Chp 10: Nightmare
*This is a beautiful song. I thought it would be nice if Nico woke up from a nightmare, and the ghost of Bianca (yes, I know she chose rebirth, but just work with me here) sings this. I will cue it in when it is relevant. Thank you so much to Paola Bennet for the song, and IreneFaye for the video*
Nico watched as Will put his hands on his very large stomach. He froze, then checked again.
"Neeks, she- s-she's g-gone..." Will whispered. He said some more things, but all Nico heard was the fact that his baby was dead. He hadn't even felt it. He cried cold, bitter tears.
Suddenly, he was in an office looking place with Chiron and Will. Will was holding his hand, and they were facing Chiron. Chiron was speaking, but Nico only caught the last few words:
"Your fault"
Nico went cold. He paled and his face was ashen. It was his fault. His fault that their baby had died. What had he done? Will turned to him, anger clear on his face. He began shouting and screaming, ranting at how Nico could do such a thing. Nico cried and curled into a ball, trying to push off the verbal abuse coming from his boyfriend.
He woke up in a sweat. He looked down at his stomach and almost screamed. There was blood all over it and the sheets were stained with his blood. He sobbed. His baby, Bianca. His fault, all his fault. Unbeknownst to him, a pale figure was at the end of the bed and coming towards him. He only looked up when he felt a feather-light hand on his shoulder. He gasped and said in a wobbly voice:
"B-Bianca?" his sister smiled and nodded. She sat down on the bed and kissed him on the forehead, stroking his hair and whispering soothing words. Nico threw himself into her arms and sobbed. After a little while Bianca said in a small voice:
"She isn't gone, Mio Fratello. (My brother. Sounds nicer in Italian, lol) This is a dream. You and my niece are both okay. Please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, ok? I'll be back, don't worry." Nico looked up, shocked. Then he began crying, heavy, racking sobs as she continued caressing his head and began singing the song their mama sang for them.
*I personally hate it when people type the words to a song they put on their stories, but Imma do it here, as you may not see the video, and it's important to the story (sort of)*
Close your eyes
I know what you see
The darkness is high
And you're in ten feet deep
But we've survived more terrible monster than sleep
And you know I will be here, to tell you to breathe
Tu sei il Mio soldatino (You're my little soldier)
La ragione per cui vivo (The reason I live)
Non ti scordar di me (Don't forget me)
Io veglierò su di te (I'm watching over you)
Stumbling lost; the last choice of all that you meet
It's the cost of ruling those 'neath your feet
Paths you've crossed, and trust you're trying to keep
You're exhausted, listening for a voice that can't speak
(Ma Nico, Mio Caro)
Tu sei il Mio soldatino (You're my little soldier)
La ragione ho vissuto (The reason I lived)
Non ti scordar di me (Don't forget me)
Io veglierò su di te (I'm watching over you)
So you run; through shadows, you roam
Seams undone by the love you thought you could own
But he's just one of many that you might call home and maybe someday, the bitter will fade from your bones
Eri il Mio soldatino (You were my little soldier)
Ora un principe oscuro (Now, a dark prince)
Ma anche per te, c'è una luce (But even for you, there is a light)
Che ad un'altra vita ti conduce (That leads you to another life)
Nico cried, remembering days spent laughing, and running around, free of care and worries, then curling up in bed, sandwiched between Bianca and his mama, listening to that song. He cried for Bianca, for his mother, for everyone he'd lost and loved. By the time he stopped and regained his composure, Bianca was gone, and he was alone, besides Will snoring beside him.
Nico gave a hiccuping sigh and crawled over to his boyfriend. He grabbed his arm and began tracing circles over the veins on Will's right wrist. It was what his mother did to him when he was upset, but it also worked nicely for waking someone up without practically jumping on them. Will grumbled and shifted before his eyes shot open and he looked Nico dead in the eye (*no pun intended*). He could see the tears flowing down his face, so he sat up and pulled Nico in for a hug. He was stroking his hair, just as Bianca had done, and was whispering soothing words as Nico told him all about his nightmare. By the end of it, Will laughed.
"Babe, you never need to be afraid of me hating you! If anything, you should hate me, as I'm the healer." Will lifted Nico's chin gently so that they were facing each other. "It would never be your fault. I promise you that much. Besides," he said, his hands moving towards Nico's baby bump. "She's perfectly f-". He froze. Nico's breathing stopped.
"W-Will...?" he whispered. Will burst out laughing.
"Your face!!" he gasped out. Nico did not see the humour, and threw a pillow at Will, landing it smack bang in the face. Will continued giggling and chucked one back.
And so the night progressed.
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