Chapter 3
Branch was panicking, he then was interuptted by a troll, with the black cloak, dragging him into the woods, he screamed, kicking the troll away. But it was no use. He saw the troll's arms.
They were really white.
Branch then found himself in a cave, similar to his bunker. He was straped down to a old bed.
He couldn't stop thinking, where is he, why is he here and where is Poppy? Branch glared over to the troll, holidng a small glass cup of water, the troll forced him to drink it. It tasted like... Water.
" Who the hell are you?! " He yell, shaking uncontrollably. The troll turned, it's large black cloak shadowed their face. They lifted it down, staring at Branch, they had pale yellow hair and a soft white face. " My name is Pana. And I saved your life. " Pana chuckle towards Branch.
Poppy hid herself under her sheets, not crying. But, thinking. Someone knocked, " Come in.. " She say weakly. She take a peek who it was, being curious.
It was Peppy. He'd walk over to her bed, sitting at the edge of it, soothing her cheek with his hand. " How are you holding up, my dear? " He'd smiled softly. Poppy didn't answer, she stared off into space. " I'll leave you be. " He'd shut the door and walked off.
Poppy sighed and got up, finishing that cupcake Cooper made her. She think better when she ate, she thinked.
She plop herself down onto her bed, staring at the top of her pod, with glow-in-the-dark star stickers all over her roof. " Carry on my wayward son... " She'd sung, quietly. " Lay your weary head to rest... Don't you cry no more. " Poppy shut her eyes. And sung.
Once I rose above the noise in confusion, just to get a glimspe beyond this illusion. I was soaring ever higherr... But, I flew too high. Though my eyes could say I still was a Blind Man. Though my mind could say I still was a-
" Mad man, I hear the voices when I'm dreaming.. " Branch sung, muttering. " I can hear them say- "
" Nice singing. " Pana interrupted, easily annoying Branch. He'd growl. " Why am I here? " Pana walked over, with a bowl of vegetable soup and spoon. His eyes bounced back to Pana. " I'm not eating that.. " He say with emphasis in his tone.
She'd take a spoonful and blew on it, lightly. "Oh, This is for me. " Pana sipped it, closing her eyes in delight. Branch raised a brow.
Later, Pana was examining Branch, with a tiny flashlight. Touching him too, he felt uncomfortable. " Can you stop and answer my question? " Pana sighed, walking over to the exit, a few minutes has pass till she returned, with a wooden crate. It had a label that Branch could barely see.
" This was yours. " Branch raised a brow, " I'm not dead. I'm talking to you right now. " There was silence. Pana then walked over to her drawer, filled with bottles, she took out a syrgine. She casually walked over to Branch, " I call this, L153. " She held it up in awe.
Poppy fell asleep on her bed, It was around 9-ish. Usually, she would stay up partying with her friends. But, barely any were going on since the incident.
There was a slight tapping on the window, it was loud enough to wake Poppy up. She turned to her side towards the window to find a tree branch, tapping the window due to the wind.
Then, Poppy had the oddest idea of all.. " What if Branch is trying to talk to me on the other side.. " She'd talk to herself, she gasped and ran out of bed. Grabbing candles, a lighter, and ran into the bathroom. She'd lit the candles around her sink, her door was locked and the lights were turned off.
She stared into her reflection. Poppy was super-dooper-cupcake-wooper positive about this. She held herself, tightly. " B-Branch.. If you're out here, show me a sign! " Nothing happened, she slowly opened her eyea and sighed, " The heck was I thinking.. " She'd mutter to herself, then one of the candles was blew.
She turned, her eyes widen, " Oh my.. GOD. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD... O. M.. " Poppy was never happier!! Well, not really. She'd rush out of the door, still in her pajamas. She needed to tell the Snack Pack.
Little does she know, she has a open window in her bathroom and ya know.. It was a windy night....
Sorry for taking a while to get this done. My computer for Wattpad is all weird so I had to do it with my phone, then a blackout and it was crazy. Chapter 4 may not be done for a while but Ill try to update often and stay super-duper-cupcake-wooper!! °●°
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