1: Lagos
Ruby let out a sigh as she and Crystal exited the jet that had been sent to pick them up from the Barton farm. They now stood in the hanger of the New Avengers facility with few Agents hurrying around them. "Captain Rogers has requested that you meet him in conference room 2." A young, blonde woman said as she approached the teenagers who nodded in thanks before beginning their journey towards the meeting point. Even though they hadn't spent much time in the facility before being shipped off to Clint's the Duo managed to find their way quickly to the conference room.
"Ruby! Crystal!" Within seconds of opening the door the two blondes were engulfed in a large hug, Wanda's voice echoing as she greeted them happily.
"Hey Wanda." Crystal grinned, hugging the brunette back before pulling away. Quicksilver also came to greet the girls with open arms before allowing them to move into the room properly. Captain America stood at the head of the table, Falcon to his right and Black Widow on his left.
"Good to have you back girls."
"It's nice to be back." Ruby admitted, throwing herself into one of the chairs around the table. "So, what's the mission?"
"This man." Natasha began, moving to the side as the screen behind the group lit up. "Has been avoiding S.H.I.E.LD for the last six months and we finally have a lead on him."
"Brock Rumlow?" Pietro mumbled, his eyes scanning the file he had picked up from the table.
"More commonly known as Crossbones." Steve added, shifting his stance slightly. Miss Jackson hummed, catching Miss Evan's attention.
"What's wrong R?"
"Rumlow was a HYDRA Agent, well more well known as a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent."
"A double Agent?"
"Yeah, one of the best." Ruby answered Wanda's question with a shrug. "He worked with, well for, Alexander Pierce before he was killed. Once he learnt Pierce was dead he assumed the codename Crossbones and has been causing problems ever since."
"How do you-"
"Crystal and I were HYDRA Agents ourselves." Sam closed his mouth instantly, raising an eyebrow slightly at the blue eyed girl. "Technically so we're Wanda and Pietro but they weren't ones for long."
"So he's wanted for being a double Agent?" Pietro guessed, earning a nod from the Captain.
"Precisely and we're going to bring him in."
"All of us?"
"All of us. From the lead we have he's going to have several men with him. We'll need to keep an eye on them all." Steve explained. "Crystal, Ruby. Go and get what you need. I'll explain more on the jet. You have ten minuets." The Duo nodded and hurried from the room, turning down several corridors until they reached the weaponry. Instantly Crystal reached for her compact bow and quiver, smiling at the weight retuning to her hand before snapping it out to full size.
"I missed this." She sighed, holding the bow out at arms length and pulling the string back. Slowly she lowered the weapon and turned to her friend who was sliding two knives into the waist band on her trousers, the blades covered with a think clear plastic to stop them from cutting her. "Didn't you?"
"Of course I did." The seventeen year old chuckled, sliding another knife into her boot and a fourth under her jacket sleeve. "But at the same time I feel like the break was good." With that the pair made their way back towards the hanger, Ruby tying her hair up as they went. Once there they joined the small team on the jet and sat themselves beside the twins. "So what's the plan?" Ruby questioned, grabbing the file that Steve threw her from mid air.
"We're heading to Lagos, that's the last place we managed to track Rumlow to. We aren't one hundred percent sure on his plan but we have to stop him before he can execute it. Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Ruby. You four will be on the ground, surveying the area from there. Sam and Crystal, I want you to on the roofs ready to fly."
"So you don't know what he's after?"
"Not entirely." Ruby raised an eyebrow but kept quiet, settling herself down in her chair with her feet crossed at the ankles. "But we know what to look for. Reports say he has several armed vehicles at his disposal, they shouldn't be too hard to spot."
"So what, we go in, find the guy and bring him back to S.H.I.E.L.D?" Pietro questioned, frowning slightly. "That doesn't seem very effective."
"Questioning our methods?" Sam asked, folding his arms tightly. He was still slightly skeptical of the Twins and the Duo, even more so now they were all together again as he didn't know what they were capable of in a group.
"Well yes-"
"We trained them slightly differently to how you work." Crystal butted in before Wanda could say something she'd regret later on.
"Well you're Avengers now so you do it our way." Natasha answered. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."
"Once HYDRA trained, always HYDRA trained." Ruby muttered to herself, handing her file to Crystal so she could read through it. "And if your lead is wrong?"
"It's the best one we've had for months, I doubt it'll be wrong." Steve answered curtly before taking a seat. "But if it is wrong we go back to the beginning and look for more leads as to where he could be." Miss Jackson nodded and said no more, her eyes now trained on Crystal, Wanda and Pietro. The Twins both had their heads down, reading the information in the file several times over to absorb the information. They had never been on a mission like this, so everything's was incredibly new to them. Crystal on the other hand was relaxed a little more on her chair, flicking through the file at a rapid pace.
The rest of the journey was silent. The tactic had already been discussed so there was nothing more they could do in that sense, and no one had any more questions so they were ready. Ready to get off at Lagos and stop Rumlow.
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