Round 1 pt 4
I clench Lara's hand as we get up from the couch to go see who had been killed, Annie joins us and we check the rooms. when we get to the room with only a chair Annie screems and starts Crying, everyone else hears and rushes towards us
Colleen has died from the murderer they were riped apart in a chair
Annie hugs Lara and cries in her shouder Lara looks up at the celing and says:
"Why!? why would you kidnap us and bring us here just to play some stupid murder game?!"
"cause it's entertaining and my job" says the voice. Lara, even though she's a Goody 2 shoes and never gets in trouble, when any of her friends or family are hurt or in danger she will not hesitate to act so if someone hurts Annie even though they're twins Lara still see's Annie as her younger sister cause she's 3 minutes older. if anyone hurts Annie she is amedietly in "protective big sister mode".
the voice: discus who you think may be EVIL
"I think it's Annie" says Nave
"Annie is my sister she would never kill anyone espesialy not her best friend" says Lara
"what if she's not really crying what if it it's just an act" says Carlos
Lara glares angrily at him
"Carlos may be right though" says Jo
Lara: what?!
Chidi: I agree with Carlos and Nave
Rosalie and Alex: Same
Mason: I think we should vote Annie
Thiago: then it's settled?
John: yup!
It's time to vote to remove a player.The player who is most voted will be removed.
"Please subit your votes" says the voice
we all get tablets that have names on them to vote
I voted for Thiago
The voice: Annie had the most votes
"what?!" says Lara, she hugs Annie tightly as she says:
"who ever the savior is, can they bring Colleen back?"
Annie starts to fade away.
"We found a journal written by Annie" says the voice
"why do you do this" asks Lara
"like a said it's my job" the voice replies
"so you make money out of killing people" Lara says
"No. I've been doing this for years. And, I don't need money. We don't need money." the voice says, and then it cuts off
Lara picks up Annie's jornal and reads it:
Hi, i'm Annie
My day started normaly, I was going on a picnic in the forest with my best friend Colleen, my twin Lara and her Girlfriend/boyfriend Kai. (Kai is genderfluid which means he can choose when he is a boy or girl when she feels like any of those gender. [she was a girl while we were at the picnic i don't know if she changed genders over night or something]) we were planing on camping there when suddenly we were knocked out by a hooded figure and woke up here.
My role is: The scout, I am part of the evil team
Nave was visited by Thiago
Rosalie was visited by Alex
"so she really was evil" says Carlos
"good thing we voted her out"
at that note Lara runs out of the room with me folowing after.
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