Groupchat: Hehe
(Instead of Drawings or information, Have this-
Warning: Gonna have 1500+ words-)
Lemon Pie has added Water Bottle, Blossom Tree, BallPen, Calculator, Lightswitch, Feather and Starry to Random GC i have no idea
Water Bottle, Lemon Pie, Blossom Tree, BallPen and Calculator are online
Water Bottle: Why is our Group chat named that-
Lemon Pie: Had no idea ._.
Blossom Tree: It should've been called as our fricking group name bro
Lemon Pie: I know but i feel like it's kinda bland-
BallPen: But bro who cares about the group name, Why did you make this lemon
Lemon Pie: For fun Lol
Calculator: But we can just talk in person-
Lemon Pie: I still wanna ahve fun okay?
Water Bottle: HAHA- AHVE-
Lemon Pie: HAVE*
Blossom Tree: Lmao-
Calculator renamed Water Bottle to 🌊Water Botol🌊
🌊Water Botol🌊: Oh uh, Okay-
Calculator renamed Blossom Tree to 🌸Blossom Trei🌸 and Lemon Pie to 🍋 Lemon Pi 🥧
BallPen: Me me!
Calculator: Okay-
🌸 Blossom Trei 🌸: Seriously Trei?
Calculator: Ye
Calculator renamed BallPen to 🖊️BollPen🖊️
🖊️BollPen🖊️: Ayyy-
🍋Lemon Pi🥧: Bro you mocking us or someshit-
Calculator: Nope- i did this for fun of course-
🌊Water Botol🌊: Bruh the spelling in our names are wrong dude
Calculator: Yeah that's the point lol
🌊Water Botol🌊: ._. BRUH-
Meanwhile in the other GC (Chaos >:>)
Durian Pie: Yo who tf named my brother lemon pi?
Birch Tree: What?
🌸Blossom Trei 🌸: Calculator-
Birch Tree: Sis your name too
🌸 Blossom Trei 🌸: I know okay?
🍋Lemon Pi🥧: Help-
Been 1 hour
All of us are here GC:
Raspberry Pie: How many People are in this GC!? There's so much!
W.C.P: I'm kinda asking the same thing
Plastic Bottle: Well, It's all of our siblings in here, I have 4 + me = 5, Raspberry you have 6 + you = 7, Birch Tree has 3 + Him = 4, Lightswitch, 1 = 2, Remote 1 = 2 BallPen 2, = 3, Feather with her 2 chaotic idiots, Starry with her 2 siblings and yeah
Plastic Bottle: Try to add.
Birch Tree: DANG IT MATH
(Also the siblings changed their name back to normal-)
Blossom Tree: 5 + 7 = 12 + 4 = 16 + 3 = 19 + 2 = 21 + 2 = 23 + 3 = 25 + 4 = 29
Blossom Tree: Guys it's 29-
Feather: It's 30, Bro 23 + 3 isn't 25 idiot
Blossom Tree: Ah shit-
Calculator: Wait so, plate has a phone?
Feather: Oh
Blossom Tree: 29 IT IS!
Raspberry Pie: What about Black Hole?
Plastic Bottle: Idk about him
Raspberry Pie: That's still a lot of people in here-
Lemon Pie: Yeah, but at least we have a lot of friends lol
Raspberry Pie: I'm not exactly your friend here brother
Lemon Pie: Wha- why
Raspberry Pie: You annoy the fuck out of me
Plastic Bottle: Same goes to Durian Pi
Plastic Bottle: *Pie goodness gracious autocorrect
Raspberry Pie: Oh yeah him too
Blossom Tree: How about we try to do what the others do?
Calculator: What?
Blossom Tree: Try to Prevent death?
Plastic Bottle: My sister left that team
Feather: Yeah same with mine
Blossom Tree: Still- i kinda wanna know how it feels after saving someone
Raspberry Pie: I saved Lemon once, I regret it now
Lemon Pie: WHAT
Raspberry Pie: Joke i still care for you, Though your very annoying, same with Durian
Lemon Pie: Oh, Thanks
Blossom Tree: Anyways-
Blossom Tree: Wanna try?
Plastic Bottle: I mean, Sure i guess but someone has to take care of the house i live in because of Water Bottle
Wine Glass: I can!
Plastic Bottle: Okay then, I'm gonna try, when your ready i guess
Water Bottle: Oh wow your following in your brother's footsteps?
Blossom Tree: Yas babe, His cool!
Water Bottle: Not really-
Blossom Tree: What why?
Water Bottle: Uh y'know
Water Bottle: Protective when i kiss you-
Blossom Tree: Oh right-
Lemon Pie: I can try! Tho i will put the line on dangerous accidents, I'm scared-
Blossom Tree: Ayy your following in your sister's footsteps!
Plastic Bottle: Same with me, Kinda
Feather: I have to take care of the house, otherwise Teddy Bear will destroy anything in my house, Thank Plastic that Pillow has her own house in Death P.A.C.T
Feather: So uh, Yeah
Plastic Bottle: That's okay
Blossom Tree: Yeah!
Evergreen Tree: What are you guys chatting about geez my phone is gonna explode
Evergreen Tree: Wait hang on
Blossom Tree: Evergreen!
Evergreen Tree renamed themselves to Tree
Tree: Hi sis, Care to explain why you all are talking, in the middle of the night
Water Bottle: It's only 7:26 PM bro-
Tree: Still
Water Bottle: Also how's my sister doing-
Tree: She's fine, but still i would like to know wtt is happening
Lemon Pie: Wtt?
Tree: What the trunk
Lemon Pie: Oh
Blossom Tree: Following in your team's footsteps! :D
Tree: What? That feels unexpected
Plastic Bottle: She brought it up because she thought it was fun to prevent death, or wants to know how to feels after preventing death
Tree: The part where "thought it was fun to prevent death" was literally the reason why Bottle joined, And she left for- idk not having as much fun?
Water Bottle: Bottle of joy
Tree: Definitely
Tree: Also Blossom, You can prevent death anytime, just make sure you don't end up killing yourself too
Blossom Tree: Oki
Blue Pen: What is this-
Blue Pen: Oh hi everyone
Tree: You again
Blue Pen: Yes
Plastic Bottle: Pen?
Blue Pen: Ya
Lemon Pie: Bro how are you still surviving while being far away from your bros?
Blue Pen: Used to it
Blossom Tree: How
Blue Pen: I don't wanna talk about it-
Lesbian User: Hi
Lemon Pie: Wait what
Water Bottle: And who are you?
Lesbian User: The one who's da sister of the demiboy
Lesbian User :D: We almost have the same name!
Lesbian User: Oh shoot-
Lemon Pie: Okay that's liy, about the other one?
Tree: You can tell by the emoticon it's Bottle
Lemon Pie: Oh-
Blossom Tree: Also is your grammar okay?
Lemon Pie: Yes it's fine-
Water Bottle: Lmao
Lesbian User: Honestly all of us are gay
Water Bottle: Cough
Blossom Tree: Cough cough
Lesbian User: Oh right you two-
Durian Pie: Ahem
Lesbian User: You..Wait what
Durian Pie: I'm Pan okay-
Lesbian User: Okay, But you like Bois?
Durian Pie: It doesn't really matter- it depends on their personality-
Lesbian User: Okay why did i asked that
Cherry Pie: Oh wow a Groupchat!
Wine Glass: Hi Cherry
Cherry Pie: Hi :D
Blossom Tree: Tbh cherry and wine are basically like blueberry and glass but swapped
Tree: What?
Blossom Tree: Cherry is like bottle, wine is like pie, But their different so
Water Bottle: They're dud
Blossom Tree: Don't mind my grammar I'm still in college okay-
Calculator: Same but I'm a bit better
Blossom Tree: Cap
Water Bottle: Cap
Lemon Pie: Cap
Calculator: Bruh-
Lemon Pie: Lol
Lesbian User: What even are your sexualities y'all
Everyone comes online
Lesbian User: Oh my-
Water Bottle: Bi and Asexual
Tree: I used to be like that
Water Bottle: What are you now?
Tree: Omnisexual and Asexual
Water Bottle: Oh okay
Blossom Tree: Panromatic and asexual boi
BallPen: Panromatic is a thing?-
Remote: Yep
Lemon Pie: Same as water but Pan
BallPen: Aro ace >:>
Starry: Pansexual!!
Feather: Lesbian
Lightswitch: Bisexual
Calculator: Most of us are bi honestly-
Calculator: But I'm not-
Calculator: gAY-
Blue Pen: Ay
Cherry Pie: Bicurious!!
Pillow: Bicurious?
Wine Glass: Search it
Wine Glass: Also I'm Polysexual
Lesbian User: You wanna date multiple people?
Wine Glass: What no that's Polyamory
Lesbian User: Oh-
Tree: Bro
Durian Pie: I already said it
W.C.P: Aro ace
Raspberry Pie: Same
Plastic Bottle: Sapphic and Asexual
Pillow: Sapphic?-
Plastic Bottle: WLW
Pillow: Oh-
Peach Pie: I'm still guessing
Lesbian User: Ok
Birch Tree: Bi!
Palm Tree: Aro ace
Blue Pen: It feels unbelievable that more than 3 people here are aro ace-
Pillow: Excuse me-
Blue Pen: Yes excuse you
Tree: Please change your name it's kinda confusing me
Pie: A little bit
Lemon Pie: Didn't know you were here bro-
Lemon Pie: I mean Sis-
Pie: Meh i can be Bro or Sis, it doesn't really matter that much
Pie: Also I don't really talk here so
Pen: There i changes it, Betta?
Tree: What is up with your spelling?
Pen: it was on purpose lol
Teddy Bear: Im not Sure- probably bi-
Calculator: Yeah knew it
Pillow: Aro ace here
Lesbian User: My username
Remote: Bisexual and Asexual
Lesbian User :D: Read name!!
Pie: Pansexual
Tree: Already said it but just in case you didn't see it, It was Omnisexual and Asexual
Pen: Gae
Pillow: BH can't chat right?
Starry: I can help!
Tree: Or i can ask him
2 minutes later
Tree: He said he was Pansexual too
Lemon Pie: That's all of em-
Water Bottle: Probably
Mechanical Pen: Omnisexual.
Mechanical Pen: It's okay sis really!
Pen: Ok
Lesbian User: I need to go someone is dying oitside bey
Lesbian User is offline
Tree: Wait what
Tree is offline
Blossom Tree: Oop-
Water Bottle: Lets chat later or something
Lemon Pie: Alright, Bye everyone-
BallPen: A- Bye-
They stopped chatting
(This feels so stupid Bruh- but Whatever-)
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