Chp 22: Not Again...
Nico looked down at the little stick in his hand. This was the fifth test he'd used. He just couldn't believe it. Only three months after Bianca had come back to them, and he was pregnant. Just fantastic.
He groaned and slapped his forehead before dropping the stick in the bin. Along with the four other tests. He sighed and left the bathroom and walked into the little nursery that had materialised when Bianca had been claimed.
She was sleeping peacefully, curled in on herself. A seascape was depicted on a bamboo silk blanket - a gift from Percy - and she was giggling at something in her sleep. She murmured something inaudible, and snuggled down further into the blanket. Nico smiled at his little angel before tucking her in a bit more and placing a gentle kiss on her head. As he pulled away, Will came into the room, and hugged his boyfriend from behind, kissing his cheek.
"Hello love. Checking up on Bia?" Will had come to calling their child by an abbreviated version of her name, and she loved it.
Nico hummed in affirmation before turning around and hooked his arms around Will's neck and kissed him on their lips. He pulled away after a moment and began caressing his cheek.
"I love you" Will smiled down at his raven-haired lover. Nico smiled back and tangled his hands in Will's curly blond hair.
"I love you too" he whispered, so as to not disturb their daughter.
Piper grinned back at her friend as Hazel gaped at her brother. "Congratulations!" Piper cried, ecstatic for her friend as her daughter - not so little any more Ava - toddled around, fasinated by everything.
Ava was exactly 4 days older than Robyn, Leo and Calypso's kid, but a couple of months younger than Bianca. Lucas was still the oldest legacy of the Seven, at 4 - approaching 5 - years old, with Hannah close in tow at 3. Bianca was still only 2 and a bit, but Nico already felt like she'd grown up so fast.
Hazel's eyes were wide, but she was smiling broadly. "Wow" she said softly, holding Simon, one of the newest additions to the demigod family. She regained her composure and looked at Nico. "Does Will know?" He shook his head.
"I want to surprise him!" He explained at the looks his friend and sister gave him. Piper raised her eyebrows but nodded, still feeding Meagan.
They were all women here (well, Nico didn't count) and they were in cabin 13, and since Piper didn't give a damn what people thought about her, she would feed her baby when she had to feed her baby. Which happened to be now.
"How are you going to tell him?" Hazel asked softly, rocking her son, hoping he'd fall asleep. His eyelids kept fluttering shut, but then they'd pop back open again and he'd giggle or cry again, depending on his mood.
Nico shrugged. "Leave a note?" Piper shook her head.
"No, no, no. That's far to simple." She thought for a moment. "Have you still got the test? I mean, I assume that's how you found out" Nico nodded and she continued. "Ok, good. Find a nice box, and wrap it. Several times. Then we'll all come over and play pass the parcel, and he'll open it to find the test!" She was grinning widely, and looked between her two friends. "What'd ya think?"
Hazel shrugged. "Seems like a cool idea" but she looked at her brother. "It's up to you" Nico mulled it over before nodding.
"Come over at 5pm. Bring the boys, and Anna and Percy. I'll ask Cecil and Lou to come too." He grinned. "This is gonna be fun"
*The council of mothers has spoken!
Sorry for the slow updates folks, I've moved house! To Germany! From England! And I don't have WiFi!
So my sparodic updates will be a bit more sparodic, but it all depends on if I have WiFi or not. I have several future chapters already stacked up. There seems to be a big difference between when I make myself write, and when I have to write to get all the great ideas I'm thinking of down.
Anyway, comment what you think Will's reaction will be!*
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