Chapter 2: I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
Highschool Basketball Field: A Couple Days Later
During the days that have passed, Y/N Turner has gone full research mode on the Death Note. Everyday, when he gets bored again, he simply pulls it out and begins reading each rule one-by-one, trying to discover possible loopholes in between one and another. Or, he checks to see if any other keepers of the note have left messages for others to find. So far however, he's only found the one warning him about Ryuk.
Keep in mind, that it's not like he simply pulls out the black, incriminating book in public, that would be stupid, even if people didn't believe in the supernatural. Best case scenario, people see it and just think he's listing off how people died after it happened, which earns him weird looks from everybody else. Worst case scenario, some crazy kook that believes in the supernatural starts calling him a death wizard which even though they would be laughed at, at first, would then spark a chain of events that might cost him prison time and even the chair if it gets that serious. So, what he does is use another, much bigger book and simply slides the Death Note inside it, allowing him to safely read it while looking like he's just reading fantasy or studying for the next class. The notebook's thin enough that when Y/N has to close it or whatever, it won't look like there's another smaller book in-between its actual pages.
Currently, while the basketball team that his friend Tyler's a part of do their skirmish sessions, Y/N sits alone on the bleachers reading the Death Note in the same way as mentioned earlier. The shoes squeak against floor, and thuds from basketballs echo across the room, letting you know exactly which type of room you're in. He notices that out of everyone, Tyler seems to be in the better shape than most of the other players here, why is not part of his business, but he wonders how he's able to look like he worships the sport of basketball.
"You in mourning?" A female voice queries behind him, prompting Y/N to quickly shut the book inside the book as he turns around to see none other than Mia Sutton sitting above him with her knees in front of her, once again wearing that cheerleading outfit. "Our friend, Kenny." She adds after Y/N raises a brow.
"Oh yeah. It's a shame, what happened to him." Y/N dryly comments, showing no emotion about how he really feels. "I saw what happened myself, won't that image out of my head." He adds, painting himself as a witness. Mia then stands up straighter and looks at him with an amused expression.
"You don't have to lie to me." Mia mentions, giving him a knowing look. "Kenny was a sociopath, and just because he's dead does not make it a tragedy." She states with bitterness, more willing to show her true reaction to the event. Y/N wants to smile and start laughing along with her, but instead, he just simply nods to himself. "I just wish I'd seen it as well." She then comments, before giving him a curious look. "How did it happen?"
"Um...." Y/N hesitates, a little put off by how interested Mia seems to be of how someone's life was taken. "Well, short version, one car with a ladder, crashed into another, which made the ladder fall off and..... decapitate him." He explains, purposefully pausing at the final part. "Now I've seen his old group walk around like they have a cast on, and try to act like they didn't partake in his sick kicks." He adds, still chuckling at that part every time he mentions it, followed with Mia. "Yeah..."
There's a few more seconds of silence as the girl then sits herself down right next to Y/N, both of them keeping their eyes on the game. "I'm Mia." She introduces herself, and Y/N nods knowingly.
"Yeah, Mia Sutton, I already knew that." Y/N replies, trying not to sound rude when he says that out-loud.
"I know that you're Y/N Turner, I already knew that." Mia remarks, using his own words. Y/N nods, acknowledging it, then he looks at her curiously. That's genuinely surprising to hear if he can be honest.
"You know my name?" He questions, wondering why since he usually stays in the background as part of his enigma stick. Mia simply shrugs in response, leaving Y/N to guess that it's most likely because of what happened with his mom, it's hard for other students to not talk about other's tragedies, for good, or gossip. After a couple more seconds of awkward silence, Mia opens her mouth, only for Y/N to speak before her. "Why'd you get me put in detention?" He questions, looking her dead in the eyes.
"I'm sorry." Mia awkwardly apologizes, causing Y/N to wonder if she actually means it. "I, uh... thought you could use some medical attention and I wasn't aware of the fact that you were carrying around a stockpile of illegal papers in your backpack." She explains, and Y/N nods, though it's not because he's understanding her side yet.
"Ah, right, and you decided it wouldn't be any harm to inform the teachers that you saw me charge into a beam that didn't exist." Y/N sarcastically comments, obviously referencing deer old Kenny. "I understand completely." He acidly comments before turning back to the game, not bothering to look in her direction.
Mia looks down, probably feeling like she should've expected that remark coming as well. "If only you saw what they tried to do to me after you hit the concrete..." She then mentions with a low voice. Y/N glances at her, knowing what she's hinting at as he sighs.
"I know, I saw him try to do it to another female student before he...." Y/N tells her, giving her an understanding look. "Sorry." He simply says before looking back at the game, blowing out a big amount of air. After a couple seconds of wondering what they should say next to break the ice, Mia then turns to him again.
"Do you have a notebook?" Mia then asks him, and Y/N looks at her perplexed before eventually nodding, stuffing his hidden Death Note in his bag that lays next to him on other side before pulling a classic set of pages with colorful cover. "Do you have a pen?" She asks for again, and Y/N then unzips his lower pocket before handing her a pen, wondering why she's asking for these things. Mia then rips the paper into a smaller piece and writes down something in a manner of seconds before handing it back to Y/N. He looks down to see that it must be her number. "Just call me if you feel like it, okay? I could really use a friend in this shithole." She requests.
"Uh, sure." Y/N nods in response. Mia then stands up to go.... well, he guesses to just be somewhere else now, as Y/N then tucks the note into his pocket. He looks back at the basketball field and notices one boy in the corner who he genuinely recognizes, taking random pictures as the team plays. It's the guy in the alleyway who was getting jumped in the rain by Kenny's gang, now he mentally looks much better than he was a week ago, like a weight has now been lifted off his shoulders. Y/N slightly smiles to himself as he wonders if this was a result of the 'accident' their old bully had.
"Nice." Tyler comments, suddenly appearing next to Y/N while on his small water break. "Mia Sutton, man, I'm proud of you." He compliments with a grin, lightly punching him on the shoulder.
"I doubt it's like that." Y/N comments with a smirk, glancing over at her new spot. After all, they only met a couple days ago, and have just now exchanged names.
"Hey, recap, you met in the rain, confronting the school's psycho, and have now started bonding over the experience together? That sounds like a script in a romcom." Tyler quips with a chuckle, to which Y/N gives him a non-amused stare before shrugging.
It's not like he's actually seen one before.
Library: A Couple Hours Later
After school ended, Y/N decided to make a pitstop and pay a visit to the local library so he can take the opportunity of researching more of these 'Death Gods', using the plural term since Ryuk hinted that there was more than one.
At first, he's uncertain which row's the best place to look, but he eventually finds a book that peeks his interests. It's a translated Japanese book that's related to the world of 'Shinigamis', which might not sound related, but it's not hard to notice that the figure on the cover is strangely similar to Ryuk's physic. Turning a couple pages around, Y/N spots one looking a lot like the demon he's grown familiar with.
"Interested, are you?" Think of the devil, Y/N turns around to see Ryuk chilling on one of the shelves, hovering above the Turner kid. "If you're so curious, you can ask me about it, you know?" He mentions, and Y/N would, had it not been for the warning that's creeped in paranoia.
"This is a public place, I don't think now's the best time to appear." Y/N whispers a little loudly, not wanting everyone to see the eight-foot monster from a goth's favorite music video.
"Only the keeper of the note can see me." Ryuk explains, giving Y/N a playful smirk that encourages him to relax. Y/N glances around, seeing that the few people that walk by don't show a visible or verbal reaction, nor do they seem to notice him. So, Y/N slowly nods and fetches a chair at the table nearby. "You really expect a human's book will provide you answers?"
"That depends, was the author an original keeper?" Y/N questions back, to which Ryuk simply smirks at him with an expression he frustratingly can't read. "Guess I'll give it a shot." Y/N says in response to his silence, opening the book on the table, wondering what kind of things are written on here.
"He barely even used the Death Note once they possessed it." Ryuk then mentions, prompting Y/N to look back at him again with a curious look. "Only for the sake of getting their collage application, did they write only five names in that notebook. But thankfully, before I could die of boredom, they finally left the earth." He tells the teenager, snaping his fingers as if they were the mentioned keeper's ashes. Y/N looks at him expectingly, waiting to see if there's a point in sharing that story, which Ryuk thankfully gets to. "You've written a couple names down, but they were all people you had a grudge with, and now all you do is 'research', makes me wonder if we're following a same pattern...." He notes, putting a thinking finger to his chin.
"I'm not that self-centered." Y/N tells Ryuk, though the Shinigami doesn't seem convinced yet. "I'll find proper use for the Death Note." He promises, and it's true, Y/N knows that much. When he was a child, the cold, hard truth of death hit him hard, harder than most children he feels like. And when his mom died, her grave leaving behind the remains of someone who's life wasn't complete yet before it left this world, Y/N promised in front of it that if he died, he made sure it would be after he partook in something bigger than himself. And now that he's found a way to get payback on the criminals and rotten bastards who profit and please themselves out of other's misery, Y/N feels like he's found it, now is just a matter of how to make it more than just 'accidents'.
"I hope so, I came into the human world because I was bored of my old one." Ryuk remarks, and before Y/N can ask more about that, he gets an idea about something. He pulls his personal laptop out of his bag and opens it up, looking up 'live crime scene' which leads him to that very crazy website he heard about. As mentioned, it literally is a home base for all breaking news and other live reports for situations actually happening. Basically Twitch, but the uploads come from the devs rather than the users.
Let's see if he can actually help with things happening in the present as well as the past.
Minutes Earlier:
Every time Mia's parents make their frequent visit to this drug store for the occasional refill, she's usually taken with since Mom never believed in 'home alone', as is the case of today. She tries to not seem bothered by it, though the problem still remains that every time she does come, it consists of her staring in open space, watching the time lords torture her by slowing time time as she waits for it to end.
"You know what's the craziest thing?" The clerk, who's a friend of Mia's dad, makes small talk as he grabs the items as puts them in the bag. "That guy that people said bought the jury to set himself free just died in this crazy accident months later."
"Your kidding?" Mr. Sutton reacts with slight surprise. "Guess karma really does exist." He quips as he then takes the bag with a nod. During which, Mia can't help but notice a man walking into the store while shaking his balls off. What is up with him?
Then, in a matter of seconds, before everyone's eyes, the man pulls out a revolver and shoots Mr. Sutton in the back of the head, causing blood to splash over Mia and her mother's face. Time seems to go in slow motion as Mia freezes, her brain unable to process what's happening as she stares into where everything was normal a second earlier. The scene changes drastically as the man then turns his gun towards the cashier.
"Where are my pills?!"
Y/N finds a hostage situation going down in a drug store not so far from him, the perfect opportunity to practice his reaction time. Good thing he did too, because this looks like a serious situation given what he sees on the screen. "Authorities received a 911 call by nearby pedestrians when they heard a loud gunshot echoing out of a drug store earlier today." The female report's voice states in the background. "Suspect James Brode has been reported to be a known drug addict in the past, assuming that is his motive in walking into the store at gunpoint."
"Okay, I can work with that..." Y/N mumbles, glancing around for anybody that's nearby in his little secret corner before pulling out the Death note and setting next to the laptop, making sure it's blocked from view by anyone that does walk by. A good plus for this segment as well is that it's being broadcasting with an overhead view, so Y/N should be able see the culprit's face, assuming that he doesn't have a mask or hoodie, which is most likely but hopefully he can find a way to improvise.
"Things escalated as screaming was also heard as someone apparently hearing the sound of a hostage screaming that James potentially killed someone inside." A male reporter adds as Ryuk once again stands behind Y/N's shoulder, very interested and no doubt glad that there's some more Death Note action happening right now. "And, the situation is still unfolding. Authorities are standing by. Seattle police and Seattle SWAT trying to de-escalate the situation." As they go on, Y/N grips his pen, waiting for a shot of the bastard's face.
"This is a live coverage of the hostage situation. Police are now confirming the hostages consists of the not just the employees, but Kirk and Amy Bowers, as well as James and Kara Sutton, along with their daughter, Mia." Hearing this, Y/N glances at the footage and is genuinely surprised when he finds what must be James barking something while pulling a girl by her hair out of the store that he instantly recognizes despite her face being slightly covered by in. That's definitely her.
"You know the girl, don't you?" Ryuk comments, somehow catching Y/N's reaction from even behind his head. He only glances at him before looking back at the screen, hoping what he did will work as he wants it to. "How convienent..."
"And with his violent history, police are extremely hesitant about moving in on the situation." The male reporter adds again as Y/N finally gets to work and writes James's full name and cause of death, adding a little detail so nobody else dies.
He then watches the scene with his fingers crossed together.
"I said, where are they?!" James loudly questions in the clerk's face, making it very clear that he's not leaving until he gets what he wants. When the clerk sweats, providing no response, James growls and smacks across the face with the butt of his gun. The crowd besides Mia then shouts in terror again as James starts going through the small store and tearing through every stock. "Shut up, all of you!" He orders, pointing his gun at everybody.
"Sit down, honey." Mia hears her mother shaking instruct, softly pulling her down to sit with her as they both watch while the criminal scavenges the store like a lost maniac. Mrs. Sutton holds her daughter in a way that tries to be comforting, but her tears betray her actions and physical help doesn't seem like it's what Mia needs as he continues to look at her dad's corpse on the floor.
"Seattle Police! Come out with your hands up, now!" A loud voice on the megaphone then echoes from outside, looks like the emergency services have already arrived. "You may think you're in charge of the situation, but you're mistaken."
James seems to grow more and more impatient as he continues to go threw pretty much everything, not making it very certain in which exactly his 'pills' are. "Dammit!" He exclaims punching a shelve with a loud thud. He then seems to snap, as he then looks at Mia with a menacing look. "You, get over here." He then demands, pointing his gun as he grabs her by the arm. Mrs. Sutton demands for him to let her go, but that just earns a near another near death experience as James fires a shot right next to her ear, almost killing her as well. "Fucking stay here! All you stay there, or I'll fucking BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT NEXT!"
He then pulls Mia outside, forcing the door open with her body. Mrs. Sutton screams again for her daughter, but can only watch as James holds her against him with his gun against her cheek as he stands in front of all the cops. "You did this, all of you! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!" James then cries out, waving his gun around at all of them for a second before back to Mia, who's struggles manage to slip his hoodie off.
Then, he pauses.... and lets Mia go. To everybody's surprise, even the SWAT and police, He drops his gun as well before standing in the middle of everybody while doing the American salute. All of a sudden, an armored SWAT van then comes rolling down the street and runs James over, somehow breaking him in half as his upper torso and legs then fly on opposite sides of the road, spilling a tiny bit of intestines as well as they stain the pavement.
Everyone looks at the bloody scene with absolute shock on their faces, Mia looks at the dead eyes of a man that almost shot her.
And they stare right back.
"It appears he has released her, that's definitely a good sign." The female reporter comments as Y/N takes a sigh of relief, that's definitely the Death Note taking effect again. He continues watching until he sees the confirmation, James getting completely run over by a SWAT Van that stops once it kills its target, marking a bonus for Y/N. Not exactly a Hit and 'Run', but he guesses the Death Note most likely let go of its hold or whatever after the person whose name was written died.
"Oh my goodness." The male reporter exclaims upon seeing it, a very human reaction of course. Y/N smirks in victory as he feels like he's saved another life, even if one hostage was killed, better than five at least. He feels Ryuk's gleeful smile behind him as everyone on the screen looks baffled by what just happened.
"Uh... folks, we are trying to get more information. I hope no children were watching this, this is obviously very upsetting footage. In case you're just tuning in, the man holding an entire drug store hostage just saluted to cameras before being run over by a rouge SWAT Truck." The Female reporter concludes before Y/N then shuts the laptop closed, and looks down at what he wrote.
James Brode lets go of his hostage and stands in the middle of the street where he's killed by a Hit and Run.
He killed him..... but saved someone in the process.
Seattle Police Station:
"And just so we're clear, none of you can guess why he decided to just let you go?" A police officer lightly questions Mia and her mother with the softest voice he can muster. After the.... incident, she guesses that's what they're calling it now, everything probably would've ended there, had the cops nod wondered a very big question. What the heck caused such a complete one-eighty in the drug addict's personality?
"We can't read into his mind, maybe he just decided to end it right then and now." Mrs. Sutton shrugs off, unable to tell what was going through the crazy man's mind either. That doesn't explain why he saluted to everybody as if he expected the truck that slammed straight into him, but honestly, even the best analysis couldn't come up with a logical story with what was in view of everyone. The officer definitely agrees as he simply runs his hands along his face, already out of questions to ask. He simply nods and stands up so he can open the door for them to leave.
"Thank you, Mrs. Sutton, and..... I'm sorry for your loss." The officer expresses, glancing at Mia. "Both of you." He then adds. The two simply walk out of the interrogation room, Mia moving like a robot following brief commands it sends into its own head. What happened at the drug store must have affected her in a deep way. The cop, Officer Richard, sighs as he's then joined by Detective James Turner. "They say they didn't do anything that could've provoked that kind of reaction." He reports, both of them walking down the station's hallway.
"And apparently, no one can figure out what caused the empty SWAT Truck to run the guy over. Like some magical wizard just sprung it to life for a few seconds." James adds with a sigh, both of them confused by the turn of events. "Look, the good thing is, nobody else was killed or hurt from the encounter, though we should probably get someone to check on that truck before it starts driving on its own again."
"Agreed, though I'm not sure I've heard of a mechanical issue in which the car exits itself out of park mode." Richard comments. "I swear, this town can be weird sometimes..." He mutters, feeling like he just exited a Salem Witch Trail, except the witches existed.
"You can't solve everything, Nate, though not for a lack of trying." James remarks with a slight compliment. The two get back to their own business as the mystery of what happened is eventually swept under the rug. After all, who could explain that? A man going from unhinged to suicide bliss, then saying goodbye to the cameras before the charge of such a lethal amount of weight ended up cutting him down through the middle.
Only God himself could have caused something like that on purpose.
Meanwhile, while in the bathroom, Mia's phone starts ringing, bringing her out of her stare down with the mirror. Although it's an unknown number, Mia remembers the note she gave to Y/N and puts the phone up to her wet face and answers it. "Hello?"
"Hey, It's.... It's Y/N." The male voice confirms for her, there's a slight hesitance as the kid seems to speak to the girl with a monotone voice. "I.... saw what happened on the news, wanted to check on you, see if you're okay." He tells her, causing Mia to almost laugh. Okay, a little bit if she's being honest, but the question itself just moments after... it happened sounds silly out-loud.
"I'm... hanging in there." Mia replies, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She wipes her face with a hand, feeling the liquid of water still there. Y/N doesn't say anything else at first, either he's slowly nodding, or choosing every words he says next carefully, probably both.
"Right, well.... listen, when my mom died, and my sister left, I didn't have anyone else besides my dad when I was in a dark place." Y/N mentions, no doubt trying to suggest something in his sentence. "So.... if you ever need someone to like.... sit there for a couple moments, I'm available, you know?" He offers, and Mia nods to herself in the reflection.
"Thanks." Mia simply replies, she thinks about it in the mirror. "I, um..... I'll call you when I get home." She tells him before hanging up, wanting to get away from this police station first as quickly as possible. When she looks back at the mirror, she swears she could see James Brode's eyes stare back for a few seconds before disappearing. The question of what could've happened had the crazy guy not suddenly let her go. Was he gonna blow her brains out in front of everyone so he could then get shot by all of the cops at once? What caused such an immense change of character?
When the questions begin giving her a headache, she then shakes her head and walks the fuck out.
Turner Residence: Later in the Night.
Keeping his Death Note zipped in his backpack, Y/N now does some more historical research and brainstorming for his plan to create a better world where there's an extreme lack of crime, or maybe even none at all. Right now, however, he needs someone to represent, what the people will flock to and praise when a dangerous serial killer drops dead on the pavement, never to touch a soul again. This can only be with the power of the Death Note, which is in his possession.
A knock on his room's door takes him out of his own little world. "Hey, Y/N, you've a got a friend from your school who wants to see you." Y/N's dad tells him, obviously wanting permission first before he lets anyone take a step inside the Turner house. If you didn't expect a single father to be as protective of his son as a dog is for its owner, you'd have to be born under a rock.
"Coming." Y/N responds, putting his books up in a stack before standing up to see who it is. When he steps out his room and downstairs, he spots none other than Mia Sutton at the door. "Uh, yeah, she can come in." He looks to his dad and nods, James glance at the girl before nodding at the two of them, heading back to his office which consists of most of his own room.
After he heads upstairs, Y/N turns to Mia who slowly walks herself through the front door like she's a vampire in the Vampire Diaries Show. "Sorry, I know I said I'd call earlier-"
"No, no, It's fine." Y/N shrugs it off, before the train returns, causing the ground to shake and for Mia to lose her step for a moment, causing Y/N to react by grabbing her shoulders. "Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention our house is right next to train tracks." He mentions with an awkward smile after it passes. "So, we have Netflix and HBO Max streaming, so we could just watch a couple movies or a TV show and see what happens." He suggests with a shrug.
"Sure, that... actually sounds great at the moment." Mia replies, rubbing a hand along her face as Y/N nods and grabs the TV Remote while she takes off her jacket and sits herself on the couch, the purple color of Max's theme shining over them.
"Alrighty then, pick your poison. Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Superhero...." There's a brief pause as Y/N mentions that last one. "That was my mom's favorite genre. Batman and Superman especially, the heroes who knew right from wrong and never let the corrupted individuals of their respective cities get their way." He maunders before eventually stopping himself. "Sorry, I didn't mean to go on that ramble all of a sudden."
"No, no, please.... continue." Mia encourages, feeling a weird satisfaction in hearing Y/N's life story than talking about her own. The boy seems to have had a lot better memories than she did regarding her family, almost in a way that makes her slightly envious of him. With that request, Y/N looks for the next thing to mention about her, putting the whole movie thing on pause for a second.
"Well.... she wanted to become a lawyer, a prosecutor to be specific, put all the bad guys who made life hard in their respective cells while the good guys walked home free." Y/N mentions, subconsciously smiling. "She was really good at it, despite how tough law school was, she was always passionate and full of energy, it started to get contagious for me and dad." He mentions with a chuckle, before getting an idea. "You know what? '78 Superman in is, it was her favorite movie." He decides, quickly finding it and pressing play. Mia didn't really care, so she doesn't make any comments as he joins her on the couch.
"My dad seemed to like the cop TV Shows, even though they would all look the same to me." Mia asserts, suddenly having the need to put her pitch into the dead talk. "He was a cool guy, I guess, but..... sometimes, it feels like I live in a different world than them." She admits, feeling like she can speak her mind to someone that wasn't the mirror. "I always hated that house except for my room, I hate the school, and I hate people like Kenny who look at me and see only Seattle's 'hottest cheerleader'." She ends her rant, looking back at Y/N's who's kept his eye on her the entire time, nodding when she finishes.
"Wow, you have not let that out to anyone else, have you?" Y/N humorously comments. "Not even your friends?" He brings up, slightly recalling the rant moments with Tyler. Mia just gives him a shrugging look.
"I guess I kind have a lacking in that department." She remarks, causing Y/N to mouth an 'oh' sympathetically. Yeah, he's definitely been there before. In a attempt to not sound corny or cheesy, he simply taps her on the leg, and gives her a nod and smile, silently telling her that she's finally earned one. Maybe two, since his buddy will probably like her too.
Then, things move too fast for Y/N's brain to process. During the second of examining her facial features, He finds himself leaning and putting his lips on hers. Two seconds after, he snaps out of it and breaks away. "I am... so sorry, I was pushing my luck." He quickly apologizes, turning back to the TV screen. Mia, however, doesn't prefer that idea and instead silently turns his chin back towards her and resumes the kiss, which then leads to her on top of him as the two make out on the sofa.
Needless to say, they forgot all about the movies.
A couple hours later, Mia slowly awakens from a small nap. Blinking her eyes and rubbing them open, she finds herself lacking underwear or any other type of clothing as she then quickly remembers the events that have now led her in Y/N Turner's bed, who's also still sleeping right next to her.
As she mentally contemplates on what the fuck she was thinking before she found herself in a person who she's known for less than three days' bed, she decides to slowly get herself and out fetch her clothing so she can talk with Y/N about what happened tomorrow. She should probably get home before her mom gets too worried; Mia didn't get too specific when telling her where she was going.
While finding her shoes, she accidentally kicks Y/N's school bag when she tries putting it on while standing up. A few books almost fall out, though that rarely happens, so they're only able to get as far as their corners slightly popping out. Wincing at the thud that's more louder thanks to the nightly silence, she leans down to put them both back in, only for her to notice the odd black one in the center with a very weird name on its cover.
'Death Note'
Mia squints, and her curiosity gets the better of her as she softly takes it in her hands and double checks the name before opening the first page. 'Rule One: The human whose name is written in this note shall die...' She reads in her mind, perplexed as she reads the second rule. 'Rule two: This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his or her name.'
This really gets her baffled, this book itself seems to take the rules listed here very seriously, as if they're actually for real. She decides to flip to a random page and sees a whole bunch of names she doesn't recognize written onto it, as well as a simple cause of death or some sentence about what they do and how it happens. She flips another stack of pages and is shocked when she sees not only a very familiar name, but the details written under it.
James Brode lets go of his hostage and stands in the middle of the street where he's killed by a Hit and Run.
James Brode, he was the one who killed her father in the drug store, wasn't it? She remembers hearing it somewhere by one of the cops when that situation was mentioned. Strangely, she doesn't feel like she's in the mood to laugh at this, because for some reason, it doesn't sound ridiculous, not after seeing how it happened with her own eyes.
"Quite a snooper, aren't you?" Mia hears and jumps, turning around to see Y/N, who's somehow gotten his own clothes back on without her noticing, giving her an unpleasing look. He tries taking the book back from her hands, but she just retreats downward and gives him a defying glare. "That's not yours." Y/N reminds her with a glare of his own.
"What fuck is this book, and why is James's death written in it in painfully accurate detail?" Mia questions with a low voice that demands for an answer. Y/N just chuckles at her as if it isn't such a big deal, which it definitely is, but he's not just gonna admit everything right off the bat.
"It's just a really old diary that was given to me." Y/N lies, giving her a calming expression that asks her to take it down a notch. "It's a weird psychology therapeutic thing where I write people's names and their cause of death." He tries explaining to her. "The drug store situation was live on television, I saw it for myself, it isn't that deep."
"So the first thing you decided to do when you saw it was to write it down on this notebook?" Mia interrogates while Y/N wonders how she found it in the first place. He could've swore he zipped up his backpack beforehand. "Y/N, I might have written this off had someone like James not go from unstable on drugs to suicidal with bliss." She remarks, bringing up a solid point.
"You're crazy, you actually think I caused his death with that?" Y/N questions her, giving her a look that would've almost fooled her has his hands not be tucked in his pockets. "Come on, this isn't 2011, we're not in the supernatural age anymore."
Mia stares into his expression for a few seconds, wanting to belive that she's just being crazy and the aftermath of seeing her father's head get popped like a watermelon which splashed blood on her be affecting her line of thinking, but deep down, she knows that the only answer to such a set of coincidences lies in the notebook in her left hand. "Write someone's name down." She suddenly demands of him, causing him to squint his eyes at her. "Do it, prove I'm crazy." She adds, and Y/N's slight hesitance as he glances at the book only confirms her crazy suspicions even more.
The boy sighs as he wipes his hand across his face, mentally criticizing himself for letting the book get found so easily, and for it to be someone's who's in a state of believing it. "What are you gonna do, Mia? Tell the world that I have a magic book that slays people on command?" Y/N then questions with an eyebrow raised. Obviously the chances of anyone else believing her will just be met with laughter and criticism of spreading rumors about the kid who lost his mother.
"Y/N.... what did you do?" Mia asks in a whisper, and knowing the consequences of denying it when the jig is already up, Y/N's mouth utters the words.
"I killed him."
After a couple seconds of tension-filled silence, Mia nods, satisfied with the truth. Y/N expects her to grab her last shoe and walk out the door, but to his surprise, she actually leans in and kisses him once again. Y/N returns it, but looks at her with a expression that's questioning her actions. "You're right, they'll think I'm crazy." Mia whispers, leaning her mouth next to his ear. "But don't think it will mean I won't get involved." She states before eventually leaving the bedroom.
There's a low cackle in the corner of the room as Y/N turns to see Ryuk with a very amused expression. "Out of everyone, you had to get someone who believed in the supernatural." He quips with a teasing smirk as Y/N finally realizes what happened.
"You unzipped my backpack?" Y/N exclaims with a shock expression, when Ryuk nods, it turns to annoyance. "What were you thinking? I'm the keeper of this book, and the last thing I need is for everyone to know about it."
"A Shinigami has to find someone to entertain himself." Ryuk says with a shrug as Y/N rolls his eyes at him. "Almost every past Keeper I've come across has gone through this same exact situation before. And I honestly find the dynamic between both characters very interesting." He notes as he dings his head around. Y/N shakes his head with massive sigh as he mentally notes that he's too tired to be mad at Ryuk right now.
He's definitely gonna have to explain more to Mia the next day... though maybe it will be a good thing....
The Next Day:
Tomorow, Y/N and Mia now leaning against the wall or window outside a coffee shop, the glowing lights always stand out like their own character during the night sky's reign. "I guess I should feel guilty, but I don't." Y/n adds after telling Mia the events of him finding the Death Note and discovering what it was capable of.
"Guilty?" Mia raises a brow at that word. "Y/N, that man had a gun to my face, he was willing to take me along with him in his pity party of drug drama. But you saved my life, what is there to feel guilty about?" She questions, and Y/N shrugs. She's right, he only mentioned it because of how brutal each death has seemed to be so far. They aren't as tame as in the movies, but life isn't exactly all PG like one might expect.
"Well, some could argue that using such a book could get to your head, make you slowly go insane with power to the point you just kill whoever gets in your way. Some Mafia fuck killed my mom, and got away with it.... until I found that book. Only difference was, there was no Batman to put him jail, no Bruce Wayne to over-bribe the jury."" Y/N replies, glancing at the sidewalks where you can't tell if the person walking next to you is an honest citizen, or one of the fallen angles of society. "And that might be true, but I don't believe that I'm the only one that's gotten fucked over by the 'justice' system." He tells Mia." He glances down. "And when I saw you, about to die, I realized now, for everyone else, there can be. Only it's not just a guy in a bat costume, it's the fucking grim reaper." He finishes his passionate monologue with a chuckle. "I sound crazy, don't I?"
"If anything, I think you're just the right amount of crazy." Mia replies with a grin, to which Y/N nods with a chuckle through his breath. "And I think being the normies is boring." She adds, and laughs when given a amused look from Y/N. He considers in that moment, Ryuk is probably right, he'll need at least one fellow human to share the secret of the Death Note with, it's like a small team of Persona protagonists. But like in that franchise, Y/N knows that there's a traitor in almost every entry. He hopes Ryuk and Mia are neither one. No matter Y/N's feelings on who does or doesn't know about it, the fact still stands that he has one of the most powerful items in history, and he's going to change the world with it.
The ones before them, what did they accomplish? Revenge? Small-time killings? Heck, petty crimes? No, Y/N knows that it can used for something greater, more than just settling a few scores like he did with Kenny and Antony. He knows there's people who're put in the same exact situation as him, or even feel the same anger as seeing those who deserve it go free. Whether it be something as small as a teacher punishing the victim instead of the bully, or the jury letting the mobster go instead of letting Mrs. Turner's death not go unpunished. They might not know it, but they're looking for someone that won't let them down. Well, Y/N's got one better, how about one with the powers of a God to punish the guilty? A God who doesn't let everybody down with a false accusation or a small mistake in the evidence like it would be with cops and lawyers. It's not gonna stop a few crimes, it's gonna stop all crime. Sure, it'll be a God of Death, and one that could install fear in the bad guys, but it'll also be a Death God who also inspires hope that things can actually change.
And so, after a night of consideration, it began. Y/N started with names and faces that appeared on the news and on that live website, except life serving convicts, they were a waste of time. One day, they were shamed for their horrible crimes, the next report tomorrow revealed them to be dead. It was like justice was finally being served. Then, he and Mia started digging a little deeper. People like Warlords and fugitives were easy, then it was a matter of discovering the more anonymous ones. Some of the more organized criminals were difficult, but easy to discover, and eventually, figuring each of them out felt like homework as they found new methods of fishing them out. It was a simple routine, Y/N would take the Death Note with him to school, use lunch periods to eat in the library and write names. Then, once home, write a couple more. Though, Y/N has also made sure nobody can find it, like putting the Death Note in a drawer that he locks when he goes to sleep, slipping it in a folder when it's in his backpack, and the same book trick he mentioned before.
About half of the first month of this, Y/N got the idea.... Kira. It means Killer in Japanese, which might loose some points, but it also means 'light' in Russian and Celtic. Which is something Y/N yearns for when it comes to a being that has the fate of everyone's lives in their hands.
At first, people thought karma has finally resurfaced when criminal faces died suddenly. But then, as more passed by, it became quite often. Of course, people could only consider them as gruesome, but happy accidents, but when it got more perplexed, people were talking. One day, a corrupt cop who was having the time of is life as he fulfilled his sick desires with his bribe money, was one day found having doused himself with gasoline and thrown himself into a furnace. Then, a crooked politician whose mansion was brimmed with everything that made life worth living, was discovered to have hung himself in his bedroom. But why would people like that, though immoral, was still committing deeds of suicide? That, and the sudden changes of behavior from criminals like with James Brode, got them to consider what Y/N was hoping for. He then used the Death Note's rules to spread the name around, even using a dummy account to spread the word for good measure. To throw police even more off his trail, he did most of it in Japanese language.
And on the selfish side of things, Y/N felt his life get back on track. The brief arguments with his dad have now become a thing of the past. Mia, to his surprise, actually dumped her boyfriend for the idea of giving whatever happened that night between them a chance. Y/N felt the surprised, impressed, and jealous looks of the school as he walked down the hallway, holding Mia Sutton's hand, and a feeling of pride overtook him. And then, to top it all off with a cherry, Y/N heard his symbol's name for the first time.
"Who, or what, is Kira? That's the question facing baffled investigators today as death row inmates were found dead in their cells." A female reporter states on the news as they boldly show footage from the crime scene. "Each victim left behind a message written in perfect Japanese."
"It reads, 'Lord Kira has returned to punich the wicked'. " A Mandarin speaking reporter relays on a different channel with the same story. "None of the victims actually spoke Japanese..."
In fact, every country's news channels are covering each moment Kira acts.
"Reports are that the elusive leader of the terrorist movement blew himself up in front of his men." One male German reporter states to the shock of everyone. "Kira is apparently behind these bizarre deaths."
"Five members of the cartel apparently threw themselves in front of an oncoming train." A Spanish reporter covers a brutal blow delivered onto the infamous Mexican Cartel. "Kira is responsible for all these acts that are happening right now."
"The globalists will have you believe that Kira's the New World Messiah, here to right the wrongs of our time." A podcaster covers on his show. "This is another bid by the super elites to sweep the rug from under us and shape our reality by what can only be described as one of the greatest false flag operations in the history of covert ops."
But Y/N's already made sure that most of the people knew the truth. Around the world, people rally themselves to sing praises for the being that's come to restore their faith in the world. Whether it'd be Mexico, Russia, Japan, or America, people have heard of what Kira is and what they represent. One day, Y/N passed a church almost covered in graffiti with the white paint stating one thing, 'Kira Saves.' Or the moment in school when he came across more than a handful of his fellow community circling around a pond of water, hosting a event of praise and respect as they lit candles and surrounded the name of Kira in the middle. It put a smile on his face.
"Fear they will be punished by Kira has led to a series of wanted criminals literally turning themselves in."
"Kira's had a bigger impact on crime than anything I've seen." One police officer states his opinion to a reporter. "I don't wanna say our job's gotten easier, but look around you."
And during it all, Y/N didn't just feel like he was Vengeance like Batman, or Hope like Superman.
Above it all.... he was Justice.
(A/N) Well, gee, Eight thousand plus words. If this doesn't feel like a passionate and fun project, then I'm probably writing for nothing.
Well anyway, I hope you're still liking what you've read so far, as this took an entire week of small writing after school. And I'm really thankful for all those who've stuck by so far.
Plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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