Chp 14: Happy Birthday Salmon!
*Just a short, almost one-shot-y chapter about Lucas' first birthday. I've been neglecting the other children (that sounds so sad) because I have a juicy bit coming up with the Solangelo child, and I want to get there as soon as possible while still covering all the important shit. Also, comment, should I do the hella cliché gives birth at the wedding? Or in a battle? I'm anything but cliché (except when it came to first pregnancy = Percabeth thing, but let's ignore that, shall we?) irl, but I gotta ask!*
"Haappy Biiiirthday dear Lucas, Happy Birthday to yoooooooooooooooouuu!" Percy and Annabeth finished with a poorly high note on the penultimate "birthday", and a prolonged "you" at the end. Percy held Lucas' tiny hands as he clapped and spluttered as he blew a raspberry at his candle. Percy laughed and helped him by giving it a gentle "ppffft" and the light popped out. Lucas gasped and giggled some more. He looked up at his mother, who was filming the whole thing on a new camera that Leo had designed. His small, chubby hands went up and he grasped at the air, grabbing in her direction. He giggled some more and shouted
"Muddy! Muddy!" Annabeth laughed and stopped filming to take her baby - now one year old! her mind scolded - son from her fiancé. She smiled at him and thought to herself Gosh. He really is growing up fast. And by holy Hera does he look like me.
"You're a big boy now Lucas darling, you don't need old mummy muddy anymore!" she almost teared up at the realisation that, yes, one day he would no longer need her. Lucas' aqua grey eyes softened and his hand reached up to wipe away a stray tear that she hadn't realized she'd let roll down her cheek. Then he gave her a sloppy kiss on the lips and loudly proclaimed that:
"I will always need muddy and duddy! They are my s-ss-perheoes! And muddy," he directed his awfully wise gaze onto his mother. "Sperheos don't cry, do they? Not on my birfday!" he had a rather advanced vocabulary for a one-year-old, and Annabeth pinned it on the fact that he was a legacy of Athena. She herself was a practical Matilda in her reading and vocabulary skills at that age. But despite that, he was still a baby and had trouble pronouncing specific words. Funnily enough, he could pronounce empousa, Calypso, and saytr fine enough, but then again, he was a Greek demigod.
"Superheros honey. And yes, we don't cry. Especially on your birthday!" Percy had gotten up and come over to engulf them both in a hug. For the first part of the day, it was just the three of them in Cabin 3. Annabeth had plans of building separate homes for demigod couples/families, but so far they were content. Lucas suddenly shrieked and lept out of his parent's arms yelling
"PRESENTS!!!" honestly, one would think the child was turning five the way he acted, not one. Annabeth sighed playfully and punched Percy in the arm.
"I blame you entirely for that part of his characteristics" Percy smirked and spun his fiancéd around for a passionate kiss.
"You know you love me" she blanched and swatted at his arm.
"Oh, gods no" but she kissed him again. Lucas gagged and jumped onto them, making the romantic couple topple over in a pile of elbows and laughter. Annabeth turned to face her husband to be but was met with a small butt instead. She gave a hearty laugh and sighed inwardly.
Yes. Yes, she did love her family. As loud, irritating and obnoxious they could be, she loved them. And this was just the beginning.
*So. I know it's not Solagelo, but I don't give two shits right about now. Thoughts on Lucas? Thoughts on Annabeth's thoughts? Let me know, I thrive on constructive criticism. If you didn't like it, tell me!*
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