Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Three
"Light, you are under arrest." Mr. Yagami said, facing a surprised Light.
"Light, no!" Misa yelled in protest, I grabbed her before she could go anywhere.
The task force lined themselves up around Light, pointing their guns at him. He was caught. He was Kira. Justice was taking action, even without L to lead them, they had managed to capture Kira.
I hand Misa to Matsuda and walk to Light.
"I've never liked you. You were a selfish, lying bastard who was a sadist and wanted to chance the world. You are cold and heartless and unforgiving. You made Rem kill Ryuzaki to protect the Misa she cared about the you didn't love. You nearly let your father die, you nearly killed all of us! You were asking for a death wish by be Kira! I hate you for everything. I hate you for kissing me, I hate you for cutting me." Tears swell in my eyes. "I hate you for killing Ryuzaki. I HATE YOU!"
"I'm so sorry." An empty voice says from upstairs.
I look up, allowing myself to because of of the familiar voice.
It was L, Ryuzaki, Lawliet, it didn't matter what his name was. It was him.
"We could have been friends, Light." Ryuzaki continues, slowly coming down the stairs with Watari trailing behind him along with Matt and Mello.
"Ryuzaki, y-your still..." Light whispers, shocked. "But how?"
Near also has a surprised look on his face.
He then turned to Misa.
"The notebook is fake! How could you betray me like that?!"
"What? I didn't betray you, Light, I promise!" Misa exclaimed.
"Misa Amane didn't betray you, I just never expected you to use the shinigami." Ryuzaki said, holding up another black notebook. "This is the real one, this is the one Misa dug up."
"When did you switch the notebooks?" Light asks.
"Every criminal I wrote died!" Misa yells.
"Only on the first day. That's when I confirmed finally that you are the second Kira. And that the 13 day rule was a fake." Ryuzaki explained. "Watari had them switched the second day. We watched her very carefully, and had the deaths covered on the news channels as if Kira had indeed returned as resumed killing. See the problem was that we still had no evidence proving that you were Kira. Bravo Light, you never gave us an inch."
By now, Ryuzaki had come down the stairs and was now sitting on the couch in his usual crouch position like Near also did. "Light Yagami. There is a 100% chance that you are Kira."
He then grabbed his watch on his wrist, but Matsuda shot it with his gun, sending it flying over to the other side of the room.
Light went for it, but Matusda shot again, hitting Light in the leg, causing him to fall over.
"Light! No!" Misa protested, trying to escape Aizawa's grip.
"That's a piece of the death note, isn't it?" Ryuzaki asked. "You had it hidden on you. That's it then, this case is solved."
Light lifted himself off the ground, and began laughing.
"That's right, I really am Kira. I am the God of this new world."
"No your not, your just a pathetic murderer. And this notebook here-" Ryuzaki says, holding up the death note with his two fingers. "Is the deadliest weapon on the whole planet."
"L, you have no idea, you never even leave your room. Reality is some innocent person dying because some bastard is on the loose. Worthless scum who don't deserve the precious gift of life. That's the kind of reality in which the law is powerless!" Light
"Your right." Mr. Yagami said. "The law is not perfect. And those who make laws aren't perfect either. Which just makes it worse. But, it's a never ending effort, with the purpose and intention of serving justice! What you've done is selfish. No matter what, killing people is not an answer to anything."
"This is nothing but a waste of time." Light says, turning his head left and right. "Ryukk. Ryukk, where are you?"
"Another shinigami." Ryuzaki observes against his thumb.
I look around and I see Ryukk land beside him.
"Can everyone who touched the notebook see him?" Ryuzaki asked.
The task force nodded in responce.
"Ryuuk, I can still keep you entertained, but you've gotta kill them first. Kill all of them right now, Ryuuk!" Light yelled.
"Oh, Light." Mr. Yagami says.
"What's taking you so long, Ryuuk. Just write their named down in your death note."
"Stop it!" Mogi yells, firing his gun at the shinigami.
I frowned. "Stop.", I say calmly to everyone, "A god of death can't die."
At the gunfire, Light begins laughing.
"It's no use. Ryuuk, have you finished?"
"Let me see." Light orderes, after a brief moment.
His face soon looks like he just got stabbed.
"No, wait a second! I told you, I'm going to keep you entertained!" Light jumps at the shingami, but falls to the floor.
"What are you talking about? The fun's just started!", Ryuuk smiles and bares his teeth.
Suddenly, Light falls to the ground, making agonizing choking noises.
This is fun.
"Ryuuk, how could you? I can't afford to die now!"
Misa begins crying, and Mr. Yagami rushes to Light's side.
"Light?" Mr. Yagami speaks after a few moments, shaking his lifeless son. "Son? How could you?"
Aizawa then lets go of Misa as she falls to the ground, sobbing.
"Lawliet, your alive. Watari, Mello,'re all alive..." I say, walking towards all them.
"Yes, I'm sorry to have worried you to such an extent, but I had to fake my own death." Ryuzaki replies, before pressing his lips to mine.
I can sense Watari smiling but I hear Matt and Mello's annoyed groans. Near walks to them and they talk, like nothing ever happened.
I pull away from Ryuzaki to see Matt standing behind him with his arms open. I smile and hug him. Matt was one of my best friends when Ryuzaki left back and forth from case to case. Matt pulls Mello in. Mello was always pushing himself away from us but we still cared and he did too. Soon, Near joins in. It's been forever since I hugged any of them.
We all back away.
I turn my attention back to Ryuzaki.
"I love you."
-----BACK AT HQ-----
"It's been forever since I walked through those doors.", Ryuzaki says.
Matt, Mellow, Near, and the rest of our team except for Mr.Yagami follows us in.
We all sit in the living room and kitchen and talk. Ryuzaki takes a bite of his candy then says, "What happened to the glass table?"
"Oh. Well... it was the day I thought you died and me and Light got into a fight and shattered the glass while charging at him with a knife. We ended up getting thrown back and forth onto the glass shards and I stuck the knife in a wall after he cut my arm and I clipped his shoulder and he grabbed it and almost killed me. Thankfully Aizawa stepped in a saved me." I say, pulling down my jacket sleeve from showing them where the scar was.
"I would of rather been stitching up wounds than sweeping up glass and scrubbing blood stains off the floor.", Matsuda pitches in. We all laugh.
"Well there's the part of yourself that you got from me." Mello says. I roll my eyes and laugh.
After two glasses of wine, I go and take a fresh breath on the roof.
"Why didn't you give up your notebook?"
I gasp and look at Quart standing behind me.
"You scared the hell out of me!"
"Aw, well that's sad to hear." he says.
I facepalm. "Quart. No. I didn't mean to make a pun."
He laughs. The door opens and Ryuzaki walks here.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked, standing beside me.
I nod. I have to admit, I feel a little woozy. (AN: is that even a real word XD)
"Are you sure? You drunk quite a bit."
"I'm fine. Two is no where near enough to drink away the pain of the past.", I laugh.
"Let's go back inside before you stumble over the side of the building." he says, picking me up bridal style.
"I'm sober enough to keep an intelligent conversation." Partially. The wine is starting to take effect on me.
Ryuzaki brings me to the kitchen. "She's drunk. I'm going to put her to bed."
"Noooooo. Let me finish my glass." I say, forcing myself out his arms and downing the remaining of my third wine glass. I go back to Lawliet and raise my arms, asking to be carried like a small child.
He rolls his eyes playfully and picks me up again. I lean my head on his chest as he walks up the stairs. "Lawliet?" I ask.
"What would you have done if I was Kira or Fire?"
He stops for a moment. "What makes you ask that?"
I shrug and he continues walking. He has no reply to my answer.
He sets me down on my bed an I grab his hand before he can leave.
"Stay with me?"
End of part one! It's kinda like Mockingjay or Looking for Alaska with the separate parts.
fact #22: i went swimming and i almost got bit by a horsefly.
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