Light x Reader x L: "I hate you two."
HEADS UP: This is not a one-shot where at the end you choose between them. The three are in a polyamorous relationship with each other.
Dedicated to the amazing frnnkieroo 💕
~ Your point of view ~
The voices behind us weren't even trying to be quiet. They were just loud and annoying.
"It's obvious that Light and Y/n like each other." This comment made L freeze his actions and the corners of his lips turn downwards.
"No way, there's totally chemistry between L and Y/n." Light tensed up after this remark.
"I don't think you two are seeing the full picture, Light and L have been more touchy lately." The three of us awaited the response from Light's father.
"My son is not gay!" Just hearing him say that made Light snap at his father.
"Well, I'm not entirely straight either..." I looked at Light from the corner of my eye. His was obviously getting annoyed at his father's judgmental opinions and how his son has to be the perfect model. His hands had stopped typing and were clenched into fists.
"Light, don't ever say that again! You are not gay!" Mr. Yagami started yelling at his son. He rolled up the file in his hands and walked up towards Light.
"Like I just said, I'm not-" Light was cut off by his father hitting him over the head with a file. It wasn't one hit, and they were not soft either.
"Mr. Yagami, I think it would be best if you let your son-" Mr. Yagami interrupted L by taking a step towards him and began hitting the top of the raven man's head.
Light looked down at the ground, tears forming in his brown eyes. My grip tightened on the arms of the chair, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Mr. Yagami stopped and his head snapped in my direction, "My son is not gay."
"How do you know that?" I stood up with such a force that knocked my chair over.
He lowered the file and turned to face me, "Because, it is-"
"It is not what, Mr. Yagami? Last time I checked, it's his life, not yours." My eyes glared at him with fire.
He took one step closer to me as he his hands tightened around the file, "But I am his father-"
"That fact alone does not change Light. If he likes girls, it's not your choice. If he likes boys, it's also not your choice. If he likes more than one gender, that again is not your choice." I looked over at L, and puffy eyed Light, who were watching the scene with protective eyes.
Light's father took two steps closer to me and raised the file slightly, "Ms. Y/L/n, I would stop right now if I were-"
"Don't touch her." Light growled and stood up as well, pushing his chair across the room.
"Light, stay out of this." His father snapped at him.
"How can I not? I am who I am!" Light's eyes began to water as he exaggerated his arms to the side. L grabbed Light's hand and gave it a comforting yet protective squeeze.
"Don't touch my son!" Mr. Yagami hit their connected hands with the file, making it give L a paper cut. I walked over and wiped the cut with a napkin.
"Mr. Yagami, I think it's time you leave." L responded dully but his eye twitched once the cloth touched the opening.
Mogi and Aizawa came over, restraining his arms. The file fell out of his grasp and floated down at our feet.
"You are all excused." L nodded as the two men began to pull Light's father out the room.
"So we were all partially right, the three of them are together!" Mastuda exclaimed, causing Aizawa to smack him upside the head with his free hand. The door closed behind them and the only sounds of the muffling feet followed.
"Is your cut okay?" Light asked, his eyes on the ground and his brown hair hung low on his face.
"Yes, it's was just a scratch. More importantly, are you okay?" L placed his finger under Light's chin and made him look up.
"Yeah, I just I wish he would understand that this is my life." Light responded as a single tear fell down his face. I leaned forward and kissed the small droplet of salty water. I took a step back and looked at the two of them.
L and I shared a frown, neither of us really had a family. We didn't have someone who cares about us. That was until the three of us met.
Light has his family and friends. He has many people in his life, all full of their own opinions. He felt he disappointed everyone.
L has Watari, but he never talked to him if it involved something outside of a case. He felt it wasn't important enough.
I used to live on the streets, had a few jobs and learned everything I know from multiple public libraries. I felt like I was a useless being.
"Can we go to L and I's floor?" Light broke the silence.
"Of course."
As soon as the three of us entered the room, Light walked straight towards the couch and fell face-first on it. He groaned a little from the impact but stayed completely still with his legs dangling over the edge.
I looked over at L and frowned. He returned the same facial expression before we both looked over at Light. We both walked over to him. I lifted his torso and sat down, laying his upper body across my lap. L did the same with his legs, however he looked rather uncomfortable sitting in a normal position.
We held the brunette teenage boy in our laps for a few minutes while he whimpered and shook. Light was never the one to break down, very few things could make this boy teary eyed. His father's disapproval is the major watergate.
"This is my life. I didn't just wake up one day and was like, 'I am not going to be straight anymore.' Why can't he understand?" Light cried and wrapped his arms around my waist.
I kissed the top of his head and ran my fingers through his brown locks, "I don't know. It's just the way he was taught to see things, it doesn't make him any more right. He still loves you."
L then slithered out from under Light's legs and walked into the other room. I heard the freezer door open and close.
"Is he seriously getting food?" Light let out a sad chuckle, his grip loosening from my waist as he sat up next to me. His face was puffy with red blotches around his eyes.
L came back with four tubs of ice cream and several spoons. As soon as Light saw them and L was close enough, he practically ripped one out of L's arms. He pulled the top off and threw it on the table. Just as Light was about to the lick the top of the desert, L tossed the boy a silver spoon. He then sadly chuckled, "As tempting as it is, you don't want to just stick your face in."
Light caught it and stabbed the vanilla desert, a tear slid down his cheek as he pulled it out and put the scoop in his mouth. He talked with his mouth full, "Thank you."
By the time L set the rest down on the small wooden table in front of us and crouched down on the other side of me, Light had eaten almost half of the tub. We turned to face him and L rested his chin on my shoulder. We watched Light eat away his pain as he threw the carton on the table and opened another.
"He is going to get sick." I whispered to the raven haired man.
L's eyes looked at me in confusion, "I don't get sick from-"
"He has a normal appetite." I cut him off, in return earning a playful bite on my ear. I responded with a equally playful flick on his forehead, "See, he doesn't go eating ears."
Light finished the chocolate tub and opened another, "I guess I brought out my strawberry one by mistake." L lifted his chin off my shoulder and grabbed another metal spoon. He leaned over my lap to steal a pink scoop from the tub in Light's hands.
Light froze and glared at him, "Give me that damn scoop back."
"Strawberry is my favorite though," L pouted and sat back down in his original spot, putting the spoon in his mouth, "too late." Right after he took the spoon out, Light lunged across me and connected lips with the other man.
After a few moments me sitting perfectly still as the males kissed whilst leaning over my lap, Light pulled away and went back to his ice cream. He tried to act serious but a small smirk was visible on his lips, "I told you to give me the scoop back. Now don't touch my ice cream."
I looked over at L who read my mind. He handed me another silver utensil and both reached for Light's ice cream. We each stole a spoonful of the pink desert and fed it to each other.
"Did I not just say, 'don't touch my ice cream'?" Light groaned and tilted his head back.
"No, I didn't hear you say that. Did you?" I smirked and turned to face L.
"I did't hear him say that either." The corners of L's lip twitched upwards as his usual monotone voice had a small amount of amusement within it.
"I hate you two." Light closed his eyes and ate another scoop. A smile was clearly expressed on his face.
"Aww, he hates us." I nudged L's shoulder.
"Isn't that cute?" L responded, resting his chin on my shoulder again.
***A/n - Welp, this was failure. I haven't posted in a week and this what you got in return... A very OOC one-shot.
Oh well, let's blame it on my lack of sleep and not me, okay? If it's really bad, I'll go back and edit it tomorrow after I have recharged.
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