Mega Man X VS Samus Aran: Prelude
Mega Man X and all related media belongs to Capcom
Samus Aran and Metroid belongs to Nintendo
All soundtracks belongs to their respective owners
(Wiz and Boomstick - Death Battle Official Theme Song)
Adam: Mega Man X, the Maverick Hunter from Capcom.
Vanessa: And Samus Aran, Nintendo's Prime bounty hunter.
Adam: These two highly advanced fighters are the best what they do, hunting down threats and upholding the law for the greater.
Vanessa: But when they're pitted against each other, all forms of restrictions are off!
Adam: For this battle, we're giving them access to their weapons and suits they originally needed to gain throughout their history. However, we'll exclude non-canon sources such as Marvel vs Capcom and Super Smash Bros because they're very inconsistent and hard to scale.
Vanessa: That's my dad Adam and I'm his daughter Vanessa.
Adam: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win..... a DEATH BATTLE.
Mega Man X is Mave-ready for a DEATH BATTLE
(Don't Wanna Be - Megaman Maverick Hunter X)
Adam: Rock, or commonly known as the original/classic Mega Man is Dr Light's greatest has been the one to defeat Dr. Wily's robots to from conquering. But Light feared that more deadly robots in the future than in the present, so Light spent his final days creating a fully independent robot who possessed the ability to think, feel, and make its own decisions. So he created Mega Man X.
Vanessa: But to make sure X makes the right choices not break the rules of robotics, Dr. Light put X in a pod and put him into different moral scenarios which should've been only 30 years long, but Dr. Light passed away so X was in a 100 year sleep until he was found by Dr. Cain.
Adam: See in the future, Dr. Cain created entirely new robots based on X called Reploids to hopefully become like him. Sadly, without the stimulations and thanks to an advanced virus the late Dr. Wily created, Reploids turned rogue or Mavericks and began wreaking havoc.
Vanessa: X joined the Maverick Hunters led by Sigma which reduced the casualties to a near stop, that is, until Sigma's encounter with Mega Man Zero, turned turned Sigma into a Maverick and Zero became a Maverick Hunter. Sigma then declares war on all of humanity and X is determined to stop Sigma at all cost.
Mega Man X
Variable Weapons System
Powered by solar energy (Has large reserves)
Shotgun Ice
Sonic Slicer
Magnet Mine
Crystal Hunter
Spinning Blade
Parasitic Bomb
Magma Blade
Circle Blaze
Thunder Dancer
Rolling Shield
Spin Wheel
Acid Burst
Triad Thunder
Ground Hunter
Goo Shaver
Ground Fire/Melt Creeper
Moving Wheel
Fire Wave
Aiming Laser
Firefly Laser
Splash Laser
Homing Torpedo
Parasitic Bomb
Sniper Missile
Wind Cutter
Shadow Runner
Sonic Slicer
Frost Tower
Spike Ball/Ground Dash
Meteor Rain
Metal Anchor
Ray Arrow, Shining Ray
Green Spinner
Rolling Shield
Boomerang Cutter
Bubble Splash
Silk Shot
Frost Shield
Frost Tower
Crescent Shot
Yammar Option
Guard Shell
Gaea Shield
Crystal Wall
Drift Diamond
Chameleon Sting
Storm Tornado
Strike Chain
Speed Burner
Tornado Fang
Magnet Mine/Gravity Well
Lightning Web
Soul Body
Dark Hold
Squeeze Bomb
Volt Tornado
Shoryuken/Rising Fire
Mother Elf
Armor of Light
Ultimate Armor
Reduced damage by 50%
Unlimited special ammo weapon
Nova Strike
Adam: As the superior version to classic Mega Man, X has all the basic abilities and even some unique to his own. He carries the X-Buster which can fire medium size energy blasts and is extremely deadly when charged.
Vanessa: And as a Mega Man, his Variable Weapons System lets his use abilities from he Mavericks X has defeated. He has nearly a hundred to choose from. Ranging from elementals to out such as creating black holes and stopping time.
Adam: X carries the Z-Saber whenever Mega Man Zero kicks the bucket, which happen sometimes. While X is not as proficient in using a blade, the Z-Saber lets him deflect projectiles and let him cut through almost everything. X also wields a weapon called...... the Mother Elf.
Vanessa: *Snorts* That's sounds like something straight out of a hentai. Names aside, the Mother Elf acts like an anti-virus, amplify a Reploid's abilities and even outright erased them. But if all of these aren't enough, he dons his badass Ultimate Armor.
Popup: In Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite: X gains the Infinity Buster, which can house several Infinity Stones. However, this is not canon.
Adam: The Ultimate Armor halves all damage, let him fly and turns any of X's charge shots into plasma ones, which are like a hundred times more powerful. And his Nova Strike is an invincible body tackle.
Vanessa: And because this is Capcom, X in his Ultimate Armor lets him use Street Fighter attacks such as the Hadouken and Shoryuken. Even better is that X has unlimited ammo for his special weapons. Neat.
Stopped Sigma's plans 10 times
Often the one who defeats Sigma
Defeated Repliforce and Rebellion Army with Zero and others
Defeated Vile, Berkana, Double, Nightmare Zero, and Gate
Founded Neo Arcadia
Ethereal form mentored an amnesiac Zero in the MMZ series
Outruns city swallowing blackholes on daily basis (Gravity Beetle fight and Intro)
Can shoot Blackholes or become the epicentre of one himself (Squeeze Bomb X8)
Different forms of invulnerability
Can regen to full from nothing but his unmanipulatable soul (MMX3 Manga)
FTL (Many places in manga and defeated Neon Tiger who was fast enough to be not be seen in his intro)
Defeated Infinity Majinion (A being who could multiply to infinite copies of himself)
Defeated Lumine who could create and collapse a pocket dimension big enough to hold a sun in it
Could project himself anywhere in the world (MMZ series)
Could teleport an entire resistance base by not even physically being there (MMZ series)
Could barrier an entire resistance base by not physically being there (MMZ series)
Can absorb enough energy capable of destroying entire Japan with just his buster and not even full body (MMX Manga)
Replicate defeated foes abilities plus use stronger versions of it. (MMX Manga and MMX Novel)
Time stopping abilities
Better than every feat of Classic Mega Man
Defeated Zero in X2 and drawed a battle against Zero in X5 while Zero had an extra Saber and peak of his potential while X was in his strongest Armor but neither had a Saber nor peak of his abilities
Became stronger than Zero (MMX6 Zero Ending "There is a superior hunter")
Can always seem to come back in some form eventually even without a body
Fought a 100 year war alone against countless Mavericks and won it
Global scale altering attack (Mother Elf)
His body is the only thing capable of being strong enough to be used as a seal against Mother Elf
Vanessa: X has proved time and time again why he's not only superior to Classic Mega Man, but also among the deadliest Maverick Hunters. He can match Zero in combat multiple times. The same Zero who tanked Eurasia colliding into him and has better access to Dark Hold, an attack which freezes time completely. Both of them also dodge Optic Sunflower's lightspeed lasers can scales above classic making them each 224, 889 times faster than light in combat speed.
Adam: X has centuries of combat experience during his fight with Sigma, the Elf Wars and as the ruler of Neo Arcadia. He's defeated Lumine, who could create a pocket dimension so big it would fit a sun. Now we aren't sure if this is explained or if the sun in general is way smaller, but taking it at face value means Lumine has enough energy worth of 2.51 Tenagigatons of TNT.
Vanessa: Even if we can't, X has defeated Omega alongside Zero in the Elf Wars. Omega has created Cyberspace in his appearance that is a distortion of space with a sun and moon. To do that also requires 2.51 Tenagigatons of TNT, so it's equal to that of Lumine's feat.
Adam: And with the Mother Elf, he managed to wipe out the entire Sigma Virus of the face of the Earth. Considering how large Earth is in diameter, the Mother Elf can reach speeds 498,678,322x times faster than light.
Vanessa: If that's not crazy enough X created black holes that output supernovas that Gravity Beetle can use which is 2.537 exatons of TNT. Since X defeated him and has Gravity Well too, this means it has the same power output.
Pacifist (Once led to him retiring)
Fighting without sunlight for long periods of time can drain X
Occasionally saved by Zero and others
Armors are short-lived (Either misplaced or destroyed in battles with Sigma)
Special weapons have limited ammunition
Becomes sadistic with prolonged use of Ultimate Armor
Adam: But that doesn't mean X is without his faults. Like his classic counterpart, all his special weapons have limited ammo and most of his armors have been destroyed during his battle with Sigma. Also, prolonged usage of the Ultimate Armor somewhat changes X has he becomes drunk with power when he ruthlessly murdered Storm Owl in cold blood despite the Reploid begging for his life.
Vanessa: 0_0 Well, that's gonna give me nightmares. And for a robot who's SUPPOSED to be superior to classic Mega Man, X had to be saved by Zero and others multiple times. It's noteworthy that before all of that X is specifically a pacifist and will avoid fighting at all costs.
Adam: But when harms comes your way and your back is to the wall, you can count on Maverick Hunter X to take them down.
Sigma: I will make you understand the true potential of Reploids!
X clenches his right fist, determined.
X: I'll finish this. Right here. Right now. I will defeat you Sigma!
Samus Aran is Prime-d for a DEATH BATTLE
(Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
Vanessa: Samus Aran lived with her parents on the planet K-2L, a human colony in the Galactic Federation domain. At the of three, Samus witnessed K-2L being attacked by a band of Space Pirates lead by the Cunning God of Death Ridley. After the Space Pirates left and the smoke cleared, a single figure remained standing. It was Samus Aran, the sole survivor of the attack on K2L.
Adam: Samus is taken in and adopted by the Chozo, a bird-alien race who are known for their technological prowess. They infused their own DNA along with Metroid into Samus. The Chozo DNA infused into Samus increased her physical prowess immensely. Combine that with the training she got from the Chozo and by the time she was fourteen she was more physically capable than most human adults.
Vanessa: Soon Samus became independent and left to become a bounty hunter, though she occasionally works with the Galactic Federation from time to time. She had one main mission; to kill Ridley.
Samus Aran
Skilled markswoman
Superhuman strength, speed, durability, acrobatics
Possess Chozo and Metroid DNA
High resistance to cold and heat
Morph ball
Power Bombs
Zero Suit
Power Suit
Varia Suit
Phazon Suit
Arm Cannon
Power Beam
Charge Beam
Dark Beam
Light Beam
Ice Beam
Annihilator Beam
Grapple Beam
Nova Beam
Scan Pulse
Lightning Armor
Beam Burst
Phase Drift
Phantom Cloak
Adam: Samus has superhuman strength, durability, speed and acrobatics. She's skilled in close quart combat and carries a stun gun called the Paralyzer.
Vanessa: Her Arm Cannon is a versatile weapon. The standard Power Beam is weak with a short range, but the Charge Beam can deal a lot of damage. Her Ice Beam strong enough to freeze the surface of a star! Light and Dark Beam uses said elements respectively. The Annihilator which makes it a "matter-anti-matter" weapon that's no joke. And the Nova Beam can penetrate any armor in order to deal damage from the inside
Adam: Samus also gains a variety of armor she wears over the years. Zero Suit may not provide much protection, aside from fanservice, but it gives Samus incredible acrobatic skills. Her Varia Suit provides toughness and he can, SOMEHOW, turn into a ball with the Morph Ball.
Vanessa: The Gravity Suit protects Samus from the gravity of a planet that prevents her. Light and Dark suits protects her form Dark Aether and its atmosphere which is corrosive. But her most unique is the Phazon Suit.
Popup: The Phazon Suit was originally lost in the battle with Petroid Prime, which in turn created Dark Samus from the remains. Samus gains another one, but is considered inferior to the original.
Adam: The Phazon suit reduces damaged inflicted by half, renders her immune to blue Phazon radiation and by activating Hyper-mode, her Arm Cannon can use the powerful Phazon Beam; which she can fire rapid energy beams continuously at her target.
Vanessa: Samus also has access to Aeion Abilities. Phase Drift slows time by 50%, Phantom turns her completely invisible, Beam Burst enhances the attack power of the beam she currently uses and Lightning Armor reduces physical damage inflicted.
Froze the surface of a star with her Ice Beam
Power Bombs can destroy planets
Defeated SA-X with her Fusion Gravity Suit and then absorbed her to surpass her previous peak in power
Could detect changes in Dark Aether from Aether or even other planets in Metroid Prime
Defeated Ridley 7 times
Defeated Dark Samus who survived the destruction of Dark Aether.
Defeated corrupted bounty hunters in Metroid Prime 3
Dodged lightning in her first fight against the Ruins Test
Destroyed an underwater volcano with the basic Power Beam in Samus and Joey
Destroyed Arachnus-X, and the original, weaker Arachnus can fight against her in the Power Suit, with the Fusion Suit
Exterminated the Metroid population
Can damage Tallon IV Metroid who supposedly survived Leviathan's impact
Vanessa: Samus Aran proved she's a bounty hunter to be messed with. She's wrestled giant monsters, strong enough to kick robots wearing only her Zero Suit, and has dodged natural lightning, which clocks in at 220,000,000 mph or 1/3 the speed of light.
Adam: Samus defeated the likes of SA-X, Mother Brain and Dark Samus. Dark Samus once survived the destruction of Dark Aether which was converted to energy. Of which requires an energy output worth 64.14 Tenatons of TNT. Hell, Samus herself froze the a star's surface with her Ice Beam worthy of about 10.373 Tenatons of TNT.
Vanessa: *Phil Swift voice*
Adam: Samus also battle her main rival Ridley multiple times and keep up with him in combat. Ridley is fast enough outran her spaceship, which travelled the galaxy in six months, clocking it around 10 million times faster than light. Now we can't directly compare Samus herself to Ridley's travel speed, but she had fought him multiple times so her reaction speed is only around 25,202 times that.
Power Beam has short range and weak damage
Few characters such as Ridley can stop the normally fearless Samus dead in her tracks
Loses all of her power-ups at the start of a mission
Slow movement when using Phantom Cloak
Metroid: Other M
Phazon Suit offers no protection for red Phazon
If Samus cannot properly maintain Hyper-mode, she will suffer terminal corruption and become another Dark Samus
Samus does not seem to have inherited the Metroids' ability to float or to absorb bio-energy from life forms beyond the X Parasites
Vanessa: But of course, saying Samus is unbeatable is just exaggerating. For starters, she loses her power-ups at every start of the mission so she's forced to pick them up along the way. Also, if Samus doesn't properly used Hyper-mode it could corrupt her to the point she'll become another Dark Samus.
Adam: And while her suits, they can still be destroyed. And her Zero Suit provides no protection against any damage. Witnessing her mother's death at the hands of Ridley affected her psychology as well to the point she freezes at the sight of the Cunning God of Death even though she's fought him in the past and came out on top.
Vanessa: Blame Other M for that Nintendo fans.
Adam: But when Samus is determined and sets her sights on an enemy, stay the fuck out of her way. Even a Cunning God of Death is wary at the Arm Cannon of Samus Aran.
Samus: Time to go.....
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