Pt. VI
The Smithsonian Institution.
By the time David arrived at the Smithsonian, he had a rather hard time looking for the way to the storage basement. But by some small fortune, he had stumbled upon his key to getting around the castle of the institution as well as crossing no form of security to patrol the corridors - his father helped analyse the schematics of the institution which helped David immensely in going where he needed to go without getting lost or caught.
Getting into the storage basement was less risky now that David had entered the one place where nobody bothered to check. Only there did David come to witness an extraordinary sight. The wax figurines that belonged to the museum had been removed from their boxes to form a resistance against other figures being forced inside a shipping container. Six of the figurines held spears, all of whom were prone to lunging their weapons upon the command of their leader.
David peered into the container and noticed the unwelcomed guests ready to fight back, all the while a mischievous capuchin monkey held what David assumed was the Tablet of Ahkmenrah. Borrowing the spear of one of the soldiers, David used it to obtain the tablet. Through physical contact with the tablet, it began to shine. It shone so brightly, David muttered under his breath to himself that he had a bad feeling of what he'd done.
Suddenly, the wax figurines were now animated and following the orders of the one in the centre of the group, a Pharaoh. While David felt endangered being in their company, he couldn't help himself but want to not hand over the tablet to the Pharaoh who posed as a threat to not only he but also the world - with what unlimited power the tablet contained, the Pharaoh was sure to use it for his diabolical schemes and quite possibly unleash unstoppable forces.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" David asked politely.
"I, am Kahmunrah, the great king of the great kings, and from the darkest depths of ancient history, I have come back to life! And with the tablet in your hands, I will unleash power beyond your wildest dreams." The man in the tunic growled in a menacing voice.
The Pharaoh barked in his native language, ordering his men to raise their spears up to their shoulder level and point the tips with hieroglyphic engravings at David's head or neck area.
"You know, for a century-old king, you sure have a way of reintroducing yourself to a world far more advanced than you last recall. Without a guide, you'd get pretty lost."
"What are you proposing? That you bow down to me and wish to rule by my side as I conquer the world?"
David scoffed. "No. I got a wife and children to look after. I have a responsibility to ensuring that this world doesn't go to shit, especially at the hands of assholes like you - you don't even know half of the things I'm saying, probably - but my point being... you're not getting your filthy mitts on this here ancient iPad you scruffy-lookin' nerf herder."
The Pharaoh was at a loss for words in regards to what grammar David was using but he still got a vague grasp of what he was saying and went to give his men the order to kill David. A quick play spared David from having his head on a pike by dropping down into a squat and bounced off his feet with the momentum he carried to roll between two of Kahmunrah's men and made off in a sprint, quickly making distance between them.
David was concerned with the effects of the tablet and ignored that concern for now as he ran through a maze of shelves and such to escape his pursuit. A fanfare played, followed by a man's cheering as a bike with a sidecar rode in and summoned the man to take the wheel. Shocked by his strange enthusiasm, David occupied the driver's seat without hesitation and hit the accelerator and sped off, leaving a slight trail of smoke.
"YEEEEHAAWWW!!" The man screamed over-joyously. "You're in good hands! General George A. Custer of the Fighting U.S. Seventh Cavalry - at your service... What's yer name, boy?"
"A face you'll not see again. I need to get this tablet to my father and get it translated before some unenthusiastic non-American patrons decide to blow us all to kingdom come." David responded uncouthly.
"Well, in that case, I'll gather the troops and we'll take 'em straight down to hell."
George looked over at him in offence and took to rebuking the younger man when he took the flag from the General and used it as a lance and scored at least two impalements on the Egyptian soldiers before the weight of their bodies forced David to drop the flag.
"I like you already, boy. But the next time you do that, I'm gonna drive a golden spike where your Union meets your Central Pacific."
"Fair enough. That's two down. Five to go. You happen to know someone who can translate this tablet? I got a funny feeling the museum won't let us leave with this thing."
"I look like a book to you? Hang on... maybe, President Roosevelt'll give you a clue."
"What about those people in the container? You got a force of your own to take on five bandicoots?"
"Roger that, Mac."
"Name's not Mac, mac. It's David. David Travis Gardner."
George tipped his hat at his newfound companion and watched him off as David returned to the surface of the museum to search for Theodore Roosevelt's statue or somebody equally close intellectually. Distant shouting made David wary of his pursuit as he rushed through the galleries for his key to uncovering the secret hieroglyphics on the tablet. Luck fell onto David when he heard a stranger call him for a favour, to scratch his nose.
"Yes, yes, yes! Ohh, sweet butterscotch in Heaven... that was terrific. Thank you, dear boy, for your noble service to a fellow America," said the live statue of Theodore Roosevelt.
"A-Actually, I'm English, Mr President." David responded shyly, knowing that he was talking to the Theodore Roosevelt - or something close enough to him.
The chrome half-body of Theodore Roosevelt snickered in delight before he repaid the favour by translating what David sought. Only then did he come to discover something well before his enemies did, for them to pick up on his trail shortly thereafter.
"Dear boy, watch out--" Theodore exclaimed in late warning.
Before David could properly react, he was hit on the head, instantly rendering almost completely immobilised. He remained conscious enough to witness Egyptian soldiers lock arms with him and dragged him off with the tablet now in their rightful possession until he fell asleep, but not before just hearing an outrageous voice spring a trap on the two unsuspecting soldiers, completely caught off guard as they dropped David's body.
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