Chapter 4: Somebody's Watching Me
Turner Residence:
While sitting in front of his desk, deep in thought with his hands covering his face, Y/N hears papers rattling downstairs from his room, seems dad has now gotten busy, even at home. The Kira investigation seems to have now been kicked to the max, whatever assembling they were probably doing, it looks to be over and the team is now on full search mode for their target. Should Y/N be worried? If you asked him a few days ago, he would say no, but something about that guy's press conference, attempting to call him out, has left a bad feeling in his stomach. He seemed so confident about what he was saying, in a way that's made him feel if he knows more than the others on that team.
Feeling his brain starting to hurt from thinking too much, Y/N gets up from his chair and heads downstairs, where he spots his dead working on the dinner table that's now turned into a second office. "You guys getting close to catching Kira?" Y/N asks his dad, grabbing his attention, the dinning room's light being the only one turned on.
"Oh, I'd say the haystack's down to a hay pile, still a lot of hay." James remarks with a mental shrug. Y/N believes him since his dad isn't always this optimistic unless they're getting just a foot forward to their mark. You could say he's being paranoid, but now that the Task Force has seen through his Japanese name trick, he's gotten the hint that they've narrowed it down to America, Seattle, probably thanks to that guy in the hoodie.
"I saw the press conference today." Y/N says as he slowly steps out of the shadows, next to his father. "Who's that guy on T.V with the turtleneck?" He then asks curiously, wanting whatever information about that person that he can get.
"You like that look? I think of taking it myself." James humorously quips as he sips his coffee. Y/N works up a smile in response, though he's sadly lost his sense of humor at the moment. He should probably call Ryuk to get it back, or 911 report a kid a hoodie that stole it. The second one might be better, consider that the kid already looks sketchy as it is. "Goes by L. He's an independent investigator." James tells him, the latter waits for more, but the sentence ends there, much to his disappointment.
"You don't even know what his name is?" Y/N queries as he moves to sit across from him. So not only does this guy hide his face, but his identity as well? That can prove to be a very, very big problem.
"About the only thing I know is that he's got some handler named Watari, which also sounds like a codename since his card didn't have any last name on it. Also likes ice cream." James mentions, and Y/N mentally clicks that into his head in case he needs to interact with this Watari. "He's connected an awful lot of dots."
"You think it's personal for him? That he's connected so many dots because he knows Kira?" Y/N suggests, remembering the way L told that speech on TV earlier. He spoke as if he knew him, which pissed Y/N off a little, obviously, but that's probably the idea L was going for.
"I'm not so sure, he has a history for cracking big cases like this, it probably feels mandatory for him now." James mentions. "Besides, I think you can tell when you're sitting cross from a killer like Kira." He adds, which would cause everyone in the room to collectively cackle like hyenas if not for the fact Y/N has to play it cool.
"Right, of course." Y/N nods agreeingly, before asking a question that's been looming in his head. "What happens when they catch Kira?" Y/N queries, tilting his head curiously. If an entire task force has been made to catch him, it sounds like it's worth life or the chair. Hopefully not the latter. Though now he wonders how it would be if he got put in prison.... actually, he probably doesn't want to know.
"Well.... he's murdered over four-hundred people, so, my guess.... it's probably gonna be a fight between those that want to hang him and those who want to dissect him and figure out how he did it." James theorizes, and Y/N can't help but admit that he felt a slight chill after that. However, he manages to hold a straight face. But then... what did he expect? Now one thing's clear.
He has to make sure this Task Force stays off his back... or else even the craziness of a murdering notebook might not allow him to go free.
In the meantime however, he goes about his daily routine as usual, wake up, go to school, write names, go home (sometimes with Mia), and write some more names before..... he'll keep the details to himself.
Anyway, he's currently going through the afternoon in between step 3 and step 4, paying a visit to grab some food for date night. Right as he nears a store however, a sudden gust of wind much stronger than the supposedly normal forecast blows through him and his jacket, messing up his hair a little. Y/N manages to catch the cackle amongst the wind's slight current. "Take a look behind you...." He then hears the voice of Ryuk whispering in his ears right before the wind fades away. He takes a glance at his back and notices a man in casual jacket, jeans and sunglasses. If it hadn't been for Ryuk's warning, Y/N probably wouldn't have noticed the man's unseeable eyes seem to purposefully avoid his, meaning only one thing.
He's being followed.
Kira Task Force Safe House:
"You put someone on my kid!?" James Turner loudly questions as he marches towards L, not all too happy upon learning this news the second he saw 'Y/N Turner' on the watch list. He almost ripped the papers in his hand.
"We agreed that everyone with access needed to be thoroughly vetted." L casually responds as he inspects every murder board in the room, one by one. "I did not see it prudent to have you investigate yourself."
"What are you talking about? We're not talking about investigating me, we're talking about having my son followed!" James shouts, very protective of his son. And the fact that this 'investigator' considers his son capable of mass murdering hundreds makes him tick in every place on his body.
"I investigated you prior to offering my assistance and concluded you are not Kira." L reminds him, clearing noting that James is missing his point. "As for your son, I caught a dummy account having free access to databases around which we have centered our search. Meaning it could be someone who doesn't have an officer's personal Id, but the passwords to get in. In other words, he deserves the same scrutiny as anyone else that fits our criteria so far."
"No, he's a kid!" James enforces with a rough growl. L doesn't seem to be bothered by his emotional reaction, looking through his last bored with the same amount of focus. His sole mission is to find Kira, and unlike the detective, he's not at all close to the suspects or their families. That way, he's not as emotionally protective as James presents himself as.
"Yes.... a particularly bright kid." L notes, knowing that someone with his intelligence, even a high school student, could pull something like this without getting caught yet. The 'yet' being a professional group that doesn't dox their own names to this 'God'. Thereby, making the deaths of every agent, mostly impossible. Obviously, the ones without a clear-cut name are following the suspects, having a local like James Turner would make put him on an easy hit-list.
"If you had any questions about my son, you should've came to me." James tells him before bitterly marching away. L suspects that would just lead to the same outcome however, with the detective defending Y/N Turner's innocence very passionately. Meanwhile, James then gets a phone call. "Turner." He attempts to put his professional tone back on, despite his frustrations.
"Chief, there's a guy that's been following me for a day now." Officer Richards reports on the other end, and James has to admit, he's a little surprised. He's already noticed? "She seems to think I haven't caught her staring, but her body movement has started to get predictable."
"It'll be fine, trust me. There's nothing to worry about." James promises, hanging up before Nate can asks more questions. He then rubs his faces with his hands, letting out a big sigh. First, his wife suddenly lost her life. Second, her daughter left out embarrassment from standing next to him and Y/N after a month. And now....
Why, of all people, did his own son have to get involved in a manhunt?
Amusement Park:
Y/N has been trying to mostly ignore it, but the man constantly following him has started to feel like a problem. He acts casual, arm-to-arm with Mia and a bag of popcorn in his free hand as they walk towards the ferris wheel, it's blue dazzling lights shining all over the dock the park is placed on. However, now aware of his presence, he constantly feels the man's eyeballs following him as if someone has put a red dot on the back of his head, and the man is the cat, very eager to see catch it when its guard is down. He's informed Mia about it, which should be obvious, and yet despite behaving has a happy, innocent couple in love, the Task Force doesn't seem to buy it so far, at least that's what Y/N can guess from where he's standing.
"Even if they're suspicious, I don't see them proving it even if they tried making something up." Y/N calmly states as they sit down inside their little ball, watching themselves get higher and higher, the glass they're surrounded by being the only thing that keeps them from falling into the water or wood below. "I saw we either lay low, or change our M.O." He suggests, causing Mia to look at him curiously.
"Change it how?" Mia queries as Y/N gulps the rest of the popcorn. She can't help but notice how calm and centered the guy looks, despite knowing that almost his entire move is being watched. He could almost fool her into thinking he's unbothered as well with that same blank expression. But this time, she could tell that he's brainstorming solutions to their new problem.
"Rule Twenty, 'A subject can be influenced for no more than two days, leading up to his death.' That could help if it's a alibi problem that the Kira Task Force has with us." Y/N mentions first, and now Mia wishes that she could have a study session with this notebook, as Y/N loves to bring up a rule each time the Death Note is a part of the conversation, since it sounds like there's at least a hundred of them. "Or, we can go back to basics. A simple name and cause of death, no more messages after. That way, the investigation team would only have at least half of those deaths connected to us..... or, more specifically, me."
"Why can't we kill them? If they think we're unaware of their men probating us, then showing that we know will improve our image as a God." Mia then throws it, and Y/N gives him a look she can't really see underneath his sunglasses. "We saw his face, now all we need is a name, right?"
"I like this one, Y/N. She has wonderful ideas." Ryuk comments, sitting across from them. Y/N never really felt like it's necessary to inform Mia about the Shinigami, because what would really come out of it if there's no way for her to see and hear him. Besides, Y/N's done a really decent job of pretending that he isn't there in public, if he can say so himself. "Though I can't help but be surprised that you haven't resorted to this method so soon. Do you really feel like you're helping people?" Ryuk then queries with an amused face, seemingly finding it funny. Y/N doesn't see the humor in it at all, however. Whatever his past keepers were, he isn't so trigger happy as they probably were. Using the Death Note to kill as the first solution and expecting the obstacle to disappear would be idiotic.
"Fighting fire with fire only creates a bigger flame." Y/N remarks, replying to Mia. He can sense that it wasn't the answer Mia wants to hear, but he feels calmer in using a more strategic approach. "And so far, using the Death Note has been easier when we've stayed cool."
"But that won't make them go away." Mia mentions, reminding him of the man that's probably watching them go up and down in the ferris wheel right this second. Y/N, however, shows no visible reaction to that, seemingly unbothered. "Y/N, we're the good guys, and they're trying to stop us."
"What are the people going to think when Kira decides to kill innocent people just because an investigation? Isn't he supposed to be a God?" Y/N retorts, the passion for the idol he created running in his veins, as fantasy-book as that sounds. "And even then, if I agreed, taking out the guy following us will only indicate that it's me." He brings up, but Mia isn't an idiot.
"That's why you'd have to get rid of all the agents, regardless of who they're following. That way they wouldn't know who it was, but they'd definitely know what happened when you fucked with Kira." Mia tells him, but even though Y/N understands where she's coming from, it sounds like an action of someone who likes to exercise their power of others, and the last thing he wants to go against what his mom believed in.
"It's not that simple, we would still help their investigation if we killed either one or ten. We need a better plan." Y/N responds, playing with one of his hands as then starts staring into open space. "Besides.... L said he would see me personally, but it's been a week and I haven't met with jack. They're waiting for us to make a move, and we need to make it without getting our pants pulled down." He notes, and Mia is surprised when she senses a scent of worriment in him. "It's like they know something..... something people in the real world shouldn't believe it." He says as he then stares back at Mia, who knows what he's hinting at.
But there's no way they know about something like the Death Note, could they?
Turner Residence:
After Y/N took Mia back home, they sit in the living room watching the news like they usually do. During which, Y/N has gone on another study session with the Death Note, brainstorming like there's no tomorrow. He knows Mia is right about one thing, the agents won't go away, not unless you gave a strong encouragement.
"Look at you, wanting to solve your little issue without taking 'too many' lives.... that's so cute." Ryuk chimes in with a big smile, clearly wanting to see what Y/N Turner has in mind. He can feel that despite not wanting to kill the agents, Y/N is starting to realize he may not have an alternative, or at least one that doesn't involve one of them dead.
Rule 16: Every page holds equal power of the Death Note, even if it is ripped apart from the book.
This is something that Y/N feels could be useful in getting the Kira Task Force off his back, at least temporarily if they still feel suspicious of him. It will mean that they can be in two places at once, which can further help an alibi.
But despite all that, it won't do much if he and Mia doesn't have the same of at least one of the agents. And even if they identified one, how would they get the others? Well.... probably with rule twenty. But once they're dead, that L guy might have a narrower path to take in finding Kira. So how will he remove L's attention from the equation as well?
As soon as that last question rings in his head, he starts to finally form the ideal plan. To solve this situation is like writing a movie, you have to put something meaningful behind the action you see at face value. After writing what happens, you need to figure out what actually.... happens.
Y/N grabs his Death Note, opens it, and rips an open page. Mia notices and turns to him perplexed when he extends it over to her. "Take it." He instructs, his face indicating that whatever he has in mind, will humor her little need for killing. "I got an plan."
As Mia takes the page with an intrigued look, Ryuk grins, knowing he's going to like whatever he's got planned.
Agent Raymond Young if currently walking to his car in a parking garage, ready to deliver his daily report of Y/N Turner. So far, he hasn't shown any suspicious activity, but that hasn't convinced L to put him off the watch list yet.
His personal opinion on a teenager is somehow capable of killing four-hundred people, most of which are amongst the dangerous people in the world, isn't relevant, so he's going to keep doing the job he was assigned to do.
Or, he would, had it not be for him noticing that his taser is missing from his person. By the time he realizes, he's suddenly tased in the back of the neck, causes him to spasm and squeal before falling to the concrete floor, unconscious.
Mia Sutton then kneels down and quickly goes through the agent's pocket, where he finds the ID showing his name. She then looks for and grabs his phone, setting it on top of the car for later.
Finally she takes out her Death Note page and begins writing the lines Y/N requested for her to write down if they want to make sure L gets out of their hair as well, and supposedly get something else in the process.
She hopes Y/N knows what he's doing.
The J. Edgar Hoover Building:
A bald man of the FBI in his formal suit walks down the hallways of the building, coffee in hand. He's also a man of the Kira Task Force, and as a director, is playing a massive part in the operation.
Another man notices him walking by his office and quickly slides out of his door to catch up to him. "Director Pearl, these just came in from the field offices." He hands his superior a folder full of papers, half of which are from the mentioned Task Force.
"Tell them to keep surveillance on all the potential-" Pearl tries to speak, only to cut himself as he suddenly drops his coffee mug, which shatters on the ground, staining the stairs with brown liquid. He holds onto his heart with a pained expression.... a heart attack, before then tumbling down them.
By the time the other man has time to process it, Director Pearl's head hits the concrete wall and he dies on the spot.
Turner Residence:
During that same morning, Y/N Turner hops down the steps to meet his dad at the dinner table, who hears his rapid footsteps. "You're up earlier than usual." James brightly comments, as his son is usually eating breakfast by the time he's ready to leave.
"Well, I got tired and hit the hay earlier than usual." Y/N replies with a shrug, smiling at his dad as if nothing's happening when in fact, there's at least a dozen men being swatted like flies. He purposefully made sure he woke up early so that he couldn't be connected to a new string of murders that definitely were ordered by Kira. He then sits down on the table, fingers crossed together.
"So, what is it today?"
Unknown Apartment:
L was having his rare resting moments, sleep is key to strong thought as Watari teaches him, when his mentor/friend walks into his room with important news. "Assistant Director Pearl is dead. Heart attack, just now."
Kira... he's somehow figured out the identities of the agents! L quickly shoots up from the couch and grabs his phone, dialing the agents that are watching all suspects's main leader. "We need to contact every FBI agent on their team." L tells Watari, who doesn't nod but quickly gets to it.
The one L's calling quickly answers his call. "This is Franks." He professionally greets.
"Agent Franks, your team has been compromised. Drop what you're doing and get to the nearest hospital, right now." L strictly orders, hoping that whatever Kira can do, it could be prevented. However, there's a thud on the other end as Frank gives absolutely no response. "Agent Franks? Agent Franks, can you hear me?" He calls his name again, but it's too late.
L puts a hand over his mouth, feeling genuine frustration for the first time.
Agent Frank's senses block all hearing, touch, and literally sense, as he drops the phone. The Death Note's effects have now brainwashed him and his team.
His men all collectively march over to the tallest building they can find, not caring who gets in their way as they practically butt shoulders to the unfortunate souls who dare stand or walk in their path.
In a single file line, they march up the stairs, all the way to the top floor. They open the door to the roof and casually all put one foot onto open air, followed by the other. One-by-one, all of them fall down to the long distance below where they meet the ground with a gushy splash.
An Asian mother forced to witness this event, holds their child as they collectively scream.
James went to the safehouse to find the number of agents has dropped by a considerate amount, now he's listening to a news broadcast on TV which explains to him where they had gone.
"Twelve FBI agents have mysteriously commit suicide." The female explains. "Some sources say, it was the work of Kira. This is the first time Kira has attacked law enforcement."
James slams his fist on his desk.
Seattle Highschool:
"So, we did it, what happens now?" Mia Sutton asks Y/N as they roam the hallway, the latter casually eating potato chips he got from a vending machine. He told her that he was going to do 'his part' while she was writing the agents' names, but never specified what that was.
"You'll see, the rest of the plan will unfold with time." Y/N simply tells her, another synonym of the same thing she's been fed since the agents died. Mia mentally rolls her eyes as her boyfriend seems very certain that what he put into motion will work, and it's putting her into suspense.
"Y/N, you go from saying you didn't want to kill 'innocent people', to greenlighting it in three hours without any explanation why." Mia reminds him, feeling really left out of the loop. Why she can't need to know for this 'brilliant move' Y/N played.
"Because now L is much more focused on his dead agent getting doxed than the fact that his identity is also getting revealed as we speak." Y/N replies, now having Mia really interested in why he's so sure. "In the meantime, I ask that you watch with me as events play for themselves." He requests before continuing to class.
"Y/N.... What did you do?" Mia questions him once again, and Y/N looks back at her with a smirk before entering the classroom, leaving her mind now distracted by anticipation of what he's done.
What was the greater purpose of his move?
Kira Task Force Safehouse:
L is now once again skinning through the evidence boards once again, searching for something that could connect to the agents and their deaths. He doesn't know what went wrong, whether they got too cocky, whether someone slipped, maybe one of them was secretly working for Kira the entire time and leaked their names and faces. But one thing's certain, he's killed....
Almost.... all of them. L glances over to the side, at Detective James Turner who is also slightly bothered by the sudden retaliation from Kira. He wasn't watching anyone, but if Kira seems so keen on killing anyone that dares gets in his way, how would he feel about someone who's face and name displayed to the whole world spitting on his name?
As L then brainstorms a counter-move against Kira, he swipes some candy wrappers off his table.
A USB stick falls to the floor as well.....
Turner Residence:
As Y/N comes back to his home, he finds Ryuk idly eating through the entire apple bowl. At this point, Y/N isn't bothered as he's done this more than enough, and each time, Y/N has to purposefully buy new ones so dad doesn't question why the bowl went from full to empty in between him leaving for work.
"You seem really confidant in this plan of yours...." Ryuk notes as he chows on an apple. Y/N looks at the Shinigami with a blank expression as he faces the death creature-thing's back. "But say, that the preferred outcome isn't the one you imagined.... what will you do?" Ryuk then queries with a curious tone.
"I'll improvise." Y/N simply answers, though it doubts that it's going to come to that. "The Kira Task Force probably think that a teenager like me is incapable of outsmarting them anyway, it'll be like a sentient dog teaching it's owner new tricks." He adds with a shrug.
Ryuk cackles at him. "Try acting emotionless all you like, I can always tell what you're really feeling inside." He tells him, though Y/N attempts at showing no visible reaction. "You feel like a murderer, having to get rid of those FBI agents.... you feel like you're no better than the guy who killed your mother-"
"Shut.... the fuck up." Y/N quickly interrupts him, not willing to let Ryuk talk like he actually knows him, when for all he knows, he's just a creepy monster that stalks every move he makes. Ryuk cackles again, as he senses that he's touched a nerve.
"Go on, try to deny it. Your new friends have started to put stress on you, and you're praying that your little chess play goes into your favor." Ryuk knowingly comments, tossing a fourth eaten apple onto the wooden floor with a thud and creak. "That L guy.... that's one thing he's got going for him, he looks like the type to mix up a new plan after the previous one fails."
"Yeah? Well, just a quick reminder, I'm the keeper of the Death Note. I decide who dies and you obey me, those are the rules." Y/N brings up, getting a small hint that Ryuk is kinda on L's side for the sake of his little entertainment kink. "When I find that self-absorved bastard's name and put it in the Death Note, you will fucking kill him!" He states before lifting his backpack up on his shoulders and heading upstairs, Ryuk continues to laugh even harder, causing Y/N to pause and look at him.
"Whatever you say, but you should also remember who gave you that notebook." Ryuk notes as he consumes a sixth apple and throws its remains on the floor. "Just because I'm not a human doesn't mean I can't write my own names down." He plays with his massive hand, pretending to have a pen inside it before cackling softer. Y/N just shakes his head at him before going up to his room.
That warning is starting to hold some merit again.
Click, click, click. That's the sound Y/N's pen makes as he anxiously looks over his phone for something. Mia sits on his bed, not bothering to try and figure it out anymore. Whether he's waiting for something, or scanning through things, she'll just assume he's idly scrolling his phone, despite his body language saying otherwise.
While watching a horror movie, the TV in Y/N's room abruptly cuts to breaking news, ruining the mood as it was just displaying a graphic death. "We interrupt this to take you live to an emergency announcement by James Turner, local head of the Kira investigation....."
"What the fuck is he doing?!" Mia suddenly exclaims, bringing Y/N out of his world as he turns to the tv screen. He sees the same background L used for his press conference, which already gives him a major bad feeling.
"Shit..." Y/N swears with a growl, he can't be doing what he thinks he's doing. There's a sudden stress coming towards him as the fact that this was worthing of breaking news causes him to get extremely worried.
"To those of you that harbored any illusions about what Kira really is, the cold-blooded murder of a dozen FBI agents should lay bare his true nature." James begins, and Y/N shakes his head to himself. No, dad.... please, don't do this..... "Kira is a cowardly criminal thug concerned only with self-preservation. Not only is he unworthy of the veneration and celebration he's received in certain circles, as of today, he's not even worthy of our fear." He then states, as Y/N sits on his bed with a loud thud. The chief then turns to the camera, no doubt about to talk to Kira, who he doesn't know is also his son. "Understand this, Kira. You may strike me down, but another one will stand up to take my place, and another, and another, for as long as need be. We will not wavier, we will not submit, and we will not fail."
With that, the speech ends, followed by a round of applause by the however-big crowd. A normal person may question just what the fuck James Turner was thinking, as he's practically challenging Kira to retaliate, but Y/N knows his father well..... he's not afraid.
"Where is it?" Mia asks Y/N out-loud, bringing his face out of his hands. He then sees Mia attempt to pull open the locked drawer opening the Death Note, but without the key and Y/N's hand, that's not possible for her.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Y/N asserts, snapping her hand away. Mia looks back to see Y/N with the angriest expression he's ever worn. "Are you out of your mind?! That's my fucking dad!" He furiously reminds her, putting himself between the drawer.
"Yeah, and he just dared us to kill him on live television." Mia shoots back with the same tone, and Y/N blinks at her. "Do you think people are gonna be on their knees if he can talk to Kira like that?" She questions, causing Y/N to now look at her as if she's mentally insane.
"Do you hear yourself? 'let's kill every agent' this, 'people need to be on their knees for us' that. You sound like fucking Lex Luthor." Y/N criticizes. Mia stares back, seemingly angry about how he's not seeing her point of view, despite him trying to please it. He then lets out a half-hearted chuckle, now understand everything. "This was never about what happened at the drug store, wasn't it? No, you just wanted me to share the goddamn book!"
Mia shoots herself back, seemingly hurt about how furiously he's yelling... at her of all people. "Y/N.... that's not what-"
"You know what? I thought that after your dad was suddenly taken from you just like my mom was, you'd understand where I was coming from." Y/N disappointedly shakes his head as he sits down on his chair, staring at her with a newer, more colder blank expression. "Guess I made another bad judgement of character..."
There's now a depressing silence as whatever rope holding the two together, as now been cut apart by scissors. Mia doesn't know if she's mad or heartbroken at the way Y/N accused her of her character, and although Y/N may know that he may seem like a hypocrite himself right now, he can't find it in his heart to kill off the only parental figure he has left, the one that forced himself to care of the selfishly frustrated jackass after mom died and Sarah left. "The thing is, I can't figure out what I'm doing here, helping you." Mia then says, breathing some noise into the room.
"Then maybe you should leave, and solve it." Y/N suggests with a low voice, then stands up to look her in the eye with a serious look. "I'm going to handle this situation from here on out." He then tells her, practically kicking her out. "Not you."
Mia looks at him crazy, is he seriously trying to bench her while he's going through some very stressing shit? "Y/N, you can't do this alone." She states, though Y/N doesn't seem to change his mind on it. "Please..."
"GET THE FUCK OUT, MIA!" Y/N demands, much more strongly this time. Mia, now feeling like she's been shot in the heart, quickly marches out of the room with a hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes.
Y/N then lets out a big sigh, not bothering to entertain Ryuk as he now feels him getting his money's worth in the corner. He fetches his laptop from his desk and opens it up, getting onto one of his new... secret apps. His eyes blink as he then sees something he likes. His current mood now slightly changing.
Smirking.... he presses the screenshot button.
Seattle PD Station:
James sits on one of the inside benches, his head against the wall as he now thinks about his life choices. Hell, he's practically going through his entire life in his head. He just spoke out against Kira, his face and name fully on display. And if he's as brutal as he was with those FBI agents.... well, he's got a lot of apologizing to do, especially with his two kids.
A door opens, emitting loud clicks and voices before it then shuts immediately after. "Well said, James." L comments, and James glances up at him and Watari. "Tell me, are you truly ready to give up your life?"
"If that's what it takes." James simply answers, having already made the choice to do so. At least, he most likely has. L then pulls out a little pocket watch in his hands, staring at it curiously.
"How long will it take him to decide, I wonder?"
Turner Residence:
Y/N, now having got what he wanted, is now left sitting on the stairs, trying to examine himself as a person. It was most likely selfish of him to enforce sparing his dad's life, when he so easily agreed to taking out the agents just so he could appease Mia's demons. Then, after all that, he took out his emotions on her. Yes, he still thinks what she tried to do was wrong, but still.... he let Ryuk get to him, and instead of staying mad at the true cause, he unleashed all that bent up anger as his girlfriend.
The front door opening brings him out of his thoughts as he sees his dad walk in, looking a little stiff from the announcement he gave, but like hell he cares. "What's going on?" James then asks his son with parental concern. Y/N looks up and doesn't waste a second walking up and aggressively hugging his dad. James is slightly caught off guard, but he slowly wraps his arms around his boy as well.
"When I saw you on the news.... I thought I was gonna lose you." Y/N says to him, and James immediately understands his fears. It's the first time Mrs. Turner wasn't the cause for an argument to go down. His phone then starts ringing, breaking the personal moment.
"Let me take this." James requests, and Y/N silently, but hesitantly, releases his grip and steps back over to the stairs. James then pulls the phone out of his pocket and recognizes the number as L's. "Turner."
"This is L, just making sure you hadn't died." L informs him. During which, Y/N hears the printer and softly walks his way over to it while his dad's back is turned.
"Still here..." James confirms with a sigh, as though he needs to let L know he isn't answering and talking from the grave.
"Excellent, carry on." L says before immediately hanging up. Y/N then returns back to his original position, having put the printed paper in his bag. James then turns around, back to Y/N who stands with his arms crossed.
"I'm really proud of you." Y/N tells James, which sound ironic, coming from the son, but unlike him, dad actually stuck to his personal principles and announced it on television, ready to die for them. That's something he failed to do. James stares at Y/N while he heads back to his room, not exactly expecting those worlds specifically to come out of his mouth.
Did something else happen while he was gone?
L goes through James Turner's announcement a couple more times, deciphering Kira's decision to let him live despite having the idea to eliminate half of his team in one entire swoop. This tiny show of hypocrisy can only mean one thing, Kira is personally close to the detective.
The door to his room opens, Watari enters as called by L. "Sir?"
"Y/N Turner is Kira." L concludes to him with utmost certainty, now having used his show of brutal force against him. There's a small pause as Watari seems to go through his accusation in his head, similar to what he usually does when L comes up with a solution to a case.
"How long since you slept?" Watari asks, another thing he usually does.
"Thirty-one hours." L answers, aka, two and a half days. Watari squints his eyes, looking at him with a slightly surprised expression. But, in his defense, he has gotten far as four days at one point... though that did prove a mistake.
"Sleep is key to strong thought." Watari reminds L, clearly trying to hint that he needs to make sure of his case. He may think otherwise, but L has noticed that he always wanted to make sure he barely failed a case, he's even willing to appease the child still in him by singing songs when he requests them before sleep, or the excessive amount of candy, despite what it does to his skin.
"Trust me..." L turns his head away from the screen, and towards Watari. "Nothing's gonna change once I wake up."
Little does he knowing, during his massive brainstorming, the tiny light next to his laptop's camera has been on most of the time.
And when he look back, it's gone.
Back at the Turner house, Y/N lays the printed picture down on his desk with a very satisfied smirk. Ryuk also notices that the kid's plan actually paid off without a hitch, which he's honestly surprised about.
Ah right.... guess the Shinigami should finally explain what Y/N decided not to tell Mia, shouldn't he.
Mia pulls out his ripped page of the Death Note and writes the sentence Y/N requested her to.
Agent Raymond Young will write all but one of the other Kira Task Force agents in the Death Note, placing each of their faces in his mind as he goes. When he's done, he will send their name and face to Y/N Turner via text message, he will join the other agents in climbing to a rooftop and leaping to his death.
Y/N, thankfully awake once this happens, quicky checks his phone before heading downstairs to have breakfast with his dad, knowing it will give him an alibi for the Seattle's chief to tell. Even if it wasn't good enough, his dad will always have his back.
But that's not the important step. After his dad then leaves for work as usual, Y/N then pulls the Death Note from his backpack and the phone which contains the surviving agents info, then begins writing.
Agent William Franks will meet up with Y/N Turner at the Jefferson Park, where he will take a USB stick and insert it into the laptop belonging to the person known as L. Once finished, he will head back home and write himself a suicide note before fatally shooting himself with his own gun.
That USB stick contained malware, which Y/N's slave casually inserted into the laptop. Once gaining the unauthorized access, Y/N casually inspected the laptop own's camera, where he finally got a shot of L's own face. He then personally removed any traces he was inside after printing it so he couldn't lose it in his memory. This was his actual move, the FBI agents were nearly a front. Ryuk's gotta say, the kid's got range.
One step down, last one to go.
(A/N) Chapter finished, had fun writing this particular one, not really sure why, just felt it in my bones, you know?
Anyway, plz vote and comment and I'll see you in the next one.
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