Demi-Fiend finds his own reason for a Death Battle (Part Two)
Neptune: Long time no see guys!
Ann: Um... what are you talking about? it's only been five seconds
Neptune: Don't sweat the small stuff! Back to the show! We still haven't discussed Ifrit!
Kokonoe: Efreets are considered a type of jinn that were typically portrayed as spirits of fire in Arabic mythology. The Efreet is the second most powerful form of jinn after the marid. It is written in the Qur'an that when King Solomon asked all the creatures who could bring back the throne of the queen of Sheba the fastest, an Efreet represented the jinn and boldly stated that he was best suited to the task. However, he was outperformed by means of prayer.
Junko: Yeah, these things are powerful spirits that embody fire and think that they're superior to everyone else. It's why when you summon one, they'll cooperate while twisting their wishes to do harm to others. They absorb fire but are weak to ice.
Ann: It can deal heavy fire damage, and increase an ally's physical and magic power while decreasing his opponent's defenses, restore magical power, and summon random demons to the battlefield.
Neptune: Like Throne!
Kokonoe: The Thrones, also known as the Elders, are the third of the First Sphere of angels in Christian angelology. They are known as the angels of knowledge and have also been compared with Erelim, Galgalim, and Ophanim.
Junko: It reflects light, absorbs fire, and is weak to ice and darkness. It has a 30% chance of instantly killing multiple opponents and a 40% chance of muting them.
Ann: It can unleash heavy flames, heal allies, make the target live half a life, or decrease its target's strength, defense, and agility. Now going back to cats, we have Flauros.
Kokonoe: Flauros is the 64th demonic spirit of the Ars Goetia. He is a great duke and appears at first as a mighty terrible and strong leopard but at the command of his summoner, he assumes the shape of a man with fiery eyes and a terrible countenance. He can see the past and future, but unless he is commanded into a triangle he will lie in all those things. He will gladly talk of divinity and of the creation of the world, and of his and other spirits' falls from grace. He can control fire and burn all his summoner's adversaries to death and will not suffer them to be tempted by any spirit. He governs 36 legions of spirits.
Junko: He reflects light, nullifies darkness, and resists ailments!
Ann: He can also control the wind, increase magical and physical attacks, create shields, and remove buffs from enemies.
Neptune: But he doesn't shine as brightly as Yur... Yug... Ya...
Kokonoe: Yurlungur...
Kokonoe: In aboriginal Australian mythology, the Yurlungur is a great copper snake that is said to bring the rains and thus incite the renewal of life. It is commonly known as the Rainbow Serpent or the Rainbow Snake because the water where it lives shines like a rainbow. It was believed that if colored light was seen inside a well, then the Yurlungur was within.
Junko: It voids all magic but is weak to ailments. It can do heavy electric damage, heal wounds, increase one's defense and electric power, or even revive an ally from the dead.
Neptune: But it's not as big as Gon- Gob- Gok...
Ann: Gogmagog.
Neptune: Okay, don't blame me some of these names look too complicated to say!
Kokonoe: In English lore, Gog and Magog are giants who are guardian spirits of the city of London. A legend was attached to Gog and Magog by the time of the Roman period, that the Gates of Alexander were erected by Alexander the Great to repel the tribe. After the Roman Empire became Christian, Ambrose identified Gog with the Goths, Jerome with the Scythians, and Jordanes said that Goths and Scythians were all the same. He also cited Alexander's gates in the Caucasus.
Ann: Gogmagog is weak to fire but nullifies ice, physical, and dark attacks.
Neptune: They can also decrease their opponent's magical and physical attacks as well as their agility, defense, and health! Oh, and they can heal others, create tornados, and deal small physical damage. Now, let's move from the big guy to Ongyo-Ki!
Kokonoe: Ongyoki whose name means "Invisible Oni" was controlled by Fujiwara no Chikata from the mid-Heian period. He suppressed its aura to prevent enemies from sensing him, allowing him to surprise enemies when he attacked. It has been allegedly said that this is the origin of ninjitsu.
Neptune: It can nullify Dark, Mind, Curse, and Light techniques. It can increase physical power, defense, and agility, remove debuffs, and use heavy physical damage related to its total health with a 40% chance of muting its target and a 65% chance of binding them! It can also drain the life of others and has a 60% chance of instantly killing them.
Junko: Oh! This one's my favorite! Rangda!
Kokonoe: The demon queen of the leyaks in Bali, according to traditional Balinese mythology. Terrifying to behold, the child-eating Rangda leads an army of evil witches against the leader of the forces of good, Barong.
Junko: She reflects physical attacks and is weak to kinky electricity! She can decrease a foe's attacks, defense, and agility, stun them, remove any buffs they receive, restore magical power, stun her enemies, or even mute them! Also, she can summon Hellfire.
Ann: Alright, now let's move on to Mada.
Kokonoe: In Hinduism, Mada is the monstrous deity of drunkenness. According to the Mahabhrata, it was summoned by the sage Chyavana to subdue the deity, Indra. The story goes that the twin deities Asvin restored Chyavana's youthfulness when the sage rued his aged complexion and compared it to his young wife Sukanya. Feeling grateful, Chyavana told them of a feast hosted by Indra, where the gods would drink the life elixir soma to retain their immortality. Apparently, Indra did not allow the twin deities to enter as they had dabbled with mortals for too long. Saddened, they reported this to the sage, who decided to offer sacrifices to the twin deities to signify their godhood. This infuriated Indra, who attacked the sage with thunderbolts and mountains. Chyavana countered by summoning Mada, who was so enormous that its two sets of jaws could swallow the earth and heavens at the same time. Indra, worried that the gods are still in the heavens, surrendered and allowed the Asvin twins to join the feast.
Neptune: Mada can absorb physical attacks and nullify light, darkness, and ailments. He can remove all debuffs, decrease attack, defense, and agility, cause his opponent to panic, or even scare them out of their pants!
Ann: He can also breathe heavy fire and summon Vile Pazuzu.
Neptune: But who cares about some Pazuzu demon? I care more about Rakshasa!
Junko: Evil spirits that battle the gods in Hindu lore. They also attack humans. Their hideous appearance symbolizes their evil nature, but they can also change shape to fool humans! They reflect dark attacks but are weak to light and electricity.
Neptune: They can do pretty decent physical attacks and a medium almighty attack while also being able to drain your life and magic power, even lowering your defense.
Junko: Then there's Lilith.
Kokonoe: She is said to have been Adam's first wife. Refusing to obey Adam, she left Eden and became a demon of the night. There are several theories about her leaving and falling and they all depict her as unfaithful.
Junko: This chick can nullify light and darkness while she resists all things magic.
Neptune: She can charm any foe, drain your life and magic power, is resistant to magic, and can nullify Death techniques. She has heavy physical and electric attacks and even a mega almighty attack!
Ann: While she's the strongest member of the Night race, she's not as powerful as Hresvelgr
Neptune: How do you even say that?
Kokonoe: A giant who takes the form of a great eagle in Norse mythology. According to the poem Vafþrúðnismál, the wind is a product of Hraesvelgr sitting at the end of the skies and beating his powerful wings when he takes flight.
Junko: It can reflect ice, void darkness, and resist physical attacks but is weak to fire. It can also expel electric attacks, overriding any resistances or weaknesses.
Ann: It also has heavy physical and ice attacks and can blow a pretty good amount of wind. It can heal others, enhance ice attacks, and even impart the resistance to physical attacks... though it doesn't cover innate weaknesses...
Junko: Continuing on our bird path we have Garuda!
Kokonoe: A divine bird-man in Hindu mythology. He hunts Nagas as a result of a dispute between their mothers. He fought with the gods once and was granted immortality in exchange for becoming Vishnu's carrier. He can reflect light and nullify curse and nerve techniques but is weak to Death techniques.
Ann: He also has a 30% insta-kill, can endure heavy damage, and can make heavy winds!
Kokonoe: In addition, there's who is believed to be a corruption of Garuda, Gurr.
Kokonoe: Also known as Gurulu, he is a demon that takes the shape of a giant bird in Sri Lankan mythology. Able to reflect Dark attacks as well as nullify mind and nerve techniques. Though he's weak to light.
Ann: He can produce heavy winds and electricity. He has a 30% insta-kill and his Fog breath can decrease his opponent's agility!
Neptune: What's with you guys and birds? I'm more focused on the God damn dragon!
Kokonoe: The Qing Long, also known as Azure Dragon of the East or simply the Azure Dragon is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese Constellation along with Xuan Wu, Zhu Que, and Bai Hu. He is also one of the dragon gods who represent the mount or chthonic forces of the Five Forms of the Highest Deity in Chinese cosmology.
Ann: Despite being weak to ice, it can still absorb it and nullify light. It can heal allies and use ice and light attacks. Its Stone Bite can even turn its foes to... well stone.
Junko: Moving away from the dragon and onto Albion!
Kokonoe: Albion was the ancient name of the British Isles, and according to the writings of 17th Century poet William Blake. Albion is also the name of the primeval Giant whose death and division resulted in the creation of the four Zoas: Tharmas, Luvah, Urizen, and Urthona.
Ann: He nullifies light attacks, dark attacks, and ailments. He can create massive heat waves and has heavy physical attacks with power related to his max health!
Junko: Oh yeah, let's not forget this giant bug, Beezlebub.
Kokonoe: Beelzebub, also known as Beelzebul, is a fallen angel turned high-ranking demon, who is considered one of the seven princes of Hell, representing the sin of gluttony. In Catholic demonology, he is sometimes considered to be one of the first three angels to fall from heaven, along with Lucifer and Leviathan. He is often associated with gluttony, pride, and of idolatry, the worship of false gods.
Junko: He can reflect light and darkness. He nullifies all ailments and resists physical, ice, electric, and wind attacks!
Ann: He can enhance one's physical skills, remove buffs and debuffs, and has some really powerful Almighty skills, one of which is known as Death Fly, which is a 100% instant death attack!
Kokonoe: Then there's the powerful angel, Metatron... no not the transformer Junko...
Junko: Aww...
Kokonoe: Metatron is the voice of God. Whenever a human believes God has directly spoken to them, in reality it is Metatron acting as his vessel. One million eyes and mouths cover his body, and every mouth speaks a different language. He is the being who is the nearest in hierarchy to that of God. He is said to have the largest body among all of the angels, having 36 wings, 3 representing the triumvirate of the father, the son, and the holy ghost, multiplied by the 12 tribes of Israel. In ancient Judaism, his status is even higher than that of the Archangel Michael.
Junko: He nullifies light, darkness, and ailments while resisting physical attacks, fire, wind, and electricity! He can also increase the physical and magical power of his allies while decreasing the attack, defense, and agility of his foes! He can remove any buffs and debuffs, has a 30% insta-kill, can drain one's life energy, and has two mega almighty attacks!
Neptune: In other words, Demi-Fiend has some pretty powerful Demons in his arsenal. This includes FREAKING DANTE FROM DEVIL MAY CRY!!!
Kokonoe: Best not to take the two Dante's as one and the same. While they are similar n personality, this version of Dante is a Fiend much like our own Demi-Fiend and can match him in battle.
Junko: He's also much more powerful than our own DMC Dante! With his trusty sword and beautiful guns, this Dante says fuck you to magic and ailments! He also nullifies light and dark attacks! He can also increase an ally's physical attacks and decrease a foe's defense while also healing himself and his allies! Oh, and he can remove debuffs.
Ann: He also has a few personal tricks of his own.
Junko: The first one is E & I. Why does he have a technique named after his guns? Because he takes the things and fires a barrage of bullets at his target!
Ann: The second is Rebellion. An undodgeable technique where he swings his sword while it's infused with electricity.
Neptune: Then there's Roundtrip, another electric attack where he throws his sword like a boomerang!
Ann: There's Whirlwind which... well... makes a Whirlwind that attacks all enemies. And-
Junko: Twosome Time!
Ann: Junko!
Junko: What? That's what it's called. Where he aims his guns at several targets and fires rapidly! This skill is undodgeable and can make his foes panic!
Kokonoe: Possibly because, just like Bullet Time, he slows down time when using it.
Neptune: Of course, he has his more well-known for, the Stinger. Which in here is an Almighty one-hit insta-kill!
Ann: But it's not as powerful as his Showtime! Where he uses both his sword and guns to deal some Almighty damage of its own!
Junko: So Demi-Fiend basically has powerful demons by his side. And is essentially able to punch celestial beings in the face while still having a bunch of moves of his own.
Junko: Like Deadly Fury, where he creates a blade of light that can strike at multiple foes! He has a weaker
Ann: And Divine Shot, where he fires a burst of light at her enemies.
Neptune: There's his incredibly powerful Gaea Rage which does extremely high Almighty damage, instantly killing his foes even when it comes to other Shin Migami protagonists! It's also nearly impossible to dodge!
Junko: There's also Javelin Rain! While throwing Shiden at his feet, he drops his hips, rolls out a rolling sobat from there, and shoots a myriad of light rays at the Enemy Party! This technique is infamous for bringing any foe to sleep so long as they're not immune to physical attacks or curses!
Ann: Oh, and Oni-Kagure, where he bends back and breathes deeply, creating a cocoon-shaped mass composed of Purple awns in front of his face and spraying it at the Enemy Party! It's not his strongest technique but is good at pissing off his opponents.
Kokonoe: My personal favorite is Spiral Viper. After deeply inhaling and gathering attention to the upper body, he emits a beam of light with a green thunder toward the Enemy. While it's very similar to the Divine Shot, it's still his most powerful single-shot technique.
Junko: He can use Xeros Beat. After bending the body for a while and focusing his power, the body is made to emit light, and a myriad of light rays are emitted from the Full Body toward the Enemy Party.
Ann: With Magma Axis, he conjures flames on both palms, then launches a blast of heat towards a single target!
Junko: And Freikugel he charges magical power in front of his face, before launching deadly beams from his eyes at a single enemy! It has the highest offensive power Demi-fiend can learn, and exerts unreasonable power when applying auxiliary magic!
Kokonoe: There's still more to him though. You see, after killing God, Lucifer would turn Demi-Fiend into a true Demon.
Junko: This technically means Demi-Fiend is no longer a physical being, but a thought-form made of pure information and data. As a demon, Demi-Fiend is naturally born in a world beyond time, unable to perceive it linearly, being completely unaffected by the collapse of the multiverse across past, present, and future.
Neptune: Being a Demon also grants him better control over his Observation. Um...not talking about the Haki from One Piece by the way.
Kokonoe: Basically, all humans can use Observation to some degree, which changes reality to match the user's subjective experiences.
Ann: The Personaverse has its own version called Cognition which works just the same. When Dr.Maruki took control over his Cognition and made it affect the real world, he was able to bend reality to his will.
Kokonoe: And Demi-Fiend retained a similar ability even after becoming a Demon. This means he's both consciously and unconsciously changing the world around him... which is how humans made Demons and Gods in the first place.
Junko: So this seventeen-year-old kid can warp reality while taking on ghosts, monsters, and even Gods! Is there nothing that can't stop him?
Kokonoe: Well... he does have a few weaknesses.
Ann: Right. While he doesn't share the weaknesses of the Demons he summons, he can still obtain a weakness depending on which Magatama he chooses to consume. Since his demons do have weaknesses, they can disappear after too much damage.
Junko: Plus he can be pretty gullible at times. Despite that, he's still incredibly powerful and one kid you don't wanna mess with.
Demi-Fiend: Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of the long road. Neither human, nor devil... all bends to my will.
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