Chapter 12
"Alright, remember. I am a warrior from a different clan. I have invaded the territory and I am ready to attack. You both need to fend me off" Acorncloud meowed, positioning herself behind a bush. Ebonytail padded away to hide himself too a while ago, but he was nowhere to be seen. Sunpaw stood beside Honeypaw, scanning the clearing.
It was a week after the gathering, and Silkeyes's kits still haven't been born. Honeypaw had told Mothpaw about her suspicion of Dappledpelt, and she had responded with a grumpy "Maybe, we'll see".Now, they were at Cedartrees- what Ebonytail called "The best training spot for young apprentices". The trees towered above them, and the jagged leaves that connected together was the perfect cover from the rain.
Strangely, Acorncloud had recovered her motivation to mentor Honeypaw. Perhaps she decided it couldn't be forgiven to give up. She took Honeypaw, Sunpaw and Ebonytail to this spot and started stressing about how important teamwork was. Now, the two litter mates looked nervously around the clearing for when they'd be attacked.
Yowling in surprise, Honeypaw tumbled backwards as Acorncloud pounced. Honeypaw was rather surprised at the young warrior's weight, despite her size. In the corner of her eye, she saw Sunpaw bound over to her, eager to help while a tuxedo cat with stormy blue eyes was creeping towards her. Feeling a rush of urgency, Honeypaw wriggled her hind paws free and landed a blow on Acorncloud's stomach. Hissing slightly, Acorncloud rolled over, letting the tabby apprentice free.
Ebonytail was about to leap onto Sunpaw, who was cheering her on. As Ebonytail's paws left the ground, Honeypaw sprung up as well, twisting to the side in the air and yanking Ebonytail's tail. Sunpaw, realising she had an opportunity to, leapt up and hit Ebonytail's side, causing him to crash into jagged leaves. The apprentices apologized hastily as a small groan came from the bush.
They didn't notice that Acorncloud had recovered herself, and was now charging at them. She collided with both Sunpaw and Honeypaw, who tumbled to the ground. Honeypaw managed to get back on her paws again but Sunpaw wasn't so lucky. She squirmed beneath Acorncloud, who placed a paw on her throat.
"That would've been you over, Sunpaw. But you put up a good fight" Acorncloud said, letting go. Sunpaw scrambled up, "Next time I will win!".
A low purr came from the bushes as Ebonytail emerged, spiky cedar leaves were entwined in his pelt, and there was a patch of dirt on his muzzle but otherwise he was fine. "Congratulations both of you," He meowed, grinning. His stormy eyes were lit up with pride. He looked much younger. "Do know that, if this was a real battle, you could use your jaws and claws and reach your full strength"
The two apprentices nodded.
"Well done, Honeypaw!" Congratulated Acorncloud, padding towards her. Her eyes glittered with many emotions: pride, joy, contentness, delight. Honeypaw blushed under her fur. Sunpaw grinned and cuffed her sister's ear playfully, "Nice one Honeypaw!"
A drop of rain splatted on the earth. Barely minutes had passed by the time the spring rain showered the forest, the hum of drops drumming the leaves evident. Honeypaw's emerald eyes followed a sparrow, which fluttered into the shelter of Cedartrees. It was sunhigh, but the clouds that blocked the sun left no signs that it was.
"We better get going," Ebonytail said to Sunpaw, "We need to perfect your fighting skills". The cinnamon apprentice's amber eyes dimmed a little, but she still chirped, "Alright!". They both said their goodbyes and raced through the rain, droplets of rain decorating their fur and mud covering their paws.
Honeypaw placed a paw in Sageswirl's fur, scooping a group of ticks. Rain continued to pour on the forest, leaving countless mud puddles behind. Sageswirl's greying cream fur was long, thick and soft. No wonder ticks liked to nestle in there. It was a jungle of hairs and only few of the ticks decide to rest upon the canopy. Earlier, Goldstar had given her tick duty, which wasn't a pleasure for anyone, really. Honeypaw, despite hating to grab the tiny, black bodies, valued this time to think. With the bustle of the camp and training it was hard to think. But, in a dry corner of the elder den, it was much easier to forget about your worries and rhythmatically drag your paw upon soft fur.
A question bubbled up to the surface of Honeypaw's mind. "Sageswirl," she began, "Why did Hollypaw's fur stick up on the gathering?"
The elder meowed, "When lightning is about to strike, one's fur will stick up. It's a miracle she's still alive, Honeypaw". Sageswirl shook his fur to signal for Honeypaw to stop. He looked into her eyes, a sudden seriousness in the pools of sage.
"You're a lifesaver, Honeypaw, Hollypaw will realise that soon. Berrypool has told me you have a sort of rivalry. It takes courage to save one from a lightning strike, but those who are pure-hearted would save anyone. Even the cruelest cat in the forest"
Honeypaw blinked in understanding. The seriousness of what she had done still hadn't fully sank in yet.
An ear-splitting shriek rumbled the still air. Honeypaw stood up robotically, her eyes flashing with fear. Sageswirl almost jumped out of his fur, the poor old cat.
"Silkeyes's kits are coming!" Yowled Olivegaze hysterically. Thrushheart immediately came sprinting to the nursery, Mothpaw following with herbs in her jaw. Goldstar emerged from her den, giving orders instantly.
"Hollypaw, go get Sunpaw and Ebonytail from training. Ebonytail will want to know. Dawnsong, Dusksong, wet moss. Chestnutpaw, Honeypaw, dry bedding moss Everyone else, stay calm"
Hollypaw was through the tunnel seconds after the command. Dawnsong and Dusksong stopped their bickering and followed her out. Honeypaw and Chestnutpaw looked at eachother, urgency reflected in their eyes. The tom nodded, and they both raced out in search of dry moss.
Due to the fact that the showers had turned into downpour, dry moss was hard to find in the sloshing mud. Little words travelled between the two apprentices- little needed to. They were searching for something important.
"Found some!" Chestnutpaw yowled. The gurgle of the rainclouds nearly silenced him. Honeypaw grinned and sped over, only to skid on a huge puddle of mud. The brown gloop splattered on the small patch of green. Instead of seeming mad, however, Chestnutpaw seemed just mildly irritated.
"I'm so sorry!" Honeypaw said, tears stinging her eyes. She blinked them away, Why do I care about how Chestnutpaw sees me? She thought.
"It's fine" The dark apprentice said, his face showing from determination, "Lets keep on going"
They padded around for what felt like moons, Honeypaw not knowing the difference between one route or another. The rain slowed down slightly, allowing the apprentices to lift their heads.
"Cedartrees!" Honeypaw yelped in surprise.
"There should be some dry moss there!" Chestnutpaw exclaimed.
They both scampered towards the shelter, sighing in relief as the rain died down. Honeypaw tore a huge chunk of moss of the tree it was clinging on. They both nodded and raced to camp.
Panting, they returned to camp. There was no cats to be seen or screeching to be heard. They galloped to the nursery, the moss fell out of their open jaws.
Blood soaked the floor and nests, seeping into the ground. A silver she-cat was sprawled across the floor, her breathing only short, shaky rasps. Thrushheart was desperately trying to let her drink from the wet moss while Sprucefrost sat next to the quivering Ebonytail, comforting him. Goldstar observed, her amber eyes wide with fear and hope. Mothpaw was there too, sorting through herbs hastily next to 3 small bodies.
Honeypaw's eyes widened. Three kits huddled together, their eyes shut, mewling, not knowing what their mother was going through.
"Thank goodness you're both here" Said Goldstar, surprisingly calm when a cat was dying in front of her. She flicked her slender tail and Honeypaw and Chestnutpaw got to work. Wincing at the bitter taste of blood. Honeypaw flung the bloody moss outside, which Chestnutpaw then took and disposed of. Meanwhile, Silkeyes' breathing was becoming smoother, less raspy and calmer. Ebonytail and Mothpaw's sighed in relief as Silkeyes started speaking. Honeypaw listened through a mouthful of moss.
"Bring me my kits" She commanded. Ebonytail stepped forward but Thrushheart shook his head and picked up the kits by their scruff one by one. They stopped their mewling and scrambled to drink their mothers' milk. Chucking the last bunch behind her, Honeypaw's heart warmed as the small, fragile bodies cuddled against their mother.
"What are their names?" Goldstar questioned, her ears pricked in interest.
"Well," Silkeyes began, before shutting her eyes. Ebonytail shuddered but Goldstar waited patiently. Thrushheart explained,
"She will be drifting in an out of consciousness. A litter of three is quite new for her. As you know, our last queen who had a litter of three survived but..." Thrushheart stopped as she saw Honeypaw staring intently. Honeypaw was about to ask him what he meant before Silkeyes woke again. She nudged a black kit. The kit turned around, confused. Only then did Honeypaw see a splash of white covering half of the scrawny body.
"Milkkit" Said Silkeyes simply. She looked at another kit who was a silver tuxedo. "Swankit" She named it. She glanced at the last kit with her bluish silver eyes, which were duller than usual. The kit was completely black with the same eyes as it's mother. "This one is.."
Comment a name suggestion for the last kit!
Silkeyes drifted away once again and Honeypaw took it as a signal to leave. She padded out of the hollow tree, only faint signs of rain showed and the sun blazed in the cloudless sky. A dash of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple stained the sky. Honeypaw remembered what Sageswirl had told her.
"When StarClan sends the rain and the sun to greet eachother, a rainbow lights the sky"
Honeypaw smiled to herself before searching the clearing for a cinnamon body. She had assumed that Sunpaw had came with Ebonytail, but she might have continued hunting. She turned her head as Sunpaw dashed into the clearing, her head high.
"Sunpaw!" Honeypaw exclaimed, "Silkeyes has had kits! Do you want to see them?" She asked, despite already knowing the answer. There was no way that Sunpaw could pass an opportunity to see three cute rays of sunshi-
"No thanks" Sunpaw meowed, yawning, "I'm gonna nap. Maybe tomorrow?"
Without waiting for an answer, Sunpaw bounded to the apprentice den, seemingly full of energy. Astounded, Honeypaw gaped at her sister, who was now curling up into a ball. Sunpaw, pass an opportunity to see kits?! She thought in disbelief. A memory bubbled to the surface of her days as a kit.
"Sunkit! It's naptime!" Vanillawish called out to a bouncing, cinnamon kit. Sunkit looked back at her, frowning. "But I don't like naps!" She huffed, clearly sulking. Vanillawish sighed and glanced at a small, golden-brown tabby kit, who was curled into a ball. "Honeykit is waiting for you!" She tried, getting more irritated by the second. Sunkit continued to refuse. "I don't like naps!" Sunpaw snapped, "I'm never napping ever!"
Honeypaw's eyes narrowed. Sunpaw was one to hold grudges and keep her promises. Why wouldn't she now? What had happened in training that made her so 'tired'?
Sunpaw hates naps.
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