Chapter 1: Clever Apples Don't Fall Far From the Trees
Seattle: Six Months Earlier
What if I told you there was one of the smartest teenage kids so bored, that he actually did schoolwork in a attempt to cure it? Yeah, you'd probably think I'm insane, but that's what Y/N Turner's currently doing.
During the lunch period, he sits on a table outside and does homework, and due assignments for other students, one of which walks by and takes the work off his hands before passing a wad of cash that Y/N quickly tucks into his pocket, glancing around to see if any goody two-shoes have noticed.
He isn't the only one. Across the fence in front of him, the cheerleaders rehearse while the football players practice out in the field. As they move, you can see the energy in their hand gestures as they pose, except for one. While the others carry smiles in their bright expressions, her's carries an emotionless, blank face of absolute boredom.
As Y/N works on another page, writing the same exact answers, there's a small brief moment where the two catch each other's eyes when Mia goes on a personal smoke break. Y/N looks back down and continues his own business, while Mia notices the similar expression in his face, smirking to herself as if amused or glad that she's not the only one that feels like she doesn't belong where she is.
Then the wind picks up, emitting a howl that echoes across the entire area it's caught it's claws into. It causes a notebook to fall from the tree above it and land onto the grass next to Y/N who glances at it and up from here it fell with a curious expression. Despite an obvious storm coming up as thunder rumbles, he kneels down and picks it up from the plastic cups and silverware surrounding it. He turns the black book around, and sees the interesting title on its cover.
'Death Note'
Rain then comes and its drops catches on the leather casing as students scream amongst the loud pour. Y/N raises his backpack over him as he follows the students while they flee for the roof inside the school. Mia looks very uncaring by it, and compared to everyone else, takes a few seconds before actually jogging.
As Y/N runs through a sort-of alleyway, one student seems to slam open the door and bolt himself outside rather than everyone else, as if he's trying to flee from something that's inside the school.... or someone. He trips and Y/N also stops upon seeing the source for the student's panic. A punk looking dude followed by his goons start surrounding the kid as the main puts his knee of the student, refusing to let him get away. Y/N glares daggers as he recognizes the leader of the gang right away, Kenny Doyle, who's actions while rocking the black clothes, tattoos and punkish attire give the rest of his subculture a bad name.
His three 'friends' laugh and jeer as they kick his victim's school bag and even what must be the kid's favorite camera away, only amused by his pleading to get off him and not break his stuff. Mia also comes by and sees the situation for herself, and she also doesn't like it one bit. "Who's laughing now, dickweed?!" Kenny aggressively yells at the kid, driving his knee deeper into his chest.
"Get off me, Kenny, please." The student begs, but that just earns him a knuckle to the head by Kenny, who then reaches into his leather jacket and pulls out his switch blade.
"Wrong answer." Kenny growls before threatening to cut the poor guys cheek, while his buddies cheer him on. That proves to be the last straw as Mia comes up and is ready to give the bullies a piece of her mind.
"Get off him, Kenny!" Mia yells, shoving the guy off of the student. "You're such a stupid fuck, you know that?" She shouts in his face while the other bullied student grabs his stuff before being shoved away by the other goons.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" Kenny angrily questions, not taking that insult likely as he glares at her while tucking his switch blade back in his pocket. Y/N assumes he probably won't think he'll need it for dealing with a girl.
"I called you a stupid fuck, you stupid fuck." Mia repeats herself with a teasing smile, though that probably doesn't seem to be a good idea in a place where no one's watching as Kenny aggressively shoves her, planning to do more until Y/N then steps in.
"Hey, don't touch her!" Y/N yells, get in between the two as Kenny looks at with a blank, but menacing face, followed by his fellow thugs as they watch with amusement, no doubt waiting for him to knock the lights out of the Turner kid.
"Hey, I don't need your help, okay?" Mia chimes in, but things have already escalated. Besides, Y/N already landed himself on one of Kenny's shitlists, so it's not like he's gonna face bombs upon attempting to stop him.
"What are you gonna do, Y/N? Out here by yourself, come and teach me a lesson?" Kenny mocks while psychotically gritting his teeth, clearly wanting the boy to give a try.
"You get a kick out of it, Kenny? Picking on students younger than you all because your daddy won't give you the love you don't deserve?" Y/N questions, trying to get into the bully's head, and it seems to be working.
"You think that's funny?!" Kenny barks as he aggressively shoves Y/N, now getting very close to getting red back in his vision again, all while his goons whisper for him to kick Y/N's ass. Although on thin ice, Mia giggles and Y/N smirks, getting a kick himself.
"It's not just my word against yours anymore, it's two, one of those being a famous cheerleader." Y/N then mentions, gesturing towards Mia. "So, unless you want the school to hear about who you decided to beat up, I suggest you back the fuck off-"
He's cut off when Kenny shows an unhinged smile and socks him in the eye, almost knocking him out cold. The moments after become fuzzy as Y/N slips in and out of consciousness before finally waking up to see one of the school staff standing above him on the concrete, having a very disappointed expression as she holds a wet stack of papers in her hand, AKA, the work he was doing for other students.
Oh, great....
"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?" The school's principal queries as he goes through all of Y/N's papers that aren't his, setting them down one-by-one onto a pile on his desk. Y/N stares at him with a blank expression as he holds an icepack up to his eye where Kenny punched him. "I'm looking at homework here for at least fifteen different students."
"I have black eye on my face, and you're worried about late homework?" Y/N questions, giving the old man a judging look. "The rules are more important than a student's health?"
"The nurse says you'll be fine." The principal uncaringly mentions, apparently deciding to just sweep it under the rug.
"So, there's no interest in why a teacher found me sprawled out on the ground?" Y/N queries with a seemingly offended voice. The fact that the head of school is going to overlook the aftermath of Kenny's brutal nature over some papers strikes a major negative cord with him.
"Mia Sutton says she saw you run into a beam out back, how do you think we found you?" The principal replies, to which Y/N can't help but sigh. Of course, Kenny's posse probably scared her into silence.
"All right, I get it, I'm in trouble. All I'm trying to say is, you have the power to stop the people who makes things harder for everybody else. You gotta see the big picture here." Y/N states, giving him a look that's close to pleading. "You really think a beam did this?" He points to his eye, but the man just chuckles him off.
"Y/N, some people might look at you, a kid in your situation, losing your mom the way you did, and they'd be willing to cut you a little slack when it comes these behavioral issues." The principal lectures, and Y/N's expression turns into a red glare at the mention of his mother. "Well, I don't believe in that. Detention, two weeks, now get out of here."
A few ice pieces start cracking as Y/N grips his pack before grabbing his backpack and walking out the door with a blank expression that hides the fury in his eyes.
Once again, Kenny gets away with it while Y/N gets punished.
"No way, two weeks?" Y/N's only friend at school, Tyler Meeks, reacts with a small laugh as Y/N tells him of what just happened as he packs school stuff into his locker in the hallway. "Man, you have the worst luck."
"Tell me something I don't know." Y/N mutters as he slaps his locker shut, leaning onto it with a sigh as he puts the icepack back on his eye. Tyler looks at his buddy with a sympathetic look, noticing some of the scratches falling on the concrete left on him.
"Hey, is that her?" Tyler taps Y/N on the back and points down the hall, and he turns to see Mia herself walking with the rest of the jock clique, which Tyler is also a part of.
"Yeah..." Y/N confirms with a nod as the girl eventually notices him as well, her earlier laughter immediately drops as he's able to tell the moment in the alley flashes back in her mind. An awkward confrontation is saved by a random football player who puts his arm around her and leads to a different hallway, no doubt her boyfriend. "Guess the goon squad let her go."
"Hey, keep your chin up." Tyler quips as he pats him on the shoulder, causing Y/N to turn back towards him. "I'm sure Kenny's gonna get what's coming to him eventually." He assures him, though they both mutually can tell that neither of them believes that.
Only karma can give them the satisfaction.
Detention Room:
Thankfully, Y/N's eyes have healed to a point they at least have started to lose their purple bumps, though they are still there if you squint hard enough. However, that still hasn't changed the fact that he's still receiving the punishment of a fight that he was a victim of, even if he doesn't like the word victim.
A sudden book slamming on his desk, causes him to snap out of the nap he was just taking, almost knocking the apple off of it. "Oh! Hi, I'm awake." He spurts out as he rubs his eyes, indicating that he was most definitely in fact, not awake two seconds ago. "I was um.. thinking about apples.... falling from trees, you know?"
"I'm heading out for a moment." The teacher informs him, the same teacher who found him knocked out back in the alley. "Don't fall asleep or it adds another day." She states before exiting the room. Awesome, why do these punishments exist if they only to waste the student's time?
After the creek and clank of the door closing, Y/N then bitterly swipes the random books off his desk, it's not like anyone else will need them since he's the only one in here. This causes him to remember the book he spotted falling from the tree earlier as his eye lands on his backpack. He unzips the big pocket and pulls out the named 'Death Note' out and looks at it with a very curious expression, opening it up to view the pages which look a decade or even century old.
Interestingly, it opens up with a bunch of labeled rules, written in what must be some kind of ink or something judging by the black color and the way it's presented. Y/N then starts reading the first couple of them one-by-one. "Rule one: The human whose name is written in this note shall die..." He reads out-loud in a quiet voice. "That's.... intense." He comments to himself before continuing. "Rule two: This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his or her name."
Interested, he then starts rapidly flipping pages, wondering if anyone else has attempted to use this book, and is confirmed when he sees a bunch of names written on it in either large or small fonts. Weirdly, when he tries seeing how many pages there are, he seems unable to find the very end of the book despite even flicking five pages at a time. How is that even possible?
Thunder roars and causes the lights to flicker on and off, breaking Y/N out of the mysterious book and curiously around the power situation that seems to be going on. When he glances outside, he notices the weirdest part, it's not raining or thundering. So where on earth did that loud roar come from and what's making the lights fail?
A few seconds after all the lights go completely off, the loud noise of glass shattering shoots Y/N out of his seat with a small yelp. Marbles then start rolling from under the shelves in the back of the classroom and towards the desks' and Y/N's feet. "Hello?" He calls out with a strange face, feeling like he just entered a horror movie set piece.
He takes slow steps towards the source of where the noise came from, occasionally kicking a couple marbles or potentially crushing them underneath his shoe, emitting a echoing click as they roll across the floor. He turns a corner and spots the shattered jar that originally held the little items, indicating that something must've caused them to fall. He squints before noticing that something's still making a kind of clicking noise, and eventually realizes it's not coming from the glass as he looks up... seeing something that belongs in his nightmares.
A figure in some kind of beast form, shoulder pads that hold very pointy spikes, their hairdo also very spiky as well to a point they might stab someone if they weren't so grouped together. They're also six times Y/N's size and the physical body they have is very unnatural than a human's by like, ten miles.
Y/N freezes as his skin felt cold and clammy, his legs stood rooted on the ground as he stares at the figure who seems to grow larger and larger as they supposedly stand up, getting taller than the shelves themselves. People said he was the type that was unfazed at horror and spooky stories, now he feels like this is proving them wrong.
Then, the figure snaps their head towards him. "Shit!" Y/N exclaims before his legs snap to life and he accidently knocks over an entire shelve with his back as he falls on it. He quickly gets back on his feet and sprints past the desks and over to the door, only for it to be close and lock itself, much to his horror. "Dammit.... Hey! Hey!" He calls out for as he bangs on the door, turning around to see his only other means of leaving is blocked by a figure that's creating winds that cause every desk to fall over, papers to scatter and more things on the shelves to throw themselves across the room and break.
With that, Y/N begins to feel true fear after a dozen years, most likely what his mother felt. He snaps out of his fear-induced daze and attempts to grab a desk to smash the glass on the door with, only for all of them to be swept away from the figure's magic wind. "Holy crap, holy crap!" He curses to himself as he grabs random stuff and bashes against the glass with it while the apple and notebook are pulled towards the figure as well. "Dammit!" He swears again, retreating to the desk where he grabs a sharp pen before falling under the desk.
But in like, three seconds, it flies away from over him, leaving Y/N to look like a weeping child from under it. He looks up and scans the entire room as it once again falls dead silent, which gives Y/N a very bad feeling about what's happening. He slowly stands himself up, putting his entire mental and physical body on defense. During which, the apple then flies back from the shadows, now almost entirely eaten. "Shall we begin?" A male's voice echoes in the room, causing Y/N to tense up and grip the self-defense weapon in his hand.
"Stay back, you motherfucker, or I will stab the crap outta you." Y/N shakingly threatens in between shaky breaths, his tone betraying his sentence. "Or maybe... maybe this is all a dream, and you're a manifestation of that Italian douchebag or something like that...."
"Oh, yes.... I dream, I like that." The figure then purrs in response, suddenly appearing next to Y/N as he slowly turns to him with a blank face that attempts to hide his fear. "Dreams are places you can have fun, right? It's all in your mind, so why not enjoy it?"
A girl shrieking from outside cuts off their little stare down as the demon looking man curiously turns his head over to the windows. "What's causing that, I wonder?" He questions, and Y/N wonders if he's trying to speak for himself as well. Anyhow, he tries to ignore the demon and walks towards the window to see what's going on.
As he suspected, Kenny and his gang have now caught ahold of a female student and start pulling her towards the same alley he and Y/N confronted each other earlier. The one-dimensional goons are once again jeering as Kenny knocks her to the ground and order his boys to keep her still. Wait, they're not going to... are they?
"You dropped something." The figure tells Y/N as he turns to see him holding the 'Death Note' and extending it towards him. As the teen takes it, he remembers it saying that if he wrote someone's name if their face in his mind, it would kill them, but is that really possible?
Y/N twirls the pen in his hands, looking back out the window to see Kenny's squad grabbing her by both arms and pushing her back against a wall where barely anyone can see them. The female screams for them to let her go before Kenny's hands then start grabbing her by the throat and begin squeezing.
That causes something in Y/N to snap as he glances at the figure who only watches his actions with a curious and amused expression, letting out an inhale that indicates he's very interested with what he's planning to do next.
The Turner kid then looks down, glancing at Kenny's disgusting face before writing his first and last name down in the notebook, 'Kenny Doyle'. "There's no need to stop at who." The figure then mentions after Y/N writes it in, and gives him a look that asks for elaboration. "You also need to write how."
Y/N then looks down and writes the cause that would definitely separate Kenny from the body he puts to absolute waste. 'Decapitation'. "For a beginner, not bad at all." The figure comments. "Now.... watch."
They both look outside the window. Right after Kenny takes a step back and reaches for something in his pocket, time seems to slow down as the effects of what Y/N has done start playing in front of him.
Across the street, two kids walk down the sidewalk as one of them idly plays with a basketball. Walking past is a woman carrying groceries before the bags suddenly rip apart, causing the produce to fall out and the basketball bounces on one of them and is sprung off balance, falling towards the street. The basketballer jogs to fetch it, but then a car comes by, and his buddy pulls out him out of the way while the driver frantically turns in an effort not to run them over, but instead runs the ball over, and her vehicle stops in its tracks. A van with a ladder strapped on top of it then then also comes up and turns as its driver panics, causing both of them to collide with one another. Kenny turns and looks at the sudden crash in a daze before the ladder snaps off and shoots right towards him before abruptly extending, causing enough force to break the bully's head in half. The female and other bullies who are now hosed with blood, watch in horror as Kenny's jawless head then bounces against the curb before collectively screaming in terror before splitting off and running with dread.
Y/N stares slack jawed at the gore he just saw, all while the figure cackles at his reaction. "Now listen, that book has a limitless number of pages that cannot run out even if you rip a hundred of them apart. You can use it as long as you like, or decide you want nothing to do with it, I don't care." The figure tells him. "You've already now bonded yourself with the notebook, that's why we're speaking. If you ever want to separate yourself from it, just put the note somewhere else, leave it alone for seven days, and I'll find it a new home."
"How.... how was it able to do that?" Y/N questions as he turns back to him, the shock from what he just saw slowly leaving his system.
"It happened, just like that." The figure simply answers, seemingly very proud of what the 'Death Note' was able to do in a span of seconds. "And if this is possible, imagine what else you could do." He hints with a suggestive voice before another thunder rumble emits across the room, causing the lights to come back on and for the demon to disappear.
Y/N swallows as he finishes processing what he had just done. Kenny Doyle, the boy who's made his life living hell, just died in a nanosecond because of a black notebook that he now possesses. It feels good in some ways, and weird in others. The police sirens start blaring in the background, most likely as a response to the headless body now in front of the school entrance, while Y/N looks around and realizes the room is now a complete mess.
Oh dear, this is not gonna look good when the teacher gets back.....
Turner House: Later that Evening
One of the mildly annoying things about living in the house the Turners are in, is that there will be the occasional train that dashes past and makes the entire residence shake in a way that'd make you believe a T-Rex has arrived and started stomping around your property. During this, he and his dad are forced to stay still and wait until the train passes as if they're worried they might fall and break a bone in the process.
They have gotten used to it, the shaking pictures, quaky chandelier, and when it ends, they simply just continue dinner like it was nothing. "He a friend of yours?" Y/N's dad, James Turner, queries him after hours of mutual silence.
"The kid in the accident." James turner specifies, referring to Kenny. It made even the news, how such a small set of coincidences caused one of the school's infamous students to lose their head in a nanosecond. The question itself makes Y/N want to laugh inside, but he keeps it to himself since it would make him look like a psychopath.
"Oh, no, I don't think he was a friend of anyone." Y/N answers with a simple shrug, doubting that even that the henchmen squad he was always with would count as 'friends' given how they acted like nothing but suck ups. "Not a personal attack against him or anything, he just seemed... defensive." He adds for sake of not seeming like an asshole, but James slowly nods, noticing what he's hinting at.
"Want to talk about it?" James asks with an attempt at a fatherly tone, but Y/N shakes his head as he impales the food with his fork and puts it in his mouth. He knows his father thinks the best of him, but he doesn't want to risk saying more than he needs to.
"I'm good." Y/N politely declines, feeling another tension in the air as he subconsciously avoids making eye contact with him. It kinda makes him feel silly, as it sounds like he's trying to cover up a crime that's already been declared an accident, but he guesses it comes with the territory of possessing a book that seems to kill whoever you want it to. He thinks the conversation will end there, but his hopes are betrayed when his dad's mouth opens up again.
"Maybe we should talk about why you were still at school when it happened." James suggests with that dad 'Something you want to tell me?' expression. Y/N can tell he already knows since the school likely called him about his son getting detention.
"It was nothing serious, I was just helping some students with their homework, and got detention." Y/N tells him honestly, though toning it down to seem like he wasn't doing the entire pages for them, or the fact that he still has their money in his little stash in his room.
"You don't think cheating's a big deal? That who you are?" James questions, giving his son a pointed look. Guess Y/N should've expected that, also a strict follower of the rules, his father is. That probably comes with being a cop, upholding the law to a T. It's something Y/N genuinely respects, though the past has made him wonder if he really tries enforcing the rules as much as Y/N thought he did.
"That's not..... Actually, I only got caught because they found me on the concrete after I tried to....." Y/N tries explaining, but gives up halfway, letting out a tired sigh. "You know what? Forget it, you wouldn't understand, anyway."
"Because you're just that smart, because I'm just that dumb?" James queries with a voice that hides the challenging tone as he sips his tea. Of course, he brings his IQ and GPA into it again. Y/N bitterly hums as he looks down at his plate.
"Because this is what you do." Y/N retorts, taking a big swallow of his food. "Instead of actually trying to solve real problems, you look over people's shoulders so you can bust them for bullshit, like not turning in their reports or whatever."
"A gun is only as good as its aim, son." James remarks, mentally shrugging it off. "I make sure people can trust their aim." He adds, to which Y/N slowly nods, rolling his tongue under his lips before giving a bitter smile. Right, because his aim is just complete dog shit. Y/N slams his hands on the table before grabbing his empty plate and standing up as his chair slides across the wooden table with a rough and loud creek.
"Just once, it would be nice to think that you actually..." Y/N mutters as he takes his plate and silverware to the sink. "I mean, you're a cop. How do you sleep at night knowing you watched a mob-guy like Antony Skomal walked away?"
"What, you think I just watched?" James questions, trying to hint that he was still pissed about it as well. However, it doesn't quell the Y/N's temper one bit as he washes the plate of its scraps and stains.
"If I was a cop and some guy ran over my wife, I'd be pretty pissed off if his dad paid his way out of jail and I would come at the motherfucker with everything I got." Y/N states, having finally reached his limit again as he releases all the pent up anger inside. "He killed my mom, he nearly beat his girlfriend to death, and you just sit there!" Y/N almost grabs his head as he stomps past the table. "You sit there saying the same bullshit about how people better 'trust your aim'! And trust their-"
"I'm just gonna assume, you're still pretty raw by what you saw today at school, and that's keeping you from thinking before you speak!" James shoots back, having finally raised his voice back at him. Y/N may fail to see it, but he's also still affected by what happened. "I suggest you stop talking." He strongly advises before turning back to his steak.
Y/N glances down at the floor as he turns his blank expression back on, sighing with his mouth closed. Then he gets an idea, he takes an apple with him before going upstairs with steps that still hint at Y/N's inner emotions when they thud.
This is exactly why his sister left.... because she didn't want to keep looking at the mess that was Y/N and James Turner.
Y/N quickly flicks half of the lights on in his room before walking over to the desk in his room with a purpose. He sits down and grabs his school backpack, going through the massive pocket where he fetches the Death Note and sets it down right under the lamp where its light shines. He still doesn't want to damage his eyes while reading it.
First thing, there was a still more rules he didn't read before that demon or whatever showed up, so he opens up the first pages again, but notices that there's a lot more rules than he thought. "Rule sixty-four: Each page of the note contains the power of the whole note." He reads out-loud again as he flips a couple more pages. Yeah, Y/N's pretty sure he could've figured that one out. "Rule ninety-five: Anyone may write names in the note, but only the keeper can possess it for more than seven days." Saying the number out loud, causes him to mentally sigh at it all, trying to find the page that contains the final and confirmed number of rules. "Geez, how many rules does a damn supernatural notebook need?" He mutters before accidently discovering some kind of message written in a massively large font on one of the pages that doesn't list a name or cause of death. In fact, it seems to be directed to whoever's reading this. " 'Don't trust Ryuk, he's not your pet, he's not your friend...' "
Something cuts into his reading time. Another thunder rumble arrives as Y/N hears the train's whistle blowing by again. But that doesn't make any sense, and there's no quaking this time. Making things even weirder is the fact that both lights go out again, indicating to Y/N that a certain someone may have arrived again.
The door behind then clicks before slowly creaking open. Y/N glances at the apple on his desk and slightly grasps it in his palm before taking light steps over to the door and setting it down right in front of the small opening. Then, he stands up and keeps his eye on it, waiting for a reaction.
As he suspected, a unnaturally large hand pops up and snatches the apple in a second. Y/N hears the sound of someone chewing down on the red skin as well as the juicy fruit before a couple seconds later, they toss the eaten apple back into his room, onto the floor. Y/N doesn't visibly react, having expected him to come this time and prepared for more jump-scare worthy behavior.
"Hey kid." Ryuk greets next to his ear, and Y/N casually turns to see him now sitting on his bed despite originally being the hallway. So, he has teleportation as well, that's..... swell to hear. "It's pronounced Ree-yook." He corrects him, his face still covered in the shadowed Y/N's dark room except for his yellow eyes which seem to glow.
"Ryuk.... okay." Y/N slowly nods, saying his name correctly this time. "Nice to meet you.... again. And sorry for the mispronunciation." He politely apologizes to which Ryuk simply bobs his head sideways, shrugging it off. "So, what exactly can I do with this Death Note?" Y/N then asks him curiously, since there seems to be like a hundred rules in it. He wants to make sure he always uses it properly and not accidently get himself killed with it.
"What exactly did you have in mind?" Ryuk queries, clearly needing some specifics. This hints to Y/N that the book might actually be more complicated than he originally expected.
"Well, it says that I can specify the manner of death, which makes me wonder if I can control almost every other part of their fate as well?" Y/N brings up, seemingly interested in that aspect of the book. "If I can control the who and how, can I control the when as well, maybe the why?"
"Every human spends the last moments of his life in the shadow of a death god. If we so desire, we can influence those moments. There are, of course, limitations." Ryuk explains, looking at the Death Note and flicking his hand which causes it to flip to the exact page he wants. "Rule twenty: A subject can be influenced for no more than two days leading up to his death." He holds up two fingers to help state his point, before flicking his hand again to show another example. "Rule twenty-eight: Each death must be physically possible.' So, no shark attacks while someone's on the toilet." He quips with a laugh. "As much as I love that idea."
Y/N fakes a smile, glancing at the note with a new question in mind. "Where did it come from?" He queries, and Ryuk sighs. He must've heard that question before a dozen times.
"The history of the note is as long as history itself." Ryuk emphasizes, though Y/N suspects that he's merely exaggerating to avoid going into strict detail about its origins. Guess he can't blame him for it.
"And just to be clear, it didn't just fall from a tree because of the high winds, you gave it to me?" Y/N questions, and Ryuk gives him a confirming nod.
"The last keeper of the note passed away. It fell to me to find a new one." Ryuk tells him, leaving Y/N to wonder how exactly he died. He recalls the warning left in the note before Ryuk's appeared.
"What if I decide I don't want it anymore?" Y/N then asks him.
"You may pass it on." Ryuk simply answers. "Or better yet, I will." He adds, putting a hand to his chest. Y/N nods, that last part giving him a bad feeling in his gut. The process seems straight forward and simple, so why did some previous keeper feel the need to warn others about Ryuk. How did the last keeper die?
Or better yet.... why?
Y/N slowly exits his room, and takes a slight peek downstairs. He sees that his father is still in the dining room and takes the opportunity to sneak to his room which is in front of his and takes an old file belonging to someone that represents a dark past for his family, you can probably guess who.
He then steps back into his room, makes sure the door is shut, and turns the lights back on again before sitting back down in front of his desk. He then quickly opens the file and pulls out an old newspaper belonging to the case of his mom, on the cover is a man whose face makes Y/N's blood boil the second he sees it, Antony Skomal.
He opens up another one, which covers the fact that Antony's father no doubt bought the jury into making sure the bastard went out of that court room a free man. All the damage he caused, and all it took was a couple hundred bucks to make people turn the other cheek. That shit-eating grin on Antony's face helps Y/N's new decision very clear.
Ryuk stands behind him, watching him curiously as Y/N opens the Death Note and sets the news paper next to it. Y/N glances at Antony's face frequently as he writes it down. 'Antony Skomal, impalement.' Then, Y/N closes the book and closes his eyes, breathing a sigh of hope.
Ryuk laughs as Y/N can almost imagine the same thing happening to Kenny happen to Antony right now.
Antony and his buddies' drinks clink together as they share a toast, talking and laughing about random pieces of life that happened recently. The mobster has no idea of what had just happened, but the Death Note's effects start taking effect around him after a couple seconds.
A waiter begins walking past their table as a love-stricken couple lean in and start kissing at a table next to them, the female's arm accidently knocks over a saltshaker which falls to the floor. This is conveniently, right where the waiter is walking, and his next step causes him to slip on it. Right as Antony holds up his steak knife to cut his meal with, the waiter falls, his shoulder slamming onto his back hard.
His neck falls right through the steak knife.
The others at the table look on with widened eyes as Antony goes as still as a rock before gagging on his own blood and suddenly spewing it out onto his own food plus the table before his face falls onto it. A man died in front of everyone in a matter of seconds.
Needless to say, the mood tonight turned sour for everyone.
The Next Morning:
Y/N earlier passed out on his desk, after hours of contemplating whether or not the note actually worked despite it working earlier yesterday. He probably would've slept the entire day had he not heard his father's voice, which became his own less-annoying alarm clock.
"Turner." Y/N hears James professionally greet whoever's on the other end. "Yeah, no, it's fine, what's going on?" He then asks the person, who then tells him some pretty incredible news, depending on how you look at it. "Say that again." James requests, shocked at the words that comes out of the person's mouth. "You gotta be kidding me." He exclaims with a small laugh, something that helps Y/N stir himself awake right away. He's never heard him laugh in a long time, which means it must be something pretty good. "All right, yeah, I'll see you in a bit.... All right." He then dismisses, before Y/N hears his room's door being knocked on. "Hey." He then calls out to his son.
"Uh, give me a sec." Y/N quickly replies, taking the Death Note and putting it back in his pack before stuffing the newspapers in their respective file and hiding them under another random book on his desk. "Come in." He then grants permission.
James then opens to door to see his son sitting on his desk. "Hey, what'd you up to?" He asks, curious to see him not on his bed like he usually is.
"Studying, I guess I fell asleep." Y/N answers with a shrug, he's genuinely surprised to see the ironic smile on his dad's face. Did it work again?
"I just got a call. Our friend Antony Skomal is no more, impaled himself on a steak knife in the middle of a restaurant." James Turner informs Y/N, who blinks, mentally proud that the method he chose was 'physically possible'.
"No shit?" Y/N reacts, and he notices that his dad can't seem to stop the glee in his eye has he mentions it. "You seem happy."
"Probably shouldn't be, but yeah, I am." James admits, letting out a chuckle as he stares reminiscently at the wall. "Your mom.... she always was kind of a hippy. And we didn't always see eye to eye on everything. She was damn sure right about one thing." He maunders, giving his son a smirk. "Karma's a bitch." He quips and both Turners can't help but laugh with each other as the man who took away the woman important to them reaped what justice sowed for them.
"I'm sorry about what I said.... I shouldn't have taken it all out on you." Y/N then apologizes, feeling a slightly bit guilty about that argument earlier. After all, he knows Sarah would want them to stop fighting at one point.
James nods, giving him an understanding look before leaving him to his privacy. "Love you, son." He says to him, and Y/N nods.
"Love you, too." Y/N responds. James nods and smiles before closing the door, right as he does, Ryuk appears out of the shadows and watches the man leave before turning to Y/N. The Turner kid looks back at him, mentally thinking about the fact that after all this time, he's managed to get back at the one man that killed his mom and split his family apart. And now, he's dead, just like that. Y/N smiles at Ryuk, who cackles out a major laugh.
It's true, Karma is a bitch.
(A/N) That, didn't take as long as I thought it would be. I thought it would be better to write very twenty minutes and give out longer chapters than pump out more, but shorter chapters, thought it would help make every part of a fanfic based on a movie than most people don't like worth a read. Well, that, and I purposefully tried boasting up my writing capabilities.
Thank you for reading if you decided to give this a shot. The first twenty minutes here is mostly the same because it was probably the best part of the film before everything went downhill from there. Now, at this point, things will play out a little differently.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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