???:pov(point of view)
I was looking at the computer screen in the library, I only have half an hour on Friday to complete cases.
I hacked into the police database, sitting in my usual criss cross position.
I scanned over the files and entered the case file for a serial killer.
Absent minded I stared the process of tearing up an A4 sheet of paper into perfect squares.
"The information is all there... they should have connected the dots by now..." I mumbled to myself.
I then wrote an explanation and connection to who the killer was and thought for a moment to what I should sign it...
'Why can't I...'
Then it hit me.
'Well... the letter is technically in my name and I ask that question too often...' I mentally mused.
Then typed 'Y'.
I then deleted my search history and the backup data that would connect to it and wrote a poorly spelt essay... Did I mention this is my third year of primary school and I hate unnecessary attention?
Well I do.
After saving it onto the hard drive I shut down the computer and left the library, I ate in the comfort of the shade of an old tree.
Mmm... mum, packed laminten's... YUM!!..
I ate them with out regret. That's when the ' 'cool kids' ' came up to me, I'd wager a guess of 72.09% that its not for idle chat ether.
"Hello again. Boy and girls." I stated fake smile plastered on.
"Tch." The leader, a blonde girl, scoffed. "Why haven't you just dropped dead yet, you little tic?!" She asked in a Volga manner.
"Violet, Violent as always. Benny boy, I see you still can't stand on your own and... *sigh* I can't even remember your name..." I addressed the group of bullies.
"Tch, like your one to talk!!!" She snapped angrily.
I nodded. "Too true, however, whose the one who starts it?" I asked completely tired of the conversation.
At that part she couldn't even retort. I nodded again and began to walk off. When I felt I should move to the side, so I did.
Only to see Violet fall to the ground from the velocity of her failed attempt to attack me.
"Please, if you intend to hurt my feelings, do it next week on Monday, when I actually have the emotional capacity to care." I sighed.
Of course, lately, I had noticed many students going missing, I had also noticed that they were all from this school.
Since the first disappearance I have been slowly narrowing down the list of suspects, solving a case here and there, I just did it completely anonymously before and decided that I would go by an initial instead.
Y was the only initial that would connect me to those cases however, my name is too common for anyone to guess that a 7 1/2 year old would secretly study law online and receive a detective certificate, its just lucky that at this time its Okay to do it anonymously when on line...
I'm smarter than I look, act or make others believe me to be.
I dislike attention greatly. But I can't just sit by and watch people be hurt or die if I can do something about it.
I open my school bag and pull out a colourful feather. "You can have this if you leave me alone for the day." I told them.
Violet, has a soft spot for soft, colourful or cute thing's, so she of course took the bait whole and left with her friends.
I dug around my bag some more, and pulled out my favourite toy since the age of two... a small glow in the dark dinosaur skeleton.
I grinned and played with him for a moment before wrapping him up in a black cloth and carefully placing him back in my bag.
I then walked to class before the bell, or rougher siren, sounded off, alerting everyone to the end of lunch break. I rolled my eyes when I realized I was first to class... again.
That's when my first suspect entered my line of sight as well as my class mate's. The substitute teacher, wanted all over Texas, he moved to Australia under a false name.
I have to be very careful not to stand out or reveal my true intellect. His real name, Rasetsu Danero.
Fake name, Ronald Mackenzie. "Mr Mackenzie, is it true you used to work with the police?" A gullible girl my age asked our fake substitute teacher.
"Indeed it is!" He smiled a small fake smile looking up to the left corner of the room feigning the return of old memory's. "Mr Mackenzie, aren't we supposed to be learning math?" I asked my main suspect, with a fake smile that could easily be taken as a true one.
"Hahaha! Aren't you sharp my cute student!" He appeared jolly.
However unfortunate it is, I have no other choice but to catch him in the act.
Today, I brought my mother's camera, the flash is off, I made sure to photo the license plate of our fake teacher as well.
I also took the liberty to take a photo of him as well. He forged a working with children's check, and he has an accomplice. Its the only explanation as to how he has gotten around security checks.
And that brings me to the second suspect. His cousin. Rolf Doris- real name, Tyler Danero.
Both major names in a gang from Texas.
I probably would not have suspected either had Rasetsu not been careless with his real Texas drivers license.
From there I figured out that he was in fact the only one who had had prior contact to all the victims before they disappeared.
If I'm right, which I'm 93% sure about, he's going to kidnap another girl tonight, or rougher... half an hour after school.
He always asks his victim to meet him at the park near the school at recess, offering lollipops and sweets.
I observed him do as such to Reilee, I'm going to make sure she doesn't suffer the same fate as the others. What ever it maybe.
I also took some change from my kittybank, for the call phone. I asked my mother to pick me up two hours after school so I could finish my school work in the library.
Yep, even my family don't know what I've gotten myself into... oh well.
I mindlessly filled out the mind numbingly easy equations, being careful to only get just under 80% right.
I swear, pretending to be less intelligent than you are is as if not more difficult than my work as an anonymous detective.
Soon enough, the end of school siren sounds... indicating the end of hell-Oh I mean school.
I went on ahead after the criminal dismissed our class. I went to the girls toilets and waited for ten minutes before exiting and going to the payphone and waiting there for my suspect to approach his would be victim.
As soon as he arrived, I dialled 000 and asked for the local police in my best, and most believable, might I ad, fake older voice.
I told them I spotted a suspicious person and someone called Y, told me to tell them.
They bought it.
They were there just as my prime suspect had placed a rag of some description over Reilee's nose and mouth.
My second suspect saw the commotion and rammed his Yellow vehicle through the fence of the park.
His tires got shot out. At that point, I knew that the police could handle it, as tear gas was expelled as a distraction to get the child away.
I wiped down the phone with a nappy wipe I managed to stuff in my bag the day before.
I went back to the library to report all my data and their own on the police records. I made quadruple certain to not leave any traces back to myself except that initial.
L: pov.
*six weeks later*
Lately I have witnessed a great decline in case's that require my attention.
Some of the more famous case's for instance. I took it upon myself to look into this.
And it appears that an other wise anonymous detective that goes by the name Y, is responsible.
I have looked into this much more closely then most others and have found no clues or trails leading to who they may be. What I have discovered however, is that they are ether from Australia or are just living there.
Also given the Times that the information is sent to the police database, I can conclude that this investigator is highly likely to be a student of some age.
"Watari!" I called my friend and guardian. "We're going to visit Australia." I told him.
He entered the room. "And Ryuzaki, why would that be?" He inquired.
"There appears to be someone of abnormal intelligence solving cases and hacking into police files living over there, working on cases anonymously under the initial... Y." I informed him.
He smiled politely and bowed to show that he would sort it out for me. "Oh and Watari..." I called before he could leave.
"Yes Ryuzaki?" He asked.
"I need some cake." I informed him staring at the information on the computer before me.
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