The Party
I walk into the party standing handsome and tall, as usual, but when I look around I find she has not yet arrived. "She better show up this time" I whisper to myself right before I am greeted by the host, Piper.
"Joe! I'm glad you made it, drinks are that way but take it easy, we're having a karaoke contest later on."
"Thanks, uh, do you know if Candy is here by any chance?"
She gives me her disapproving look,"You know she never shows up, and its because of you...which reminds me, you didn't sign the papers?! I took them to her yesterday stupidly..." I lift my hand, signaling her to pipe down, "alright, alright sorry. I thought this was a party not a lecture. Just forget it." For a moment I feel disappointed, was she lying to simply cut me off? That doesn't seem like her.
I get myself a beer and while I'm at it a brunette girl I'd not met before walks up to me, placing her overly friendly hand upon my shoulders flirtatiously while saying something. I didn't quite take in her words, I was distracted by Candy walking into the room with somebody else holding her hand, her engagement ring missing. I'm instantly filled with a burning jealousy, who is that prick?!
"Do you know who that is?" I ask the girl, facing her at last.
"Who? Billy Idol?"
"No! Over there with Candy."
"Oh, that's her boyfriend" she states uninterested, I frown. Boyfriend?! She doesn't have a fucking boyfriend, I don't have a girlfriend?!
"Anyway, do you wanna go dance or not?" She asks running a hand through my hair.
"Alright" I nod, if Candy wants to play this game, I'll gladly take in my part.
"Do you want me to bring you a drink"
"Just some water, thanks."
"Alright, doll" Algy jokes headed towards the drinks.
As soon as he walks away out of the blue Piper and Mattey attack me excitedly with questions.
"You fucking came! Is that your new boyfriend?" "Whats his name again?" "Is he good in bed?" "He's hot, how big is it?"
Eye wide I respond "Damn, this ain't no interview."
Mattey laughs and hugs me, "I missed you."
"I missed you too" I reply honestly.
We converse, I answer all the questions about Algy, feeling still consumed by guilt about what happened earlier today. Stupid Joe always fucking things up, does this mean I'm as bad a person as him? I cheated on my boyfriend and he's a sweet boy, ugh I hate myself.
"Earth-to-Candy, hello!" Exclaims Piper snapping me out of my thoughts. Algy standing in front hands me a water bottle as he asks "you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, I just have uh, a slight headache, thanks" I lie taking the water.
"So, Algy, you're in The Damned?" Asks Mattey
"Thats right, and in another band"
"You're in two bands?! Wow, and how did you meet our friend here?" Asks Piper
"Guys he's not here for an interview either" I interrupt, he laughs slightly, "No its okay baby doll, we're just fraternizing."
"Yes, something you need to practice more often." Comments Piper at me.
"Well then, I'll go catch up with Lily while you 'fraternize,' see you later" I say giving Algy a swift kiss on the lips, then make my way deeper into the salon.
There's a lot of familiar faces, unknown faces, faces that smile and wave at me; I simper back while still eyeing everywhere for Lily. I finally see her across the room, to get to her I have to cross the packed dance floor. Disoriented I ask people to "excuse me." Then I bump into someone I did not desire to see, Joe.
He was dancing with a girl who shops at my store frequently, he faces me and vainly says, to my surprise, "I'm kind of busy at the moment but come back in a bit."
I scoff scowling, "I wasn't looking for you" I continue my path, I can tell he's trailing behind me.
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