Don't Underestimate Debate Teams
So Tuesday I went to a surprise tournament. I was sick Monday so I didn't know about the tournament until that morning. So anyway after the tournament we went to Wendy's and some of the others went to Taco Bell. Anyway so one of the employees was talking with me and my partner and he goes I don't wanna leave work and get jumped by a debate team. So basically he didn't want us to surprise him and beat him with debate sticks. And we're going XD we won't do that, we'll just confuse you. And he's clutching his head and he goes I don't understand. Headache! And anyway so I ordered a Son of a Baconator and my partner who is one of my best friends goes I thought you were gonna say the curse. And I go T-T you know me better than that. And the guy (the one who didn't want to get jumped by a debate team) goes son of a b***h (he didn't actually curse). I'm sorry but we ran out of those earlier, you'll have to come back tomorrow. XD and this is one of the reasons I love to go out with the team. It gets interesting
I had to do that. Also I showed my partner part 5 of Markiplier's play through of Outlast: Whistleblower and it had Eddie and she goes that was scary. So when I was sick I was watching Mark play Outlast and reaction compilations and when I was watching Outlast I only screamed once and covered my eyes twice. I screamed from a jumpscare from Eddie and I covered my eyes during two chase scenes. Also my reaction to seeing Eddie for the first time in Mark's play through HOLY MOTHER OF ARCEUS WHAT ARE YOU?! STAY BACK! I HAVE A WATER BOTTLE AND I KNOW HOW TO USE IT! And then you guys know how Eddie can be. For those who don't know basically Eddie wants to make Waylon Park (who you play as in Outlast: Whistleblower) a woman so he can have a family and be a Dad.
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