Chapter 6: Don't Trust Ryuk....
Turner Residence:
You know, the one thing chess has going for it that's way better than in real life, is planning. When you plan a move, you immediately carry it out, letting you watch the results play in front of you. In real life, Y/N has to admit that his chess plays in real life require a little more.... patience. If he can be honest, he thinks he now knows what Mia was probably feeling when he kept his plan to expose L's face to himself.
Speaking off, waiting for Watari to finish his errand so he can burn the page that his name is also a slightly tense process. If he screws up, the lights are all going to shine on him as Kira, and he can't allow that. In the meantime however, he has to behave normally, for now.
While at the dinner table, Y/N Turner can hear Mia laugh while his dad tells a family story about his moments in high school at the one and only prom. It was likely a much easier time, the phase you which you could travel back to after that one moment which changes your entire life. "I'm telling you, I wore an actual top hat."
"And was that with your wife, or...?" Mia casually asks, the two appearing more friendly with one another after the past six months. Although distracted, Y/N can't help but crack a smile at that. It's like everything involving L and other conflict the Death Note brought didn't exist. But of course, nothing good can last forever, most of them, at least.
"No, frankly, she wouldn't have been caught within ten miles of me in highschool. I didn't get this cool until much later-" James is clearly about to get to another good part until someone abruptly walks inside the door and takes hops a seat across the two teens. The suddenness of L's arrival and the thud and clatter of the silverware upon his weird choice of sitting causes everyone to drop silent as the three stare at him, waiting for him to say something which takes an awful amount of time.
"Hello, nice to meet you. Leave." L orders Mia as he acknowledges her presence. Y/N can't see much see the guy's face is still hidden, but if he can guess from his eyes, he can tell that the disappearance of Watari has hit a negative cord with him.
"What are you doing here?" James asks with a perplexed expression, wondering why the guy just walked into the house without warning or knocking. What is up with this agency and acting like everyone place is a crime scene?
"We have a critical issue that requires discussion immediately." L tells James, his tone indicating that he's very serious when he says it to him. James understands it immediately and turns to the teens.
"Kids, give us a couple minutes." James instructs and hey nod, standing up to head upstairs. However, L raises a finger at Y/N.
"No, wait, wait, wait. Not you, Y/N." L quickly says, pointing a finger at the Turner kid. This only makes James even more confused. "This discussion concerns you." He states, and Y/N can feel Mia get a little anxious next to him when he says that.
"How?" James questions, not understanding the big details. On the other hand, Mia and Y/N glance at each other as they can tell why he's being put in the interrogation's seat as well. He knows Kira did something to his handler, and he's right. As they make eye contact, Y/N can see the worry in her pupils, but Y/N's soft look gives a subtle message assuring her that everything's going to be fine. Mia seems to read it, and nods as she walks upstairs, supposedly to Y/N's room. However, when Mia glances back briefly, Y/N snakingly points upstairs, and Mia understands again as she continues up the steps.
Y/N then sits back down, switching his blank expression on as soon as his buttocks meets the wooden chair. "Watari has disappeared." He then tells the both of them, though mostly James as of course, Y/N is sitting in this room as a suspect. "I've known him my entire life. He has not, would not, could not leave without me being sure of his plans."
"Okay, let me make a call..." James advises, understanding the worried feeling he's currently getting right now. "I'll see if any of my guys have seen him, but I don't know what this has to do with my boy-"
"What is it that you want?" L abruptly questions Y/N, giving him a glare that might actually breed some hatred in it. Y/N knows that he knows that Watari's disappearance soon after L's talk with him has only encourages his suspicions of him, which is why his plan needs to succeed in order to make him look incorrect.
"I-I'm sorry... I don't have any idea what..." Y/N intentionally stutters, and James quickly steps back in to defend his son.
"I get that this has got you upset, but-"
"Your son is Kira, James!" L just drops on him, right off the bat. Y/N would amusingly smirk right now if it wasn't such a bad time. So much for waiting for 'checkmate'. Ryuk appears amused by this as well, as Y/N can hear him quietly laughing in one of the dark corners of the living room.
James glances at his son, who stares back with that similar expression of his. "What?" He utters, baffled at the claim. Y/N can tell that his dad isn't going to believe that quite so easily, which he doesn't know if he should feel either grateful or guilty about that.
"And I don't know why you haven't been able to put one and one together, even despite him having spared your life, but it does not speak well to your deductive abilities at all." L criticizes, and with it being the topic of him, Y/N can tell his dad isn't taking that very well.
"You know what? It's time for you to leave." James orders as he stands up, enforcing that he won't allow his ability has a cop and the accusation that his son is a mass murderer be judged so harshly.
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Wanna fucking bet?" James angrily points a finger at him menacingly. However, L responds by pulling out a paper from his jacket.
"I have a search warrant and a team of men outside." L shows them as he tosses the paper on the table for them to look at. "So, as I said, I will be staying. You?" He then points at Y/N, giving him a look in his eyes that he had never expected to see from him. "You have managed a strong move. Now, provided that you return Watari to me safely, I'm willing to put your position of strength into account."
Y/N stares blankly at him, he didn't predict this strong of a reaction from L after putting Watari's name in the Death Note, but he guesses that's on him. However, this could also help his case, since he's now getting 'close' to it. He leans in, and calmly speaks. "Look, I don't know what happened to your friend, but I'm sure he'll be...." He purposefully pauses, knowing L will probably catch on to it. "...alright."
"Damn it! You don't have-" L suddenly lunges at him, but James quickly reacts protectively and holds L down on the table. The quick reaction causes Y/N to finally see L's face in person, definitely a person his ages no wonder he cracked so easily. He's gets surprised by this burst, but he still continues to stare at him with that same look that appears calm, but L is clearly seeing it as a killer's mask. "You have crossed the line!" He still menacingly points at him upside down, knocking a plate down onto the floor in the process. "Force me to do the same and I assure you, you will not survive!"
"You fucking threaten my son again, I'll fucking kill you!" James threatens back against the investigator with a dad's rage. He then roughly pulls him back up and shoves him away from the table. "Now get out of here!"
"Tear this place apart, tear it apart!" L orders his men as they march into the house. Y/N stays glued to his seat as he watches, all while James steps next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.
"You okay?" James asks, and Y/N takes a deep breath before silently nodding. The entire time he saw L, he saw a stoic and professional detective who was willing to do whatever he could do to put criminals away, even if it was only less than he could actually bring to justice. Now, he's just met someone else entirely different.
The stakes were higher than he ever predicted.
Now, Y/N is practically forced to stand with his father outside their home while the Kira Task Force scavenge through the place like hyenas desperate to find some food. The red and blue lights flash on their faces, sirens wail as if direction everyone's attention to the suspected teenager. Y/N feels like his privacy has been invaded, even when standing outside and the warrant. Does the word itself want to know that he created Kira? His creation to symbolize some hope in this rotten world? Maybe.
"Has nothing to do with you, son." James reassures his kid, feeling his emotions as the Turner kid stands there with his arms crossed, just watching the officers go back and fourth, carrying boxes, putting them in their vehicles, and retrieving new ones. Y/N can't help but feel bad for the curious neighbors, knowing the expressions they will make upon hearing, 'hey, we (correctly) think that a kid who's still in highschool is the man we've addressed as a mass murderer, please leave now.' "I knew he was off the minute I met him."
"You know what happens when they find it." Ryuk reminds Y/N, who briefly glances at the guy who casually sits on a police car. The flashing lights give Y/N a slightly better view of his facial features, but once again, it's hard to actually see. "No way, you'll be able to get it back in seven days when it's rotting in a evidence room."
Yeah, he does. Hopefully, Mia picked up on his hint. "Is there.... anything I need to know?" James calmly questions Y/N, hoping it doesn't sound accusatory as he simply wishes L doesn't use anything secrets he may carry against him.
Y/N shakes his head. "I didn't do anything wrong..." He mutters, and he can tell his father's waiting for elaboration. "But.... sometimes, there's that one moment where a voice whispers inside you, berating you for what you did, or saying that it wasn't the right thing to do." He sighs. "How do you know, you're choosing the right side?" He then asks, looking at his dad hopefully for an answer. He knows that probably wasn't an actual answer to his, question, but it's not like he can tell him.... he just can't.
"Well, when it comes to morality, we're all in the middle. Things are never black or white." James states with a mental shrug, having lived with this mindset for a long time, it seems. "Sometimes you just.... you just have to choose the lesser of two evils."
Just like that, huh? That just leaves Y/N to wonder, where is he on that spectrum?
An hour later, after the Task Force's extreme and aggressive search, Y/N jogged back into his room where he goes through his entire room and finds no Death Note inside. While it is possible he missed something, due to the fact that it's now turned into a Horder's room, he's even more frustrated by how they broke his lock. Those things aren't as cheap as you think.
He hopes Mia managed to get it out before the officers found it, L will believe anything at this point for evidence. The glowing eyes in the corner broke my him out of his thoughts. "You've angered the bulldog, now....." Ryuk quips with a grin.
Yeah, he's figured that one out.
New York: Montauk
The next day, a newly acquired car drives down Montauk as it breezes past the very old sign while its tires go across the very old street. Watari has now gotten very close to his destination and soon, he will re-uncover L's name, no matter the cost.
"~And the sky. Hold onto your breath, hold onto your heart, hold onto your heart~" Watari sings his favorite song to himself, the same one he would sing to L before he took his much needed sleep time. "~Walk up to the gate, walk up to the gate~"
The vehicle eventually finds itself in front of a gate to which Watari parks right in front of, knowing that the place he's heading to isn't accessible by car. He'll have to proceed on foot. He hears his phone ringing, and the Death Note whispers to him that it's the number he was assigned to, so he answers it.
"Where are you? What's taking so long?" Y/N impatiently queries, as he walks to school. Ryuk as has identified at least ten people following him, either by car, or once again just straight up following him. L using his dad, has successfully botched the previous plan he made, even if it dad grant him L's face he can reference anytime he pleases.
"I'm on my way to St.Martin's." Watari reports. Well, thank you, Y/N was worried you were going to fetch yourself chick-fil-a. On the way, maybe you can fetch him three spicy chicken sandwiches? One of them grilled, please.
"Well, how much longer?" Y/N asks much more specifically, the sunglasses help him his blank expression as his voice betrays his slight frustration. He's running out of time, and everything depends on him or Turner gets the chair, just a reminder.
"I hope to find it within the next few hours." Watari tells Y/N, which is the complete opposite of the kind of answer he was hoping for.
"I'm sorry, 'find it'? You don't know where it is?" Y/N queries, adding up to the stakes even more and more. We've literally reached past 40 hours, and the homecoming dance happens in 7! He's literally gonna be dead soon.
"It was never intended to be a place that was easily accessed." Watari shares with him, to which Y/N mentally has to admit that he can see why. Using kids as experimental James Bond clones would call for a lot of public outrage, even if it has proved to be effective so far.
"Okay, just hurry." Y/N enforces as he quickly hands up the phone and puts it in his pocket, somehow hearing the clicks of a camera coming from the car across the street.
Watari has 8 hours left, or he's dead.
Seattle High: Hallway
School just now feels like a background for Y/N Turner, as the time bomb he has in someone else's head ticks during every second. He jogs past the much more calmer students as he finally finds his locker, being interacted by Mia. Yeah, while coming up with ways to hide the Death Note, Y/N gave her his locker code, not important right now.
"Students, this is a reminder, time is running out to purchase your winter dance tickets." The staff on the speaker announces, though Y/N has pretty much tuned out all other noise, even Tyler's.
"Hey, did you get it?" Y/N quickly asks Mia as he approaches, not even caring that the hallway is flooded with walking right now.
"This is for tonight..." Mia idly pulls out a fresh suit of his locker and hands it him while he utters out a confused noise. "Always comes with this." She pulls out a top hat as well, how ironic. "You're really gonna stand out."
"You prepared an outfit?" Y/N utters out, confused. I mean, the fact she remembered dad's description on his old prom dress is... admiring, but still, priorities? "Not to be rude, but I don't really give a shit about homecoming, especially with a lazy name like 'Winter Wonderland'. "
Mia gives her a fixed look and leans it to his cheek, acting affectionately. "Look in the hat." She whispers while doing so. Y/N flips the hat around and sees a small note stuck to the very top reading, 'I have it'. So, she did successfully flee with the Death Note, thank gosh. He subtly breathes a sigh of relief as Mia playfully puts the hat on top of him, slowly sliding her hands along his shoulders. "They're never gonna stop following us..."
"I know, I know..." Y/N nods, and Mia can tell that he's getting a little stressed from everything that's happening. "If we manage to safe Watari, maybe L will lose trust with the feds, and if it doesn't, I'll figure something else out."
"What about L? Killing him could now convince the Task Force of our guilt." Mia brings up, although Y/N pretty much shrugs at that statement.
"They'll think it's me, or maybe even us, no matter what we do. Killing L will at shake him in particular off our back." Y/N tells her as he goes along with the game and wraps his arms around her hip. "L still walked in the house without permission, and practically threatened me." He whispers while leaning in so their noses can touch. "He's becoming a criminal, and Kira needs to stop him."
Mia smirks, softly kissing him.
After school, Y/N made sure that before he headed back home to 'dress up', he wanted to visit the many sad graves. L is either going down tonight, or he and Mia will be most likely be tries as adults and put it prison, only one way or other. He needs to say something in the chance that the second option happens.
"Hey, mom...." Y/N casually greets her on her grave stone, acting like they're having a normal conversation. "So... I'm fairly certain I'm gonna graduate this year. Despite everything's that's happened, I've been managing to keep my grades up." He slowly nods, listening to what she's saying. "Yeah, yeah... I'm good, Dad seems to think that they're close to catching Kira, I think he's right." He mentions as he lets out a shaky exhale, early mornings are freaking cold. "What's up? Oh, yeah, Mia's been great as well, we had a little disagreement, but we got over it fairly quickly." He tells her with a smile." Oh my gosh, mom, stop...." He chuckles as if being teased, before clearing his throat to get serious again.
"Hey, um..... You remember that time where you had that politician? You were so certain that he was using that gang to intimidate his opponents, despite having everything cleared for him?" Y/N brings up, slowly nodding. "You never gave up on exposing him for who he really was, and eventually, you had him. I remember when you told me about it, all smiles, and being the awning kid I was, I said, 'how did you do it?' And..... I'll never forget the way you looked at me, like a hero from those anime shows, and you said, 'because I still believe in justice, despite there looking like we barely have any.' " Y/N pauses for a second, maundering the moment.
"Well.... I'm kind of now in my own court room as well, only this time, I'm the one being prosecuted." Y/N tells his mom. "But I'm not giving up, I'm gonna let the jury know who's the real villain here." He then slowly stands up. "Um.... Thanks for letting me rant, love you, mom."
He slowly, and somewhat reluctantly, turns around to leave, meeting Mia in the rocky path, having also finished visiting her dad. They both stand their in silence for a couple minutes, or maybe twenty, finally going through their new situation. "Almost there.." Mia comments, and Y/N then slowly nods.
"Almost there." Y/N repeats in agreement before they then head back, grabbing their backpacks sitting in a bench as they then head to school. "By the way..." He then raises a hand up, and Mia turns to him curiously. "Just a note for ahead of time, I don't think I'll have the energy for the night we win." He then suggestively informs with her.
It takes Mia a few seconds to realizes what he's hinting at, before she then gives him a look. "Really? We're about to head into a life or death-kinda moment, and you're thinking about sex?" She questions with a judging tone as Y/N shrugs.
"Aren't you?" He humorously replies, laughing as Mia rolls his eyes.
Montauk: 6 Hours Later
Target place has finally been found. Watari robotically walks through the old fence which is now pretty much torn apart. The old orphanage now looks like an ancient ruin. It lost it's use after it finally gave the best detectives the world has to offer. Having this keep going could have proven costly and dangerous.
He eventually walks through the tall grass, up the stairs, before finding himself at the front door which has a tough lock on it. However, it's not tough enough for Watari's special, custom-made gun, which shoots apart the like glass.
Inside, the place is as dark as a haunted mansion, but Watari's brought a flashlight, which he uses to guide his way through the beds, the test rooms, which all end right at the main important area of the building, the records. Ryuk watches him the whole way through, laughing as he waits in anticipation for his death.
Watari looks down at the hectogon in the middle and kneels down, a hidden, tiny circle which actually operates as a cap, opens up. Watari messes with it a little big before the entire shape opens before him, and he steps down the ladder.
He's almost there.
Kira Task Force Safe House:
"What do you want, Y/N?" L frustratingly mutters to himself, as he sees the suspect casually suits in his room, not doing anything at all besides acting casual. Something's very wrong as he hasn't shown to make some kind of move yet. "You're not some sadist. There's always some flimsy justification, some reason that..." He mumbles a bit before it hits him, he isn't doing anything because it's already been done.
He's sent Watari somewhere.... like looking for his name and face. He quickly grabs a phone and dials some of his men.
"Get me the New York field office, immediately."
Winter Wonderland:
Okay, it had shitty marketing, but Y/N has to admit that this place look pretty dope. The lighting and decorations fit the aesthetic, and boy do they do well on the former part. They're pretty much on a mission at this point, so Y/N and Mia march over to do the routine pictures as if it's no big deal. The fake choking, check. The middle fingers, check. Devil poses, check. He can tell a lot of people in the mind are staring at his top hat in particular, especially Tyler, but he doesn't really care, except maybe for Tyler himself, as he chuckles at the two of them.
"Don't look, but there's currently two Task Force agents standing in front of those sets of balloon, and they're scanning the room, right now." Mia whispers as she acts innocent, while the two of the dance along with the kinda catchy music.
"It'll be fine. Once L's influence is gone, they'll slightly ease their eyes off of me." Y/N replies while closing the distance in between them. "Where's is it?" He questions in a very quiet voice, knowing only her could hear him. He's very surprised when he glances at where Mia points. "Seriously?"
"I had to make a quick decision for homecoming, unless you want to start walking towards your locker with all the heat off of you." Mia remarks as they slightly hold hands while leaning back only to pull themselves back in. "You think Watari will find L's name in time?" He queries as Y/N slowly nods.
"He will.... trust me."
Watari, now on a much more secret level of the building, jogs through the hallway and eventually finds himself at a colored door that stands out from the dull grey walls. He walks in side and eventually finds the place he was looking for. The place is filled with cabnits, cabnits that contained files of all the kids that stayed here.
Without hesitation, he swiftly opens each and goes through every file he gets his fingers on. He must find L's name.... he must.
He must...
Y/N Turner is casually drinking the sweet tea that only he seems to be interested in, in this place. As everyone at school lost their minds? This stuff in particular is just right, if he has to comment as such. He catches the wiff of Mia's scent and turns around to see her arms linked with another guy, all part of the plan, relax.
"I've asked Brandon here to dance with me for one. Is that cool with you?" Mia politely asks, holding the kid who clearly looks like he's having trouble with girls, and Y/N feels that pain. he casually takes off his top hat and sets it on Brandon's head, giving him a light slap on the cheek in a fake jealous manner before walking away.
As Brandon stands there, confused on what that reaction was, Mia smiles as pushes back onto the dance floor so he doesn't ask to many questions. Other people are trying to get to the stand anyway.
As Y/N glances back at the agents, he can see that they've taken the bait as they point at Brandon who's now wearing his top hat on his head and Mia's arms on his shoulders. Yup, totally Y/N Turner, he smirks.
He then speeds towards his locker, inserting the code as quickly as possible, though keeping his mental state as calm as possible. Ah, who is he kidding? The more time that goes on, the more his blank expression struggles to break.
"Oh dear, are we reaching the end game already?" Ryuk questions with humorous disappointment. Y/N can tell he probably feels like he's been watching a movie, him and L going back and fourth. "What a shame, this is the most fun I've had in years...."
"Yeah, well, there'll probably be others..." Y/N distractedly responds as he pulls out the Death Note and head towards the lockers. Now, it's time. As he double checks for the lighter in his pocket, he opens the door inside and takes a very fast seat on the bench while receiving a call from Watari. He answers it in a split second. "We're running out of time, how's it going?"
"I've located the records room, but need more time." Watari reports, which makes Y/N twist his lips as he hears those last four words. Time is not exactly on their side as it's currently six a-clock.
"We only have a few minutes left, how long is it gonna take?"
"Not long." Watari simple answers, Y/N supposes that, that's a better response that what he's given so far. "I am confident it is here, but I cannot yet say where." He adds, giving Y/N the clue that he's in the room he needs to be in.
"Okay, okay, quickly tell me the name the second you see it and I'll make sure nothing happens once time's up." Y/N instructs as he opens the Death Note, quickly flipping towards Watari's page...... but.... it's been ripped off. "No.... no, no, no, no, no! Mia, what the fuck'd you do? Where's the page?!"
As he stands up, pacing around the room in frustration, Y/N hears a slight thud from the other end of the line. "Someone else's here..." Watari utters out-loud, causing Y/N to realize that he's reaches the last five minutes.
"Watari! Focus!" Y/N strongly encourages as he leans onto a random locker, rubbing his face. "You're obsessed with finding the identity of the detective known as...."
"Yes, it's here. L's true name." Watari then utters, causing Y/N's head to shoot up. He's got it, he's finally got it! But he might not hear it as a bang then erupts from the line.
"What does it say? What is L's true name?" Y/N desperately asks, but gets no response. Why is he not answering? He wrote that it he would deliver the information to his phone number, he wrote it!
....and Watari already did.
"Sir, answer me!" Y/N can hear the Task Force Agent on the other end, signaling that time is up. "Are you Watari?"
"I am Watari." He confirms as the Death Note's whispers then finally conclude the scenario. The Agent's eyes turn completely black as he suddenly unloads his gun onto Watari's chest and head. At least, that's what Y/N's imaging as he hears the gunshots on the phone.
"Fuck....... fuck!" Y/N yells as he kicks the random locker in intense rage. That entire last chance blew up completely in his face. In other words, he's borderline fucked! His entire life and everything he fought for is fucked! And he can't believe it! He wrote specific instructions to make sure it would go down the exact way he stated it, and it steal beat the system, Ryuk beat the system. The same way he....
Eyes going wide, Y/N quickly reopens the book and goes through the ripped page again, and notices something on the pages next to it, claw marks, very sharp claws slightly buried into the neighboring pages. Upon further inspection of the page on the right, he finds something much worse written on it.
Y/N Turner's heart stops beating at midnight.
"Ryuk...." Y/N whispers in absolute horror. He..... he's lost his entertainment value, and now the Shinigami's going to make it all end with a bang. Y/N grips the book tightly, so much that it could end up being crushed, hearing the demon's laughter mocking him, confirming that he's correct about his new situation.
"Times up, Y/N." Ryuk quips as Y/N sees him behind a corner, still laughing like a maniac. "It's been very fun, seeing you try to deal with your little friend. But I know a good finale when I see one, and your version, I'm afraid, doesn't suit my tastes." He mockingly tells him before using his power to rip the page with Y/N's name and float it into his hands, before slinking back into the shadows. This entire time..... he was just a character in his theater act. Now Y/N finally sees what the warning was talking about, keepers either only give away their rights, or die with them. If only he deciphered that sooner.... When he's once again alone in the locker room, he storms over to the winter dance.
(A/N) Whew..... okay. One more chapter, and we're gonna be in the home stretch. I promise you, this thing's getting completed. Really helps when you do different things to help boast your motivation.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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