First Day of Our Lives
"What's the matter, little nutter?" He asks approaching our table, we were in a fast food breakfast restaurant.
I sneaker, "nothing, have you got my coffee?"
"Their version of it anyway, do you think these eggs are even real?" He sits.
"We're in New York Joe, of course they're not" I joke, he smiles and begins to eat.
"Have you um" I begin to ask, he looks at me while chewing, its funny so I let out a small laugh.
"Have you still got the poems I used to give you before you went on tour?"
He nods with an expression that mouths "obviously."
"Just wondering, I remember a particular one, I gave it to you right before our first tour together."
"Yeah, I know which one" he says smiling bright, "'First Day of My Life' innit? It's one of my favorites, I've got it back at the hotel."
I feel my heart jumping like an exalted child and my cheeks redden "really?"
He nods, "I'll show you when we get back." I smile agreeing.
Walking There we walk past a music store, I stop him.
"You mind taking a look?"
"If you'd like."
He opens the door for me, we look through all the shiny guitars, then the ones with stories to tell.
I point at an acoustic, "that one's nice,"
"Why don't you try it" he suggests. I do, it sings well.
"Do you want it? I'll get it for you."
"Yeah I think I'll take it, but I can pay for it don't worry."
"No, I've got it" he assures me.
"Thank you" I say kissing his cheek as we leave with our new friend in hand.
"I hadn't played in a while"
"Why's that?"
Actually I had sold my guitars when I needed money for my new flat.
Once we're back in the room he takes a 45 from the closet, it's "Kiss Me Deadly" by Generation X.
I observe him pull out a sheet of paper, that had once belonged in my diary, from the sleeve.
"This is what you were talking about?" He says handing it to me.
I nod, "Why do you keep it there?"
"Why? It's the song we kissed to on our first date you fool."
That throws me off my feet, figuratively of course, "Nuh uh, It was 'Sh-Boom' by the Crew Cuts."
"Candy I remember it like it was yesterday, we were singing along, you wore a pink dress."
I laughed, my eyes teared up a little "and you had that cowboy hat."
He nods pulling me into his arms, he kisses me.
"Five years slipped so quickly" he states gazing into my eyes.
We sat on the bed, him across from me but close, the sheet of paper between us, the guitar in my arms.
I began to strum, easily it flowed into my mind; the sweet harmony that belonged to the words, words perfect for today and us. I sang:
This is the first day of my life...
yours is the first face that I saw, I think I was blind before I met you.
I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been, but I know where I want to go.
So I thought I'd let you know, that these things take forever, I especially am slow.
But I realize that I need you and I wondered if I could come home.
Remember the time you drove all night just to meet me in the morning?
I thought it was strange you said everything changed, you felt as if you'd just woke up
And you said,
like clockwork, he sings the next part
this is the first day of my life, I'm glad I didn't die before I met you.
But now I don't care I could go anywhere with you and I'd probably be happy.
in perfect union we sing the last verse, tears of joy hit the bed from both ends.
So if you want to be with me, with these things there's no telling we just have to wait and see.
But I'd rather be working for a paycheck than waiting to win the lottery,
besides maybe this time is different, I mean I really think you like me.
We smile at each other, eyes dwelling in one another, things feel back in place, the order of our universe restored.
// Oi thank you for reading, hope you liked this part, vote & comment if you did. xo
The lyrics are from the song "First Day Of My Life" by Bright Eyes, I have written songs for Joe irl before (lol ;_;), but this one was just a perfect match for the story & you can actually listen to it whilst picturing this part so it makes it all better (-: //
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