•chapter twenty one•
Chapter Twenty One; Proceeding
Last night the investigation team briefed me on today's plan to catch the Yotsuba employee who confessed to being Kira.
"So one of the Yotsuba employees is Kira. Am I correct?" The interviewer asks Matsuda as they are both hidden behind screens to protect their identities.
"Yes. I have ample proof to support that fact." Matsuda replies. "Kira killed 'Mister H' because he mentioned leaving the group." Matsuda sneezes and 'accidentally' bumps the screen, causing it to fall over and reveal his face. "Crap!"
"Right on!" Misa pumps her fist in the air when her phone rings. Higuchi called right on time but Misa silences the ringer.
"Well... We were planning on hearing about the investigation you've been conducting to find out the true identity of Kira but that mishap just now..." The interviewer pauses. "Are you willing to go on or do you wish to stop?"
"It's fine. I was well aware of the danger when I began this interview." Matsuda replies. "I'm willing to reveal the truth at the cost of my life for justice. To be honest, it took me a while to gather up the courage to do this. Now that I have the information I thought that the right thing to do was announce it officially."
"That announcement is coming up shortly on Sakura TV. Stay tuned."
The program cuts to a commerical as Watari speaks out, "Ryuzaki. Higuchi is on the phone for Misa's assistant."
A telephone icon appears on the screen to signal that the conversation has been connected to the computer.
"Moji!" Higuchi yells from the other end of the call. "Where is Misa?!"
"Oh Hello Mister Higuchi. I hope you're doing well. Misa, at the moment, is away on her day off. She should be back tomorrow morning." Mogi calmly replies.
"I'm asking you where she went!"
"She did not let any of us know since it was her private matter. I am terribly sorry. I'll make sure she gets back to you tomorrow morning."
"Do you know Misa's previous manager? Was he a TV personality himself?"
Higuchi groans in frustration, "Remember Tardo Matsui?"
I tilt my head and look at Light for an answer. He just raises his eyebrows and turns his attention back to the call.
"Oh." Mogi says. "I began as his substitute. I don't know much about him. If you're interested you should call the office. We are all in Okinawa on vacation at the moment so you
may need to call the head."
The call cuts. "I'll relay Higuchi's call to Yotsuba for you." Watari tells Ryuzaki.
"I'm confused, amazed, and frightened at the same time." I announce.
"Let's not be frighted but be delighted about it." Ryuzaki replies monotonously. "You get familiar with it when you are never wrong."
The call connects, "Higuchi from Yotsuba here. There was a guy who went by the name 'Taro Matsui' who worked for you. Is that his real name?"
"He uses a fake name as a manager." An unknown voice tells Higuchi.
"Listen to him. He's losing it." Light whispers to me as Higuchi makes a series of inaudible sounds.
"What was his real name?!" Higuchi yells once again."
"I think is was Yamada." The mystery man says. "No... Yamashita. I don't remember his forename."
"What the hell do you mean you don't remember!? Can't you remember the names of the people you've employed?!"
"What is your problem? I have his CV back in the office and I don't see any problem with that."
"Then get the hell back and find out!"
"No chance. We are on the staff vacation that we haven't had for two years. If you are so keen on it then I'll tell you the combination for the lock of the office entrance. Just go inside and look for it yourself. I keep all CVs in the file cabinet. They're all sorted alphabetically. I'm pretty sure that it was Yamashita."
"Higuchi is on the move. I'll keep my distance from him while in pursuit to keep him from noticing me." A new voice emerges from on of the many computers. "The only item he has on him is his bag."
"Who's that?" I ask.
"The man with the motorcycle." Light informs me. "You met him last night."
I did? "Oh. Right."
"Welcome back to Sakura TV? Care to continue from where you left off?" The interviewer asks Matsuda as the commercials end for now.
"I can't go into much detail yet. If I do then those people who were there in the meeting will eventually figure out who Kira is. I ended up having a drink with those 8 including Kira himself." Matsuda laughs. "How exciting!"
"Feel free to take your time telling us your story. Don't feel rushed in telling us the identity of Kira."
"As I thought. Higuchi is still watching television while he drives." Light states from watching the big screen that display live footage of Higuchi.
Higuchi glances between the road and televsion as he comes up to his destination. He enters the building with the combination given to him and searches through a file cabinet before pulling out a file that reads Matusda's fake 'real name'.
"His method of killing should be very obvious soon." Ryuzaki announces to the team.
Higuchi places the file and his bag on the desk. I tense up as a recognize the black notebook he pulls out. While the name is not shown on camera, he writes Matsuda's fake name in his death note.
This is it.
"He only made a note of the name and is leaving the room. Is he not going to kill in the office?" Light wonders aloud.
"Ryuzaki! Shall we go for him?" Mogi asks Ryuzaki through his ear piece while watching Higuchi rush to his car.
"No." Ryuzaki replies. "We have yet to see his murder method yet. He might do something once he is inside the car. If so then you can go for him."
"Honestly. I have to tip my hat off to you for your bravery. Some people even support Kira." The interviewer tells Matsuda.
"Kira is a murderer and I will not forgive him for what he has been doing." Matsuda replies.
"Damn!" Higuchi yells inside his car. "Why isn't he dying yet!"
"What does he mean by that?" Light asks Ryuzaki.
"It means he already used his method to kill from the time he retrieved the file to now." Ryuzaki answers. "Is writing the name down the method to kill..?"
"Ryuzaki. What are we going to do? Are we still following his moves? This can only mean that he is capable of killing just by knowing a person's face and name and wishing for their death."
"But Matsuda is still alive. Then again he only knew the fake name."
"Only fifty minutes until the reveal!" The interviewer announces.
"I have no time..."Higuchi grumbles as he fumbles for his phone.
Misa's phone rings and is ignored.
"Rem. Time for the deal." Higuchi says aloud.
This does not look good at all.
"What is this 'deal'? What is 'Rem'? Can the ability of Kira really be godsend?" Light asks.
"I don't like to think that way." Ryuzaki replies.
"Then what is 'Rem'?"
"A shinigami...? It's too soon to draw a conclusion. It looks like there are things yet to come and we might get to find out his method to kill."
Blue and red lights flash behind Higuchi's car, "Stop right there! Pull aside and stop your vehicle!"
Higuchi pulls over and the policeman asks him for his licence. He stares at his face before driving off.
The policeman returns to his car and chases after him, but loses control and crashes less than a minute later.
"Not good." Ryuzaki says. "Everyone. I've decided that it is now dangerous to let Higuchi move any longer and although we haven't established his method of killing. Assuming that he currently possesses sufficient evidence on him, we are taking our next step and will capture Higuchi. It is to be assumed that Higuchi now possesses the same ability as the second Kira and can kill just by looking at faces. That is our premise. Watari, connect me to the director general of the police."
"Yes." Watari follows Ryuzaki's request and moments later the computer is connected.
"This is L. I now have the name of an individual who is Kira. At the moment his vehicle- a red porsche with plate number 258- is on route 1 heading from the Hibiya area to Shibuya. I am terribly sorry but I believe that he killed one of your policemen on duty. We will capture Kira, but I would like you to notify all of your men to stay away from the porsche."
"Dad. Higuchi just left the agency office. After the next commercial break we will shift into seventh scheme." Light tells his father who's with Mogi and Aizawa.
"Well..." Ryuzaki stands up. "Light. Shall we make our move?"
"Lets go." he nod.
Ryuzaki turns to Misa, "I apologize but we have to leave you here immobilized. He swiftly handcuffs her to a table. "Aki. Stay here and monitor her."
"Got it." I sigh.
"What?!" Misa exclaims. "You pervert! You better be kidding!"
"Be a good girl now." Light slightly smirks at Misa as we exit.
If my theory is correct, Light will have his power returned somehow and won't hesitate to eliminate Ryuzaki for good.
Who do I sacrifice: Ryuzaki or myself?
edited 6.21.16
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