intimate conversation
We hugged tightly on the bed, smiling like new born babies when they first open their eyes.
I kiss her forehead caressing her back, she kisses the tip of my pointy nose.
I let out a small laugh, she does too as we gaze into each other. She is so beautiful.
I know I've probably said and thought it one thousand times, but how could I refrain from doing it?
To me she is the most pleasing sight in the world, and not just that. She's also the sweetest taste when we kiss, her lips tasting of cherries, and the softest sensation when we touch, her hands always cold from washing them every half hour. The most soothing sound when she speaks and the the best smells; her messy curls always a different kind of shampoo, her neck like Nina Ricci perfume and her face like cleanliness sometimes with a hint of coffee coming from between her lips, but it all blended well in Candy. She makes everything seem perfect because she is perfect.
I don't know what I did to deserve her...I don't, I'm just lucky.
"Sorry" I whisper into her lips.
"For what?" She asks a bit confused, still smiling.
"For all the times I've let you down. For all I've put you through."
She looked down a second, then back again into my eyes.
So tenderly she produced a storm upon me as she said,
"I love you Joe, more than you can imagine. I sometimes hate myself for it because I think you could put a knife through my heart and I would still be thankful that you touched me."
"Don't say that" I beg, "I love you, I adore you, I would never-"
"But you have" she interrupts.
I remove my hand from her back to swiftly wipe off a tear tickling my cheek, "I know, I detest myself for it."
She places a hand upon its phantom, "do not resent yourself for yesterday's mistakes, learn from them."
I nod, "I swear I would rather die than to hurt you again."
"Shh don't say that! Don't even think of it."
I smile, "don't frown Angel, I wouldn't dare leave you. Not death nor any other thing could keep us apart."
"Only unfaithfulness."
"But it won't, I'll be true."
I kiss her, "you're so negative."
She smiles, "thank you."
"You're cruel too."
"Cruel? How?"
"What do you mean 'how?' What else do you call sleeping next to me all last week without even giving me a good night's kiss?" I joke, she laughs, "do you know how hard it was for me to go months without seeing you? Then suddenly you're here, but not really cause I can't touch you."
"I see, so all you care about is my physical aspects" she teases.
I shake my head, "no, but I really missed having sex with you" I wink, she flushes barely able to contain her smile so I begin to kiss her neck, between kisses whispering, "I missed your moans, and your body on mine, your breath against my ear and my hands on your hips."
"I missed your dick in my mouth."
I can't help laughing against her chest, I stood up to see her face to face again,
"Is that so?"
She nods.
"Well, I can fix that."
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