed again, smiling widely as Naruto huffed and puffed, but simply couldn't blow Sasuke down. The fan girls all around us cheered for Sasuke's retort.
"Settle down, class," Iruka said, though a little more exasperated this time. "It's time we called out for teams. Alright? Team One—"
Naruto nudged me with his foot as names were droned off. I gave a small yawn, stretching back into my seat.
"... Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto, Yamanaka Inonao, Uchiha Sasuke..."
"Hell yes!" Naruto shouted, jumping out of his seat and fist pumping. I was smiling widely and even Sasuke allowed himself to smile—okay, smirk—in public. "Watch out world, the best team has been born!"
I laughed/giggled, my body and voice too high to properly laugh, but I was determined to try it anyway so it came out as a cross between the two. Sasuke snorted. "Idiot in front, down."
"Kiba's not up here," Naruto said, wide-eyed and innocently.
"Hey!" Kiba shouted from the back while Shikamaru and Chōji snickered.
Naruto laughed, but plopped into his seat, still bearing a grin.
Not once did my own grin drop for the remainder of class.
"He's late," Naruto said.
Indeed he was. Our sensei who should have been there hours ago was running behind. Or ditching us. I couldn't tell at the moment. Either way, I was incredibly displeased. I did not like to be kept waiting. I was not a patient person and I detested unpunctuality. I was the sole reason Naruto was never late to class for the last four years. I would not tolerate it.
So while Naruto set up his prank, Sasuke and I sat side by side and allowed him to do it without reprimanding him. We were both growing irritated. Even if neither of us really thought it would work, it certainly wouldn't hurt to try.
Naruto leaned back, grinning hugely at his work.
It was at that moment, the door opened and in stepped in a very familiar man.
My mouth dropped open as the eraser fell down. Naruto burst into laughter, but my eyes were wide with shock. Kakashi looked at us, staring at us indifferently until his single showing eye rested on me.
"Kakashi!" I shouted happily, lurching off from my spot and colliding into him with a hug.
"Oof," Kakashi grunted. "Nao-chan? I have you as a student?"
"Nao, do you know him?" Sasuke asked me, giving me a small frown.
"Oh, yeah, Sasuke-kun. I thought I told you about him. Guess you don't remember," I said with a small tilt of my head.
Kakashi seemed to be frowning. "So these are your friends?"
Naruto grinned, still giddy from his successful prank. "Yep!"
"Hm," Kakashi said. "Well, my first impression of you two is... I hate you."
I giggled at seeing both of their expressions.
"Well then," Kakashi continued, completely unminding the two boys, "let's continue this on the roof, shall we?"
"Alright, so first, let's introduce ourselves," Kakashi said.
"Why don't you go first, Sensei, that way we'll know what to do and stuff," Naruto suggested.
"Alright," Kakashi said. "I'm Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... As for my hobbies..."
Naruto rolled his eyes. "Okay. I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I like ramen in an instant cup, but Nao-chan doesn't let me have a whole bunch 'cause she tries to make me eat healthy. I like Nao-chan, Shika, and Chō. I like Old Man and at times, the bastard is okay. Iruka-sensei is pretty cool, too. I don't dislike a lot of things, but I hate vegetables and, most of the time, jerk-butt over there. My hobby is helping Nao-chan with the garden and my dream is to become the Hokage, believe it!"
I smiled at him happily and Sasuke rolled his eyes. Kakashi merely watched him with a single eye. To most at first glance, it would seem indifferent or uncaring, but I had seen that eye many times when ANBU members approached Kakashi and asked for advice at the memorial stone. It was an assessing eye. Critical and precise.
Kakashi then turned to me. I frowned. "But everyone here knows me."
"Aw, come on Nao-chan, do it in the spirit of things."
"But everyone already knows me," I said again, failing to see the point in wasting our time with information they already knew.
When Kakashi continued to stare at me, I sighed in defeat. His eye crinkled in satisfaction.
"I'm Yamanaka Inonao, but I go by Nao. I like a lot of things and because Kakashi didn't say a lot and everyone already knows me, that's all I'm saying," I said stubbornly, folding my arms across my chest.
"But you already know about me," Kakashi said. "I didn't feel the need to elaborate any further."
"Exactly," I said.
"Uchiha Sasuke," Sasuke said when it was clear I wasn't going to add anything more. "I like few things, mostly training. Shikamaru is alright, so is Chōji. Nao is fine and, sometimes, so is the idiot. I dislike a lot of things, mostly airhead over here. My hobbies are none of your concern. My goal is to find the truth and to take vengeance for my Clan."
I tilted my head. "Now what?"
"Now?" Kakashi asked, cocking his head. "Now it's time I explain something to you about how to really graduate to becoming a Genin."
The next morning, I forced everyone to eat their breakfast, explaining to them that Kakashi was being silly. The three of us then walked down to the training grounds and waited.
Three hours later, I nudged Naruto awake, who had fallen asleep on the ground, after Sasuke nudged me awake, as I had fallen asleep on his shoulder. We all blinked up groggily as Kakashi entered the sunny clearing.
"Good morning, my precious students," Kakashi said cheerfully.
I yawned, stretching as I stood up. "Good morning, Kakashi-sensei... it's weird calling you sensei."
"It's weird having you as a student."
I rubbed the sleep out of my eye. Naruto stood up and yawned tiredly. "You're late."
Sasuke snorted. "That's an understatement, moron."
Naruto shot Sasuke a dirty look, but didn't bother adding anything more.
"Well then, are you ready for your test?" Kakashi asked us, as he pulled out a sleek gray clock. He placed the clock on a wooden stump a little ways from us before pulling out two silver bells. "Your test is simple. Retrieve the bells from me. You will have until noon to do this or all of you will fail."
"But there's only two bells," Naruto asked, frowning at this.
"That's because only two of you will pass," Kakashi said.
We all exchanged a glance, none of us impressed with that statement. If there was one thing Shikamaru managed to drill into us, it was to work smarter, not harder. A concept that came relatively easy for Sasuke and myself and, with time, Naruto. To think over orders given to you, read between the lines, and find a solution that benefited yourself.
"That's not true," I said. "You can't pass only two people. Genin teams are made up of three people. I should know, Papa drilled that into me and Sissy. More than likely this is a test to try and have us fight each other over the bells."
"And waste what little time we have and fight each other," Sasuke added.
"That's stupid," Naruto decided.
Kakashi cocked his head. "Only two people will pass this test. Whoever passes this test for the other teams will also count. We pool everyone together and then we make groups of three."
I frowned. "Oh."
The three of us exchanged looks.
"You guys should get the bell," I said. "I'll help you."
"Don't be stupid, Nao-chan," Naruto said. "If anyone is going to pass, it should be you and and the bastard. Even if he is an asshole."
Sasuke snorted. "Whatever. You two can take the bells. I don't need them."
My brow furrowed. "No. You two take the bells."
"No, you."
"Idiots. No."
"Come on, guys, just take the stupid bells!"
"Nao-chan, Bastard, quit being so stupid and take the bells."
"I don't need them. You take them."
Kakashi cleared his throat. "Are you really arguing who takes the bells? And not in the normal way, might I add."
Naruto huffed. "Look here, old man—"
"Old man?"
"—we're all friends here," Naruto went on, unabashed. "We stick together through and through. I'm not gonna sit still and watch as one of my friends fail and I succeed. 'Ts not right."
I nodded my head, feeling particularly brave as I moved a step forward. "Me, too. I feel the same."
Sasuke snorted quietly, but moved to stand a little closer to us.
"So either we all pass, or we all fail," Naruto said firmly.
Kakashi blinked at us. "Okay. How about I cut you a deal? If one of you can take a single bell from before the time is up, you all can pass. If you can't, you all fail."
"Deal," Sasuke decided for us.
The three of us then poured chakra into our feet and leapt back, out of earshot of Kakashi. Naruto moved to stand behind Sasuke and I as the two of us turned our back to Kakashi. Naruto watched Kakashi, as Sasuke and I spoke in hushed tones. Quiet enough for Kakashi not to hear, but loud of enough for Naruto to hear.
"Kakashi-sensei is a Jōnin, and an ex-ANBU Captain," I whispered quietly. "Getting a bell would normally be difficult. He's strong. He's fast. He's cunning."
"Normally?" Sasuke questioned, as quiet. "I take it you have a plan?"
I nodded my head. "It's a thought, really. I've never practiced it on a moving target, you know. Especially not one that would fight back. Or one so big."
"You mean that jutsu?" Naruto whispered, not even glancing back at us.
"How long can you hold it?" Sasuke asked.
I hesitated. "Five seconds maximum. More likely three seconds."
"That doesn't give us a lot of time," Sasuke muttered. "We'd have to be in close already. But it's our best shot to get a bell within the short time period. Alright. Naruto, you serve as the distraction, I'll—"
"He's gone," Naruto said loudly, quickly turning around and inspecting the area.
Both Sasuke and I straightened up, turning our backs to each other and Naruto. The three of us formed a sort of tight circle, our eyes darting around.
"Did he use any handseals?" I asked Naruto.
Naruto frowned. "No. Disappeared in a puff of smoke."
"Annoying. Tch," Sasuke grumbled irritably.
Mild annoyance and dissatisfaction dwelled inside of me at the latest development, but it didn't last long. Kakashi reappeared above us, his hands working into some fast handseals. My eyes widened and I pushed Naruto out of the way, Sasuke jumping away on his own as Kakashi finished.
But nothing happened. He gave a chuckle as he landed where we once stood.
He had faked us out.
"Naruto," Sasuke growled, already rushing forward.
"On it," Naruto shouted, his hands moving into the ram seal. Multiple more Narutos appeared and they all rushed towards Kakashi with a battle cry. I hopped back, a little ways from them as Kakashi ducked and dodged each of them with ease. Sasuke took a moment and dove in close towards him, throwing in his own punch to the attack.
I let out a slow breath, pushing my chakra out along with it. My chakra slithered into the air, moving slowly towards Kakashi. To any other eye—save the Byakugan and probably the Sharingan—my chakra would be transparent, invisible. My brow furrowed in concentration and I had to switch my breath to deeper ones. Already I could feel the strain of molding my chakra in such a manner.
My mind locked onto Kakashi and I had him ensnared. Immediately his body froze and Naruto delivered a successful kick against his thigh. Kakashi gave a grunt, though his eye was still widened in surprise.
Sasuke took this moment to dive forward towards the bell.
The surprise was over and Kakashi struggled against the small outline of my chakra around him. I gave an inward whimper at the sheer force he exerted against my mind. A throbbing pain overcame my head and it was too much; I released my hold on him and fell to the ground, breathing heavily.
Wearily, I looked up to find Sasuke grinning triumphantly, okay, smirking triumphantly, at Kakashi. Naruto whooped with excitement as his clones dispelled and cheered loudly. Kakashi shook his head, looking over at me. In a flicker of movement, he appeared in front of me.
"Interesting technique. I assume it's a kekkai genkai?" Kakashi commented, as Sasuke and Naruto moved over to us.
I nodded my head tiredly.
When Naruto reached us, he offered me a hand. I took it with a quiet thank you and he lifted me up, though my legs were still shaky.
"So this means we pass," Sasuke said, still smirking.
"So it would seem," Kakashi mused. "I never would have guessed Nao-chan had such an ability."
"Not many do," Naruto boasted on my behalf.
"Now that we've passed," I said, my strength slowly returning, "why don't," I took another deep breath, struggling to breathe, "we all have lunch at home? Kakashi-sensei, you're," another gasp, "welcome to join us."
Kakashi cocked his head. "Mn. Maa, alright. I could eat."
Naruto grinned. "Alright! Dickwad, it's your turn to do dishes tonight."
I giggled at that, finding myself smiling brightly for a moment before my smile faltered. I had lucked out. I adored my team.
So why did I feel such a strong sense of sorrow, looking at how happy we were now?
I have fanarts of Nao, link on profile or under Kira-Tsume's, or Cambadia's gallery on Deviantart, or Charredblossom16's favorites. I also have more fanart of Sakura, link on profile or under Kaiwii-chan's gallery on Deviantart or Charredblossom16's favorites.
I feel so honored to have so much fanart for my stories. Seriously. I love you guys.
I love my reviewers/favoriters/alerters as well.
But seriously. I love you all. So. Much.
Anyway, to clarify Nao is three years younger than Ino. So when they're twelve, she's nine. When they're sixteen, she's thirteen, etc, etc.
Answer: Most awkward moment. Oooo. Chatting online with my crush, and my ex (who remained as a friend), along with a few others. Sent ilikelikeyou to ex, when it was meant for the crush. Horribly awkward explaining that one.
Question: What's your viewpoint on something? Anything? tell me what you feel passionate about.
Reviews are love!
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