Chp 12: Prophecy time bietches!
*Very random, but:
The last book is called Blood of Olympus. If you highlight the words in that order 'Blood' would be the highlighted word. Making the new sentence, "The Son of Hades' Blood". Now I'm panicking. *CRIES*
The Lost Hero
The Son of Neptune
The Mark of Athena
The House of Hades
Have a good day.
I got that from the internet but was too lazy to download the pic, so wrote it instead, lmao. Anyway, here's another chapter. Have fun kids, I'm off to go smoke some Solangelo fanfic shit. Wait, this is Solangelo fanfic shit!!! Right, umm... Nico's 5 months preggo, cause I can't think of much to do...*
Rachel looked up from her desk when she felt something stir in her. She grabbed her tape recorder and pressed record just as she blacked out.
When she woke, her head was down on the desk and there was dribble all over her papers.
Just because she was the Oracle of Delphi and had a home in the Big House, didn't mean she had to give up her education. Well, most of it, anyway.
She sighed and moved to turn the tape off. She had discovered that when being alone, it was best if she recorded her prophesies, as she didn't remember anything. She clicked play and wrote the prophesy down.
*I'm shit at prophecies btw, just warning you now*
Pagan be all:
Brought up by sage,
Abandoned born.
A man turned bride,
A fish, no tide,
Eagle's pride,
The river shall run,
Reborn shall fly.
Bellona's prize.
Neptune's beard,
They shall retrieve,
As Satan feared.
Maiden's child will leave the tomb,
And join her fellows
At the mouth of the fumes.
*I know it's rlly long, but it was the only way I could add all the information. I may change it depending on what I think should change. If you can make a better one later and are ok with me using it, pls let me know, as you can see, I'm shit at this!*
Rachel frowned and rolled up the paper. Getting up, she wandered down the stairs and made her way to the campfire. It was dinner anyway. Yet, as she walked past the forest, she heard a small yowling. She paused and looked around. Rachel's hair suddenly flew around her head, obscuring her view. When she managed to settle it again, the mewling was louder. It almost sounded like... like a baby... She had a hunch what was going on, but couldn't prove anything. She wandered around the forest for a while, waiting for the small yewling to come again. When it did, she ran in the direction it was coming from and stopped beneath a small juniper tree. There, wrapped in a small sky blue blanket, was a crying baby. Rachel bent down and picked it up. She rocked and shushed it, calming it down. She decided she would bring it back to Chiron before deciding what to do with it. She cautiously checked as to what exactly this baby was. A girl. She smiled at the baby before walking back the campfire. That was were Chiron would be.
She smiled a wary smile as she told her story, from when she had felt the prophecy coming, to when she had decided to bring the babe to Chiron for a final verdict. She had, however, also added what she had been thinking of on the walk back.
"I was hoping," she told Chiron. "If I could keep her. I mean, I found her, and I've really bonded with her. I can't have children of my own, and here she is. I will love her and care for her as if she was my own, but if not-" she rushed after Chiron looked at her sceptically. "I could just tutor her when the time comes..." Chiron sighed, and all the campers looked to see what he said.
"I think we should take this to the gods. If they agree that you can keep her, then you can. If not...." he trailed off. Rachel threw her arms around him, thanking him.
The next day, Rachel, along with Jason, Nico and Hazel, went to the Empire State building. The woman at the desk didn't even blink when they asked for the 600th floor, just waited until a mortal left the lobby before giving the all clear. Up they went. As they did, the baby began crying. Rachel rocked her and pulled a bottle out from a large bag she was carrying to have the baby suckle it. She had resolved not to name her until she was cleared to keep her, as she didn't want to get too attached should she not. The babe calmed down, and Nico asked to hold her.
He didn't know what the gender of his baby was and intended to keep it a surprise until the end. Will knew but didn't tell. Nico was still adamant that it was a girl, but Will wasn't budging. Nico liked holding the mystery baby, as it helped him think that someone else would take good care of his baby when they gave it up.
They reached the 600th floor and Nico handed the baby back to Rachel. They made their way into the throne room where Chiron had already forewarned Zeus to call a council meeting. They stood before all the major gods and goddesses. Rachel smiled awkwardly and stepped forward. She then kneeled, still holding the small baby. She nodded at Apollo before speaking.
"I have come to ask for custody of this child" and she then explained it all, leaving out the prophecy. Knowing the gods, they already knew it. Zeus nodded and looked around the room. after a moment he stood and grew to his full towering height.
"Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Oracle of Delphi, you wish to raise this child as your own?" she nodded. "Very well. I see no reason why this cannot be allowed. You may raise her as your daughter" she let out a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding.
"What shall you name her?" Hestia asked from behind her. Rachel jumped but replied.
"Hannah. Hannah Rose Dare" Hestia smiled and gestured to ask for the baby. Rachel handed it to her. Hestia grinned down at the child before she brought it to the hearth in the centre of the room. She then sat, Rachel beside her.
"She will always be welcome at the hearth. I like her, so if you could, I would like you to have a hearth in your home, so I can keep an eye on her. She won't be burnt by the flames if she falls in" Hestia handed Hannah back to Rachel. "Keep good care of her" Rachel smiled and thanked her. With that they went home, Rachel looking forward to redecorating her cave.
Certificate of birth for:
Hannah Rose Dare
Mother: Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Father: unknown
Born: October 27th 2019
Weight: 7 pounds
Height: 18 inches
Other: Adopted
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