Pt. II
The following week since David acquainted himself with Jessica - one might say that David has begun to shown his true colours. Such a connection established a new adventure to embark on, to prove his loyalty to Reed. While it was relatively quick for him to establish such trust in their relationship, David secretly felt successful in getting this far to prove himself to her by exploring Bolivia, La Paz, for a certain object of high value at a private auction.
With his wife unaware of his journey, David planned to sneak back into his wife's mansion to acquire the necessary items for his trip to Bolivia. Of course, it would prove difficult being in the cover of night seeking few items to ensure that he successfully completed his mission of worthiness.
While the night was still young, David did his best to sneak into the Croft Mansion where he expected his family to already be in bed or Lara in her office. Upon realising that nobody was up and about, David dropped his guard only by a tad whilst he ventured into his office and then his room for his essentials for the trip - such items included his revolver, a compass and his father's favourite jacket.
It was odd that he detected a strange smell in his office, seeing as how he was certain nobody dared to possess such a strong scent of perfume. Not even Lara. Just as David began to evacuate the mansion, he was caught red-handed by one of his children, barely awake and in their pyjamas, sceptical as to why their father was nowhere near ready for bed and seeking adventure.
David gulped. "Daddy's just... going to fix his motorbike. Joslin, go back to bed, honey, or else your mother won't let you have those chocolate-chip cookies before bed anymore."
The little girl pouted, to the disappointment of her father. With a low groan and the roll of his eyes, David pushed himself to tuck his daughter into bed before he left for however long the trip would endure for. Just as David had secured his daughter in her bed, he dreaded the sound of one clearing their throat in a disapproving manner which made David tense. Slowly, he turned around to find his wife with her arms crossed below her breasts.
Her tight expression and cold stare escalated David's anxiety of knowing what was about to follow. The two took their conversation outside of the children's room in the middle of the hallway where Lara finally let loose on her deceitful spouse. However, such anger was enough to awaken their children to investigate the fuss being stirred up, causing a delay in their falling asleep.
"... cannot believe you would prance about with that... that slut! I knew, I just KNEW from the moment I laid my eyes on her you two were up to no good. And what do I find? You sneaking in and out of our home, going on an adventure - with her, no less - and you haven't even had the decency to spend time with your own children, let alone me!" Lara fumed in frustration towards the brown-haired man.
"Yeah, well, you haven't exactly been forthcoming about our marriage either. And don't go on to me about keeping secrets - I had to find out the hard way about the scratch on your back... Do you seriously think I'd not love you for your body? Baby, I love you body and soul, but I just can't keep going with all of this arguing." David shot back. "Always in your office, never spending time with me or the children... I have devoted myself to you and yet you give me nothing in return. So what do you expect me to do? Huh?"
"So you think it's okay to go out and fuck your 'work friend?' "
David fake laughed hysterically. "Do you even realise my needs, Lara? All I want is to be loved. My father never loved me - especially after mom died - and I thought you would make me feel like a better man. But you just proved how wrong I am about you... So I think I'll be going on adventures with someone else, thank you very much."
A hand struck David's cheek, as within a second of her hand making connection with his cheek, David's cheek began to tingle painfully which left said cheek red from how hard she hit him - and that wasn't even with a closed fist. David recoiled from the slap, his jaw tense as he slowly turned his head to face her.
Tears strained Lara's vision, turning it glassy. Her lips were trembling from the difficulty of fighting back tears before she spun around on her heels and stormed off down the hall to her room. In the distance, David stood by, dreading the subjective wrath he brought onto himself. All he wanted was her and now he feared he would truly lose her forever.
At the slam of a nearby door, David took his leave, mouthing a goodbye to his wife and children before he too left in such a hurry that droplets of tears were left in his stead. And so, his journey to Bolivia, La Paz was underway. Half of the day had passed as David and Jessica embarked on their trip to La Paz in one of her million-dollar private jets thanks to her wealthy father.
The weather in Bolivia, however, was humid but far less tropical than the Philippines. Rows of houses went on for miles. Cable cars provided the means for tourists to take in the view of the main road; the town square, the Lady of Peace Basilica and the Plaza Murillo as few most popular sights in the city. There were other interesting locations but David wasn't present in Bolivia simply to sightsee.
"This is the place," said Jessica.
The two stood in front of a small building in the middle of one of the square, seated on a bench feeding pigeons.
"How is this going to work? We need some sort of golden card to get in, or can anybody just walk in?"
"It's a walk in."
"So what's the issue here - there's always going to be some sort of issue."
Jessica stared at him with a blank expression and made her shoulders jump.
"That's it?!"
"Of course, David. Oh, and a few things for your understanding since we are no longer in London... don't trust the undercover cops, don't drink the tap water, always accept gifts from the locals, and certainly trust the zebras. The meeting will commence at approximately seven pm so come decent and tidy else they'll mistake you for a crook."
David sighed and murmured, "Good to know. So what do we do in the meantime?"
The blonde giggled and took his hand, leading him around to explore La Paz to pass the time. This entailed their exploring restaurants, sightseeing, travelling along the cable cars, etc. Come evening, David and Jessica were in their hotel room, preparing for the main event. Such an occasion that resulted in having David to wear a suit depressed.
The last time he had to wear one, which was for his father's funeral. Jessica noticed how distracted he was and gave him barely any words of comfort in order to get him in the right headspace before they attended the private auction that contained her prize. David was not permitted to carry any firearms into the auction.
He was forced to put it aside for safe keeping for the time being until the conclusion of the auction so he could get it back. The room was cool but not enough to make one freeze - even if there were those who lacked sufficient clothing. The guests were directed by sights with arrows and bodyguards as still as statues until they were inside a hall filled with rows of seats.
Paddles were on each chair in accordance to the order people were to be seated where an auctioneer watched people file into the room. David and Jessica sat themselves in the middle-front right in the middle row where they waited for everyone to be seated before the auction began. It took approximately over half an hour for Jessica to uncover the item of interest which was an amulet belt.
"... do I hear three million? Three million?" The auctioneer sang out, holding his gavel high in preparation to close the deal when suddenly a paddle was raised, delaying the conclusion of the auction. "Ten million to the beautiful lady with the blonde hair. Going once... going twice!?"
A paddle raised into the air, surprising the auctioneers now that the point had been reached where nobody dared go above ten million dollars once the amulet belt was secured for sale. Jessica and David glanced at one another in disappointment before they sat through the rest of the auction.
Everybody was dismissed while those who'd made successful purchases were told to await the delivery of their item at the airport or to the places where they were staying. With their chances slimming, Jessica knew they had to act quickly to intercept the belt. The blonde woman locked arms wit him and had him follow her to a stairwell that would take them to the basement of the building.
As long as no guards were looking their way, they were able to sneak into the basement with ease. To their surprise, stealing the belt was easier than they thought it would be seeing as how there was simply one guard protecting a trolley man delivering the valuable item. David was the one to steal the guard's attention whilst Jessica dealt with the trolley boy.
Unfortunately, what David failed to anticipate was Jessica taking her leave without permitting him any form of assistance as he had to endure the beating he was receiving from the bigger man. What came as more misfortune for David was being rendered unconscious whilst his female companion escaped unscathed.
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